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Is it true that the world will end in the year of 2012?


Just me
Premium Member
The calendar will end in 2012. Then it will start again (just as it does every year for our calendars).


Liebe ist für alle da
What I'm want to know is how people can say that this old Culture says the end will end on the date, when the way we keep are calendar are different. The way we use are calendars today are way different then back then. It's just doesn't make sense(at lest to me).


If you're Christian and believe in the second coming then the end of the world will negate whatever is your belief. Three things threaten life as we know it on earth. 1) Asteroid Apophis, 2036 probable collision with earth, 2) overdue reversal of the poles; massive radiation from sun affecting millions of lives, 3) mega volcano, Yellowstone overdue to blow; lava 2/3rds the height of the Empire State Building flows from blast for a 200 mile diameter; enough ash in the air that it would take the Mississippi River 2 1/2 years to empty that much water in the Gulf of Mexico, ash blocking the sun sending the earth into an ice age, the whole earh like a snowball; ash when breathed will rupture your lungs, life as we know it disappears from earth.

Hope, that there will be a second coming is like a prayer with no chance of God's intercession. Sorry to burst Christian's bubble but God's creation continues as perfect as it was and is still perfect, even with natural disasters.


New Member
There's all this commotion about the end of the world approaching, supposedly in the year 2012 because that is when the Mayan calendar ends. I am trying to create a blog about the apocalyptic year 2012, and your comments, and your view would help me a lot to compile a great research. Please take a side on this debate whether you believe the world will end in that year or not, and briefly explain your point of view. Thank you
NoI do not believe that this whole 2012 thing is true. Only one being knows when they end will come and that is our lord and father god. In the case of the Mayan calender yes some of it's predictions have come to pass but that dosn't mean all that lies on it will. Also with Nostradomas he made a ton of predictions some true and came too pass but alot didn't, if you make enough predictions some will come to pass. So no I really have a hard time with a prehstoric people having the knowledge to tell the future when we do not, only one person can and he's our father god.


Well-Known Member
No the world will not end in 2012. So far I haven't seen anything to indicate that Ragnarok is approaching. I mean Summer seems to have arrived (at least in the Northern Hemisphere) and so we are not experiencing Fimbulvetr, so the one of the precursor events to Ragnarok has not commenced. So religiously speaking, No, 2012 is not going to be the end of the world.

The end of the recorded Mayan Calendar, yes.

Is it possible that some horrid event will happen that causes the world to end? Possibly. Could some horrid unforseen event occur in 2012 that causes all life on the Planet to end? Possibly. Do I think that the possiblity that something could happen to cause "the end of the world" is something to lose sleep over? No.

If the end of the world happens, it happens. There is not a lot I can conceive of that I will be able to do to prevent such an event, so why worry about it? As for religious thoughts, I feel that it is important to live your life, be a good person, follow some guiding principles (whatever those are for you) and when your life ends (whenever that happens) let your deities (however many that may be) sort out the ultimate dispensation of your soul.


Well-Known Member
If by some catastrophe mankind would get wiped out, it still is not the end of the world - far from it, other life forms will still keep ticking along, and a lot better off without us.


Administrator Emeritus
Staff member
Mankind has reached the point of no return. So i really believe that the 'end' of the human race as we know it is fast approaching.

Imagine the works of each man as continually filling up his cup. That cup when it is full is poured out on man. Nobody does not get what they deserve.
I sometimes think that the downfall of any civilization begins when most people have easy access to all the forms of "fun" of which they dreamed of; fun then becomes mundane and needs to be found in ever increasingly morally questionable forms of entertainement. The Roman Empire watched slaves being cruelly battered, chased by wild animals in the ampitheatres; we have reality TV - just as nasty a form of voyeurism.

It seems to me, that everywhere I look the state of mankind is like the following scriputure indicates:

2 Tim 3: 2

People will be lovers of themselves, lovers of money, boastful, proud, abusive, disobedient to their parents, ungrateful, unholy, 3without love, unforgiving, slanderous, without self-control, brutal, not lovers of the good, 4treacherous, rash, conceited, lovers of pleasure rather than lovers of God
I agree, but it
sounds very much like the "Loud" people; there are plenty of decent, quiet and decent folk about - it is a genuine shame that we never hear of them..........