I could be incorrect, or parially incorrect mixed with partially correct. I will leave the deep dive to others who may want to look further on their own. But over the years of circumstantially noticing some things or coming upon things others have noticed (sort of a "that's odd - one matches the other", "now two came to the same footnote independent of each other") ... and while trying to avoid controversy, it seems before Mohammed that some of these items in the Koran go back to the Goddess Nana abd the mystics of Nana.
I could be incorrect, or parially incorrect mixed with partially correct. I will leave the deep dive to others who may want to look further on their own. But over the years of circumstantially noticing some things or coming upon things others have noticed (sort of a "that's odd - one matches the other", "now two came to the same footnote independent of each other") ... and while trying to avoid controversy, it seems before Mohammed that some of these items in the Koran go back to the Goddess Nana abd the mystics of Nana.