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Is the Annie Leibovitz Photo of Miley Cyrus Immoral?


Well-Known Member
if that picture is erotic, than damm every time those people go to the pool or beach they must think there in the middle of a orgy.
i seen more nude in paintings than anywhere els and you don't see them making a big fuss about them(the internet doen't count thats so full of nudity its a wonder that it still has room for other things on it)


Please no sarcasm
If you feel nothing is wrong with it, then pose your own young, underaged daughter in a sheet and splash her picture all over.

Again, she is a minor. Her parents should have been there--their mistake. However, with any questionable pose, the photographer should have talked to her parents first. The ramifications of such a photo are far beyond what a 15 yr. old can understand.

Whether the photo was flattering, tasteful, lewd, or whatever, it was wrong to take it without the parent's consent.


Admiral Obvious
If you feel nothing is wrong with it, then pose your own young, underaged daughter in a sheet and splash her picture all over.

Again, she is a minor. Her parents should have been there--their mistake. However, with any questionable pose, the photographer should have talked to her parents first. The ramifications of such a photo are far beyond what a 15 yr. old can understand.

Whether the photo was flattering, tasteful, lewd, or whatever, it was wrong to take it without the parent's consent.
Where did you hear that the release of said photo was without parental consent?

And what if it was released with parental consent?
What would you think then?


Can't brain. Has dumb.
I know I'm a little late in this thread, but...

I'm sorry. You can't live your life worrying about the mental cases.
We live in an artistically and sexually repressed society.
Where is the general appreciation for the beauty of the naked human form?


I think this picture is very very good! She's a beautiful young woman, about to enter an exciting and new stage of her life (as we are every day no? :D). The pose also suggests she's tentatively "testing the waters", a little unsure of what awaits her before launching into this fascinating period of her discovering who she really is. She also seems to project a certain confidence and security that she feels safe inside her own body and that she is not ashamed of expressing who she really is. A wonderful work of art!

To claim that to be immoral is.. well.. I don't really have a word for it. Backwards? :shrug: maybe...


Can't brain. Has dumb.
If you feel nothing is wrong with it, then pose your own young, underaged daughter in a sheet and splash her picture all over.

Again, she is a minor. Her parents should have been there--their mistake. However, with any questionable pose, the photographer should have talked to her parents first. The ramifications of such a photo are far beyond what a 15 yr. old can understand.

Whether the photo was flattering, tasteful, lewd, or whatever, it was wrong to take it without the parent's consent.

The legal age for sex in The Netherlands is 14. She's not underage there. Imagine you live there. Imagine this is release there. Do you change your statement?

And I disagree. I think 15 year olds are smarter than not being able to understand any conceivable ramifications.

btw - while the picture suggests nudity, that doesn't mean she is naked. On top of that, ain't nothing wrong with being naked!


Through the Looking Glass
And I disagree. I think 15 year olds are smarter than not being able to understand any conceivable ramifications.

And these children that you spit on
As they try to change their worlds
Are immune to your consultations
They're quite aware of what they're going through

David Bowie is much wiser than Dr. Laura, it would seem. :)


Jar of Clay
It's amazing what some parents will put up with when their daughter is earning over three million dollars a year. If your daughter was bringing home that much bacon, would you be so certain of your stance?

I'd like to think so. Morality is one of the few things we have control of in our lives and is something I wouldn't be willing to negotiate. I know not others see this as a moral issue but some see it otherwise. It resembles a story that I heard:

**** Paraphrased ****
A wealthy man was on a business trip and was in the middle of a flight when he saw an attractive girl sitting alone. Being the confident man that he was, he approached the woman. They got to talking for a while and it turned out that she was going to be staying at the same hotel that he would be.

They became pretty comfortable with each other and were flirting a bit when boldly the man said, "My conference isn't going to be starting until tomorrow and I have no plans for tonight. Being a wealthy man, I'll offer you $10,000 for your services tonight." The woman didn't know what to say but she could do a lot with $10,000. After all, the man was pretty handsome and she wasn't married or anything.

"I think that will work." The woman said with a shy, flirtatious grin.

"Excellent!" The man said. "Actually, come to think of it, I made a pretty big purchase just last week and $10,000 might be a little too much at the moment. Can we make it $1,000 instead?"

Surprised, the woman glared at him for a brief second before settling to think about his counter offer. While it's not $10,000 dollars, $1,000 is still a lot of money for his proposal. I could even go on a shopping spree and get those shoes I've always wanted, she thought to herself.

"OK, you have a deal. $1,000 it is. Where and when should I meet you?"

"Eeeeeh did I say $1,000? " The man responded. "While I certainly could afford that, I feel that $1,000 is way to much money for services that I've never tried out before. Tell you what, how does $100 sound? "

Irate, the woman's faced turned red and in a fit of rage said, "$100!!!! Who do you think I am!?"

"Well," The man said with a puzzled look on his face. "I thought we already established that and now we are just negotiating the price."


I'd like to think so. Morality is one of the few things we have control of in our lives and is something I wouldn't be willing to negotiate. I know not others see this as a moral issue but some see it otherwise. It resembles a story that I heard:

The story is a Churchill anecdote (Much shorter in the original):

At a dinner party one night, an inebriated Churchill asked an attractive woman whether she would sleep with him for a million pounds. “Maybe,” the woman said coyly. “Would you sleep with me for one pound?” Churchill then asked. “Of course not, what kind of woman do you think I am?” the woman responded indignantly. “Madam, we’ve already established what kind of woman you are,” said Churchill, “now we’re just negotiating the price.”

OK then, let's say your daughter is a professional model. Many of these women start underage, because let's face it: 15 year old girls are the ideal of female beauty. Her job is to have photos taken of her and she brings home a salary from this that is far higher than you and your husband's combined income.

Then, if you decide a particular pouty face is too "sexual" to go to print, how would you explain yourself to those who disagree without sabotaging your daughter's career?

I think equating poor wee Miley with a whore is unfair. This is just a photo. I would let someone take a photo of MY naked back for a dollar. For free even! I'd just be flattered someone thought it was worth taking a picture of. Wouldn't you? It's certainly not the same thing as spending the night with a strange man.


Jar of Clay
The story is a Churchill anecdote (Much shorter in the original):

Thanks for posting. Mine must have been a version of a version, of a version, of a version of the original ;)

OK then, let's say your daughter is a professional model. Many of these women start underage, because let's face it: 15 year old girls are the ideal of female beauty. Her job is to have photos taken of her and she brings home a salary from this that is far higher than you and your husband's combined income.

Then, if you decide a particular pouty face is too "sexual" to go to print, how would you explain yourself to those who disagree without sabotaging your daughter's career?

If she was a successful model, I don't think passing up on certain opportunities for work would be detrimential to her career. If she was my daughter, I would have to use my best judgement in what I think is best for her as a person and not for her career. As her parent, I think that is my right and my duty and that decision should be left to nobody but myself.

I think equating poor wee Miley with a whore is unfair. This is just a photo. I would let someone take a photo of MY naked back for a dollar. For free even! I'd just be flattered someone thought it was worth taking a picture of. Wouldn't you? It's certainly not the same thing as spending the night with a strange man.

And I would agree with you that labeling her as one would be unfair, as well. What I believe it boils down to is that Miley is looked up to and probably idolized by many young people in America and embodies a certain sense of innocence. I know that my 10 year old sister is obsessed with Hannah Montana. Although the picture that I saw isn't what I considered lewd, the issue that many seem to be having is that a young girl was exploited in a way that seems inappropriate. Did she really have anything to gain by taking these photos? Probably not but I think she had a lot to lose as far as her reputation goes. When you are a star like she is, you always have to be considering how people will perceive your actions and you can't expect them to realize what your intentions were.

I don't know what I've posted about this so much. I really don't think it's that huge of a deal but I can imagine there will probably be parents who will get their hands on the photo and forbid their kids to watch anything with Miley. That's just the way people are and one of the reasons why I thought it wasn't the best decision. But, that's not my call and my opinion doesn't matter. If her parents felt it was appropriate and she did as well, good for them. If you want, I'll come over and take pictures of you :flirt:. You are between the ages of 18-30, and a single woman right? :D


Did she really have anything to gain by taking these photos?

Yes, a possible career as an actress who can be cast in adult roles, possible access to the top-dollar world of "Maxim" spreads and some freedom as a singer to deal with adult topics in her music.

Basically, the same kinds of things we all (meaning women) wanted when we were 15 - to be perceived and treated as a grown-up rather than a child.

I will not get into the kinds of shenanigans I was up to at 15, but I will say it's ridiculous to assert women of that age should not be seen as sensual beings. I thought of myself as an adult by the age of 14. By 16 I was regularly staying out all night (with a courtesy call to mum, of course) and I was out of the house for good by 17.

I don't know what I've posted about this so much. I really don't think it's that huge of a deal but I can imagine there will probably be parents who will get their hands on the photo and forbid their kids to watch anything with Miley. That's just the way people are and one of the reasons why I thought it wasn't the best decision. But, that's not my call and my opinion doesn't matter. If her parents felt it was appropriate and she did as well, good for them. If you want, I'll come over and take pictures of you :flirt:. You are between the ages of 18-30, and a single woman right? :D

Well, who can say what she or her parents were thinking. I have worked with Disney child stars before and I can tell you they are freakishly mature. They spend most of the year working 12 to 14 hour days in a big, dark sound stage surrounded by arty adults. For schooling they work with a private tutor in their trailer or dressing room. They are under constant pressure to be as professional as their adult peers.

In other words, Miley's "15" is probably about the same as your or my "35".

Also, I certainly can't blame her for wanting to bust out of a Disney series, because all the good times are on feature films. You're in and out in a few months. None of the grueling, endless monotony of a series, and far more glam.


Please no sarcasm
Where did you hear that the release of said photo was without parental consent?

And what if it was released with parental consent?
What would you think then?
I read that the parents were not there when the contraversial photos were taken and were upset when they found out. Possibly this was misreported?
The legal age for sex in The Netherlands is 14. She's not underage there. Imagine you live there. Imagine this is release there. Do you change your statement?

And I disagree. I think 15 year olds are smarter than not being able to understand any conceivable ramifications.

btw - while the picture suggests nudity, that doesn't mean she is naked. On top of that, ain't nothing wrong with being naked!
My post was with the understanding the the parents were upset about it. There is no way I would agree to my 15 yr. old daughter posing in such a manner. No, 15 yr. olds are not able to fully understand the ramifications. They simply do not have the maturity.


Jar of Clay
Well, who can say what she or her parents were thinking. I have worked with Disney child stars before and I can tell you they are freakishly mature. They spend most of the year working 12 to 14 hour days in a big, dark sound stage surrounded by arty adults. For schooling they work with a private tutor in their trailer or dressing room. They are under constant pressure to be as professional as their adult peers.

In other words, Miley's "15" is probably about the same as your or my "35".

Kinda sounds like the reasoning behind why Michael Jackson is as messed up as he is. When you have no childhood, you do the strangest things to make up for it when you are older.

Magic Man

Reaper of Conversation
I honestly don't see what's so bad about that picture. Yes, she is missing some clothes, but you don't actually see anything close to "private" areas. It is very tastefully done, and she looks good in a mature, non-sexual way. If I was concerned with any of this, I'd be much more concerned with Britney's sister getting pregnant. That would be a much worse example in my opinion. This wouldn't even hit my radar, if others hadn't brought it up.


Kinda sounds like the reasoning behind why Michael Jackson is as messed up as he is. When you have no childhood, you do the strangest things to make up for it when you are older.

I would agree with that. Child stars often make messed up grown-ups. Not always, but often enough.

I suppose if we're concerned about Miley Whatserface, it might be more generous to talk about how outrageous it is to have children work such long hours. That photo shoot is probably the easiest money she ever made.


Admiral Obvious
I read that the parents were not there when the contraversial photos were taken and were upset when they found out. Possibly this was misreported?
Where did you read this?
I read something quite similar in the Globe.
However, I have not heard/seen/read anything from a reputable source about it either way.


Please no sarcasm
Where did you read this?
I read something quite similar in the Globe.
However, I have not heard/seen/read anything from a reputable source about it either way.
It must have been online, as that's where I read everything. Fox News, or Cnn.com.