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Is religious satire ever unacceptable?

Is religious satire ever unacceptable?

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Rick O'Shez

Irishman bouncing off walls
Is freedom of speech paramount when talking about religious belief, or are there circumstances in which religious satire is unacceptable?

If you think there are circumstances where religious satire is unacceptable, please describe what they are.


Spiritually confused Jew
Premium Member
On one hand, I'm an avid believer in free speech, even within the boundaries of religious belief (mine included).

On the other hand, when religious satire can result in the death of innocent people, then maybe we should choose our battles wisely. Or at least the method in which we do so.


Pragmatic Libertarian
Premium Member
I favor satire.

Darwin & Satan making out on The Simpsons.....


Learning more about Jehovah.
Premium Member
Apparently it's worthy of murder. 12 murdered in France at a newspaper than published
a cartoon or Muhammed.
Breaking news this a.m.
Apparently comitted by 3 of the members of the "religion of peace".
as for me I tend not to be insulted by what I read in the papers, see on t-v, and most of all
the internet.
I view things on the internet board just electron signatures on a screen.
Taking things presented via media seriously or personally seems foolish to me.
Taking those things seriously could indicate an issue with the almighty "self".
I've learned people suffering from schizophrenia are consumed with the 'self' to the point of violence towards others.
Yes, I'm drifting off topic but trying to send a message.


Bodhisattva in Recovery
Well, in Canada, we have Hate Speech Laws, wherein it is a federal crime to target individuals or groups by promoting violence against them. That IS a limitation of "freedom of speech" but since I don't feel a need to call for violence against others that limitation on my "free speech" doesn't curb my personal speech in any way. In all fairness, I have a harder time with the RF rulebook and occasionally cause consternation in the Moderator's Bullpen. RF's rules curb my dialogue far more than my own government does.

In regards to religious matters, I feel that anything that is not against the existing laws of your country is fair game. Though that awful movie over Christmas, a comedy about assassinating Kim Il-un, is about as low brow as it gets. Could you imagine the outrage if you replace Un with Obama? People would be in jail.


The Last Prussian
Premium Member
Well, in Canada, we have Hate Speech Laws, wherein it is a federal crime to target individuals or groups by promoting violence against them. That IS a limitation of "freedom of speech" but since I don't feel a need to call for violence against others that limitation on my "free speech" doesn't curb my personal speech in any way. In all fairness, I have a harder time with the RF rulebook and occasionally cause consternation in the Moderator's Bullpen. RF's rules curb my dialogue far more than my own government does.
That is wholly different, I think. You can have free speech and it still be against the law to shout "Fire!" in a crowded theater. There is nothing wrong with hate-speech laws, I feel.


Spiritually confused Jew
Premium Member
That is not the problem of the satirist. That is the problem of the believers who react like savages.

I understand that. Hence why I said "choose our battles wisely". It may not be the problem of the satirist , but actions can still lead to dire consequences. In an ideal world, everyone would be able to handle satire of their faith, but unfortunately that is not the world in which we live.


The Last Prussian
Premium Member
Religious satire is unacceptable. Weither pagan gods or saints are insulted or others.
It increases hatred and animosity.
Speaking as a pagan, I am perfectly find with someone making fun of my beliefs & gods. My gods are not so fickle as to demand they never be questioned or poked fun at. The only people who are offended by satire seem to be the ones where the 'satire' hits too close to what they actually think & believe.


Pragmatic Libertarian
Premium Member
In regards to religious matters, I feel that anything that is not against the existing laws of your country is fair game. Though that awful movie over Christmas, a comedy about assassinating Kim Il-un, is about as low brow as it gets. Could you imagine the outrage if you replace Un with Obama? People would be in jail.
Fair is fair. I'm OK with a movie about assassinating a US prez, even though if we lost Obama we'd have to endure Joe Biden. Besides, our movie industry has done this before, eg, 3 Stooges had Hitler being killed while he was still alive & causing trouble.


Active Member
Personally, I think religion/faith/spiritual philosophy should be chosen based on what makes sense to you. If I Christian thought it didn't make sense to believe in Christ then they wouldn't. But they believe because they think it makes sense for one reason or another. Religion shouldn't be thought of in the same way as race. I can never stop being white, but I can change religion anytime I want. If I thought my views didn't make sense I would change them.
It's perfectly permissible to poke fun at those who believe in UFOs, so why wouldn't it be permissible to poke fun at those who think it makes sense to believe a blue guy playing the flute is the source of everything?
(I mention that last thing because I know some absolute fundamentalist Krishna Consciousness people, that's not meant to slam Vaishnavism).
^Ironic disclaimer