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Is Prince William the Antichrist ???


Active Member
If you can thwart the final antichrist by identifying him, won't he then turn out not to have been the final antichrist after all? And won't that mean that you have in fact, failed to identify the final antichrist, and have only falsely accused someone who was not the final antichrist at all?

I suspect your comments would seem more incisive if logic was actually at play here.


Veteran Member
Actually, that's a lion, representing Scotland. The Scottish lion is depicted rampant, while the English lions are depicted passant gardant.
Okay, I found it, here's the Red Dragon of Whales found on the Royal Coat of Arms.

Lower right side winged red dragon

John, in Revelation, and Daniel correctly identifies the Royal Coat of Arms, by revelation given to them by the Lord.

Revelation 13: 2
And the beast which I saw was like unto a leopard, and his feet were as the feet of a bear, and his mouth as the mouth of a lion: and the dragon gave him his power, and his seat, and great authority.

Daniel 7: 8
I considered the horns, and, behold, there came up among them another little horn, before whom there were three of the first horns plucked up by the roots: and, behold, in this horn were eyes like the eyes of man, and a mouth speaking great things.

Revelation 12: 3
And there appeared another wonder in heaven; and behold a great red dragon, having seven heads and ten horns, and seven crowns upon his heads.

Rampant Red Dragon of Whales

Red Dragon of Whales

This is the Red Dragon of Whales disguised on the current Royal Coat of Arms

Royal Coat of Arms Red Dragon (shield upper right)


Red Dragon of Whales

"The red dragon was used as his Badge by Owen Tudor. His grandson, Henry VII, took it as a token of his supposed descent from Cadwalader, the last of the line of Maelgwyn, King of Wales. The beast holds a shield bearing a leopard in each quarter; this was the coat of arms of Llewelyn ap Griffith, the last native prince of Wales."
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Veteran Member
Royal Coat of Arms of Scotland and the Rampant Red Dragon of Whales

1 Peter 5: 8
Be sober, be vigilant; because your adversary the devil, as a roaring lion, walketh about, seeking whom he may devour:
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Veteran Member
National Flag of Whales, the Red Dragon

Prince William of Whales

The Verichip (implanted RFID chip) must be leaking lithium into his brain.

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Veteran Member
If you can thwart the final antichrist by identifying him, won't he then turn out not to have been the final antichrist after all?
It's about fighting evil, and not being in the dark in the end times, as to what's really going on behind the scenes. Other's can choose to be in the dark, as to what's going on, but I'd rather not be.

Satan is a trickster, a coward, a thief, murderer, etc. He hides in unsuspecting places, and rules, dominates, and conquers when people are not paying attention.

Evil prospers when Christians are asleep doing nothing. Written words can have a great affect. Education is the key.

Better to send Satan back to hell earlier than later. Better to stop him before things get out of hand. Christ expects us to do our part. Christ will ultimately stop the antichrist and "trample the winepress alone" but we can do our small part in sending Satan back to hell with his demons.

The written word is more powerful than we could imagine.

And won't that mean that you have in fact, failed to identify the final antichrist, and have only falsely accused someone who was not the final antichrist at all?
I've identified many antichrists, whom I believe are true antichrists.

Adolf Hitler
Saddam Hussein
Osama Bin Laden
Hugo Chavez
Vladimir Putin
Mahmoud Ahmadinejad
Prophet Muhammad
Joseph Stalin
Vladimir Lenin

Will Prince William Arthur Philip Louis be the final antichrist, who comes in the name of peace, yet brings total destruction to the world, due to his bad policies, like causing the world's population to accept and implant themselves with RFID microchips, which he himself had implanted 14 years ago in 1995.
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Veteran Member
FFH, I'll take your silence as a resounding "NO."
I already answered your question about conference a few pages back, when you asked it the first time.

As far as church goes, no, I'm not attending church yet. I'm recovering from 20 years of abuse because of working for someone else half of my life and getting chewed out every day, even as a manager there was always someone above me more incompetent than myself.
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J Bryson

Well-Known Member

Is there anybody that you haven't yet identified to be the Antichrist?
Maybe Christ is the Antichrist...Think about it and don't get all offended and in my face, because unless you think about it real closely, you'll just be turned off by the idea and hurl superficial abuse at me...
Or maybe you're the Antichrist?
Maybe i'm the Antichrist!? :p


No! It's John "Johnny Rotten" Lydon! He even admits it here!

YouTube - Sex Pistols - Anarchy In The UK (Broadcast Debut)


Veteran Member
Watchman, do you not think it possible to listen to conference and post at the same time ???

No need to watch it, just listen to it, as I post. I didn't listen to all of it, just listened to the talks I was interested in and I will go back and listen to the stuff I liked again, stuff that I can learn more from.
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Veteran Member
Just for you Watchman, I'll go back and listen to the whole thing.

Doing it now, as I post.

LDS GENERAL CONFERENCE April 4-5, 2009 Internet link: LDS.org - Media

Wow, missed the opening song, that was actually awesome.

Saturday Morning Session

Entire Session

Saturday Afternoon Session

Entire Session

Sunday Morning Session

Entire Session

Sunday Afternoon Session

Entire Session

Okay, I've listed all the links to General Conference, to try and prove that I am LDS, to anyone here that doesn't think I'm actually LDS.

I am LDS and have been my whole life.

I only listened to the talks I liked, but I'll listen to all of them, all of General Conference, just for Watchmen, to prove that I am LDS and perfectly sane.

I already listened to Conference, but not all of it. I'm doing that now.
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Well-Known Member
Watchman, do you not think it possible to listen to conference and post at the same time ???

No need to watch it, just listen to it, as I post. I Didn't listen to all of it, just listened to the talks I was interested in and I will go back and listen to the stuff I liked, stuff that I can learn from.
Well maybe you should listen to the parts you don't like. Maybe there is something you need to learn that you are missing? Kind of like maybe there is something you are missing about the anti christ etc. We just can't pick and choose whatever we like to be our truth, there actually needs to be some logic attached to it or it is considered delusional you know.


Veteran Member
Well maybe you should listen to the parts you don't like. Maybe there is something you need to learn that you are missing? Kind of like maybe there is something you are missing about the anti christ etc. We just can't pick and choose whatever we like to be our truth, there actually needs to be some logic attached to it or it is considered delusional you know.
Selective learning...

I should have proven by now that I'm open to a lot of stuff.

Most of General Conference is stuff I've heard all my life, which is repeated each Conference.

I get more from the music and some from the talks, but not as much as I do from the music. I'm well versed in our doctrine already. I know what we believe and what I need to do.

Actually the music this Conference is good. They did a great job.

Listening to this song now, they did a great job with this song.

"Israel, Israel, God Is Calling"
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Well-Known Member
Selective learning...

I should have proven by now that I'm open to a lot of stuff.

Most of General Conference is stuff I've heard all my life, which is repeated each Conference.

I get more from the music and some from the talks, but not as much as I do from the music. I'm well versed in our doctrine already. I know what we believe and what I need to do.

Actually the music this Conference is good. They did a great job.

Listening to this song now, they did a great job with this song.

"Israel, Israel, God Is Calling"
Okay, yes music does that sometimes.

As far as being open to lots of stuff, is there not a possibility that a person can be open to too much stuff? At what point do we lose touch with reality?


Veteran Member
I'm going to ignore all the insanity insinuations and insults, however subtle and backhanded they may be, I'm not blind to it.

Sanity is difined by those who judge others, based on what they think is sane.

I've worked under INSANE people for 20 years, I've never been so sane now in my life.

I don't have anyone hammering me down to nothing each day as I slave away at a low paying job.
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J Bryson

Well-Known Member
I'm going to ingore all the insanity insinuations and insults, however subtle and backhanded they may be, I'm not blind to it.

Then you'll miss the fourth and fifth "I" words, since hidden within many of these comments you'll find intelligence and insight.


Well-Known Member
I'm going to ingore all the insanity insinuations and insults, however subtle and backhanded they may be, I'm not blind to it.

Sanity is difined by those who judge others, based on what they think is sane.

I've worked under INSANE people for 20 years, I've never been so sane in my life, I don't have anyone hammering me down to nothing each day as I slave away at a low paying job.
FFH have you ever wondered why people are concerned? I am not trying to judge you as much as I am trying to figure out what motivates you and where you get some of the stuff you talk about. I am sorry if I insulted you, but I truly do wonder. I am also sorry you had to put up with domineering bosses.


Veteran Member
Then you'll miss the fourth and fifth "I" words, since hidden within many of these comments you'll find intelligence and insight.
Intelligence and insight into misdiagnosing someone as insane ???

You guys do not know me.
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J Bryson

Well-Known Member
Intelligence and insight into misdiagnosing someone as insane.

You guys cannot diagnose someone over the internet as to their sanity.

You guys are so way off.

It's just a forum, chill out.

Hey, I haven't diagnosed you. Well, okay, I have my suspicions, but I'm keeping them to myself for now. I'm just saying that those who mock you may have a point.

There's an old Jewish proverb: If three people tell you that you are drunk, go home and lie down.

If three people express concern about your mental condition, maybe it's time to consider intensive therapy.


Veteran Member
FFH have you ever wondered why people are concerned? I am not trying to judge you as much as I am trying to figure out what motivates you and where you get some of the stuff you talk about. I am sorry if I insulted you, but I truly do wonder. I am also sorry you had to put up with domineering bosses.
I've tried to ignore and be nice to those who post here.

Ignoring is what Christ did, in situations that would only escalate into worse situations.

If I ignore, it's because I don't want to cause another thread to be derailed and shut down.


Veteran Member
I'm going to post this again, so this thread does not get off track or I'm accused of not being on topic and then a mod subsequently shuts it down.

Red Dragon of Whales found on the Royal Coat of Arms.

Lower right side winged red dragon

John, in Revelation, and Daniel correctly identifies the Royal Coat of Arms, by revelation given to them by the Lord.

Revelation 13: 2
And the beast which I saw was like unto a leopard, and his feet were as the feet of a bear, and his mouth as the mouth of a lion: and the dragon gave him his power, and his seat, and great authority.

Daniel 7: 8
I considered the horns, and, behold, there came up among them another little horn, before whom there were three of the first horns plucked up by the roots: and, behold, in this horn were eyes like the eyes of man, and a mouth speaking great things.

Revelation 12: 3
And there appeared another wonder in heaven; and behold a great red dragon, having seven heads and ten horns, and seven crowns upon his heads.

Rampant Red Dragon of Whales

Red Dragon of Whales

This is the Red Dragon of Whales disguised on the current Royal Coat of Arms

Royal Coat of Arms Red Dragon (shield upper right)


Red Dragon of Whales

"The red dragon was used as his Badge by Owen Tudor. His grandson, Henry VII, took it as a token of his supposed descent from Cadwalader, the last of the line of Maelgwyn, King of Wales. The beast holds a shield bearing a leopard in each quarter; this was the coat of arms of Llewelyn ap Griffith, the last native prince of Wales."