Like Crocodile Dundee "that's not a knife!!!
That aint no scholar, this here is a scholar. Hell they wont let him teach a class on the NT.
John Dominic Crossan - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
John Dominic Crossan (born February 17, 1934
[1]) is an Irish-American
New Testament scholar
Now that's a historian.
scott is not PPSSST hey buddy PPPsssttt !!
Did you read in his whole wiki article anywhere where it called him a world renowned scholar?
Could I start getting some honesty ??????????????????????????
I never said Scott Hahn is a historical scholar.
*EDIT*. If he is not a scholar, why would the Religious Department at Yale (not a Catholic institution) publish his book? There seems to be no meeting on any common ground with you. You are the one that brought up Yale from a list of ivy league institutions, being
your pillar and ground of truth.
scholar - definition of scholar by The Free Dictionary
Scott Hahn is a university professor, author of 18 books, can be found on you tube and fits the bill of "scholar" according to the definition presented in the above link. I said, "world renowned scholar". He travels all over the world, but even that's not good enough because you couldn't find it in the infallible wikipedia.
When I point out the logical fallacies you have committed concerning paganism, you insult my intelligence by telling me I should take a class on logic, but give NO supporting documentation concerning
paganism in Catholic doctrine or practice. What ever you or anyone else can scrape up, fails scrutiny. I think The Hound of Heaven is nipping at your heels so you run faster.
"Here we call it the 'Fallacy of the Uniform Method of Science' -- the fallacy of taking one science as the norm, and making it the measure, the guide, the interpreter, and the inspiration of every other science." (Philosophy of Religion, 185)
Physics should be treated as physics, mathematics as mathematics, and especially, metaphysics as metaphysics. One should not use a scientific or mathematical method to do metaphysics and vice versa. As Etienne Gilson said,
"Theology, logic, physics, biology, psychology, sociology, economics, are fully competent to solve their own problems by their own methods…no particular science is competent to either solve metaphysical problems, or to judge their metaphysical solutions." (The Unity of Philosophical Experience, page 249)
Science and Religion by A.L.
Taking history/historicity or what ever you want to call it as the norm, and making it the measure, the guide, the interpreter, and the inspiration of every other science IS A FALLACY. I will let the readers decide who is being dishonest.
Any "historian" who denies the Resurrection of Christ is not a historian, but a propagandist, IMHO.
Briefly, therefore, the fact of
Christ's Resurrection is attested by more than 500 eyewitnesses, whose experience, simplicity, and uprightness of life rendered them incapable of inventing such a fable, who lived at a time when any attempt to deceive could have been easily discovered, who had nothing in this life to gain, but everything to lose by their testimony, whose moral
courage exhibited in their apostolic life can be explained only by their intimate conviction of the objective
truth of their message. Again the fact of
Christ's Resurrection is attested by the eloquent silence of the
Synagogue which had done everything to prevent deception, which could have easily discovered deception, if there had been any, which opposed only sleeping witnesses to the testimony of the Apostles, which did not punish the alleged carelessness of the official guard, and which could not answer the testimony of the Apostles except by threatening them "that they speak no more in this name to any man" (
Acts 4:17). Finally the thousands and millions, both
Jews and
Gentiles, who believed the testimony of the Apostles in spite of all the disadvantages following from such a
in short the origin of the Church, requires for its explanation the reality of Christ's Resurrection, for the rise of the Church without the Resurrection would have been a greater miracle than the Resurrection itself.
CATHOLIC ENCYCLOPEDIA: Resurrection of Jesus Christ
I will be focusing my time and energy in the Catholic DIR from now on where it won't be wasted on forum bullies.
Good day.