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Is No Religion the New Religion?


Islamic Philosopher
To save you from yourself (I'm an agnostic). Why do you come here, to preach to the choir? FYI, this is a debate forum, and if it wasn't for those with no religion showing up, this wouldn't the interesting site it s.

It isn't the original intent but sometimes it's how it all comes out in the wash. Say stupid things and we'll call you on it. Keep saying the same stupid things and you're asking for ridicule.

Well, on occasion that has happened, but usually it's because they're goofy rather than funny.

Not an argument, but an explanation.

So, in as much as you have a good reason, why would you think an "argument" is necessary?

You mean, accept your belief rather than reject it? Fine! Give us a good reason.

What books? And are you saying you're not an animal, but what . . . . a toadstool or a piece of limburger?

Bearded or not, if god doesn't make sense why give it the time of day?

Difference between what?

Nah, other than religious folk intruding on the lives of others, I don't think atheists care what anyone believes.

By definition, no religion can be a religion. :D

By the way, welcome to RF. :thumbsup: Glad to have you aboard.


Interesting opinions. Thanks for the welcome!


Islamic Philosopher
Because religion has such an out of balance influence on our lives whether you are religious or not.
As an atheist I want to know why that is, how can we address this imbalance.
Religious people try to impose their beliefs on the non-religious.

In the UK we have religious schools paid for by the state; the CofE has unelected Bishops in our Parliament.
In the US the religious help restrict family planning and elect bigots.

Lol. Alright.


Islamic Philosopher
I suppose I was religious or spiritual when I first started on RF back in 2011. Guess what, ended up questioning a lot of my religious idealism. Found a lot of it I couldn't really justify. So when you find you can't justify a religious belief kind of end up not having any.

Still find RF for the most part informative and entertaining.

Very cool. Thanks for reading and responding.

Twilight Hue

Twilight, not bright nor dark, good nor bad.
I am actually quiet surprised after joining here on RF. The site in majority seems to be non-religious people. Is this the case in the world today? Not suggesting that it is good or bad.. but simply am curious to know if people you interact with on the daily claim a religion or not?

Curious.. Why come to a religious site if you are not religious?
I respect anyone that is here to open minds and spread love but why just get on here to make fun of what people believe.. I just don't understand

I know the last 20 years atheism has increased by over 20%..
Of course an easy argument for them would be people are finally waking up.
However, from my side it also fulfills prophecies because in the end times more people will be away from God and living strictly for materialism.

I wish people would dig deeper within instead of running away.
These books were meant to teach and help people who were animals.
I think some might think of God as a bearded guy in the sky and call it quits.

If people of no religion are teaming up spreading their word to religious people what is the difference?
Next there will be atheist instead of Jehovahs Witness knocking on doors.

Is no religion the new religion in todays hip modern culture?

View attachment 25128
I just see it as a return to the way people were before religion was even introduced.

It's actually very natural and normal to not believe in a god , given the fact we had none such belief when we were born. In essence , cleaning the slate of the mental clutter.

Of course a person doesn't have to believe in God in order to be religious as well , given there are a number of religions that don't have deities or any kind of belief in the Supernatural. The wonder and awe we get from the natural world suffices nicely without all the bells and whistles.

I suppose some theistic beliefs get targeted because of how irrational and bizarre they can be, and makes people act the same way. You pretty much can't help but contest that in debate venues, but that's directed toward the ideologies themselves, not the person.

I do agree some people probably come on to poke fun at the person themselves, but it's really counterproductive when ad homonyms are made the norm in any kind of debate or discussion.

Being a Christian once, I can relate with theists from a personal perspective so I do my best to target the belief, not the believer.


ALL in all
Premium Member
I am a Muslim that "knows" God. We are the ocean in one drop.
And no.. I won't take my clothes off for you.

allahu akbar is greater than clothes, greater than religions

god doesn't require a religion for itself, even if some require a religion for god. adam and eve had no organized religion and talked directly to god. god isn't found anymore in a religion as it is in another place.
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ALL in all
Premium Member
I think some religious folk post mostly in DIRs rather than in the open forum.

I'm one of those "spiritual but not religious" folk. I believe there is something beyond the material that I call God. But I don't find organized religion attractive to me as I'm not attracted to doctrine and rituals..

I find I learn a number of things by participating here and have a chance to offer a perspective that might or might not be helpful.
i have learned quite a lot from many. many including the avowed atheist humanist.

religion that enslaves doesn't lead to god. it leads to idolatry of religion.

it is wonderful to know that there are those who wonder and wander out here with us infidels, pagans, and dalit.

thanks for walking in the darkness with us.
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RF's Swedenborgian
There's a mark of extraterrestrial intelligence left in our genetic coding as evident by how the numeric and semantic message of 037 appears in our genetic code. Each codon relates to 3 other particular codons having the same particular type of initial nucleobase and sequential nucleobase subsequently then followed by a different ending nucleobase. Half of these 4 set of codon groups ( whole family codons ) each code for the same particular amino acid. The other half of those 4 set of codon groups ( split codons ) don't code for the same amino acid. So then, in the case of whole family codons, there are 37 amino acid peptide chain nucleons for each relevant nucleobase determinant of how a particular amino acid gets coded. Start codons express 0 at the beginning of 37 Hence, the meaningful numeric and semantic message of 037 gets unambiguously and factually conveyed to us descendants of our cosmic ancestor(s) with our genetic code invented by a superior intelligence beyond that of anybody presently bound to Earth.

Exactly who/what left its/their mark in our genetic coding might not ever get determined by anybody presently bound to Earth. The search for our cosmic relatives and cosmic common ancestor likely then needs to be done with advanced space exploration. I'd like to urge everybody who's interested in our cosmic ancestry, then to please advise our Senate, Congress and President to expand our tax-payer funded resources for advance space exploration.



Well-Known Member
I am actually quiet surprised after joining here on RF. The site in majority seems to be non-religious people. Is this the case in the world today? Not suggesting that it is good or bad.. but simply am curious to know if people you interact with on the daily claim a religion or not?

Curious.. Why come to a religious site if you are not religious?
I respect anyone that is here to open minds and spread love but why just get on here to make fun of what people believe.. I just don't understand

I know the last 20 years atheism has increased by over 20%..
Of course an easy argument for them would be people are finally waking up.
However, from my side it also fulfills prophecies because in the end times more people will be away from God and living strictly for materialism.

I wish people would dig deeper within instead of running away.
These books were meant to teach and help people who were animals.
I think some might think of God as a bearded guy in the sky and call it quits.

If people of no religion are teaming up spreading their word to religious people what is the difference?
Next there will be atheist instead of Jehovahs Witness knocking on doors.

Is no religion the new religion in todays hip modern culture?

View attachment 25128

In my neck of the woods, many people are tired of hearing religion as a believe this or go to heck sort of philosophy club. I identify as a Christian but not as someone who has joined such a club.

Religion should teach truths that can be experienced directly. Self referencing sacred scripture gets old and misses an opportunity for pointing toward a deeper truth that speaks better of God IMO.

I love the atheists here because they see through the dogma and the willfull ignorance. They keep religion from spoiling and remaining stale and dissociated from science that helps us to see Gods creation in a better light.


Asteroid insurance?
I am actually quiet surprised after joining here on RF. The site in majority seems to be non-religious people. Is this the case in the world today? Not suggesting that it is good or bad.. but simply am curious to know if people you interact with on the daily claim a religion or not?

Curious.. Why come to a religious site if you are not religious?
I respect anyone that is here to open minds and spread love but why just get on here to make fun of what people believe.. I just don't understand

I know the last 20 years atheism has increased by over 20%..
Of course an easy argument for them would be people are finally waking up.
However, from my side it also fulfills prophecies because in the end times more people will be away from God and living strictly for materialism.

I wish people would dig deeper within instead of running away.
These books were meant to teach and help people who were animals.
I think some might think of God as a bearded guy in the sky and call it quits.

If people of no religion are teaming up spreading their word to religious people what is the difference?
Next there will be atheist instead of Jehovahs Witness knocking on doors.

Is no religion the new religion in todays hip modern culture?

View attachment 25128
Welcome, glad to see you join.. nice to see more Muslims on RF and the perspective and humor. Warning about the RF playground... you cant get offended easily. Christian's will read blasphemous text against God or Christ and so will Muslims. It is what it is, a debate forum of several religious Faith's and science. Athiest here on RF are generally well trained in science and history and by nature debate in a way that would be considered as blasphemous against God. Just saying. But all in all some topics become quite interesting and sometimes a learning experience.


Well-Known Member
Curious.. Why come to a religious site if you are not religious?
Why not? I am not religious but religion is a very interesting and important topic to me. Religion has been part of human culture for at least thousands, possibly tens of thousands of years...I think it deserves to be discussed and debated - don't you?


Nothing my eye, Something for sure
I sort of have my own religion and its all my perspective, and commands nothing other than do no evil.

I grew up in religion though very unwillingly. Much of my language, and how i talk about things is from religious influences.

In this day and age its time to begin to root out all the poisons of religions. Because there is also some very good things to keep about religion. The language of the soul for instance.

In a thousand years if humanity is still around i doubt religion will be the same as it is now.

Welcome to RF!


One Planet, One People, Please!
Premium Member
I sort of have my own religion and its all my perspective, and commands nothing other than do no evil.

I grew up in religion though very unwillingly. Much of my language, and how i talk about things is from religious influences.

In this day and age its time to begin to root out all the poisons of religions. Because there is also some very good things to keep about religion. The language of the soul for instance.

In a thousand years if humanity is still around i doubt religion will be the same as it is now.

Welcome to RF!

I see religion will be around and that civilization as we know it will be very different.

In every town there will be a house of worship surrounded by support institutions, like hospitals, aged care, schools and the like. I see the cities gone and decentralization paving the way where agriculture and food production will again be a towns backbone.

A different future indeed where science will take us through space and time easily and swiftly.

Regards Tony


Islamic Philosopher
I just see it as a return to the way people were before religion was even introduced.

It's actually very natural and normal to not believe in a god , given the fact we had none such belief when we were born. In essence , cleaning the slate of the mental clutter.

Of course a person doesn't have to believe in God in order to be religious as well , given there are a number of religions that don't have deities or any kind of belief in the Supernatural. The wonder and awe we get from the natural world suffices nicely without all the bells and whistles.

I suppose some theistic beliefs get targeted because of how irrational and bizarre they can be, and makes people act the same way. You pretty much can't help but contest that in debate venues, but that's directed toward the ideologies themselves, not the person.

I do agree some people probably come on to poke fun at the person themselves, but it's really counterproductive when ad homonyms are made the norm in any kind of debate or discussion.

Being a Christian once, I can relate with theists from a personal perspective so I do my best to target the belief, not the believer.

I think that's great. Much respect!


Islamic Philosopher
allahu akbar is greater than clothes, greater than religions

god doesn't require a religion for itself, even if some require a religion for god. adam and eve had no organized religion and talked directly to god. god isn't found anymore in a religion as it is in another place.

allahu akbar is greater than clothes, greater than religions

god doesn't require a religion for itself, even if some require a religion for god. adam and eve had no organized religion and talked directly to god. god isn't found anymore in a religion as it is in another place.

Ok. Cool opinion.


Islamic Philosopher
In my neck of the woods, many people are tired of hearing religion as a believe this or go to heck sort of philosophy club. I identify as a Christian but not as someone who has joined such a club.

Religion should teach truths that can be experienced directly. Self referencing sacred scripture gets old and misses an opportunity for pointing toward a deeper truth that speaks better of God IMO.

I love the atheists here because they see through the dogma and the willfull ignorance. They keep religion from spoiling and remaining stale and dissociated from science that helps us to see Gods creation in a better light.

I was once an atheist so I actually dont mind the ones either as long as they arent here to poke fun at people.


Islamic Philosopher
Welcome, glad to see you join.. nice to see more Muslims on RF and the perspective and humor. Warning about the RF playground... you cant get offended easily. Christian's will read blasphemous text against God or Christ and so will Muslims. It is what it is, a debate forum of several religious Faith's and science. Athiest here on RF are generally well trained in science and history and by nature debate in a way that would be considered as blasphemous against God. Just saying. But all in all some topics become quite interesting and sometimes a learning experience.

Thanks for the warm welcome!