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Is it wrong to advocate homosexuality as a sin?


Well-Known Member
The bible says that sexual immorality is wrong, so I try not to do it.

The Bible says allot of things, many of which I doubt you follow. Beside, "God" also gave you a head and since He saw fit to attach it your neck instead of the Bible then He probably wanted you to follow it over the Bible.

All in all though, I think you are just full of crap. You said that you don't want to masturbate but then said you use laughter to repress the urges. That is called self-denial; if you didn't want to in the first place then you would not have to work at suppressing that want.
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Active Member
I think it is wrong to advocate homosexuality as a sin. I think it supports and contributes to prejudice against and ignorance of homosexuality. I think spreading the idea, that homosexuality is a sin, is harmful to many, especially gay youths (who are not worldly enough to see past the nonsense).

I want to know what other think about this.

Now, to be clear, I am not questioning the right to spread this nonsense. I understand freedom of expression and its importance. But just because something is lawful that does not mean it is right.

If you are a theist and if your religion teaches that homosexuality is a sin then of course you have the right to advocate homosexuality as a sin ACCORDING to your religion. No more than that.


New Member
people really need to find the love n stop butting in on others lives im gay n ive liked girls since was very little then some random people try telling me not to like them... err why? yknow i like guys pretty guys like the oriental guys in the bands i listen to thier cool n its in a bi curious way i have no idea if id love one or two etc what i do know is i love people and love everything about women so unlike the biggots at least i can thhink for myself an not be ashamed of having feeliings of love. and you male biggots who control the establishment dont you love women too n humanity or is it your just irrationally afraid of me 'stealing your wife' if you love women so much stop trying to control them.


Well-Known Member
If you are a theist and if your religion teaches that homosexuality is a sin then of course you have the right to advocate homosexuality as a sin ACCORDING to your religion. No more than that.

It says right in that post you quoted that this is not about "the right". I strongly believe in the freedom of expression and I do not questions someone's right of expression, even that of a bigot. But simply because you have "the right" to that does not mean you should or that it is the good thing to do.

The fact that something is written, in some scripture somewhere, in some religion, is not a good enough reason to spread prejudice and hate. And if "God" gave us a mind and intended us to use it, then blind dogmatic adherence in the name of prejudice is, not only destructive, but a huge insult to "God" Himself.


Done here.
If you are a theist and if your religion teaches that homosexuality is a sin then of course you have the right to advocate homosexuality as a sin ACCORDING to your religion. No more than that.
You have the right to state your opinion, but not the right to have your opinion respected by others.


Active Member
The Bible doesn't say anything about masturbation.
Sex is for marriage (I believe that. I dont care what others do or believe.) So i feel like masturbation is having sex with yourself. in other words. I feel like it is immoral to have sex with yourself or anyone else before marriage.

Yes, I am a sinner. I do things that the Bible tells me not to do. I try not to add sexual immorality to that list.

Thereisnospoon....read the last page....follow the argument...dont make yourself look dumb by not knowing what we are discussing.

Madhuri................BRILLIANT!!!! very funny.


Done here.
So i feel like masturbation is having sex with yourself. in other words. I feel like it is immoral to have sex with yourself or anyone else before marriage.
Well, fine. You're entitled to your feelings. But to attribute them to the Bible is false.

Shadow Wolf

Certified People sTabber & Business Owner
The Bible doesn't say anything about masturbation.
Actually,it does. I do not remember what verse, book, or chapter (hopefully someone else does), but God killed one of his profits for spilling his seed.


Done here.
Actually,it does. I do not remember what verse, book, or chapter (hopefully someone else does), but God killed one of his profits for spilling his seed.
Not a prophet. Onan, son of Judah. And it wasn't a case of masturbation; it was clearly a case of coitus interruptus.
That's because you prefer to remain blissfully unaware of the history of your own religion.

It is hardly my own religion. I was baptised in the Church of Scotland. I began doubting Christianity and its God by age 6, serious doubt by age 7, and total rejection by age 8. I rejected it because of the Bible stories in school and what I began to read myself of the Black Book of Evil. The Bible had to be written by the Devil as Thomas Paine suggested. Pleased do not insult me by calling me Christian.

The current Christian crusade against LGBT people is just a variation on a hundred other crusades over the centuries, some of which occurred in the United States in my lifetime.

Christianity has a sordid history for the entire 1700 years since it was invented by Flavius Valerius Constantinus and Athanasius with untold millions of innocent people tortured and murdered over Christian superstition.

No. I grew up in the South and the Midwest and I heard racist remarks everywhere I went, including from many of my relatives, but not from my parents. The N-word was ubiquitous then, but we were strictly forbidden to use it.

I read accounts by a US Army Colonel from Virginia. He is retired now. He remembers as a teenager, Christian crowds shouting at black kids and white kids on buses, calling them "commie", "pinko", "N- lovers", "Q****rs, "Atheists,' and varied rude obscenities. The truth he saw was that the kids on the bus were not communists, not pinko, not black person lovers, not homosexuals, and all religious kids (not Atheists.) He denounced his fellow townspeople in the crowd as "Nazis, Fascists, Ignorant Rednecks, Trailer trash idiots, and Southern Baptists still peed off over losing the Civil War."

But nobody tells you that it's a sin to be who you are.

There are irrational evangelicals and Southern Christian Fundamentalists who denounce people who are gay to be condemned. The same ignoramuses denounce those who have no religious belief as being in sin. Why do they not consider it to be a sin to Hate anyone because of what they are?

I think with time the majority of Christians will move beyond their narrow bigotry against gay people. They will look back at present-day Christian attitudes toward gay people much as present-day Christians look back at earlier Christian attitudes about persecuting heretics or enslaving Africans.

Christianity has a long long way to go to reform enough for me to not consider Christianity and Islam to be evil. They have to stop condemning people who are gay and probably will. But they must also stop condemning people who happen to not believe in invisible phantasms, irrational myths, and hate promoting dogmas. They have a lot of reform work to do. I see no moral difference between Muslim and Christian Terrorists.

As I said, when believers look into the Bible, they see what they want to see. There's nothing in the story of Sodom and Gomorrah about God condemning homosexuality, but you'd be hard-pressed to convince most Christians of that.

Many people's minds (brains) are damaged like brain washing (Meme = Mind viruses) so that they fail to see things with rational perception, analytical thinking and sceptical filtering. The Bible contains clear cut immorality praised, atrocities celebrated, and hate promoted but they fail to see that it is so evil. A person with a healthy rational mind and IQ of at least 100 sees the evil in the Bible if he reads it honestly.

Those who read the evil stories of the Bible and fail to recognise it, have defects in their brain circuitry.

There's nothing in Jude about homosexuality, either, but millions of Christians are absolutely convinced there is. They have no more grounds for their beliefs than Southern white Christians of 150 years ago, who insisted that African slavery was clearly taught in the Bible.

Again, it was another feature of the negative religious meme (mind virus) that damages the brain and not only allows the afflicted Christian to fail to see the evil in the Bible. It also allows the defective Christian to justify evil in perfectly benign verses.
And Noah awoke from his wine, and knew what his younger son had done unto him. And he said, Cursed be Canaan [Ham's son]; a servant of servants shall he be unto his brethren. And he said, Blessed be the Lord God of Shem; and Canaan shall be his servant. God shall enlarge Japheth, and he shall dwell in the tents of Shem; and Canaan shall be his servant. ...

The sons of Ham: Cush, Egypt, Put, and Canaan.

That is simply a relatively bening part of a faerie tale that is a followup to the most evil story in the Bible, Noah's Magical Flood. We do not know if there was a Noah or any of his imaginary sons. It is just a stupid old story. It lacks the poetic imagination and fantasy talent of European, East Asian, and South Asian writers. If Moses wrote that, it shows he has no literary talent. That is why he was more successful as a violent, cruel Warlord leader of Nomadic Raider Barbarians.

Religious memes are called mind viruses. They disrupt normal neuronal circuits and behaviour networks like a computer virus crashes your computer programmes. This causes the person infected by religion (irrational mind virus) to behave in irrational and very terrible ways.

Those people thus infected with meme complexes have an actual encephalopathy. It is akin to viral encephalitis such as rabies or herpes. The Irrational Meme Complex is a computer like code. A biological encephalitis virus is a DNA or RNA code. Since the religious meme is largely behavioural, the victims act irrationally. Violence may be committed on the basis of perverted interpretation of the irrational dogma of the complex meme. If one is pre-occupied with irrational delusions (memes), the unused rational-sceptical networks fail. The more often they fail, the more likely they deteriorate.

One example is the killing of babies by their own mothers. I have read of some killer moms who killed because they believed Satan had possessed the babies. Some others kill because God ordered the killings. Some mothers wish to guarantee their children’s entry into Heaven before they have chance to sin. Some believe that one of their babies is the Anti-Christ. Their actions are clearly irrational if not psychotic.

Others with this meme encephalopathy may blow up federal buildings, clinics, gay bars, African-American Churches, Mosques, libraries, Museums, Archaeological excavations, Palaeontological digs, unbelievers, or sometimes killing innocent people for chaotic religious ideas. Their delusions are of being on a mission from God. The driving force of religious memes is usually the powerful delusion of immortality.

Muslims behave in frighteningly similar ways from their slightly variant mind virus codes. The commonality seems to be violent acts. Both Christianity and Islam have a huge monopoly on all wars of the last 1700 years, compared to Buddhism.

The human race is suffering from an epidemic of mind virus encephalitis. The virus codes are irrational memes. Some of the worst are the psychotic stories in the Bible, Torah, and Qur'an. If that data is transmitted into otherwise innocent brains, it acts like a molecular DNA or RNA virus. The molecular virus transmits its destructive instructions by entering the cell nuclei, and actually rewriting the DNA. The meme complex is a defective set of coded instructions, a computer software programme or computer virus. That causes the brain to form altered error coded circuits which leads to altered patterns of thinking and behaviour.

Think about these ideas before attacking the messenger. Look at the results around the world of religion on behaviour. At least do some reading on meme complexes and mind viruses from others besides me. You deserve to know the truth for the sake of your children. Read “A Devil’s Chaplain” by Richard Dawkins, Ph.D. Oxford University.



Done here.
It is hardly my own religion. I was baptised in the Church of Scotland. I began doubting Christianity and its God by age 6, serious doubt by age 7, and total rejection by age 8. I rejected it because of the Bible stories in school and what I began to read myself of the Black Book of Evil. The Bible had to be written by the Devil as Thomas Paine suggested. Pleased do not insult me by calling me Christian.
I'm not sure where that came from, since I was quite obviously not addressing you, so I'm just going to consider this paragraph a rhetorical flourish.


Active Member
It says right in that post you quoted that this is not about "the right". I strongly believe in the freedom of expression and I do not questions someone's right of expression, even that of a bigot. But simply because you have "the right" to that does not mean you should or that it is the good thing to do.

The fact that something is written, in some scripture somewhere, in some religion, is not a good enough reason to spread prejudice and hate. And if "God" gave us a mind and intended us to use it, then blind dogmatic adherence in the name of prejudice is, not only destructive, but a huge insult to "God" Himself.
I think you misnuderstood what I meant with "right".

IF someones FAITH tells him that homosexuality is a sin then it is (for him and ALL that follow the same faith) of course not evil to say so. Actually it would be evil for them NOT to say so.
If christianity for example teaches that homosexuality is a sin, then i expect every christian to say so.
And it is even in my (nonchristian) view GOOD that they say so because this allows everybody to evaluate the teaching once more.

I see no sense in trying to demonize a statement instead of the teaching religion directly.
After careful study of the Scriptures, I have grown to be an Evangelical Christian for same sex marriage. We cannot judge Christianity on the basis of those who profess to be Christian. I think Gandhi's quote was very wise (see below).