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Is the bible word perfect? (infaliable? is that the right word?)

What's the Bible?

  • Word of God and written by God so perfect

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free spirit

Well-Known Member
To Ronald
Always the same old drivle, only god can fulfill the law! If Y H V H gave the Hebrew people an immpossible job that only a God can do, he is not a Just, or Loving God!
one sigle law was given to Adam and he could not keep it, we were borne of Adam.
"For we know that the law is spiritual; i am of flesh, sold into bondage to sin. for that which i am doing, i do not understand; for i am not practicing what i would like to do, but i am doing the very thing i hate."
If the above does not apply to you then you are the only holy man outside Christ. And I am happy for you. Tell me what did you do?

Ronald, you must know that true Christianity is not a religion, but it is the character of Christ taking shape in you through his glorified spirit (the Holy Spirit)
Christian error! Yes the error is that they believe, but do not repent so that his character can grow; like you said they are lawless it escapes them that the Devil also believe.
Yeshua the "second man Adam" was tempted, yet did not sin. Showing that man can without a doubt "Go and sin no more." If this is a lie then the atheists are right and there is no God.
Yes he resisted temptation to the extent of his sweat become like drops of blood. honestly I could not be that strong. Can you for the reast of your life?
Yeshua was not sent so you can continue to sin. And you are not God.
No "Lawless Christian" shall ever enter the Kingdom.
Yes many so called Christians will not enter the kingdom of God, but if you have repented and the flesherly nature in you is dead, and the hevenly nature of Christ is alive in you, you need no law to guide you for you are a new creation.
If you have the "infilling of the Holy Spirit" He will lead you in all truth so you may "Go and sin no more."
"No one who is born of God practices sin, because his seed abides in him; and he cannot sin, because he is born of God. Note the difference Born of Adam and Born of God. There must be therefore a Character change.
So get with the program, If you love him keep the commandments.


Well-Known Member
To Ronald
You are sooooooo close, now "Imitate Sha'ul as he imitates Yeshua."

Then you will be following the Law written on the flesh of your heart.

If you are not doing things like Yeshua you are not there yet.

Rev22:14 Blessed are those who wash their robes, that they may have the right to the tree of life and that they may enter the city by the gates.
15 Outside are the dogs and sorcerers and fornicators and murderers and idolaters, and every one who loves and practices falsehood.

If there is no Law, there is no sin!

He came and as the "Lamb of god" for forgivness of your sins, your sins are forgiven, follow the "Law" written upon your heart and sin no more.

Heb 10:26 For if we sin deliberately after receiving the knowledge of the truth, there no longer remains a sacrifice for sins,

Just the fearful thing, falling into the hands of "Living God"

As I said; Get with the program.

Eph 5:1 Therefore become imitators of God, as beloved children.

Listened to too many sermons and read too little scripture!


Well-Known Member
Free spirit;

Be an imitator of Sha'ul as he imitates Yeshua.
Ac 24:14 But this I admit to you, that according to the Way, which they call a sect, I worship the God of our fathers, believing everything laid down by the law or written in the prophets,

Drop this "Let George do it." attitude. No wonder why Lawless Christianity is so big! And wrong!

Why are you pointing a finger at other Christians who are saved by believing in Jesus?

Sit down on your "Salvation" and await the end of the age, and see others enter by the gates, while you continue to sit on your salvation and wait till Hell freezes over and you're still sitting there! Could this be the "outer darkness"? Could be.
BTW; the New Covenant is made with Israel and Judah, you most be grafted in to the Hebrew Root. (not made with Christianity) Don't be sucked into Replacement Theology.

"Not every one who says to me, Lord, Lord shall enter the kingdom of heaven, but he who does the will of my Father who is in heaven."

Keep the commandments!

Here is a good website,

Also look on the links for other fine ministeries.
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free spirit

Well-Known Member
To Ronald
Free spirit;

Be an imitator of Sha'ul as he imitates Yeshua.
Ac 24:14 But this I admit to you, that according to the Way, which they call a sect, I worship the God of our fathers, believing everything laid down by the law or written in the prophets, Yes Ronald, you do not get it do you: to change you character into that of Jesus You would easily be able to keep the law, because it is your character that drives you. the change of character will not annul the law, it will fulfil the law.

Drop this "Let George do it." attitude. No wonder why Lawless Christianity is so big! And wrong! No, Jesus provided the way, but we have to walk the way, and it is called repentance.

Why are you pointing a finger at other Christians who are saved by believing in Jesus? because they believe but do not change their character, For it is written: "prove yourselves doers of the word, and not merely hearers who delude themselves. for if anyone is a hearer of the word and not a doer, he is like a man who looks at his natural face in a mirror, for once he has looked at himself and gone away, he has immediately forgotten what kind of person he was." As I POINTED OUT TO YOU we all must repent.

Sit down on your "Salvation" and await the end of the age, and see others enter by the gates, while you continue to sit on your salvation and wait till Hell freezes over and you're still sitting there! Could this be the "outer darkness"? Could be.
BTW; the New Covenant is made with Israel and Judah, you most be grafted in to the Hebrew Root. (not made with Christianity) Don't be sucked into Replacement Theology. Yes i am grafted into the Hebrew Root of Jesus, Ronald, who is more Hebrew then him?
The Jews and their descendants who did not believe him to be the messiah have been left out in the outer darkeness. If your hope is in the law, you will be judged by the law. To keep the law for the duration of your life is impossible. If I will be judged by the law I will not pass, for I have been a sinner. Have you been perfect Romald?

"Not every one who says to me, Lord, Lord shall enter the kingdom of heaven, but he who does the will of my Father who is in heaven." Those are the Christians who believe but do not repent. Yes his will is for us to repent.

Keep the commandments!
Yes but if I stay in Adam nature I will not be able to keep the commandments, only in the nature of the Holy Spirit I will be able to do that.

Here is a good website,
Thanks for the PM Ronald, but it is like you are asking me to go to law school to learn how to live life.
Yes you are right and you are wrong, not a happy place to be.
"If you abide in my words, then you are truly disciples of mine; and you shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free." MY UNDERSTANDING OF THE ABOVE IS AS FOLLOW.
If you observe my words, then you are truly disciples of mine; and you shall know holiness, and holiness shall make you free from sin and from the law.
the love of the Lord be with you.

Wisdom In Torah Paltalk Page

Also look on the links for other fine ministeries.
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Well-Known Member
To Ronald

Oh my you are so close.
Yes but if I stay in Adam nature I will not be able to keep the commandments, only in the nature of the Holy Spirit I will be able to do that.

How true, then if you are the new creature and able to follow the Torah, the question remains, "Do You?"

Got to go it is Shabbat erev.
CU after the Sabbath.


free spirit

Well-Known Member
To Ronald
Oh my you are so close.

How true, then if you are the new creature and able to follow the Torah, the question remains, "Do You?" How can I not, should be the question, for if I become a fish you would not ask me if I can breath through water. would you? Ronald in your country do you need to know all of its laws to be a good citizen, don't you live your life in good faith and do what is right?
We read in Romans 13 - 7 to 10 " Render to all what is due them; tax to whom tax is due; custom to whom custom; fear to whom fear; honor to whom honor. Owe nothing to anyone except to love one another; for he who loves his neighbor has fulfilled the law. For this, "You shall not commit adultery, you shall not murder, you shall not steal, you shall not covet," and if there is any other commandment, it is summed up in this saying, "you shall love your neighbor as yourself." Love does not wrong to a neighbour; love therefore is the fulfillment of the law."
The same problem was addressed by the apostle Paul, The Jews of that time were saying, you can be a Christian but you must keep the law and be circumcise. Paul an the other hand was saying to them that the law is fulfilled if you have faith in Christ's life, by emitating it, no just believe and leave it at that, as it is often the case today.
Galatians 3 - 9 to 14, "Those who are of faith are blessed with abraham, the believer. For as many as are of the works of the law are under a curse; for it is written, Cursed is everyone who does not abide by all things written in the book of the law, to perform them." Now that no one is justified by the law before God is evident: for, the righteous man shall live by faith." However, the law is not of faith; on the contrary, he who practices them shall live by them." Christ redeemed us from the curse of the law, having fulfilled the law for us in order that in Christ Jesus the blessing of Abraham might come to all believers, so that we all might receive the promise of the spirit through faith." and galatians is very explicid by saying, "It was for freedom from the law that Christ set us free; therefore keep standing firm and do not be subject again to a yoke of slavery. Behold I, Paul, say to you that if you receive circumcision, Christ will be of no benefit to you. and i testify again to every man who receives circumcision, that he is under obligation to keep the whale law. You have been severed from Christ, you who are seeking to be justified by law; you have fallen from grace. for we through the spirit, by faith, are waiting for the hope of righteousness. for in Christ Jesus neither circumcision nor uncircumcision means anything, but faith working through love." Or faith working through the loving character of Christ in you.

Read all of Galatians and Romans chapter 1 to chapter 6.
"For if while we were enemies, we were reconciled to god through the death of his Son, much more, having been reconciled, we shall be santified by his life."


Got to go it is Shabbat erev.
CU after the Sabbath.

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Well-Known Member
To Ronald
Got one more website for you to check out,
Ahavat Elohim (The Love Of God) Messianic Discussion Forums - Does God love Gay people also?

It's somewhat tied to this thread.

Your message that the Jews were only chosen to bring Jesus.
OH, my! I can hardly believe my eyes.

What other parts of the bible do you not believe?

It seems as though you have a grasp of some things you hold so many blatantlly false theologies.

I suppose we will just have to agree to disagree and shake the dust from our feet and go to where the message is recieved.

Shalom u'vracha

free spirit

Well-Known Member
To Ronald

Got one more website for you to check out,
Ahavat Elohim (The Love Of God) Messianic Discussion Forums - Does God love Gay people also?

It's somewhat tied to this thread.
God love all people, Gay are people, so God love gay people also, but they are not special, they are also called to repent, it is written "you should be holy for I am holy." Is a practising gay person holy? I let you be the judge of that.

Your message that the Jews were only chosen to bring Jesus.
OH, my! I can hardly believe my eyes. sorry if I have offended you, but all the Hebrews experiences points to the coming of the Christ, is he not the focal point?
You say, only chosen to bring Jesus: you do not fully apreciate that privelege. He was God in the flesh, and you say only. :confused:

What other parts of the bible do you not believe?
The parts that I do not understand, and there are a couple.

It seems as though you have a grasp of some things you hold so many blatantlly false theologies. all my believes and knowledge points to the holiness of God and how to get there. no ifs and buts.

I suppose we will just have to agree to disagree and shake the dust from our feet and go to where the message is recieved. i cannot force my opinion on anyone, I can only appeal to the consciece of the individual.

Shalom u'vracha
The bible the mentioned that the Earth is not moving is fixed and stationary in a position which in direct contradiction to factual earth of our solar system. Ps 93:1 ;96:10 ;104:5 ; I Chr 16:30
In addition ,the sun was moving around the earth instead Ps 104:19 ;Ec 1:5 ;Jos 10:13

how can bible be real ? and if god did create the universe ,the bible should have been written in same descriptions of the earth and the sun as with nature. but that's not the case unfortunately.
please draft your rebuttals with biblical referencing thanks

yours sincerely


Question Everything
there is no way to know which parts are wrong. ....

Sure there is!

(New Testament | John 14:26)
26 But the Comforter, which is the Holy Ghost, whom the Father will send in my name, he shall teach you all things...

The Holy Spirit really does exist, and really can help you know what is right, and what is wrong.


Higher and Higher
Ok I am sure you have had a thread like this in the past, but I cant find one recently so I thought I would give it a go... Its quite simply...

Do you think the bible is word perfect?

I have noticed some people take the all or nothing approach. If the bible is perfect they believe it - if the bible has some *mistakes*, they say the whole thing is wrong.

What do you think?

I don't think the Bible is inerrant and perfect. I think that the existence of Jewish Law is not only because interpretation for actual daily use is well-nigh impossible (since we don't believe the Written Torah was written to be used without the clarification and guidance of the Oral Torah), but because it is a constant endeavor to discern what might God truly want from us-- the grain of commandment within the chaff of human comprehension, wording, and cultural biases. That is why we do not use the Written Torah alone, but only through the lens of halakhah (Jewish Law/interpretive tradition).
To kmkemp
let say i agree with you that holy spirit exists & they teach the 'right' things then why is there such confusion of simple facts like the earth is not moving(Ps 93:1 ;96:10 ;104:5 ; I Chr 16:30) and the sun moves round the earth(Ps 104:19 ;Ec 1:5 ;Jos 10:13 ) ? why is there are such verses written ? the answer is pretty obvious isn't it ? the holy spirit & god didn't actually inspired the book. Bottom-line god is not the creator of the universe. if the holy spirit told us that those verses are right then they are absolutely really not real.
However ,the above mentioned verses reminds me of Galileo the astronomer in the 16-century at that time the Church insists that the earth is the centre of the universe that all the planets including the sun revolves round our flat disc-like (Is 40:22) earth. Conversely ,the astronomer discovered that was not true. He was arrested and later released on house arrest till his death. Incidentally ,after 400 to 500 years later the last pope issued a letter of apology (1993) to Galileo's family.

To Dream Angel
the interpretation of the torah especially
the law books of god and i don't think that god would write in parables or metaphor or figure of speech or idioms for us to guess like Nobody else ? & that he would have to be Explicit And Straight To The Point if it is about LAW right ? isn't that must be the case when you are first lying down the LAW ? if not ,how you expect the people to follow what they don't comprehend and guessing all the time ? No wonder so many scholars are playing guess games to try to bend their interpretations to their beliefs. So what factual now?
please do include your biblical referencing when you draft your rebuttals & please do correspond freely.

thanks for reading
yours sincerely


Well-Known Member
It is the word of God; it is the part that is written of men that is not so perfect; it is the spiritual Word that is perfect. God never intended his divine word to be interpeted by carnal religous man even though He knew it would happen; that is why scripture calls the literal word the letter that killeth.

Without the Spirit of truth the Bible is just a book.
the holy bible is written by the god 100% that is what i was told. inspired by the holy spirit. every word in the bible the from god.
i don't think the book is a letter that killeth. is a letter of confusion and most importantly to lure those who are childishly ignorant of their surroundings & the unknown and thus make them believe that are saved with abundance ripping-off of their savings and also control of their thinking. this is just pure ancient politics. the bible is a book not the hoy word of god the fact that those verses i quoted in the pervious missive is just one of the hundreds of those discrepancies i found in that book.
please do not make it more 'holy' when the contents within don't even match the nature descriptions. ok ? Benonio
To know something factual before discovery by man is vital especially you claim the bible is from god and a the creator of the universe. the book had just disproof itself
thanks for reading


Well-Known Member
I don't really think the Bible is the actual word of God. The reason is because it was translated too many times by people that could have possibly thrown their own thoughts and feelings in there. Even their interpretations could have been extremely different than God himself. I do believe that some things in the Bible are true or have the possibility of being true. The Flood for example... maybe even Noahs Ark... I believe in Aliens for goodness sakes. lol I think I can believe in a Flood over the entire world being possible, as well as two of every animal fitting on an ark.
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Agnostic Pantheist
Ok I am sure you have had a thread like this in the past, but I cant find one recently so I thought I would give it a go... Its quite simply...

Do you think the bible is word perfect?

I have noticed some people take the all or nothing approach. If the bible is perfect they believe it - if the bible has some *mistakes*, they say the whole thing is wrong.

What do you think? :)
I take a different approach to the matter. its not about the Bible being 'right' or 'wrong'. the Bible is the product of human beings, Israelite/Jewish men who lived in the ancient Near East during what we call the Iron Age (and the New Testament during the Roman era and the first centuries).
it is a testament for human culture, specifically Israelite and Jewish society and the socio-political atmosphere and geopolitics of the ancient Near East, the politics, the traditions, the law, the poetry, religion, wisdom, folklore, history.
what should it be right about? I'm not sure about that, it gives us an insight to Israelite matters and can give a context to Mesopotamian, Levantine, and Egyptian matters as well.
it can be a marvelous text, but it certainly cannot teach us science or the problems of the universe, however it can teach us about how people in the Near East, which was the cradle of civilizations related to the problems of the universe, or their existence and the regional affairs around them and those that made an impcat on them. it can show us how men have always dealt with these issues, and its no wonder that the Hebrew bible has become a corner stone of world literature and art, it has become an influence over all aspects of life in Western culture throughout the Middle Ages, the Renaissance, and the Early Modern Period and before that.
i need a favor from you.
can you please calculate the the volume of the ark (references from the bible) and then total up all the animals know to humans (check the web) ?

then take the total volume of the ARK divide by (total number of kind of animals)

then you will see how impossible for all the animals be in the Ark for 40 days and survived and i have not including food and Noah's family yet
not to mention how does the polar bears and koalar bears traveled & escape the heat of Sahara desert plus various tedious climate and reached the place that they are found & live only in that place or country and no where else ?
i think they already extinct even before they reach Australia and the poles while traveling from Mt Ararat. don't you think ?.what do you think about this?
thanks for reading.
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