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Is it wrong to advocate homosexuality as a sin?


Well-Known Member
I am a registered nurse in a public clinic. There is damage to the anal sphincter, rectal ulcers, and leakage of stool in male homosexuals. Lesbians are greatly raising their risk of cancer by not having children or nursing babies. Every time a female has a menstrual cycle her cancer risk goes up. That is why having children early and having many is good for women.
Everything has health risks, fact is the most dangerous thing you can do is living. Not saying all risks should be taken, but in the case of homosexuality and hetrosexuality (I doubt one is more risky then the other, to be honest) I would say that since they are so hardwired into us the risk is worth taking.

What would really make a difference in the world is not if more homosexual people try and be something they are not, what really would make a difference is if people learn to respect each other and be responsible with their partner, in bed and in life, no matter if they are of the same or of the opposite sex. That would be much more valueble for the health of the entire human race then to say that homosexual sex is harmful or wrong.
homosexuality is harmful to the health and so is lesbianism and so is having sexual ralations with animals and so is masturbation
Where do sexual relations with animals fit in here :confused:?

I think we both agree that it is something bad to have sex with animals, but it has nothing to do with homosexuality... or masturbation for that matter.


Intentionally Blank
I am a registered nurse in a public clinic. There is damage to the anal sphincter, rectal ulcers, and leakage of stool in male homosexuals. Lesbians are greatly raising their risk of cancer by not having children or nursing babies. Every time a female has a menstrual cycle her cancer risk goes up. That is why having children early and having many is good for women.

My Google-fu is not yielding much data on the question of the effect of child-bearing on female longevity. I did find this:

AN increase in the number of offspring has been traditionally associated with decreased longevity. The cost of reproduction hypothesis postulates that a trade-off occurs between resources available for reproduction on the one hand and for maintenance and life extension on the other (1)(2). Extensive reproductive activity drains resources that would otherwise be available for maintenance, and as a consequence increased reproduction is assumed to be associated with shortened life span according to this hypothesis. The cost of reproduction concept is by now well established, and it was, for example, applied to an analysis of fertility data for the British royalty (3).
from here.


Intentionally Blank
My guess is that women who have children would tend to have a shorter life-span, since pregnancy and child-bearing themselves can be health-threatening. Even abortions come with some risk, which lesbians as a rule do not suffer.


Intentionally Blank
Maternal death rates are 15 to 50 times greater in the developing world than in most developed countries. Half a million women die each year as a consequence of pregnancy and childbirth. Of these deaths, 99% are in developing countries. At least a quarter of all women have no access to family planning.
from here.
CC ~

thank you, CC.

i'm not sure if this is a position you're implying that you agree with as well, but the thing is that in Christ (since becoming a Christian) God has convicted me that it's wrong. it doesn't honour Him, how He's created us, or who we're meant to be in Him. and if you're implying that you feel this way too even while identifying as gay, please accept my empathy and my sincere respect.

and if not, you're right that Jesus never speaks about homosexuality, yet...

Jesus never speaks of homosexuality specifically, but He does have some harsh words about discipline, purity, and sexual immorality. Matthew 15:18-20 is a good example.

as Jesus was a Jew, preaching heavily from the Law, citing it frequently as His Father's Word, and referring to its authority, we have no reason to believe that Jesus' definition of sexual immorality has changed at all from how it is defined within the Law. including extra-marital affairs, relations with close relatives, and same-sex relations.

Jesus also speaks firmly and starkly on the place of sin within the heart, which doesn't get acted on yet still influences how we think and operate, and is still wrong. (Matthew 5:27-28)

God's grace does indeed extend to all sinners. and no one, no matter who they are, how they live and identify, or what they believe, deserves ridicule, hatred, or rudeness from Christians. if anything, they (and all) deserve respect, love, and to be treated as Christians would want to be treated themselves.

Thank you for your posting! I am not gay. I think the Scriptures are not that clear on the topic. I'm an Evangelical Christian for same sex marriage. There are about 8 verses in Scriptures in regards to this topic on homosexuality. When you study the verses, you will see how modern day Christianity have twisted the Scirptures on homosexuality. Did you know the church once used Scripture to discriminate against racial minorities and women? There is a pattern of scripture abuse to opress people which is sin when you study the history of the church. The sins of the visible church has nothing to do with the truth of Jesus Christ. It just shows that we are all sinners who need Jesus Christ each and every day. Here are words of Jesus that apply to hetrosexuals in the church. So, why does contemporary Christians tend to throw stones at those with a different sexual orientation, and not have a crusade against those in the church who struggle with lust.


27"You have heard that it was said, 'Do not commit adultery.'[e] 28But I tell you that anyone who looks at a woman lustfully has already committed adultery with her in his heart. 29If your right eye causes you to sin, gouge it out and throw it away. It is better for you to lose one part of your body than for your whole body to be thrown into hell. 30And if your right hand causes you to sin, cut it off and throw it away. It is better for you to lose one part of your body than for your whole body to go into hell.


31"It has been said, 'Anyone who divorces his wife must give her a certificate of divorce.'[f] 32But I tell you that anyone who divorces his wife, except for marital unfaithfulness, causes her to become an adulteress, and anyone who marries the divorced woman commits adultery.
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EUNUCHS - they lose desire therefore do not act out desire

THE WOMAN CAUGHT IN ADULTERY - she was disregarding laws pertaining to sexual behavior

Jesus said "who of you can convince me of sin" / this means he did not break any commandment ( 600 plus )...he never taught anyone to disobey the Creator's instructions

LOVING YOUR NEIGHBOR - they are not allowed to be your neighbor - they weren't allowed to live because if they live they cause the death ( or lack of birth )of many AND THE DESCENDANTS OF JACOB WHO WERE GIVEN THESE LAWS HAD ALREADY AGREED TO FOLLOW THEM KNOWING THE CONSEQUENCES IF THEY DIDN'T - it was a contractual agreement

I have read Mohandas Ghandi's autobiography. He would never agree with living for fleshly pleasure.
He lived the majority of his life celibate. Maybe his complaint of Christians is due to their disobedience of The Almighty's teaching.


animal + human in a sexual act and masturbation are both prohibited in scripture and we are speaking of Biblical teaching about our sex lives

the info. on cancer risks and pregnancy is on The American Cancer Society's website

maternal death rates in childbirth in developed countries are very likely due to the fact that about 5o % ( maybe higher now )of deaths even in this country ( USA ) are from medical error

homosexuality is not separate from other sins - it is listed in the New testament along with lying

J Bryson

Well-Known Member
elisheba, exactly how is masturbation dangerous to your health? I'm really going to need documentation on that. Also, if you can't link your online sources, then why should anyone believe what you are saying? Please understand--this isn't an insult. However, you have made some rather startling claims, and the onus is therefore on you to provide documentation.
EUNUCHS - they lose desire therefore do not act out desire

THE WOMAN CAUGHT IN ADULTERY - she was disregarding laws pertaining to sexual behavior

Jesus said "who of you can convince me of sin" / this means he did not break any commandment ( 600 plus )...he never taught anyone to disobey the Creator's instructions

LOVING YOUR NEIGHBOR - they are not allowed to be your neighbor - they weren't allowed to live because if they live they cause the death ( or lack of birth )of many AND THE DESCENDANTS OF JACOB WHO WERE GIVEN THESE LAWS HAD ALREADY AGREED TO FOLLOW THEM KNOWING THE CONSEQUENCES IF THEY DIDN'T - it was a contractual agreement

I have read Mohandas Ghandi's autobiography. He would never agree with living for fleshly pleasure.
He lived the majority of his life celibate. Maybe his complaint of Christians is due to their disobedience of The Almighty's teaching.

Please read the words of Jesus in regard to EUNUCHS again. So, did you find verses by Rabbi Jesus in regards to homosexuality? Do you think your husband or sons are guilty of adultery according to Jesus? I am not promoting fleshly living, nor breaking the law of God. However, what is the basis of your standing before a perfectly moral and Holy God? Is it based on your personal obedience to the law of God? Are you able to keep the law perfectly?


"You have heard that it was said, 'Do not commit adultery. But I tell you that anyone who looks at a woman lustfully has already committed adultery with her in his heart. If your right eye causes you to sin, gouge it out and throw it away. It is better for you to lose one part of your body than for your whole body to be thrown into hell. And if your right hand causes you to sin, cut it off and throw it away. It is better for you to lose one part of your body than for your whole body to go into hell.
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Intentionally Blank
animal + human in a sexual act and masturbation are both prohibited in scripture and we are speaking of Biblical teaching about our sex lives

the info. on cancer risks and pregnancy is on The American Cancer Society's website

maternal death rates in childbirth in developed countries are very likely due to the fact that about 5o % ( maybe higher now )of deaths even in this country ( USA ) are from medical error

homosexuality is not separate from other sins - it is listed in the New testament along with lying
No. Nowhere in either testament is lesbianism prohibited. You are mistaken.

elisheba: Does child-birth shorten a woman's life, or lengthen it, or has no effect?


Intentionally Blank
Results indicate that, ... a first birth before age 20 is associated with a higher hazard of dying. In addition, having an early birth is associated with a higher prevalence of reported heart disease, lung disease, and cancer in 1994. Being unmarried at the time of the first birth is associated with earlier mortality, but this association disappears when midlife socioeconomic status is controlled. The number of children ever born does not significantly affect mortality but is associated with prevalence of diabetes.
from here
IngentaConnect Early Childbearing, Marital Status, and Women's Health and Mortal...

So, contrary to elisheba's assertion, not having children does not affect lifespan one way or the other.

I stand by my prediction that lesbianism overall is a healthier lifestyle for women.


Well-Known Member
animal + human in a sexual act and masturbation are both prohibited in scripture and we are speaking of Biblical teaching about our sex lives

the info. on cancer risks and pregnancy is on The American Cancer Society's website

maternal death rates in childbirth in developed countries are very likely due to the fact that about 5o % ( maybe higher now )of deaths even in this country ( USA ) are from medical error

homosexuality is not separate from other sins - it is listed in the New testament along with lying

This is to address animal and human sexual relationships.

There once was a man from Juno:
Who said, "about sex I do know:"
Goats are fine:
Sheep are divine:
But the Lama is numero uno:


Well-Known Member
THE WOMAN WHO WAS CAUGHT IN THE ACT OF ADULTERY.....she was told to go and sin no more...she wasn't told to come join us and sin no more....or go and continue disregarding the teachings that are for our benefit and protection...the commandments are to follow and Rabbi Jesus obeyed them....we all were not taught these things growing up but now that we are made aware of them we need to change our lives......homosexuality is harmful to the health and so is lesbianism and so is having sexual ralations with animals and so is masturbation

"homosexuality is harmful to the health and so is lesbianism"

There is no need to separate lesbianism from homosexuality like that. The word "homosexuality" includes lesbianism.

At any rate, any of these supposed "risk" are overshadowed by the damage that is caused by suppressing one's own sexual desire for the wrong reasons. But even *if* there are significant risk involved; How is that any of your business? Adults are able to make choices for themselves and maybe you should just keep your nose out other peoples business. Crossing the street is more dangerous then anal sex maybe you should be bugging people at crosswalks.

"so is having sexual ralations with animals"

This thread is not about bestiality.

"so is masturbation"

That is some back-***-backwards BS. This is no longer the Dark Ages, Elisheba, and suppressing one's natural sexual urges is harmful. Masturbation is a safe and healthy way to release pent-upped sexual energy.
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Vile Atheist

Loud and Obnoxious
That is some back-***-backwards BS. This is no longer the Dark Ages, Elisheba, and suppressing you natural sexual urges is harmful. Masturbation is a safe and healthy way to release pent-up sexual energy.

You kill billions of potential children, you genocidal ***!!!

*takes off Catholic hat*


Active Member
I dont know about the health side of it, but i find it creepy and pervish. If you are so desperate to have sex that you yank on your "Thing thing" (I dont feel like saying it at the time) I say nymphomaniac, you say healthy. fine with me for other people to do it, but ummm.... I would rather have a good laugh, or *gasp* go out on a date!