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Is the Abrahamic God Moral?


Active Member
What did he quote? "I desire mercy and not sacrifice." Yeah, Jesus was really into War. Heck, I have quoted the OT more than Jesus did. Big whoop-ti-do!

What did he quote??? Read the gospels man, OT quotes are everywhere. I did some quick googling to try to find a list of all of his references and quotes, but I couldn't find anything complete. I'm not sure that you are trying to say that he didn't quote the OT though. Maybe you are just saying that him quoting the OT doesn't mean anything??? What about his lack of saying anything about it being wrong in any way? In fact, at one point, he uses the solidity of the scriptures as the basis for his argument...

Scuba Pete

Le plongeur avec attitude...
Go and READ what he quoted. I am not saying that he didn't quote the OT, I am asking you to read those very quotes. VERY revealing.

Why would he say it's "wrong"? It's a blog! It's a record of Isreals' feelings and emotions. It's not "wrong", but then it's not particularly an accurate portrayal of God. Jesus even pointed this out:

Matthew 5:21 "You have heard that it was said to the people long ago, 'Do not murder, and anyone who murders will be subject to judgment.' 22But I tell you that anyone who is angry with his brother will be subject to judgment. NIV

An obvious reference to the Ten Commandments, and here Jesus corrects their understanding of the precept. The New Testament is replete with these types of statements.

Jesus didn't deify the scriptures in a manner consistent with many Christians today. But if you want to grasp at straws in order to criticize, who am I to stop you?


Well-Known Member
Pretty sure the Abrahamic God does not care one bit whether any of you think He is moral or not.


RF Addict
God, by definition is not immoral but the very definition of morality.

However, man is incredibly immoral and he is determined to seek justification for every horrendous deed he has ever done. So, in the OT we have man ascribing all sorts of evil motivations and actions to a God he doesn't quite understand.

In the NT, we have God become flesh and he came to set the record straight. "I desire mercy and not Sacrifice!" "Love your neighbor as yourself." are given to us and frankly the whole idea that there aren't a bunch of laws frightens us. So much so, that we take the first opportunity to crucify God.

So, did we invent God? Are there TWO Gods? Is God schizophrenic? No, it's not God who is changing: it's us. Just as we evolved from a one cell organism, our society is also evolving. We were once quite tribal and so our views were such. We defined God in terms of being a tribe. Today, we have a more global view, and yet we seemed determined to judge God by the writings of a few tribesmen. Go figure.

If we used the idea of God to justify our own deeds, how come it took several thousand years for him to actually set the record straight?

Scuba Pete

Le plongeur avec attitude...
If we used the idea of God to justify our own deeds, how come it took several thousand years for him to actually set the record straight?
Who says he hasn't set the story straight a million times or more? That doesn't stop man from twisting the story a million times as well. Look at Jesus' message: LOVE EACH OTHER. Then came the crusades and the inquisition. How on earth can ANYONE say THOSE actions are consistent with Christ's teachings?

We hear what we want to hear. We see what we want to see. Look at how many Republicans are still justifying Shrub &Co's actions and they do it WITH a straight face. They really believe the crap they are shoveling at us! Man's ability to justify his horrific actions against his fellow man is remarkable. That he uses God as his scapegoat is as deplorable as it is predictable.


Done here.
Is the Abrahamic God moral? Why or why not?
No. Blood sacrifice and genocide are among the commandments of Judaism. Violent jihad is one of the commandments of Islam. Christianity invented the concept of the just war and appropriated the Muslim concept of jihad to come up with the Crusade. The members of all three religions have oppressed members of other religions whenever and wherever they've had the opportunity to do so. The Baha'i faith was born of a bloody struggle among the followers of the Bab. All four religions are authoritarian, sexist, and homophobic. If the Abrahamic god is moral, very little of it's rubbed off on his followers.


Well-Known Member
No. Blood sacrifice and genocide are among the commandments of Judaism. Violent jihad is one of the commandments of Islam. Christianity invented the concept of the just war and appropriated the Muslim concept of jihad to come up with the Crusade. The members of all three religions have oppressed members of other religions whenever and wherever they've had the opportunity to do so. The Baha'i faith was born of a bloody struggle among the followers of the Bab. All four religions are authoritarian, sexist, and homophobic. If the Abrahamic god is moral, very little of it's rubbed off on his followers.

Bloody struggle among the followers of the Bab? Where and when?



I would suggest that looking after the old and the young is actually a pretty good survival strategy.
yes thats my point compared to other species which are culled by predators, we were not ,now except for ourselves we have no predators ,so we have moved outside the boundaries of natural selection and have just bred like an out of control bacteria or disease all over the earth


Well-Known Member
yes thats my point compared to other species which are culled by predators, we were not ,now except for ourselves we have no predators ,so we have moved outside the boundaries of natural selection and have just bred like an out of control bacteria or disease all over the earth

Natural selection is not just concerned with one's place in the food chain.

We have plenty of predators including the flu virus, Ebola, and AIDS virus.

We stepped out of the box of evolution the first time we made tools to live longer, clothes to keep us warm, fire to cook and eliminate some parasites.

Mankind is no longer subject to evolution because we do not react to our environment. Our environment is changed to suit our needs.

We have become so widespread as an organism because we control our environment.



Natural selection is not just concerned with one's place in the food chain.

We have plenty of predators including the flu virus, Ebola, and AIDS virus.

We stepped out of the box of evolution the first time we made tools to live longer, clothes to keep us warm, fire to cook and eliminate some parasites.

Mankind is no longer subject to evolution because we do not react to our environment. Our environment is changed to suit our needs.

We have become so widespread as an organism because we control our environment.

i agree but we continuosly destroy our preditors or find defences against them like flu ,ebola and aids, we are outside the laws of nature in that sense .


Well-Known Member
i agree but we continuosly destroy our preditors or find defences against them like flu ,ebola and aids, we are outside the laws of nature in that sense .

That's just part of controlling our environment instead of adapting to our environment.



The Lost One
The wager in Book of Job and ordering Saul (1 Samuel 15) to massacre of all Amalekites (including women, elderly and children) for the sins of previous generation (in Moses' time), showed that this god doesn't haven't moral in his divine bones.

The NT examples are that anyone who don't worship him, or that of not converting to the new religion, or that committing even smallest of sins, would earn a person one-way reservation into hell's lake of fire, to be torment for all eternity, showed that god is hardly just.

And rapists and murderers can get away with it, earning God's forgiveness/absolution, just simply through conversion, baptism and repentance, is downright disgusting.


Active Member
Go and READ what he quoted. I am not saying that he didn't quote the OT, I am asking you to read those very quotes. VERY revealing.

Why would he say it's "wrong"? It's a blog! It's a record of Isreals' feelings and emotions. It's not "wrong", but then it's not particularly an accurate portrayal of God. Jesus even pointed this out:

Matthew 5:21 "You have heard that it was said to the people long ago, 'Do not murder, and anyone who murders will be subject to judgment.' 22But I tell you that anyone who is angry with his brother will be subject to judgment. NIV

An obvious reference to the Ten Commandments, and here Jesus corrects their understanding of the precept. The New Testament is replete with these types of statements.

Jesus didn't deify the scriptures in a manner consistent with many Christians today. But if you want to grasp at straws in order to criticize, who am I to stop you?

I was not criticizing in the least.


Done here.
Bloody struggle among the followers of the Bab? Where and when?
Conflict among the Babis, with two dozen of them claiming to be the Bab's successor; murder of Dayyan; Baha'u'llah poisoned by Azal's followers; Azal's followers murdered by Baha'u'llah's followers. Babism after the death of the Bab wasn't exactly a festival of peace, love, and understanding.


De Diablo Del Fora
Premium Member
yes thats my point compared to other species which are culled by predators, we were not ,now except for ourselves we have no predators ,so we have moved outside the boundaries of natural selection and have just bred like an out of control bacteria or disease all over the earth

Few evolutionary biologists would agree with you. There is evidence that humans are still subject to natural selection. But that's kind of off-topic in this thread.


Well-Known Member
Conflict among the Babis, with two dozen of them claiming to be the Bab's successor; murder of Dayyan; Baha'u'llah poisoned by Azal's followers; Azal's followers murdered by Baha'u'llah's followers. Babism after the death of the Bab wasn't exactly a festival of peace, love, and understanding.

You named three deaths and one attempted death. There were probably a handful of killings in Persia at the behest of Mirza Yahya (Subhi Azal) who was also Baha`u'llah's younger half-brother. Subhi Azal also attempted to suborn Baha`u'llah's barber into cutting his throat, which was reported to Abdu'l Baha by the barber.

Of course the majority were AFTER Baha`u'llah laid claim to be the He Whom God Would Make Manifest, and were in reaction to that claim by him. Mirza Yahya's ineptness as a leader of the Cause sparked a number of such claims during the period of Baha`u'llah's withdrawal in to the mountains of Sulamaniyyih in (1860ish). The death of Dayyan and the followers of Azal killed in Akka were after 1868. By then there were only two claimants to the station of Manifestation.

Mirza Yahya passed away in the early 1900's having lived so withdrawn from any of his earlier claims that they buried him as a Muslim in a pauper's grave.

The only true "blood bath" in the history of the faith was the fate of as many as 20,000 believers dead at the hands of the Shah of Iran and the clergy of Shi'ih Islam between 1850 and 1952 CE.



Few evolutionary biologists would agree with you. There is evidence that humans are still subject to natural selection. But that's kind of off-topic in this thread.
you are right, its so easy to go off on a tangent.


Done here.
You named three deaths and one attempted death.
I was referring to more than that, and there were other murders I didn't refer to, all of them committed by Baha'u'llah's followers -- although several unsuccessful attempts were made on Baha'u'llah's life by his opponents.

Of course the majority were AFTER Baha`u'llah laid claim to be the He Whom God Would Make Manifest, and were in reaction to that claim by him.
I'm not sure how that makes things better.

The only true "blood bath" in the history of the faith was the fate of as many as 20,000 believers dead at the hands of the Shah of Iran and the clergy of Shi'ih Islam between 1850 and 1952 CE.
I agree that the number of Azalis killed by Baha'is pales beside the number of Baha'is killed by Muslims, and I don't really want to get drawn into a long discussion about the Baha'is and the Babis. I agree that Baha'is have been far less violent than the other Abrahamic religions, and what I said about authoritarianism, sexism, and homophobia would probably have sufficed.