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Is it wrong to advocate homosexuality as a sin?


RF Goddess
Staff member
Premium Member
Wow. You actually cant accept the fact that people are differant than you, and dont need sex/masturbation. Laughter is much better.

I'm going ot give you the benefit of the doubt that you are being honest about your own sexual desires. But I've really never met anybody, at least who isn't elderly (or pre-pubescent), who does not get horny fairly regularly (and then need to masturbate). UNLESS they are A-sexual. Is it possible that you are asexual or do you just experience less sexual desire than most people? If this is the case then it would be fair to acknowledge that most people wpuld go nuts if they did not find a release for their sexual energy because it can be a very powerful feeling. We can't really help it (trust me, I wish it weren't so).


Active Member
I use humor. Thats why I record about 5 differant comedies. I am not asexual. Trust me. But I have learned many methods to down those desires. I do not want to masturbate, because I do not want to see myself as that kind of person.


Well-Known Member
Wow. You actually cant accept the fact that people are differant than you, and dont need sex/masturbation. Laughter is much better.

"You actually cant accept the fact that people are differant[sic]"

I am only calling you a liar; I know there are variances from person to person, that is very clear to me. For example, children do not masturbate or engage in sex because they have not yet reached puberty.

"Laughter is much better."

But nothing is better then laughing while rubbing one out.
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Shadow Wolf

Certified People sTabber & Business Owner
I dont know about the health side of it, but i find it creepy and pervish. If you are so desperate to have sex that you yank on your "Thing thing" (I dont feel like saying it at the time) I say nymphomaniac, you say healthy. fine with me for other people to do it, but ummm.... I would rather have a good laugh, or *gasp* go out on a date!
Are you aware that children as young as three or four begin to sexually explore themselves, and yes, even masturbate? It generally happens earlier in boys, because the penis is easier to find and easier to figure out. As for a "date," have you ever heard of mutual masturbation? This is simply where one person goes through the same motions of masturbation for their partner.

Besides that, I am a certified HIV counselor and have worked with and for homosexuals for over 30 years. I know what I'm talking about. I want people to consider changing their lifestyle which is hurting them and others.

This is a religious website.
The 3 major religions of the world are against homosexuality,bestiality,lesbianism,masturbation.
The religion that approves of fornication and has it as a sacrament is satanism.
Care to share you credentials? Such as a copy of your degree from an accredited university or college?
Oh, and the Abrahamic faiths do not hold a monopoly on the terms "religion" or "god." And as I'm sure you've noticed, this forum is for people of all faiths, and none at all.
As for Satanism, yes sex is considered good, but even it has rules. Such as "do not make any unwanted sexual advances."

you cannot separate Bible from HEALTH - that is what it's about
Uhhhh, yes we can, and in some aspects, most definitely should.
Leviticus 14:2-3
After you think you are healed of leprosy, [a] you must ask for a priest to come outside the camp and examine you. And if you are well, 4he will have someone bring out two live birds that are acceptable for sacrifice, together with a stick of cedar wood, a piece of red yarn, and a branch from a hyssop plant. 5The priest will have someone kill one of the birds over a clay pot of spring water. 6Then he will dip the other bird, the cedar, the red yarn, and the hyssop in the blood of the dead bird. 7Next, he will sprinkle you seven times with the blood and say, " You are now clean." Finally, he will release the bird and let it fly away. 8After this you must wash your clothes, shave your entire body, and take a bath before you are completely clean. You may move back into camp, but you must not enter your tent for seven days. 9Then you must once again shave your head, face, and eyebrows, as well as the hair on the rest of your body. Finally, wash your clothes and take a bath, and you will be completely clean.
Their is just something about being splattered with the blood of an animal, and you of all people should know this, that can potentially be very dangerous. Especially if any sores are still open.
This is a religious website.
The 3 major religions of the world are against homosexuality,bestiality,lesbianism,masturbation.
The religion that approves of fornication and has it as a sacrament is satanism.

Actually, the Christian Church is divided on the issue of homosexuality. I would love to discuss and debate homosexuality within the Bible with you. You might be surprised that your husband and sons have commited adultery when you understand the words of Jesus.

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consciousness incarnate
I personally don't see why homosexuality should bother anyone. Does it really matter which particular way someone has sex? Surely their moral stance and position in the community is a lot more important?

Who is more acceptable to organized religion, a straight psychotic murderer or a gay nurse in a hospice?

An interesting notion: If your house is on fire and you happen to know that the fireman who have come to rescue your family and possessions, is gay, would you turn him away?

If your child needs an urgent operation and the surgeon who is about to perform it is gay, would you stop the operation?

Mr Cheese

Well-Known Member
Some men do have an abnormally low sex drive and/or erectile dysfunction. This can result from abnormally low testosterone and may be accompanied by other symptoms, some of which can be serious. If you seriously have no sex drive, you should consider seeing a doctor.

actually of course many religious men (and women) do not masturbate
Here we see the fundamentalist christian. Sadly religion is often used to suppress sexuality. In the case of fundamentalist christians they are indoctrinated to the point where sex is dirty. Men like this often think missionary sex is the only good form, that sex is for breeding and often when these men do have sex it lasts under 30 minutes. As you can imagine, this is rather miserable for a wife...over a period of decades.

Really we should feel sorrow and pity for people that are essentially brainwashed into think the holy temple of God (the human body, also referred to as the church not built with hands) is a place of dirt and filth. This really is self disgust. Yet they think they are being holy.

If one is actually worried about the moral implications of masturbation, one can do things like only masturbate thinking about your partner in life.....
But there. Everythign in moderation is a rule to live by for most things in life; this includes masturbation.


Well-Known Member
3. Homosexual sex is wrong because God said in the Bible that it is. Those who believe in the Bible believe that it is wrong.

Apparently we should do everything that the bible supports, as in "stoning to death misbehaving teenagers" "Massacring entire cities, including women and children. that don't accept your God" "Killing all those how choice to work on the Sabbath." The list of evils that "God say's in the bible" is long indeed, what a wonderful world we would have if all things in the bible actually came to be.


Intentionally Blank
3. Homosexual sex is wrong because God said in the Bible that it is. Those who believe in the Bible believe that it is wrong.

Apparently we should do everything that the bible supports, as in "stoning to death misbehaving teenagers" "Massacring entire cities, including women and children. that don't accept your God" "Killing all those how choice to work on the Sabbath." The list of evils that "God say's in the bible" is long indeed, what a wonderful world we would have if all things in the bible actually came to be.

Further, the Bible does not say that lesbian sex is wrong, and it is not even clear whether it says that homosexual sex is wrong.

Mr Cheese

Well-Known Member
The Bible cleary does not address same sex marriage too. Are there any Christians who would like to discuss and debate the Scriptures on the subject of homosexuality?

The bible doesnt discuss bouncing on tramploines while listening to Led Zeppelin

Would any Christian care to discuss the evils of trampolines?


Big and fat and bouncy,
Rectangle on the floor,
You bounce and bouncer,
'Till you can't take anymore,
You'll bounce for ever, you try and look so mean,
You'll wish you'd never been on Satan's Trampoline.
How he's gone and got you,
He's got you and got you,
He's got you where he wants,
Dressed in shorts and vest,
You look like a real ponce,
You'll bounce for ever, you try and look so mean,
You'll wish you'd never been on Satan's Trampoline.
How many times can you bounce up and down
on Satan's big old Trampoline?

I do not know, but I'll let you have a go
on Satan's big old trampoline.

--Satan's Trampoline (by Lawnmower Deth)


A child worshipping Satan:faint:


Intentionally Blank
The bible doesnt discuss bouncing on tramploines while listening to Led Zeppelin

Would any Christian care to discuss the evils of trampolines?


Big and fat and bouncy,
Rectangle on the floor,
You bounce and bouncer,
'Till you can't take anymore,
You'll bounce for ever, you try and look so mean,
You'll wish you'd never been on Satan's Trampoline.
How he's gone and got you,
He's got you and got you,
He's got you where he wants,
Dressed in shorts and vest,
You look like a real ponce,
You'll bounce for ever, you try and look so mean,
You'll wish you'd never been on Satan's Trampoline.
How many times can you bounce up and down
on Satan's big old Trampoline?

I do not know, but I'll let you have a go
on Satan's big old trampoline.

--Satan's Trampoline (by Lawnmower Deth)


A child worshipping Satan:faint:

I believe there is at least one member here at RF whose religion involves girls on trampolines.