These are great facts to present--of which I am not ignorant. However, I never stated that homosexuality never existed in any culture, my essential point is the honoring of these societies. Certainly... there are Native American, Celtic, and other forms of homosexual spirituality or culture. My argument is there are several explanations for these phenomenon. For example, my fiance is Celtic descended and quite knowledgeable of her history, and it is her opinion that the history of the Celtic men indulging in homosexual behavior was due to the continuous warfare that this culture endured--in other words hyper-masculine characteristics exactly as the Graeco-Romans.
In the case of the Native Americans and their tranny veneration, this is no different than East Asian cultures venerating their transvestites. I mean, we observe this readily in ancient Cretans, Egyptians, and every other major civilization in history, including Hindu culture with sects who venerate with she-male sexually, so really I have not and cannot argue that you're not presenting accurate information, but it's still context that's important. That you mention the "Warrior Path" is another perfect example of how militarism effects the sexuality of a society--I would argue in adverse ways. Neither is the veneration of homosexuals and transvestites universal, as my fiance is also of Native background and can readily provide the fact that this is isolated to particular tribal customs. My final note on why particular tribes or groups of people decide to practice homosexuality and/or bisexualism on a cultural level is often due to the arid, hostile, and isolated nature of the environment where a man may go for weeks or months before having contact with the opposite sex, such as the Andes people.
Thank you for the info.