Jehovah our God is One
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blood was considered to be the 'source of life' the 'soul' of the animal or person, Gods view of blood is why there are such strong laws against the misuse of is about respect for life.
Gen. 9:3-4. Every moving animal that is alive may serve as food for YOU. As in the case of green vegetation, I do give it all to YOU, Only Flesh with its soulits bloodyou must not eat.
lev 3:17 It is a statute to time indefinite for YOUR generations, in all YOUR dwelling places: YOU must not eat any fat or any blood at all.
Lev 7:26 And YOU must not eat any blood in any places where YOU dwell, whether that of fowl or that of beast. 27 Any soul who eats any blood, that soul must be cut off from his people.
Deut 12:16 Only the blood YOU must not eat. On the earth you should pour it out as water
Deut 12:23 Simply be firmly resolved not to eat the blood, because the blood is the soul and you must not eat the soul with the flesh
Acts 15:20 abstain from things polluted by idols and from fornication and from what is strangled and from blood
Acts 21:25 As for the believers from among the nations, we have sent out, rendering our decision that they should keep themselves from what is sacrificed to idols as well as from blood
The womb, as we know, fills with blood and this blood is what forms the placenta...its the means of life for the child.
God made it punishable by death if sexual relations occurred during the menstrual cycle. We can assume from the above verses that blood is sacred to is the means by which living thing exist. Its where life begins and because life belongs to God, it is to be respected.
Lev 20:18 And where a man lies down with a menstruating woman and does lay bare her nakedness, he has exposed her source, and she herself has laid bare the source of her blood. So both of them must be cut off from among their people.
Now this verse shows us that the life in us belongs to God...we are his creations and this is why life is to be shows respect for the one who gives life
Ezekeil 18:4 Look! All the soulsto me they belong. As the soul of the father so likewise the soul of the sonto me they belong