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Is No Religion the New Religion?


RF's Swedenborgian

تخيل ان ليس هناك جنة
الامر سهل اذا تحاول ان تتخيل ذلك
وانه لا توجد هناك جهنم تحتنا
فوقنا فقط سماء
تخيل كل الناس
يعيشون من اجل يومهم

تخيل ان ليس هناك دول
ليس من الصعب تخيل ذلك
وان ليس هناك ما نقتل او نموت من اجله
وان ليس هناك اي اديان ايضا
تخيل كل الناس
يعيشون الحياة في سلام

قد تقول اني مجرد واهم
ولكني لست الشخص الوحيد الذي يحلم بذلك
اتمنى يوما ما ان تشاركنا الحلم
وان يكون العالم واحد

تخيل ان ليس هناك اي ممتلكات
اتساءل ما اذا كان بامكانك تصور ذلك
فلن يكون داعي حينها للجشع ولا مكان للجوع
بل اخوة في الانسانية
تخيل كل الناس
يقتسمون العالم كله

قد تقول اني مجرد واهم
ولكني لست الشخص الوحيد الذي يحلم بذلك
اتمنى يوما ما ان تشاركنا الحلم
وان يعيش العالم كروح واحدة



Islamic Philosopher

تخيل ان ليس هناك جنة
الامر سهل اذا تحاول ان تتخيل ذلك
وانه لا توجد هناك جهنم تحتنا
فوقنا فقط سماء
تخيل كل الناس
يعيشون من اجل يومهم

تخيل ان ليس هناك دول
ليس من الصعب تخيل ذلك
وان ليس هناك ما نقتل او نموت من اجله
وان ليس هناك اي اديان ايضا
تخيل كل الناس
يعيشون الحياة في سلام

قد تقول اني مجرد واهم
ولكني لست الشخص الوحيد الذي يحلم بذلك
اتمنى يوما ما ان تشاركنا الحلم
وان يكون العالم واحد

تخيل ان ليس هناك اي ممتلكات
اتساءل ما اذا كان بامكانك تصور ذلك
فلن يكون داعي حينها للجشع ولا مكان للجوع
بل اخوة في الانسانية
تخيل كل الناس
يقتسمون العالم كله

قد تقول اني مجرد واهم
ولكني لست الشخص الوحيد الذي يحلم بذلك
اتمنى يوما ما ان تشاركنا الحلم
وان يعيش العالم كروح واحدة

John Lennon in Arabic? lol. Nice!


Well-Known Member
I am actually quiet surprised after joining here on RF. The site in majority seems to be non-religious people. Is this the case in the world today? Not suggesting that it is good or bad.. but simply am curious to know if people you interact with on the daily claim a religion or not?

Curious.. Why come to a religious site if you are not religious?
I respect anyone that is here to open minds and spread love but why just get on here to make fun of what people believe.. I just don't understand

I know the last 20 years atheism has increased by over 20%..
Of course an easy argument for them would be people are finally waking up.
However, from my side it also fulfills prophecies because in the end times more people will be away from God and living strictly for materialism.

I wish people would dig deeper within instead of running away.
These books were meant to teach and help people who were animals.
I think some might think of God as a bearded guy in the sky and call it quits.

If people of no religion are teaming up spreading their word to religious people what is the difference?
Next there will be atheist instead of Jehovahs Witness knocking on doors.

Is no religion the new religion in todays hip modern culture?

View attachment 25128
I have observed atheism as a religion in this forum for years. It can be a very aggressive religion with itś god science.

Mockery, sarcasm, name calling, are all part of itś aggression here against people of faith. Don´t let it bother you. If you don´t want to engage them, ignore them.


RF's Swedenborgian
The first individual of the genus Homo-species formed from a couple of Australopithecus hetero zygotes, each of whom had the same type of chromosome rearrangements formed by fusion of the whole long arms of two acrocentric chromosomes, mated together and reproduced viable and fertile offspring with 46 chromosomes.

This first generation of Homo habilis then incestuously bred with each other and reproduced the next subsequent generation of Homo habilis.

  1. J. Tjio and A. Levan. 1956. The chromosome number of Man. Hereditas, 42( 1-2): 1-6.
  2. W. Ijdo et al.1991. Origin of human chromosome 2: an ancestral telomere-telomere fusión. PNAS, 88: 9051-9056.
  3. Meyer et al. 2012 A high-coverage genome sequence from an archaic Denisovan individual. Science, 338:222-226.; K. H. Miga. 2016. Chromosome-specific Centromere sequences provide an estímate of the Ancestral Chromosome 2 Fusion event in Hominin Genome.Journ. of Heredity. 1-8. Doi:10.1093/jhered/esw039.



Therefore, the first living breathing human being was never directly formed out of dirt/clay by God/Allah as the Bible/Quran falsely claims.

Former Christians and Ex-Muslims, who have this understanding of how humans precisely evolved , know the Biblical and Islamic tales of Creation are mythological rather than factual.

These myths are the made-up stories of ancient nomadic tribesmen rather than God's word.

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Witness for Jehovah
Premium Member
Oh really?
Yes. When Jesus told his disciples @ Matthew 5:44, to "love your enemy," did that have a stipulation attached? Was there a time when a Christian wasn't? This love is "agapé", based on principle; it doesn't require having warm feelings for your enemy, but it does mean caring for their needs, if necessary. Never to their harm.

The point is, for professed Christianity, their leaders haven't really followed Christ's example....the flock have heard the words, but then see the hypocrisy....hypocrisy always turns people off. From there, it's a short step to not embracing any religion....at least in Christendom.

Notice Jesus' own condemnation of many of those who claim him as their Lord @ Matthew 7:21-23.


Ontological Naturalist
Premium Member
I have observed atheism as a religion in this forum for years. It can be a very aggressive religion with itś god science.

Mockery, sarcasm, name calling, are all part of itś aggression here against people of faith. Don´t let it bother you. If you don´t want to engage them, ignore them.

We don't hate the believer. We hate the belief :)


- viole


Islamic Philosopher
I have observed atheism as a religion in this forum for years. It can be a very aggressive religion with itś god science.

Mockery, sarcasm, name calling, are all part of itś aggression here against people of faith. Don´t let it bother you. If you don´t want to engage them, ignore them.
What a breath of fresh air. I greatly appreciate the kind and helpful words.


Ontological Naturalist
Premium Member
I am actually quiet surprised after joining here on RF. The site in majority seems to be non-religious people. Is this the case in the world today? Not suggesting that it is good or bad.. but simply am curious to know if people you interact with on the daily claim a religion or not?

Maybe I already said that. Where I come from it is easier to meet an atheist than a believer in personal God. I guess it is about 80% vs 20%. At least from my experience with my fellow citizens in the North.

Curious.. Why come to a religious site if you are not religious?

You contradict yourself. You say on the title that atheism might be the new religion and a few lines below you say we are not religious.
I am aware that religion and logic are a bit like water and oil, but it makes it difficult for us to answer correctly.

I respect anyone that is here to open minds and spread love but why just get on here to make fun of what people believe.. I just don't understand

I have an open mind. I am even ready to accept the possibility that Mickey Mouse or the Blue Fairy created the Universe, if there were a shred of evidence. But since the various gods people happen to believe in (by sheer accident of birth) and Mickey Mouse share the same evidence, I cannot really logically give more respect to one and not the other. Therefore, I act ecumenically and give the same amount of respect to all of them, ceteris paribus.

I know the last 20 years atheism has increased by over 20%..
Of course an easy argument for them would be people are finally waking up.
However, from my side it also fulfills prophecies because in the end times more people will be away from God and living strictly for materialism.
Then you should be happy. Jesus is coming soon, then.

I wish people would dig deeper within instead of running away.
These books were meant to teach and help people who were animals.
I think some might think of God as a bearded guy in the sky and call it quits.
We grew up from those days. We replaced astrology with astronomy and alchemy with chemistry. Time to get rid of the other vestiges of our intellectual infancy.

And we do not need gods to know how to behave. I hope you agree, otherwise I suggest you keep believing. By all means.

If people of no religion are teaming up spreading their word to religious people what is the difference?
Next there will be atheist instead of Jehovahs Witness knocking on doors.

You sure? There are many more atheists in the world than JWs, and I never received any home visit from them.

Is no religion the new religion in todays hip modern culture?

Maybe, that would at least explain why we are so active on religious forums (or is it fora?). :)

Joking aside, that is absurd. "No religion" is not a religion. If it was, then everyone would be tautologically religious and religiosity would be a useless word defining nothing.


- viole
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Islamic Philosopher
Maybe I already said that. Where I come from it is easier to meet an atheist than a believer in personal God. I guess it is about 80% vs 20%. At least from my experience with my fellow citizens in the North.

You contradict yourself. You say on the title that atheism might be the new religion and a few lines below you say we are not religious.
I am aware that religion and logic are a bit like water and oil, but it makes it difficult for us to answer correctly.

I have an open mind. I am even ready to accept the possibility that Mickey Mouse or the Blue Fairy created the Universe, if there were a shred of evidence. But since the various gods people happen to believe in (by sheer accident of birth) and Mickey Mouse share the same evidence, I cannot really logically give more respect to one and not the other. Therefore, I act ecumenically and give the same amount of respect to all of them.

Then you should be happy. Jesus is coming soon, then.

We grew up from those days. We replaced astrology with astronomy and alchemy with chemistry. Time to get rid of our intellectual infancy.

And we do not need gods to know how to behave. I hope you agree, otherwise I suggest you keep believing. By all means.

You sure? There are many more atheists in the world than JWs, and I never received any home visit from them.

Maybe, that would at least explain why we are so active on religious forums (or is it fora?). :)

Joking aside, that is absurd. "No religion" is not a religion. If it was, then everyone would be tautologically religious and religiosity would be a useless word defining nothing.


- viole

Thanks for the response


Well-Known Member
Maybe I already said that. Where I come from it is easier to meet an atheist than a believer in personal God. I guess it is about 80% vs 20%. At least from my experience with my fellow citizens in the North.

You contradict yourself. You say on the title that atheism might be the new religion and a few lines below you say we are not religious.
I am aware that religion and logic are a bit like water and oil, but it makes it difficult for us to answer correctly.

I have an open mind. I am even ready to accept the possibility that Mickey Mouse or the Blue Fairy created the Universe, if there were a shred of evidence. But since the various gods people happen to believe in (by sheer accident of birth) and Mickey Mouse share the same evidence, I cannot really logically give more respect to one and not the other. Therefore, I act ecumenically and give the same amount of respect to all of them, ceteris paribus.

Then you should be happy. Jesus is coming soon, then.

We grew up from those days. We replaced astrology with astronomy and alchemy with chemistry. Time to get rid of the other vestiges of our intellectual infancy.

And we do not need gods to know how to behave. I hope you agree, otherwise I suggest you keep believing. By all means.

You sure? There are many more atheists in the world than JWs, and I never received any home visit from them.

Maybe, that would at least explain why we are so active on religious forums (or is it fora?). :)

Joking aside, that is absurd. "No religion" is not a religion. If it was, then everyone would be tautologically religious and religiosity would be a useless word defining nothing.


- viole
You are wrong dear girl. A religion is based upon faith in an ultimately inerrant oracle. Most atheists worship at the oracle of science.


Ontological Naturalist
Premium Member
You are wrong dear girl. A religion is based upon faith in an ultimately inerrant oracle. Most atheists worship at the oracle of science.

Yes, and I recite the Pythagorean theorem every night before going to sleep, so that science watches over me and protects me from evil. LOL.

It does not really need science to show the implausibility of the various gods or beliefs in global floods, first men 6000 years ago, etc.. I admit to do it sometimes when I feel lazy.

Otherwise, it is like using a H bomb to kill a mosquito. A bit of simple logic would be plenty.


- viole

A Vestigial Mote

Well-Known Member
I have observed atheism as a religion in this forum for years. It can be a very aggressive religion with itś god science.

Mockery, sarcasm, name calling, are all part of itś aggression here against people of faith. Don´t let it bother you. If you don´t want to engage them, ignore them.
And asserting that atheists maintain a "god science", while perhaps not mocking, is, of course, passive-aggression at its most obvious. And here you are, implying that you and your theistic pal-arounds take the high road. That's not what I see. That's not what I experience. Maybe once or twice have I come across theists who truly cared about everyone. When they learned I was an atheist, do you know what these individuals expressed? Curiosity - and I was treated as a friend and fellow human being in all our discourse. I don't at all attribute their behavior to their theism of choice. How could I when so many others react as you do? Snide comments and slander on the sly... most often just vague enough that the theist can try and back-track out of it to save face if necessary.

Segev Moran

Well-Known Member
I am actually quiet surprised after joining here on RF.

I love being surprised :) it means you've learned something new ;)
The site in majority seems to be non-religious people.

I also think that.
Is this the case in the world today?
I think you need to be more precise than that.
I think most people are NOT religious, but most people believe in a "higher" meaning or power.
I am not religious, yet i have found that the world has much more to offer than what we sense :)
Not suggesting that it is good or bad.. but simply am curious to know if people you interact with on the daily claim a religion or not?
Mostly not for me :)
Curious.. Why come to a religious site if you are not religious?
I think that whether you are a "believer" or not, the question of humans and of our universe is always interesting.
People will always look for answers and people love sharing their POV.
I respect anyone that is here to open minds and spread love but why just get on here to make fun of what people believe.. I just don't understand
Not saying it is ok to do that, but some people lack the ability to express their thought properly so they express it using "fun making" :)
When someone mocks your beliefs it will mostly be due to the fact he doesn't really know what you believe or he thinks your belief is false.
Lacking the ability to express he's mind, the easy way is to call your belief BS.
I know the last 20 years atheism has increased by over 20%..
Makes sense.
The more science is advanced, the more atheism will appear.
The funny thing is that eventually, even these days, science becomes more and more "spiritual" in it concepts, yet people accept them as natural and not spiritual.
if you'll describe quantum physics to someone in 1900, it will surely sound like fairy tales and mystic thinking.
IMO, there will be a time (sooner than later as it seems), that science and spirituality be the exact same thing.

Of course an easy argument for them would be people are finally waking up.
Or falling asleep ;)
I used to sleep.. than i woke up. only than i even realized i was a sleep :)
However, from my side it also fulfills prophecies because in the end times more people will be away from God and living strictly for materialism.
I wish people would dig deeper within instead of running away.
I share the same wish :)
These books were meant to teach and help people who were animals.
What do you mean?
We are also a kind of animal today :)

I think many people don't realize how smart people were back in the days.

I think some might think of God as a bearded guy in the sky and call it quits.

Lol.. I don't think this is the case
If people of no religion are teaming up spreading their word to religious people what is the difference?
The difference is in the statements.
People who don't believe, usually claim that there is no reason to believe as there is no evidence.
People who believe claim there is no reason not believing as there is no evidence that falsifies their beliefs.
I happen to be one who believes because i simply cannot overlook the truth anymore :)
Next there will be atheist instead of Jehovahs Witness knocking on doors.

I don't think so.
I think you are taking it too far.
In the end, atheists wants to be left alone. this means they don't want people who believe to force their beliefs on others.
I agree with that btw, i can't see a reason why one should force anyone to follow their beliefs.
If each religion had no affect on non believers, imo you wouldn't have hear about atheist at all. (there are of course exceptions, but they are minority)
Is no religion the new religion in todays hip modern culture?
Religion is based on traditional customs.
No religion is not based on them :)
Science is based on hard facts, assumptions and sensory evidence.


Well-Known Member
And asserting that atheists maintain a "god science", while perhaps not mocking, is, of course, passive-aggression at its most obvious. And here you are, implying that you and your theistic pal-arounds take the high road. That's not what I see. That's not what I experience. Maybe once or twice have I come across theists who truly cared about everyone. When they learned I was an atheist, do you know what these individuals expressed? Curiosity - and I was treated as a friend and fellow human being in all our discourse. I don't at all attribute their behavior to their theism of choice. How could I when so many others react as you do? Snide comments and slander on the sly... most often just vague enough that the theist can try and back-track out of it to save face if necessary.

Passive aggression, no, an opinion based upon the scientific method of observation. Snide comment ? no, again a construct based upon the elements of religion, and how atheists use them. Nothing sly about it.

If you look at the history of atheism in the 20th century you will find that most academic atheists divide the first 60 years or so as the era of old atheists, these folk discussed issues and compared positions in a calm civil way, the discussions were about idea;s, not people.

The latter half of the 20th century saw the rise of what old atheists call new atheists, or angry new atheists, like Hitchens and his cohorts who use the same methodology.

If you have heard them speak, or have read their books or monographs, you find bombast, hyperbole, sarcasm, and demeaning comments about people of faith.

Why they are angry, or adopt these tactics I can only surmise., I suspect they are angry because people of faith don';t buy what the atheists feel are arguments that, in their mind, are irrefutable and only a fool would reject them. Their rejection causes them to rage with insults.

Anther possibility is that they are just angry that people of faith still exist at all, agreeing with Lenin that " religion is the opiate of the people".

Most atheists here are angry new atheists. A conversation with them is very short before the superior attitude and arrogant personal swipes begin. They love to crash theological discussions with their nonsense,

Most people of faith are smarter than me, they ignore them as much as possible. When they begin their bull**** with me, I engage and slug it out it with them..I have always hated and stood up to bullies

A Vestigial Mote

Well-Known Member
Passive aggression, no, an opinion based upon the scientific method of observation. Snide comment ? no, again a construct based upon the elements of religion, and how atheists use them. Nothing sly about it.
Oh please... you know (I am quite certain - unless you have lived under a rock for quite some time, or have never actually "slugged it out" with atheists as you claim) that as soon as you equate any atheists invocation of science to "god" that you are purposefully pushing buttons. That is passive aggression - knowingly phrasing or stating things in such a way as to stir the ire of your intended audience. Don't lie.

If you look at the history of atheism in the 20th century you will find that most academic atheists divide the first 60 years or so as the era of old atheists, these folk discussed issues and compared positions in a calm civil way, the discussions were about idea;s, not people.
It was probably when the former method was simply shown not to work. No one cared, and new ridiculous ideas of theists just kept being piled on the heap.

The latter half of the 20th century saw the rise of what old atheists call new atheists, or angry new atheists, like Hitchens and his cohorts who use the same methodology.
My guess is that this is only because there are more atheists now, and so there is a much greater confidence in stating opinions. Much like Christians used to throw out slurs about atheists all the time, or hold ridiculously cartoonish beliefs of what an "Atheist" actually was (asserting that they worship the devil, or eat animals alive - stupid, ignorant statements like that). When Christians had the default "upper hand" in numbers and proliferation, there was a lot more tolerance for such ignorance. A lot more support for people who bad-mouthed atheists. Well... now the atheist "population" is in an up-swing, and so there is more support/tolerance for bashing theists. This shift in the dynamic isn't so hard to imagine.

Besides, there is only one of the two groups atheist and theist who, by virtue of the very beliefs they hold, adamantly insists that things that are not readily present in reality are, in fact, real. That's you, the theist, by the way. Individual atheists may or may not believe things that are not reflected by the reality we share our experience within... but theists hold these types of beliefs by definition. What is more likely to be ridiculed do you think? Reality? Or non-reality?

If you have heard them speak, or have read their books or monographs, you find bombast, hyperbole, sarcasm, and demeaning comments about people of faith.
And you obviously believe that insisting that atheists, as non-believers, are going to burn in hell, or will suffer judgment at the hand of God at any rate, or that atheists are, by default, immoral because they have no "source" for morality - you obviously don't consider those things to be "demeaning?" Because, I can assure you from personal experience, those types of things are stated all the time by particular groups of theists. All the time.

Why they are angry, or adopt these tactics I can only surmise., I suspect they are angry because people of faith don';t buy what the atheists feel are arguments that, in their mind, are irrefutable and only a fool would reject them. Their rejection causes them to rage with insults.
Christian and Islamic theists in particular are constantly making ridiculous and incorrect assumptions about atheists, and use those assumptions to slur the idea of "atheist". Maybe that makes some atheists angry? Just a guess.

Anther possibility is that they are just angry that people of faith still exist at all, agreeing with Lenin that " religion is the opiate of the people".
It is Karl Marx who is credited this, by the way - who was a German philosopher and economist. And here you are, attempting to attribute the quote to Vladimir Lenin - the Russian communist revolutionary. I can only assume that this is an attempt to tie atheism to communism as so many theists have done before. So... still think you are avoiding snide comments and passive aggression? Hmmm?

Most atheists here are angry new atheists. A conversation with them is very short before the superior attitude and arrogant personal swipes begin. They love to crash theological discussions with their nonsense,

I have always hated and stood up to bullies
And here's where we end up - my guess is that, like many theists (particularly speaking of Christian and Islamic theists again here) you feel that an atheist simply disagreeing with you, and making points or using analogies that thwart your position and make you uncomfortable, equates to you being "bullied" or "persecuted." This is your response when the going gets too tough because you are forced to realize how indefensible your position truly is. You call those arguing against you bullies, tormentors and persecutors and run away crying while attempting not to listen, so that you don't feel compelled to answer.


Well-Known Member
Oh please... you know (I am quite certain - unless you have lived under a rock for quite some time, or have never actually "slugged it out" with atheists as you claim) that as soon as you equate any atheists invocation of science to "god" that you are purposefully pushing buttons. That is passive aggression - knowingly phrasing or stating things in such a way as to stir the ire of your intended audience. Don't lie.

It was probably when the former method was simply shown not to work. No one cared, and new ridiculous ideas of theists just kept being piled on the heap.

My guess is that this is only because there are more atheists now, and so there is a much greater confidence in stating opinions. Much like Christians used to throw out slurs about atheists all the time, or hold ridiculously cartoonish beliefs of what an "Atheist" actually was (asserting that they worship the devil, or eat animals alive - stupid, ignorant statements like that). When Christians had the default "upper hand" in numbers and proliferation, there was a lot more tolerance for such ignorance. A lot more support for people who bad-mouthed atheists. Well... now the atheist "population" is in an up-swing, and so there is more support/tolerance for bashing theists. This shift in the dynamic isn't so hard to imagine.

Besides, there is only one of the two groups atheist and theist who, by virtue of the very beliefs they hold, adamantly insists that things that are not readily present in reality are, in fact, real. That's you, the theist, by the way. Individual atheists may or may not believe things that are not reflected by the reality we share our experience within... but theists hold these types of beliefs by definition. What is more likely to be ridiculed do you think? Reality? Or non-reality?

And you obviously believe that insisting that atheists, as non-believers, are going to burn in hell, or will suffer judgment at the hand of God at any rate, or that atheists are, by default, immoral because they have no "source" for morality - you obviously don't consider those things to be "demeaning?" Because, I can assure you from personal experience, those types of things are stated all the time by particular groups of theists. All the time.

Christian and Islamic theists in particular are constantly making ridiculous and incorrect assumptions about atheists, and use those assumptions to slur the idea of "atheist". Maybe that makes some atheists angry? Just a guess.

It is Karl Marx who is credited this, by the way - who was a German philosopher and economist. And here you are, attempting to attribute the quote to Vladimir Lenin - the Russian communist revolutionary. I can only assume that this is an attempt to tie atheism to communism as so many theists have done before. So... still think you are avoiding snide comments and passive aggression? Hmmm?

Most atheists here are angry new atheists. A conversation with them is very short before the superior attitude and arrogant personal swipes begin. They love to crash theological discussions with their nonsense,

And here's where we end up - my guess is that, like many theists (particularly speaking of Christian and Islamic theists again here) you feel that an atheist simply disagreeing with you, and making points or using analogies that thwart your position and make you uncomfortable, equates to you being "bullied" or "persecuted." This is your response when the going gets too tough because you are forced to realize how indefensible your position truly is. You call those arguing against you bullies, tormentors and persecutors and run away crying while attempting not to listen, so that you don't feel compelled to answer.
Nice diatribe, but erroneous none the less. Your anger is showing. Lenin used the quotation all the time, read some about him. I did not attribute it to him, I said, ¨as he said¨, not the same at all.

I make no judgement on anyoneś eternal destiny, the truth is the truth reject it or not. I cannot judge you, that is way beyond my pay grade, that is between you and God. BTW, I don´t believe in an eternal hell, and I believe the Bible supports that position.

I am never bullied or persecuted, I won´t allow it. I never run away, crying or otherwise, once you start down the dirty path, I am right there with you matching insult for insult using vastly superior well worded insults.

I don´t feel uncomfortable by engaging atheists, why should I ? I know your position is untenable, and you bother me not at all. Sticks and stones and all that. Agreeing to disagree is perfectly acceptable to me. Someone disagreeing with me doesn´t break my heart, it is quite common. I do take offense, for your sake, at the rage and childishness many of you display, like a kid who has been denied a sucker, when I simply maintain my position.

You will never change my belief, I will never change yours. We can talk about them using science, the discipline of logic, and philosophy. I don´t get angry when your belief doesn´t change, most of you do when my belief doesn´t change. There is the difference.

More atheists now is irrelevant to me, there will be more tomorrow and more the day after that. Most Christians for 2,000 years knew you would multiply like rabbits, we were told so.


Grand Hat
Staff member
Premium Member
I have observed atheism as a religion in this forum for years. It can be a very aggressive religion with itś god science.

Mockery, sarcasm, name calling, are all part of itś aggression here against people of faith. Don´t let it bother you. If you don´t want to engage them, ignore them.

Whereas you'd never over-generalise or mock people based on associations, I guess?


Well-Known Member
Whereas you'd never over-generalise or mock people based on associations, I guess?
I am certainly not perfect, and yes I have done those things. However, for the most part I don´t do it, unless, except in response to an initial attack. It is not part of my modus operandi, as it is with many atheists.