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Is Satanism so anti Jehovah if


Active Member
Satanism funels hatred towards Jehovah, yes, but it also draws up hatred against Satanists. It makes Christians afraid, and makes them try to keep their own. It funnels all their effort against the goals of Satanism by making their way of life so predictable by Biblical standards. Why would Jehovah want that? Because it causes them to hold onto their Christianity and give it out even more. I'm not saying the Satanic church doesn't do good things, I found the Baphomet dilema hilarious. There is a place, but need it be "taken by a dark lord" or maybe just someone who isn't Satan. Like can we have Satan as if he wasn't so jaded that at the first slight he prescribes death? Jehovah, and I say that name because Yahweh is a lesser Canaanite deity, and Allah the chief of the Anceint Arabic pantheon, is evil. He teaches you to drown in the river of life, to try to swim before you can tread water. The true god, the one found within and everywhere without teaches you to tread water, etc. But why have Satan as a mascot? Doesn't that just make lack of credibility yet generate credibility in Jehovah?

Either way it's all nonsense. Imagine god as a cup, whatever flavor you desire. The cup is not a cup. It is not a bekkar, nor tassi nor cuppi. It is not even the conception of cup. What is your conception of cup? A sort of circular u shaped object, with u's going around in that circle? Still wrong. It is also the air. What is the air, the oxygen, the nitrogen etc? It is also empty space. Imagine atoms, mostly space. Same as solar systems. It is all emptiness. God, however you stack it is the fullness of all of that, all of that at once. Imagine an Ocean. The waves are not propelled by themself. They are generated by the Ocean. Matter is just a wave. Which is just the Void contorted by the Sheer Consequences of the Void into stuff that seems to be not the Void but is. That is the fullness. Everything is nothing. Atoms are mostly empty space, as are solar systems, and honestly everything we know about.

There's just a bunch of masks "god(dess{es})" wears made by humanity.
A propósito de los relatos acerca de la figura del demonio y del pacto satánico, de las maldiciones, de los objetos malditos que se prodigan en el tiempo y las historias, Amberto Rodríguez reafirma en la oralidad de los patianos los concepto de “subir” al cerro de Manzanillo y el de “se abre” la montaña, cuenta que:

Los negros cimarrones subían al Cerro de Manzanillo para ver al África y lloraron hasta formar una laguna, ahora ya no hay laguna, solo hay vegetación. La gente se envolataba, se perdía en esa montaña. Hay algo misterioso porque cuentan que en cierta ocasión alguna gente subió al cerro y tomaron fotos y no apareció nada en las fotografías y la grabadora se les apagó. Ese cerro de noche se queja y hay una ruidamenta, es tenaz. Dicen que en el cerro de Manzanillo hay una cueva, no como la cueva de Uribe en Galíndez que es hechiza, la de Manzanillo es natural, no es muy honda, es como entrar a un quiosco redondo para el empaute, para la música. (2013)

El diablo, el de Occidente, el del cristianismo, el máximo-malo, el legendario personaje que puebla los cerros, como el del Cerro de Manzanillo, ha sido la figura que ha representado el control y juez del sistema mundo de Occidente. Los afrodescendientes dejan entrever que tienen un ámbito propio, en donde solo ellos pueden entrar, y al cual, nosotros, los investigadores, los blancos u otra persona ajena a su lugar, no lo puede hacer. Ellos, sin cometer el más grande pecado del que habla el cristianismo, sí pueden hablar con el diablo. Por eso la gente distinta a ellos se envolataba y se perdía en el cerro de Manzanillo, donde no se puede “capturar en fotografías ni grabadoras”. Solo ellos lo podían hacer, y además subir a terrenos vedados por la cultura hegemónica, a re-vivir ancestrales relaciones animistas de origen africano. Porque pueden pactar con el diablo sin miedo y sin pecar.

(Via DeepL):

Regarding the stories about the figure of the devil and the satanic pact, the curses, the cursed objects that are lavished in time and stories, Amberto Rodriguez reaffirms in the oral tradition of the patianos the concept of "climbing" the hill of Manzanillo and that of "opening" the mountain, he tells that:

The black cimarrones used to climb the Manzanillo Hill to see Africa and they cried until they formed a lagoon, now there is no lagoon, there is only vegetation. People used to wrap themselves up, they would get lost in that mountain. There is something mysterious because they say that on one occasion some people climbed the hill and took pictures and nothing appeared in the photographs and the recorder was turned off. That hill at night complains and there is a noise, it is tenacious. They say that in the hill of Manzanillo there is a cave, not like the cave of Uribe in Galíndez that is bewitching, the one in Manzanillo is natural, it is not very deep, it is like entering a round kiosk for empaute, for music. (2013)

The devil, the devil of the West, the devil of Christianity, the maximum-evil, the legendary character that populates the hills, like the one in the Cerro de Manzanillo, has been the figure that has represented the control and judge of the Western world system. The Afro-descendants let us glimpse that they have a sphere of their own, where only they can enter, and which we, the researchers, the whites or any other person alien to their place, cannot enter. They, without committing the greatest sin of which Christianity speaks, can talk to the devil. That is why people different from them wrapped themselves up and lost themselves in the hill of Manzanillo, where they could not be "captured in photographs or recorders". Only they could do it, and also go up to lands forbidden by the hegemonic culture, to relive ancestral animist relationships of African origin. Because they can make a pact with the devil without fear and without sinning.

"Las almas de los violines negros" (pages 177-178)

Dr. Paloma Muñoz (Anthropologist)

PDF: repositorio.unicauca.edu.co:8080/bitstream/handle/123456789/2222/TESIS PALOMA MUÑOZ FINAL.pdf?sequence=1&isAllowed=y
Los afrodescendientes del Valle del Patía lo transvaloran creativamente, invierten esa concepción del diablo, dado que, en esa inversión conceptual del diablo se invierten ellos también. Por eso es que el “subir” a los montes es estratégico, nosotros también “subimos” para ver al África y llorar hasta formar una laguna y hacer el pacto. Pareciera que quisieran decirnos: así como Occidente sube con sus dioses y profetas, como Jesús se transfigura en una loma, Cristo muere en otra y Moisés habla con Dios en otra alta montaña. Es una manera de mostrar una superioridad negra a manera de la transvaloración simbólica axiológica creativa y política: invertir los conceptos y su significado pero con una identidad para sí, específicamente en el entendimiento y manejo del misterio, donde colocan el origen y manantial de la vida, de la música, en lo alto. Están diciendo en verdad: para ustedes lo que llaman diablo y excluyen como lo-máximo-malo, para nosotros es lo contrario, son los espíritus de la música, de la voz, del canto, de la palabra, del lenguaje, del poder. Porque ese diablo que viene del mundo de abajo lo sacamos y lo elevamos a lo máximo bueno ya que lo volvemos maestro, el que enseña a tocar violín, el que acompaña. Para ustedes un mundo vedado, que inmediatamente excluyen, el de su diablo que nos trajeron para asustarnos, para someternos. Para nosotros un ámbito del encuentro con nuestras raíces sonoras. De ahí que era la posibilidad de que ese violín sonara en asociación con lo que evoca una realidad situada, pero más allá de los sentidos, en una experiencia sobrenatural en el lenguaje de las cosas simbólicas. Habitar ese suelo en lo alto, interpretar ese violín en lo alto del cuerpo, implica lo que emerge del suelo pero a la vez se sumerge en sus raíces de africanidad.

(Via DeepL):

The Afro-descendants of the Patía Valley creatively transvalue it, they invert that conception of the devil, given that, in that conceptual inversion of the devil they also invert themselves. That is why "going up" to the mountains is strategic, we also "go up" to see Africa and cry until we form a lagoon and make a pact. It seems that they want to tell us: as the West goes up with their gods and prophets, as Jesus is transfigured on a hill, Christ dies on another and Moses speaks with God on another high mountain. It is a way of showing a black superiority by way of creative and political symbolic axiological transvaluation: inverting the concepts and their meaning but with an identity for themselves, specifically in the understanding and handling of the mystery, where they place the origin and source of life, of music, on high. They are truly saying: for you what you call the devil and exclude as the maximum-bad, for us it is the opposite, it is the spirits of music, of the voice, of singing, of the word, of language, of power. Because that devil that comes from the world of below we take him out and we elevate him to the maximum good since we turn him into a teacher, the one who teaches to play violin, the one who accompanies. For you a forbidden world, that you immediately exclude, that of your devil that you brought us to frighten us, to subdue us. For us it is a place of encounter with our sonorous roots. Hence it was the possibility of that violin sounding in association with what evokes a situated reality, but beyond the senses, in a supernatural experience in the language of symbolic things. To inhabit that ground on high, to interpret that violin on top of the body, implies what emerges from the ground but at the same time immerses itself in its roots of Africanness.

"The Souls of the Black Violins" (pages 177-178)

Paloma Muñoz


דניאל יוסף בן מאיר הירש
Everything is nothing.

A common misconception, from my point of view. Also a somewhat obvious contradiction for those who are paying attention.

Satanism funels hatred towards Jehovah,

@Viker ,

I noticed that you thumbed up the OP. However, I hit a "speedbump" in the very first sentence. "Satanism funnels hatred towards Jehovah" ??? Do you agree? My gut response was: "ummm.... really?" I would very much appreciate your input on this.


דניאל יוסף בן מאיר הירש
They are truly saying: for you what you call the devil and exclude as the maximum-bad, for us it is the opposite, it is the spirits of music, of the voice, of singing, of the word, of language, of power. Because that devil that comes from the world of below we take him out and we elevate him to the maximum good since we turn him into a teacher,

Are they denying the inherent potential for "maximum-bad" originating from the one which the other's are calling "the devil"?


Your beloved eccentric Auntie Cristal
A common misconception, from my point of view. Also a somewhat obvious contradiction for those who are paying attention.

@Viker ,

I noticed that you thumbed up the OP. However, I hit a "speedbump" in the very first sentence. "Satanism funnels hatred towards Jehovah" ??? Do you agree? My gut response was: "ummm.... really?" I would very much appreciate your input on this.
Uhm. No. I meant to hit useful. I was in a traffic jam and hit the wrong button just as it unjammed. My bad. I will get to a response soon.

Reading RF in traffic jams not always good. :p


Active Member
A common misconception, from my point of view. Also a somewhat obvious contradiction for those who are paying attention.

@Viker ,

I noticed that you thumbed up the OP. However, I hit a "speedbump" in the very first sentence. "Satanism funnels hatred towards Jehovah" ??? Do you agree? My gut response was: "ummm.... really?" I would very much appreciate your input on this.
You dybmh, dymbmh. Do you really think people go to Satanism because they so much love jehovah? This is sheerly what happens


Pronouns: he/they/it/neopronouns
You dybmh, dymbmh. Do you really think people go to Satanism because they so much love jehovah? This is sheerly what happens
...im a syncretic theistic satanist/luciferian...I actually just dont give a **** about Jehovah. He has nothing to do with my belief system. Some folk like jehovah he makes them happy. More power to them...he just aint involved in my belief system.

I know you talking to @dybmh. But i just figured I'd say that.


Pronouns: he/they/it/neopronouns
Im not commenting much on the OP because there's different types of satanism i dont know which you thinking of and most have nothing to do with Christianity or Jehovah. Most satanists to my knowledge don't give a crap about him tho there are a few edgy folk who are Satanists as a rebellion because Christianity hurt them. Or are kind of reverse Christianity. Much of what you wrote doesnt seem to apply to what i believe and as such I can't comment on it. I dont feel equipped to put a good reply there. But ill say many satanists such as myself wouldn't really care what jehovah would want. He's just not relevant. Many satanists in fact are atheists. God in general aint relevant.

Edit: reread thread didn't understand it at first. Still struggling to understand it
Last edited:


Active Member
...im a syncretic theistic satanist/luciferian...I actually just dont give a **** about Jehovah.

He has nothing to do with my belief system.
Actually that's not even remotely true, look at this

Satanism is a reaction to Christianity and thus it is determined by it. Satan, both versions of the character, are born from Monotheism.
I know you talking to @dybmh. But i just figured I'd say that.

Why not worship the void instead? It is the true god(ess{es}).


Pronouns: he/they/it/neopronouns
Satanism is a reaction to Christianity and thus it is determined by it. Satan, both versions of the character, are born from Monotheism
Why not worship the void instead? It is the true god(ess{es}).
Rolls eyes I see you aren't likely to listen to me if i try to explain my beliefs. We are on two different wavelengths. I am not a Satanist because im reacting to Christianity. I give no ****s about Jesus or his dad. As for the void...we have different views there.


דניאל יוסף בן מאיר הירש
Uhm. No. I meant to hit useful. I was in a traffic jam and hit the wrong button just as it unjammed. My bad. I will get to a response soon.

Reading RF in traffic jams not always good. :p
Yes please. Later is good. I'd rather not see the "days since last RF motorcycle crash" placard reset. That thing is epic.

River Sea

Well-Known Member
Yahweh is a lesser Canaanite deity

@ChieftheCef How is Yahweh a lesser deity in Canaanites? What happened to the Canaanites? Did any Canaanites survive? Did any of the Canaanites know Brahman, as Brahman is for everyone, while who is Yahweh for Israel only? If Yahweh is only for Israel, then how is Yahweh for Canaanites too?


Your beloved eccentric Auntie Cristal
I don't know any Satanists that "hate" Jehovah. Rejecting and opposing the tenets laid out in his name is not hate. Most Satanists view God and Satan as metaphorical figureheads.

Myself, I am rooted in Satanism and Luciferianism, among other paths. I am theistic. My beliefs work as polytheism, autotheism and are transtheistic as well. As I always say, like a bag of cats. I don't consider myself a Satanist but a diabolist. If others were to call me a Satanist, oh well.

I have neither love nor hate for Jehovah, Yahweh, God or whomever. It's indifference not enmity.

River Sea

Well-Known Member

I'm not sure if I'll be off topic or not

What I understand of Lucifer is that We're all Lucifer which means allowing light flow, vs Satan means blocking light, so we're all Satan as well

We all allow light flow or we block light

That being said, I learn from @Bharat Jhunjhunwala that he was saying that Brahman is for everyone

and that YHWH is for Israel

Maybe @Bharat Jhunjhunwala can help me with that

I think what @Bharat Jhunjhunwala was explaining if somehow a location excludes others from their name God vs with name God Brahman there's no exclusion

The word Satan Lucifer I understand that as us and those two words means allow or block

The words YHWH and or Brahman (actually @Bharat Jhunjhunwala can explain more but Brahman means the creation was it)

Hashem is bigbang and Brahman is from the bigbang or is that wait, Elohim and Brahman are the from the big bang

I'm not sure if I'm off topic, I probably am off topic

I think people uses words for more than one meaning

So how far off am I from topic?