Sodomites - What Does
That Word Mean?
Sodomites are frequently alleged to be inhabitants of the ancient Canaanite city which God destroyed. Many Christians assume that when the Bible uses the word, it is referring to the men of Sodom who are thought to be homosexuals. The question is, Does this viewpoint fit the facts of history as given in the Bible?
Thinking Christians are interested in
what the Bible actually says, not
merely what it is presumed to teach.
55 times our English Bibles use the word Sodom and related English words, sod@mite, sod@mites, Sodoma. Yet strangely enough, in Hebrew, Sodom and sod@mite are
not related words. For this reason, its easy to draw the wrong conclusion, that Sodom and sod@mites are related when in fact, they are not etymologically related.
- Never in any of the Sodom passages does God say that the sin of Sodom was homosexuality.
- Never in any of the Sodom passages does God or a human author of the Bible link homosexuality with Sodom.
- Never in any of the sodomite(s) passages does God or a human author of scripture link sodomites(s) with a committed, faithful, non-cultic partnership between two men or two women.
- Never in any passage that mentions Sodom does God deal with the subject of gay marriage. Isn't that interesting?
On the other hand, whenever the Hebrew words
qadesh or
qadesha are used in scripture, they refer to a pagan worshiper of the fertility goddess. Therefore when we translate from Hebrew to English (or any other language), if we're honest, we must retain the original Hebrew meaning instead of translating it to mean homosexual.
qadesh and
qadesha, as used in the Bible,
never refer to gay men or lesbian women in committed, faithful, non-cultic partnerships, it is wrong to assert that
qadesh and
qadesha mean homosexual in English when they clearly did
not mean homosexual in Hebrew.
qadesh and
qadesha, in the Bible were male and female worshipers of the Canaanite fertility goddess, not homosexuals and not lesbians.
Sodom was an ancient Canaanite city, Genesis 10:15-19, 13:12. The pagan Canaanite religious worship of the people of Sodom included precisely the same cultic, religious, sexual activity which was forbidden by God in Leviticus 18:22 & 20:13 and Deuteronomy 23:17-18.
The important link between the ancient inhabitants of Sodom and ancient "sodomites" is cultic sexual worship of the Canaanite fertility goddess,
not committed, faithful, non-cultic
same sex relationships.
Almost all the inhabitants of Sodom were destroyed by God, Genesis 19:24. The only people who escaped destruction were Lot and his two daughters.
The people of Sodom were infamous for their pride, greed and inhospitality. Biblical writers, ancient historians and Jesus Himself remark on the inhospitality of the inhabitants of Sodom but they never mention homosexuality. Don't you find that interesting?
Every time Sodom and sodomite(s)
are mentioned in the Bible
Every Time Sodom is mentioned in the Bible. This Link will open in a new page.
Please don't take my word for it. Look up the verses for yourself in your own Bible and discover that God never mentions homosexuality in connection with His judgment on Sodom.
Genesis 10:19, 13:10, 12, 13, 14:2, 8, 10-11, 12, 17, 21-22, 18:16, 20, 22, 26, 19:1, 4, 24, 28Deuteronomy 23:17 - shrine prostitute
Deuteronomy 29:23, 32:32
Job 36:14 - margin, qadesh, shrine prostitute
Isaiah 1:9-10, 3:9, 13:19
Jeremiah 23:14, 49:18, 50:40
Lamentations 4:6
Ezekiel 16:46, 48-49, 53, 55-56
Hosea 4:14 - harlots, qadeshah, shrine prostitutes
Amos 4:11
Zephaniah 2:9
Matthew 10:15, 11:23-24
Mark 6:11
Luke 10:12, 17:29
Romans 9:29
II Peter 2:6
Jude 7
Revelation 11:8, 22:15 - dogs (compare Deu 23:17-18 - dog was a derogatory name for a shrine prostitute).