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Is it wrong to advocate homosexuality as a sin?


Well-Known Member
Like everything else you think you know, Little Nipper, you're wrong. Andy Rooney never said these things; you've been tricked again. Andy Rooney is not a right-wing, intolerant, racist jerk. I can't say the same for anyone who thinks this crap is brilliant, or that posting in large colored fonts makes what you say any more true. Andy Rooney is a well-known liberal.

Now, back to you. According to your own definition, are you a bigot, or do you agree that children of same-sex parents do as well as children of heterosexual parents?

Actually, I wasn't so sure he would say this. I just thought that what was written made sense. A painting isn't good because it can be attributed to a famous artist. It is good because it is good. Only, snobs like things based on how famous their designers are...


Intentionally Blank
I'm not ---- though they are both sin and the result of sin. What I'm pointing out that just because one doesn't act out a specific sin, has little bearing as to what sort of sins that one's children are capable of getting involved in... Some kids smoke because they saw their parents smoke, but others smoke just because their friends do...

I'm still trying to make sense of your post in which you said that "they would not marry the same sex..." etc. Who is "they?"


Intentionally Blank
Actually, I wasn't so sure he would say this. I just thought that what was written made sense. A painting isn't good because it can be attributed to a famous artist. It is good because it is good. Only, snobs like things based on how famous their designers are...

Actually it's a steaming pile of prejudice and mindless right-wing nuttery, but in any case it has no relevance to this thread.

So, as I was saying, which is it, Little Nipper, support same-sex parenting or bigot?


Well-Known Member
Actually it's a steaming pile of prejudice and mindless right-wing nuttery, but in any case it has no relevance to this thread.

So, as I was saying, which is it, Little Nipper, support same-sex parenting or bigot?

I do not support the bigots who call themselves homosexual married couples.


Intentionally Blank
Let's go over this step by step, Nipper. It will involve actually thinking, so you may find it challenging, but try to follow along. First, turn off the noise in your head. O.K., here we go:

You, Little Nipper, said that a bigot is someone who does not base his opinion on the research. That's your description of what a bigot is. Not mine. Yours. Are you with me so far?
O.K. now, the research says that same-sex parents do at least as good a job as different sex parents.
So, according to you, only a bigot would disagree with the statement: Same-sex parents do at least as good a job as different-sex parents.
Therefore, according to you, you have two choices: Either agree with that statement, or you're a bigot, according to your standards.

So which is it? Do you agree with the research, or are you a bigot?

And this time, no red herrings. We're not talking about other people, Little Nipper, we're talking about you, uncomfortable though you may find that.


Done here.
Actually, I wasn't so sure he would say this. I just thought that what was written made sense. A painting isn't good because it can be attributed to a famous artist. It is good because it is good. Only, snobs like things based on how famous their designers are...
Only half-witted bigots like things because they're stupid, bigoted and pointless.

Shadow Wolf

Certified People sTabber & Business Owner
And, please, stay home until that new lip ring heals. I don't want to look at your ugly infected mouth as you serve me French fries!
Ok, so we I think we can safely assume this comes from an ignorant and intolerant prick. Several nations have multiple official languages, and they do just fine. It can be frustrating doing business with someone you cannot verbally communicate with, but it is possible, and one reason we have non-verbal communication. The Constitution is always changing, thus it is indeed a "living" document. And, not everyone who gets piercings works fast food. Actually, a good number of fast food, or any costumer service places wont allow piercings. And since you have to leave a new piercing in for several weeks, that means no new ones. (what does any of this have to do with the thread anyways?)

I do not support the bigots who call themselves homosexual married couples.
How is a married homosexual couple automatically bigots? Because they aren't adhearing to a tradition Biblical principles, and might not even care about them?


I find Lesbians make great parents, as long as one of them is a butch to act in lieu of a father [/sarcasm]

In all seriousness gay parents most likely raise open minded and respectful kids. I fail to see how this is bad.


Well-Known Member
Of course they do. All of them. Including the gay ones and the many, probably the majority, who believe that God doesn't have a problem with it.

We have discuss this before so I’ll restate I ”there is no such thing as a Christian that is OK with sexual immorality, I have always have problems with this individual that keep on calling themselves Christian and infiltrate our churches to corrupt them, but apparently it has became a right, anyways an *** can call it self a thoroughbred till it runs out of breath but that does not make it one.

This is incorrect. The majority of Gay Americans are Christian, and the majority of American Christians support gay marriage or civil unions.

Again there are not such Churches that can be called Christian and I recall that the Iranian president (a Muslim) said to your faces, Jewish Jew won’t even mention this aversions.

If you think I've said anything factually incorrect, please cite what it is you think I said that is not true. There is no "they," emiliano. The people who are advocating for gay people to be included in Christianity are your fellow Christians.

Craiky what is it gonna take!:shout “there are not gay or their supporter that is recognized as such by any church” they right they have given themselves is to call themselves”

Nobody is disputing this. However, as your church changes and decides to grant full inclusion of gay people, you may find yourself on the other end of excommunication

I am a Christian and if the Church that I congregate in corrupts the Christian tenets of morality I’ll walk out, actually I will run out of it, they would have no needs for excommunication as I want to remain a Christian, and on top of that they would have the moral AUTHORITY to do that, besides excommunication would save me from condemnation and the lost of my soul


Well-Known Member
Actually it's a steaming pile of prejudice and mindless right-wing nuttery, but in any case it has no relevance to this thread.

So, as I was saying, which is it, Little Nipper, support same-sex parenting or bigot?

Expressing his (LN) opinions is his constitutional right. Is it not?
Is this language the uttering of a bigot? I think so.
Actually it's a steaming pile of prejudice and mindless right-wing nuttery, but in any case it has no relevance to this thread.
They seem to be the fighting word of a bigot. What about you mindless nuttery? How can a Lesbian be male role model to a boy? Has no relevance to this thread? And you claim the constitution right to express whatever comes to your mind? I thought that the thread tuned in a constitutional right that allegedly gives you the right to insult whoever refuses you distorted view of what a normal family is.


We have discuss this before so I’ll restate I ”there is no such thing as a Christian that is OK with sexual immorality, I have always have problems with this individual that keep on calling themselves Christian and infiltrate our churches to corrupt them, but apparently it has became a right, anyways an *** can call it self a thoroughbred till it runs out of breath but that does not make it one.

I am a Christian and if the Church that I congregate in corrupts the Christian tenets of morality I’ll walk out, actually I will run out of it, they would have no needs for excommunication as I want to remain a Christian, and on top of that they would have the moral AUTHORITY to do that, besides excommunication would save me from condemnation and the lost of my soul

I am also a Christian and Im gay. Being Gay is not immoral niether is it a sin. for goodness sake once the church believed that slavery was acceptable to God. The church always changes. Did you know it took 500 years to add some of the books in the bible. The church has been squabbling amoungst themselves for centuries. now the Protestant and catholic split - or even the charismatic movement. You all squabble and are seperated. So you have thee audacity to tell me its your teaching God hates homosexuals. The bible is really silent on homosexuals.Jesus has a poligamist same sex marriage and you are blind. These are facts. I suggest yyou crawl back into your self righteous bigoted hole with all the other pharissees who love your elitist doctrine.
Every sin had consequences . Same sex union has no consequences. hurts noone, and robs noone . Please tell me practically hows homosexual lifestyle has been distructive. you cant.


Well-Known Member
Expressing his (LN) opinions is his constitutional right. Is it not?
Is this language the uttering of a bigot? I think so.
Actually it's a steaming pile of prejudice and mindless right-wing nuttery, but in any case it has no relevance to this thread.
They seem to be the fighting word of a bigot. What about you mindless nuttery? How can a Lesbian be male role model to a boy? Has no relevance to this thread? And you claim the constitution right to express whatever comes to your mind? I thought that the thread tuned in a constitutional right that allegedly gives you the right to insult whoever refuses you distorted view of what a normal family is.
Normal is irrelevant. What is relevant is the kids health. And since it doesn´t damage the kid to have same sex parents, why do we even care?


I am also a Christian and Im gay. Being Gay is not immoral niether is it a sin. for goodness sake once the church believed that slavery was acceptable to God. The church always changes. Did you know it took 500 years to add some of the books in the bible. The church has been squabbling amoungst themselves for centuries. now the Protestant and catholic split - or even the charismatic movement. You all squabble and are seperated. So you have thee audacity to tell me its your teaching God hates homosexuals. The bible is really silent on homosexuals.Jesus has a poligamist same sex marriage and you are blind. These are facts. I suggest yyou crawl back into your self righteous bigoted hole with all the other pharissees who love your elitist doctrine.
Every sin had consequences . Same sex union has no consequences. hurts noone, and robs noone . Please tell me practically hows homosexual lifestyle has been distructive. you cant.

Just wondering.... that would be? John the deciple Jesus loved? and ... Mary Magdalenne? (sp?)

What a truly interesting concept.


Well-Known Member
Ok, so we I think we can safely assume this comes from an ignorant and intolerant prick. Several nations have multiple official languages, and they do just fine. It can be frustrating doing business with someone you cannot verbally communicate with, but it is possible, and one reason we have non-verbal communication. The Constitution is always changing, thus it is indeed a "living" document. And, not everyone who gets piercings works fast food. Actually, a good number of fast food, or any costumer service places wont allow piercings. And since you have to leave a new piercing in for several weeks, that means no new ones. (what does any of this have to do with the thread anyways?)

How is a married homosexual couple automatically bigots? Because they aren't adhearing to a tradition Biblical principles, and might not even care about them?

When the government legislates that directions, textbooks, advertisments, signage, etc., must be provided in multiple languages ------ that costs everyone more money that we already do not have enough of.

A homosexual married couple become bigoted when they expect everyone else to accept their state and are belligerent and abusive towards others who will not.


Intentionally Blank
We have discuss this before so I’ll restate I ”there is no such thing as a Christian that is OK with sexual immorality, I have always have problems with this individual that keep on calling themselves Christian and infiltrate our churches to corrupt them, but apparently it has became a right, anyways an *** can call it self a thoroughbred till it runs out of breath but that does not make it one.
Who put you in charge of deciding who is and is not Christian?\

So according to you Christianity is a minority religion in the world? Only around half of the people who call themselves Christian really are?

How do I know it's not the other half who are the real Christians, and you're not? How is an atheist to tell?

This is incorrect. The majority of Gay Americans are Christian, and the majority of American Christians support gay marriage or civil unions.

Again there are not such Churches that can be called Christian and I recall that the Iranian president (a Muslim) said to your faces, Jewish Jew won’t even mention this aversions.
??? Can someone please translate this for me? Thank you.

Craiky what is it gonna take!:shout “there are not gay or their supporter that is recognized as such by any church” they right they have given themselves is to call themselves”
Well, who gave you the right to call yourself a Christian?.

I am a Christian
So you say. How might I tell if your'e a Real Christian or not? Maybe you just think you're a Christian. You seem to be out of step with the mainstream of Christianity.
and if the Church that I congregate in corrupts the Christian tenets of morality I’ll walk out, actually I will run out of it, they would have no needs for excommunication as I want to remain a Christian, and on top of that they would have the moral AUTHORITY to do that, besides excommunication would save me from condemnation and the lost of my soul
So in that case you would remain Christian, but the Christian church would no longer be Christian, according to you. But I thought you said the Church got to decide who to allow in and be a Christian, not the individual.


Intentionally Blank
Expressing his (LN) opinions is his constitutional right. Is it not?
Sure, it's his right to be bigoted and wrong, who said otherwise?
Is this language the uttering of a bigot? I think so.
No just simple disagreement.
Actually it's a steaming pile of prejudice and mindless right-wing nuttery, but in any case it has no relevance to this thread.
They seem to be the fighting word of a bigot. What about you mindless nuttery? How can a Lesbian be male role model to a boy?
Obviously, she can't. She can model a lot of things, such as how to be a decent human being, but not how to be a man. Why do you ask?
Has no relevance to this thread?
Right, it's off the subject.
And you claim the constitution right to express whatever comes to your mind?
Sure. But to respect the forum, just do it in the appropriate thread and the appropriate forum.
I thought that the thread tuned in a constitutional right that allegedly gives you the right to insult whoever refuses you distorted view of what a normal family is.
emil: I think you've lost your ability to type or something. Your sentences no longer parse. Maybe you need to slow down and try again.