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Is it wrong to advocate homosexuality as a sin?


Well-Known Member
Last I checked, Jesus, not Paul, was the head of the Church. And the only groups he said bad things about was the money lenders on the temple grounds, and hipocrites. He didn't even shun the prostitute.

Check what the Bible says about what the Apostle Paul was, I know that He was a choice instrument in the master's hand for the evangelization of the gentiles, what He wrote to the Churches founded by him are instruction that His master and Lord gave him, so there you are, there isn’t any shadow of skepticism as to who the head of the church is and from whom his instruction came.


Well-Known Member
Actually, yes it did. Only the sperm donor part was heterosexual.

Is this supposed to relate to our conversation in some way?

So exactly what don't your get? You needed sperm and no woman ever provided you with that. A hundred years ago, you would have had to know a man to get the same result. Today a man can ejaculate in a cup and a doctor can use a glorified turkey baster, but your actions are the same.

You committed fornication with another to have what you felt you had some right to. Some would call that selfish, but it certainly is not homosexual...


Well-Known Member
Peter walked on water. Is Peter God?
Elias raised a dead youth. Is Elias God?
Peter healed a lame man. Is Peter God?

Sorry, if that's the best case you've got, you've still got to be stoned, according to the Torah.

JESUS supported Peter on water until Peter took his eyes off GOD/JESUS and started to drown.

Elias called on GOD. JESUS called only for Lazarus to rise.

Peter healed in the name of GOD. JESUS said get up and walk.

Mr Cheese

Well-Known Member
Check what the Bible says about what the Apostle Paul was, I know that He was a choice instrument in the master's hand for the evangelization of the gentiles, what He wrote to the Churches founded by him are instruction that His master and Lord gave him, so there you are, there isn’t any shadow of skepticism as to who the head of the church is and from whom his instruction came.

funny that

Jesus appeared to mary Magdalena first

not paul
not peter
not mark
not matthew
not james

No church, besides protestants actually place Paul as head of their church....

Catholics have Peter
Copts have Mark
Syrians Thomas


Is there any that use Paul?
besides fundamentalists


Intentionally Blank
That would work with Jewish Jews only, as far as Christianity goes lesbianism is seen a curse on men because there are homosexuals men. I don’t know what the present Jewish position is. Are they Ok with this bizarre behavior? I know that to Islam it is a sin punishable in the most severe way. So we have a one in three that preaching homosexuality as OK with God. You could let us know if they preach lesbianism.

I'm sorry, I thought you said,
The Torah commanded that they be put to death,
So actually, as regards lesbians, you were mistaken, correct? The Torah does not command anything of the kind. The second half of your sentence doesn't make sense, so I can't respond to that. The NT also does not prohibit lesbianism, as you well know, and you are not in charge of deciding what "the Christian position" is. In fact there are entire Christian churches with a special mission to the Gay and Lesbian community. The Torah has no problem with lesbianism. My Muslim friends here at RF have explained to me that the qur'an is also silent on the subject. So in point of fact none of the Abrahamic religious texts prohibit it, and if any of its adherents have a problem with it, that's their own prejudice, and not in any way based on their holy books. Are you one of those people?


Intentionally Blank
Thank, interesting what verse of the Torah said that it involve ritual same sex only, that out side the worship in the temple is quite OK with God.
The reason that lesbianism is not mention could be that that women has no role in their ceremonies and men are made responsible for the conducts of their wives, my opinion only I remember reading that there was a pre-Abrahamaic fertility ritual that involved this practice, but I have never been able to confirmed with research. To us Christians is clearer because Jesus quoted it when discoursing on the sanctity of marriage. What is your faith? I am a Christian and congregate in a Christian Church and as I said the rules by which the Church that I chose is guided by are the Epistles of the Apostle Paul. And the bride Church/the bride, what does the fact that Adam=Humanity got to do with preaching that unrepeated homosexual can not be permitted in the bride/Church?:)

Really, Jesus preached about homosexuality? That's news to me. Could you tell us what He said? Thanks.


Intentionally Blank
Check what the Bible says about what the Apostle Paul was, I know that He was a choice instrument in the master's hand for the evangelization of the gentiles, what He wrote to the Churches founded by him are instruction that His master and Lord gave him, so there you are, there isn’t any shadow of skepticism as to who the head of the church is and from whom his instruction came.

I thought you were a Christian. So actually you're a Paulian?


Intentionally Blank
So exactly what don't your get? You needed sperm and no woman ever provided you with that. A hundred years ago, you would have had to know a man to get the same result. Today a man can ejaculate in a cup and a doctor can use a glorified turkey baster, but your actions are the same.
Yup. Did you have a point at all?

You committed fornication with another to have what you felt you had some right to. Some would call that selfish, but it certainly is not homosexual...
No, I have never committed fornication in my life. What are you talking about? Are you saying that when a Christian husband and wife use artificial insemination by a sperm donor, she is committing fornication? I think the thousands of Christian couples who have done this would be quite offended by your attitude.


Done here.
JESUS supported Peter on water until Peter took his eyes off GOD/JESUS and started to drown.

Elias called on GOD. JESUS called only for Lazarus to rise.

Peter healed in the name of GOD. JESUS said get up and walk.
Jesus: "If ye loved me, ye would rejoice, because I said, I go unto the Father: for my Father is greater than I."

But you still haven't proven that Jesus is God. Just that you have some hearsay about his performing miracles. Report to the stoning grounds.


Well-Known Member
funny that

Jesus appeared to mary Magdalena first

not paul
not peter
not mark
not matthew
not james

No church, besides protestants actually place Paul as head of their church....

Catholics have Peter
Copts have Mark
Syrians Thomas


Is there any that use Paul?
besides fundamentalists

Sorry but you have no Gnosis in this doctrine, the Church that Paul founded is the first that was recognized as a Christian Church.
Act 11:25
Then Barnabas departed for Tarsus to seek Saul.
Act 11:26
And when he had found him, he brought him to Antioch. So it was that for a whole year they assembled with the church and taught a great many people. And the disciples were first called Christians in Antioch.


Well-Known Member
I'm sorry, I thought you said, So actually, as regards lesbians, you were mistaken, correct? The Torah does not command anything of the kind. The second half of your sentence doesn't make sense, so I can't respond to that. The NT also does not prohibit lesbianism, as you well know, and you are not in charge of deciding what "the Christian position" is.

God no! that the mission that God gave you isn't it? ;)the Apostle says Rom 1:26For this reason God gave them up to vile passions. For even their women exchanged the natural use for what is against nature.
In fact there are entire Christian churches with a special mission to the Gay and Lesbian community.
In that we agree they should segregate to a Church that should not call itself Christian, and their leaders (Gay priests) are to ordained Christian minister.

The Torah has no problem with lesbianism. My Muslim friends here at RF have explained to me that the qur'an is also silent on the subject.
I though that they have the right to kill the daughters that do not produce descendant to propagated their genes as commanded by God, but surely you know better.

So in point of fact none of the Abrahamic religious texts prohibit it, and if any of its adherents have a problem with it, that's their own prejudice, and not in any way based on their holy books. Are you one of those people?
Wrong! Muslims daughter must produce more Muslims they can be kill for inter-marrying they must not dishonor their fathers.

Shadow Wolf

Certified People sTabber & Business Owner
So we have a one in three that preaching homosexuality as OK with God.
What about the hundreds of other religions in the world? Abraham's God does not have a religious monopoly.

Check what the Bible says about what the Apostle Paul was, I know that He was a choice instrument in the master's hand for the evangelization of the gentiles, what He wrote to the Churches founded by him are instruction that His master and Lord gave him, so there you are, there isn’t any shadow of skepticism as to who the head of the church is and from whom his instruction came.
Then what of his symptoms of schizophrenia? And and anyone with that illness can, and certainly will at times, think they are talking to god or some other divine being. And in a day of very little to no understanding of mental illnesses, many conditions, such as borderline personality disorder, bi-polar disorder, severe paranoia, ADD/ADHD, and schizophrenia would make others think the person suffering said ailment is possessed, by a good or evil spirit.

So exactly what don't your get? You needed sperm and no woman ever provided you with that. A hundred years ago, you would have had to know a man to get the same result. Today a man can ejaculate in a cup and a doctor can use a glorified turkey baster, but your actions are the same.
A good number of heterosexual couples rely on this "glorified turkey baster" to have kids. Even single straight women who just do not have any luck finding a man have used it.

To us Christians is clearer because Jesus quoted it when discoursing on the sanctity of marriage.
Jesus never said anything about homosexuality. He didn't even say anything about selling your body when the prostitute approached him. But he sure did have alot of things to say to the hypocrites and merchants and money lenders that were on the temple grounds.



Well-Known Member
So actually, as regards lesbians, you were mistaken, correct?
Let see, if this command (man sexually for another man) were obeyed there would not have been men sexually lusting after each other right? the reason that at Paul’s time they were around says that they did not obeyed.
Rom 1:26
For this reason God gave them up to vile passions. For even their women exchanged the natural use for what is against nature.

Is God Ok with Christian given themselves to vile passions?

I thought you were a Christian. So actually you're a Paulian?

The scriptures are clear the Apostle Paul was sent to evangelize the Gentiles. He delivered the model of moral conduct that his master and Lord gave him, who is head of the Christian Church?
1Cr 4:17
For this reason I have sent Timothy to you, who is my beloved and faithful son in the Lord, who will remind you of my ways in Christ, as I teach everywhere in every church.
Eph 3:1
For this reason I, Paul, the prisoner of Christ Jesus for you Gentiles--
Eph 5:31
"For this reason a man shall leave his father and mother and be joined to his wife, and the two shall become one flesh."

When Peter claimed to be Apostle to the gentile an interesting exchange is recorded:
Gal 2:11
Now when Peter had come to Antioch, I withstood him to his face, because he was to be blamed;
Gal 2:12
for before certain men came from James, he would eat with the Gentiles; but when they came, he withdrew and separated himself, fearing those who were of the circumcision.
Gal 2:14
But when I saw that they were not straightforward about the truth of the gospel, I said to Peter before [them] all, "If you, being a Jew, live in the manner of Gentiles and not as the Jews, why do you [fn] compel Gentiles to live as Jews? [fn]

So in conclusion a Church that that ordains gays and lesbians to ministries should not call itself a Christian church because is a Jew church, if they are OK with having minister that give themselves them up to vile passions, if these minister married same sex people they defile Christian tenet "For this reason a man shall leave his father and mother and be joined to his wife, and the two shall become one flesh." They are not Christian.


Rom 1.23 and changed the glory of the incorruptible God into an image made like corruptible man--and birds and four-footed animals and creeping things.

The people who gave up thier natural use or in the Greek amphysin which means thier intrinistic nature were hetereosexuals. The correct interpretation that Paul is saying here is referred to hetereosexuals undergoing a form of same sex idol worship. This scripture has got nothing to do with a God fearing homosexual.Agian you have ignored my valid point, Which is if you judge a sexual act in idol worship as wrong you judge sexuality all together. This is a fact Lesbianism was not spoken of in the Torah. You really need to do better than this.


Intentionally Blank
God no! that the mission that God gave you isn't it? ;)the Apostle says Rom 1:26For this reason God gave them up to vile passions. For even their women exchanged the natural use for what is against nature.
Now you're trying to argue that Romans in part of the Torah? Tell the truth, emiliano, have you ever read the Bible? What I asked is whether you agree that AS REGARDS TORAH and lesbians, you were mistaken. It commands absolutely nada. As for the NT, did you have a passage the prohibits, as opposes to describes? Cuz, y'know, your God is really good at prohibiting, and I think He could have done so, had He wanted to. It's certainly not for you to tell Him what He should have thought of making a rule against.

In that we agree they should segregate to a Church that should not call itself Christian, and their leaders (Gay priests) are to ordained Christian minister.
Who died and put you in charge of who is and is not Christian. Believe me, they think you should do the exact same thing.

I though that they have the right to kill the daughters that do not produce descendant to propagated their genes as commanded by God, but surely you know better.
Not me, emiliano, can't you read? Muslims. Here at RF. They tell me that the qur'an is silent on the subject, just like the Torah. So, once again, as is usually the case, you're simply factually mistaken.

Wrong! Muslims daughter must produce more Muslims they can be kill for inter-marrying they must not dishonor their fathers.
Please cite the verse from the qur'an that says that. Cuz so far your track record about your own religion is pretty poor, so we're sure not going to take your word about someone else's.


Intentionally Blank
Let see, if this command (man sexually for another man) were obeyed there would not have been men sexually lusting after each other right? the reason that at Paul’s time they were around says that they did not obeyed.
Rom 1:26
For this reason God gave them up to vile passions. For even their women exchanged the natural use for what is against nature.

Is God Ok with Christian given themselves to vile passions?
He does seem to have used sex that was not natural for people as a punishment. Did you have some kind of point?
So in conclusion a Church that that ordains gays and lesbians to ministries should not call itself a Christian church because is a Jew church, if they are OK with having minister that give themselves them up to vile passions, if these minister married same sex people they defile Christian tenet "For this reason a man shall leave his father and mother and be joined to his wife, and the two shall become one flesh." They are not Christian.
So what we see is that you're anti-semitic as well as anti-gay, that you're a Paulist, not a Christian, and you seem to think it's your job to kick all the Christians out of Christanity. Good job.


Active Member
Rom 1.23 and changed the glory of the incorruptible God into an image made like corruptible man--and birds and four-footed animals and creeping things.

The people who gave up thier natural use or in the Greek amphysin which means thier intrinistic nature were hetereosexuals. The correct interpretation that Paul is saying here is referred to hetereosexuals undergoing a form of same sex idol worship. This scripture has got nothing to do with a God fearing homosexual.Agian you have ignored my valid point, Which is if you judge a sexual act in idol worship as wrong you judge sexuality all together. This is a fact Lesbianism was not spoken of in the Torah. You really need to do better than this.

What evidence is there that those who gave up their natural use were heterosexuals? Maybe the writer of Romans was mistaken in assuming they had given up their natural use just because they were having sex with those of the same gender. I don't think there is any way to know for sure what he was talking about: heterosexuals engaging in homosexual sex or gay people having homosexual sex.

Mr Cheese

Well-Known Member
Sorry but you have no Gnosis in this doctrine, the Church that Paul founded is the first that was recognized as a Christian Church.
Act 11:25
Then Barnabas departed for Tarsus to seek Saul.
Act 11:26

And when he had found him, he brought him to Antioch. So it was that for a whole year they assembled with the church and taught a great many people. And the disciples were first called Christians in Antioch.

YEt it is PETER not Paul that the papacy goes back to...




What evidence is there that those who gave up their natural use were heterosexuals? Maybe the writer of Romans was mistaken in assuming they had given up their natural use just because they were having sex with those of the same gender. I don't think there is any way to know for sure what he was talking about: heterosexuals engaging in homosexual sex or gay people having homosexual sex.

This is a better explainartion and a more correct interpretation than to assume that hetereosexuality is the only sex mankind is allowed to engage. Also it is clear in full context that the Author is talking about idol worship. You cannot say certain sexual acts in idol worship are more acceptable than other forms of idol worship. It is still Idol worship. Another point are the hermaphrodites that are born. They are as natural as anyone. It is truly the biased of society who hate any minoritys who have called these wonderfully created people to be called mutated. The Church has been a horrendiuos stewart of mankind. It has the audacity to try and teach moral standards upon others and not practicing what they preach. You are hypocrites. Take the plank out of you own eyes before you can teach others what is godly and correct. Even those of the born again faiths argue amongst each other. Shall woman teach , Baptism of the holy spirit, The Protestant and Catholic split up - these are just examples of the Church. If you cant unite each other why on earth shall we listen to the thousands of years of insecurity and oppression that some christian teaching has given.
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