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Is Prince William the Antichrist ???


Veteran Member
Please, take your psychological diagnosis' and analysis' elsewhere.

This is a forum, not a counseling session.

Some get me, like Katzpur, but most don't, come to think of it, I think she did study a lot of psychology at the University of Utah, which I attended for a few years myself.

She (Katzpur) grew up in Salt Lake, like I did, and stlll lives there, we get each other, I think, because we grew up in the same area.

If you want to get me, talk to Katz.
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Well-Known Member
I've tried to ignore and be nice to those who post here.

Ignoring is what Christ did, in situations that would only escalate into worse situations.

If I ignore, it's because I don't want to cause another thread to be derailed and shut down.
FFH you are always very polite with other posters. I really admire that trait in you. Thank you. I know in my case it is because I don't understand why you post what you do. You've got to admit you do come up with some very different topics from the norm here. :)


Veteran Member
FFH you are always very polite with other posters. I really admire that trait in you. Thank you. I know in my case it is because I don't understand why you post what you do. You've got to admit you do come up with some very different topics from the norm here. :)
I would fall asleep otherwise if I were to continue debating the same old things.

This chart was not put together in haste by anyone, it was well thought out and each point made here can be found in scripture.

The Royal Family claims they can trace their lineage back to David, that's what the harp represents, on the Royal Coat of Arms the harp of David.

Prince William's Coat of Arms
Notice the harp, which represents the harp of David, which represents the lineage of David, which the Royal Family claims they can trace their lineage back to.

David was a representation of Christ, the Red Dragon is a representation of Satan.
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Aura of atheification
Premium Member
The very idea of existence of an actual Antichrist is more than a little self-contradictory, I fear.

And as Smoke rightfully pointed out, it is simply not possible to actually identify one.


Veteran Member
Listening to LDS General Conference (entire conference) as I post Watchmen, in case you were wondering.


Well-Known Member
I would fall asleep otherwise if I were to continue debating the same old things.

This chart was not put together in haste by anyone, it was well thought out and each point made here can be found in scripture.

The Royal Family claims they can trace their lineage back to David, that's what the harp represents, on the Royal Coat of Arms the harp of David.

Prince William's Coat of Arms (Notice the harp, which represents the harp of David, or the lineage the Royal Family claims they can trace back to David.

David was a representation of Christ, the Red Dragon is a representation of Satan.
Do you believe they can trace their lineage back to the House of David? If so, why would William be the anti christ if he is of the same line as Jesus Christ? Or do you think they are wrong about their lineage?


Veteran Member
The very idea of existence of an actual Antichrist is more than a little self-contradictory, I fear.

And as Smoke rightfully pointed out, it is simply not possible to actually identify one.
Right, prophecy is very subtle, it quietly fulfills itself, without many even noticing.

I acknowledge and recognize that.

Prophecy sneaks up and fulfills itself, without most even noticing.

1 Thessalonians 5: 2
For yourselves know perfectly that the day of the Lord so cometh as a thief in the night.

3 Nephi 18: 15, 18
15 Verily, verily, I say unto you, ye must watch and pray always, lest ye be tempted by the devil, and ye be led away captive by him.
• • •
18 Behold, verily, verily, I say unto you, ye must watch and pray always lest ye enter into temptation; for Satan desireth to have you, that he may sift you as wheat.

Matthew 26: 41
Watch and pray, that ye enter not into temptation: the spirit indeed is willing, but the flesh is weak.

Mark 13: 33
Take ye heed, watch and pray: for ye know not when the time is.

Mark 14: 38
Watch ye and pray, lest ye enter into temptation. The spirit truly is ready, but the flesh is weak.

Luke 21: 36
Watch ye therefore, and pray always, that ye may be accounted worthy to escape all these things that shall come to pass, and to stand before the Son of man.

Ephesians 6: 18
Praying always with all prayer and supplication in the Spirit, and watching thereunto with all perseverance and supplication for all saints;


Aura of atheification
Premium Member
Right, prophecy is very subtle, it quietly fulfills itself, without many even noticing.

I acknowledge and recognize that.

Not to make too fine a point of it, but that is not at all what I meant.

I do not believe in Prophecy to begin with. But if I did, I would need to deal with the fact that there are many floating around, and to the extent that they may even be translated into specific meanings, most are simply wrong.


Veteran Member
Do you believe they can trace their lineage back to the House of David? If so, why would William be the anti christ if he is of the same line as Jesus Christ? Or do you think they are wrong about their lineage?
Can an antichrist come from the House of David ???

The answer is yes, David's own son Absolom turned against him, warred against him and wanted him killed, so he could take over David's throne, and rule in his stead.

Absolom was killed as David and his armies went to war against him.

Things aren't pretty, when you get down to it.

People are selfish, and many times will stop at nothing to get what they want.

Do I believe the Royal Family can trace their lineage back to David, it's all been meticulously documented, that's all I know concerning that.

I don't see a reason not to believe it, but they could be making it up.


Veteran Member
Since Watchmen is monitoring me I have to report in. ;)

Listening to this song now.

"Consider the Lilies"


Well-Known Member
David's own son Absolom turned against him, warred against him and wanted him killed, so he could take over David's throne, and rule in his stead.

Absolom was killed as David and his armies went to war against him.
Yes that's true.


Veteran Member
Not to make too fine a point of it, but that is not at all what I meant.

I do not believe in Prophecy to begin with. But if I did, I would need to deal with the fact that there are many floating around, and to the extent that they may even be translated into specific meanings, most are simply wrong.
If you don't put hard enough, you'll never get the ball in the hole.

If I'm not willing to make a mistake, ask questions, or debate certain issues, I'll get nowhere in my search for knowledge.

Should we just do nothing in our lives. I've chosen to try and learn more about prophecy, that's my hobby, I enjoy it.

I also enjoy bullet bikes, flying radio controlled gliders, skiing, art, etc.


Aura of atheification
Premium Member
If you don't put hard enough, you'll never get the ball in the hole.

If I'm not willing to make a mistake, ask questions, or debate certain issues, I'll get nowhere in my search for knowledge.

Should we just do nothing in our lives. I've chosen to try and learn more about prophecy, that's my hobby, I enjoy it.

I also enjoy bullet bikes, flying radio controlled gliders, skiing, art, etc.

What I don't get is how it could possibly be worth the trouble to even attempt to find such an Antichrist.

Such attempts breed mistrust for no good reason and divrt resources (time, mental disposition and emmotional motivation) that could most certainly find better uses.

Also, it is not like there aren't enough actual, non-speculative challenges in our everyday life.


Veteran Member
Challupa said:
Why would William be the anti christ if he is of the same line as Jesus Christ?
Some people use lineage as an automaic right or passage to do whatever they want, regardless of whether it's right or wrong.

The Jews and Muslims use their lineage as a right to do what they feel is their right to do.

The Royal family uses their lineage possibly as a right to the throne. It's not a good thing. There is too much room for extreme corruption in a monarchy.
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Veteran Member
What I don't get is how it could possibly be worth the trouble to even attempt to find such an Antichrist.

Such attempts breed mistrust for no good reason and divrt resources (time, mental disposition and emmotional motivation) that could most certainly find better uses.

Also, it is not like there aren't enough actual, non-speculative challenges in our everyday life.
If I can correctly identify each antichrist, the evil that they try to put into law can be stopped, even if all I can do is pray for their demise and ultimate downfall and destruction, so that they do not continue to reek havoc in the world.

There are many antichrists poised to try and destroy the world, something as simple as prayer can stop that, as well as educating others.

Many will be tricked in these last days, into doing things that aren't right, or for their own good. It's better to identify evil, then you can properly deal with it.

In my own life I have to identify those in my life who are subtly destroying it. I had a "friend/coworker" who I thought had my best interest at heart, but later, found out that he was trying to break up my marriage and nearly succeeded. I don't know what his problem was. I cut him off, changed my phone number and won't answer the door if he shows up. All I can do is pray for people like that, that they don't hurt or manipulate others or do worse.
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Veteran Member
Identifying each antichrist brings light, where there was previously hidden darkness and evil.

Evil does not want to be identified as evil. Satan loves to cleverly hide behind people and things.

Doctrine and Covenants 14: 9 (LDS Scripture)
Behold, I am Jesus Christ, the Son of the living God, who created the heavens and the earth, a light which cannot be hid in darkness


Aura of atheification
Premium Member
If I can correctly identify each antichrist, the evil that they try to put into law can be stopped. Even if all I can do is pray for their demise and ultimate downfall and destruction, so that they do not continue to reek havoc in the world.

I can't help but feel that this is a very misguided intent.


Veteran Member
I've been to England twice and toured through the countryside of Scotland. It is gorgeous country, but they live in tougher circumstances, taxes are like 50 to 60 percent, everything is so completely ridiculously over priced.

Hotel rooms in London are three times more expensive as comparable ones in the states.

Everything seemed to be ridiculously over priced, with high taxes to top it all off, much of it going to support the monarchy, Buckingham Palace, etc.


Veteran Member
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