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Is it wrong to advocate homosexuality as a sin?


CC ~

i'll definately check out the book, and i agree that the traditional, conservative Christian stance on gay and lesbian people is a dishounour to Christ, and unneccesarily accusatory.

i personally grew up and matured identifying and living as a queer woman. sometimes more out, sometimes less. my perspective on who i was and who i am now has changed, in Christ, and when i have the chance to share this with gay men and women, i do. at the same time understanding that most of my Christian brothers and sisters don't share this background, and giving them the other side of the issue, too.


CC ~

true, this. at the same time, friend, in Christ certain standards of purity, discipline, and orthopraxy as well as orthodoxy are innate to the Christian walk.

one is changed because of Him, and new in Him. one doesn't stop being one's self, but one is who they are meant to be in God.
CC ~

i'll definately check out the book, and i agree that the traditional, conservative Christian stance on gay and lesbian people is a dishounour to Christ, and unneccesarily accusatory.

i personally grew up and matured identifying and living as a queer woman. sometimes more out, sometimes less. my perspective on who i was and who i am now has changed, in Christ, and when i have the chance to share this with gay men and women, i do. at the same time understanding that most of my Christian brothers and sisters don't share this background, and giving them the other side of the issue, too.

Here's an excellent website ministering to gay and lesbian Christians:

The Gay Christian Network

My screen name of Christless Christianity is to make Christians aware of how we can easily live out a christless Christianity in many ways, including discrimination against non-heterosexuals. Scripture interpertation needs to be looked at through the gospel of God's grace for sinners.
Paul never met Jesus, unless he was involved in killing him too.

According to the Bible, Saul met Jesus on the Damascus road. Here's an interesting verse on the topic.

But he said to them, “Not everyone can receive this saying, but only those to whom it is given. For there are eunuchs who have been so from birth, and there are eunuchs who have been made eunuchs by men, and there are eunuchs who have made themselves eunuchs for the sake of the kingdom of heaven. Let the one who is able to receive this receive it.” - Jesus


THE WOMAN WHO WAS CAUGHT IN THE ACT OF ADULTERY.....she was told to go and sin no more...she wasn't told to come join us and sin no more....or go and continue disregarding the teachings that are for our benefit and protection...the commandments are to follow and Rabbi Jesus obeyed them....we all were not taught these things growing up but now that we are made aware of them we need to change our lives......homosexuality is harmful to the health and so is lesbianism and so is having sexual ralations with animals and so is masturbation
THE WOMAN WHO WAS CAUGHT IN THE ACT OF ADULTERY.....she was told to go and sin no more...she wasn't told to come join us and sin no more....or go and continue disregarding the teachings that are for our benefit and protection...the commandments are to follow and Rabbi Jesus obeyed them....we all were not taught these things growing up but now that we are made aware of them we need to change our lives......homosexuality is harmful to the health and so is lesbianism and so is having sexual ralations with animals and so is masturbation

The woman caught in adultery has nothing to do with homosexuality. Could you show me a verse from Rabbi Jesus addressing homosexuality? We can discuss the Bible too if you want on the topic. You might be surprised what is written or not written on the topic in the Scriptures.

On the topic of Lordship and antinomianism, we are called to love the Lord our God with all of our heart, soul, strength, and mind, and to love our neighbors as ourselves. When we don't do this perfectly, we are in sin. Therefore, nobody can go for an entire day and be sinless. We also sin when we fall short of the glory of God. Believers and unbelievers alike fall short of this each and every day.

J Bryson

Well-Known Member
THE WOMAN WHO WAS CAUGHT IN THE ACT OF ADULTERY.....she was told to go and sin no more...she wasn't told to come join us and sin no more....or go and continue disregarding the teachings that are for our benefit and protection...the commandments are to follow and Rabbi Jesus obeyed them....we all were not taught these things growing up but now that we are made aware of them we need to change our lives......homosexuality is harmful to the health and so is lesbianism and so is having sexual ralations with animals and so is masturbation

Could you show me any medical reports stating that any of these are harmful to one's health?


I am a registered nurse in a public clinic. There is damage to the anal sphincter, rectal ulcers, and leakage of stool in male homosexuals. Lesbians are greatly raising their risk of cancer by not having children or nursing babies. Every time a female has a menstrual cycle her cancer risk goes up. That is why having children early and having many is good for women.

J Bryson

Well-Known Member
I am a registered nurse in a public clinic. There is damage to the anal sphincter, rectal ulcers, and leakage of stool in male homosexuals. Lesbians are greatly raising their risk of cancer by not having children or nursing babies. Every time a female has a menstrual cycle her cancer risk goes up. That is why having children early and having many is good for women.

1) The same thing can happen to women if the partner isn't careful. It doesn't need to happen to men when the partner is careful.

2) "Lesbian" does not automatically equal "Childless". Many lesbians do choose to bear children, and are wonderful mothers.


Done here.
I am a registered nurse in a public clinic. There is damage to the anal sphincter, rectal ulcers, and leakage of stool in male homosexuals.
I've worked in a doctor's office where about a third of the patients were gay, as well as in a nursing home and a hospital, and I'm gay myself. I've never come across a case of any of these that resulted from anal intercourse.

Lesbians are greatly raising their risk of cancer by not having children or nursing babies. Every time a female has a menstrual cycle her cancer risk goes up. That is why having children early and having many is good for women.
(1) Women's life expectancy only exceeded men's less than a century ago, as medical science advanced enough to be able to deal with the obvious health risks of pregnancy and childbearing. (2) Women who have sex with men are at greater risk for cervical cancer than women who don't. (3) Women who don't take the pill are at greater risk for uterine cancer than women who do.

In short, there are some mild health risks for everything we do, and anybody with even a lick of sense can see that pregnancy and childbearing pose their own special risks. To promote frequent childbearing as a way to improve women's health is just plain stupid and reckless, and in a healthcare professional it's inexcusable.

homosexuality is harmful to the health and so is lesbianism and so is having sexual ralations with animals and so is masturbation
I don't know or care anything about the health risks of sex with non-human animals, but to go on a public forum and claim that masturbation is harmful to the health is ridiculous. It just goes to show that you can be a nurse and still be completely ignorant on health issues. Using your status as a nurse to lend credibility to this nonsense is unethical and irresponsible.

One pressing issue that affects the health of both gay men and gay women is discrimination from healthcare professionals, and hesitating even to seek medical care because of the fear of such discrimination. When you, as a nurse, engage in such stupid propaganda for the purpose of excusing your own bigotry, you become a very real part of the problem. You should be ashamed of such unprofessional behavior.


I am a registered nurse in a public clinic. There is damage to the anal sphincter, rectal ulcers, and leakage of stool in male homosexuals. Lesbians are greatly raising their risk of cancer by not having children or nursing babies. Every time a female has a menstrual cycle her cancer risk goes up. That is why having children early and having many is good for women.

Good grief! Is this what they teach nurses in Florida????? :facepalm:


Tu Stultus Es
I am a registered nurse in a public clinic. There is damage to the anal sphincter, rectal ulcers, and leakage of stool in male homosexuals. Lesbians are greatly raising their risk of cancer by not having children or nursing babies. Every time a female has a menstrual cycle her cancer risk goes up. That is why having children early and having many is good for women.
Good grief! Is this what they teach nurses in Florida????? :facepalm:
I'll bet a large chunk of money no nursing school in the U.S. teaches anything even remotely so ridiculous, but I'll bet the same amount of cash that Elisheba's religious orthodoxy does teach such nonsense.
Just a hunch.


Intentionally Blank
this is actually a very good point, and i think a lot of traditonal family activists miss out on this.

why not focus on rasing awareness of domestic abuse, infidelity, child neglect, and irresponsible parenting within and without the evangelical Christian community, and take more care about the people involved than the institutions being mourned?

I'd say because it's easier to demonize other people than change your own behavior.


Well-Known Member
Kurt you still have not provided an example in which homosexuals have threatened the "traditional family" or inhibit the rights of others...


Intentionally Blank
homosexuality is harmful to the health and so is lesbianism and ... so is masturbation

Could you present the facts behind these statements? Comparitive longevity for lesbians vs. heterosexual women? Negative health impacts of masturbation?

I believe that actually heterosexuality is harmful to the health, since it results in pregnancy, abortion, STDs, and increased domestic violence. Lesbianism greatly reduces the chances of any of these, and is a healthier way of life for women.


CC ~

thank you, CC.

i'm not sure if this is a position you're implying that you agree with as well, but the thing is that in Christ (since becoming a Christian) God has convicted me that it's wrong. it doesn't honour Him, how He's created us, or who we're meant to be in Him. and if you're implying that you feel this way too even while identifying as gay, please accept my empathy and my sincere respect.

and if not, you're right that Jesus never speaks about homosexuality, yet...

Jesus never speaks of homosexuality specifically, but He does have some harsh words about discipline, purity, and sexual immorality. Matthew 15:18-20 is a good example.

as Jesus was a Jew, preaching heavily from the Law, citing it frequently as His Father's Word, and referring to its authority, we have no reason to believe that Jesus' definition of sexual immorality has changed at all from how it is defined within the Law. including extra-marital affairs, relations with close relatives, and same-sex relations.

Jesus also speaks firmly and starkly on the place of sin within the heart, which doesn't get acted on yet still influences how we think and operate, and is still wrong. (Matthew 5:27-28)

God's grace does indeed extend to all sinners. and no one, no matter who they are, how they live and identify, or what they believe, deserves ridicule, hatred, or rudeness from Christians. if anything, they (and all) deserve respect, love, and to be treated as Christians would want to be treated themselves.

Here's an excellent website ministering to gay and lesbian Christians:

The Gay Christian Network

My screen name of Christless Christianity is to make Christians aware of how we can easily live out a christless Christianity in many ways, including discrimination against non-heterosexuals. Scripture interpertation needs to be looked at through the gospel of God's grace for sinners.


Intentionally Blank
I am a registered nurse in a public clinic. There is damage to the anal sphincter, rectal ulcers, and leakage of stool in male homosexuals. Lesbians are greatly raising their risk of cancer by not having children or nursing babies. Every time a female has a menstrual cycle her cancer risk goes up. That is why having children early and having many is good for women.

Aside from the fact that many lesbians, like myself, do have babies, your assertion is that a woman who bears children has a higher life expectancy than one who does not? Do you have any studies to back up this assertion?