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Is the evolutionary doctrine a racist doctrine?

Eli G

Well-Known Member
Remember the chicken and egg paradox? It's a very interesting one.

It occurs to me that it would be interesting if some "theorist" of the doctrine of the evolution of species told us if the monkeys lost their tails and became apes, or the apes developed a tail and became monkeys... and which it would be the supposed reason they invent to ensure that. ;)


Well-Known Member
Many animal species have been known to humans for millennia.

No animal species has become different in the slightest sense. It is an imaginary theory that has no evidence at all.

Even so, that fantasy has grown more and more as time has passed, like when you add chapters to a science fiction story that you never want to end.
again, it is your strawman that is wrong, it is you who think we should see crocoducks,
evolution explains domesticated animals.


Veteran Member
Now evolutionists believe that the first apes that became humans appeared in Africa and from there began to travel the world.
No. That would be taxonomists, anthropologists and geneticists.
Let's go back to that moment again: did those supposed first humans resemble any modern human race?
PS: Race is a variable that actually exists and is used to physically describe people. It includes skin color, height, weight, ...
It exists as a social construct.
Typically the race includes variations in hair shape and color, facial features, and other physical characteristics. In the US, race is a variable noted in the documents that officially identify citizens. So any rejection of the "race" variable is nothing more than ridiculous nonsense from lovers of philosophical discussions that deviate from reality.
"So do you think there is more genetic variability between these two penguins… or between Taylor Swift and Kanye West?

The answer is surprising. Even though our eyes tell us one thing, DNA analysis reveals the opposite. These penguins are more different at the DNA level than our two human superstars. It turns out that humans are less genetically diverse than many animals, including chimps.

In fact any two unrelated human beings on the planet are 99.9% identical in their DNA sequence. Only 0.1% varies, and here’s the most important takeaway message from all this. It also happens to be the most replicated finding in the scientific literature on human variation.

Of this 0.1% that varies, almost all of it (95.7% to be exact) is found between individuals within the same race. Despite what our eyes perceive, there is more genetic diversity within a race than between races."

"The completion of the Human Genome Project in 2003 confirmed humans are 99.9% identical at the DNA level and there is no genetic basis for race."


Veteran Member
It seems that for some reason that no one knows, evolutionists have never placed a photo of an ape next to a photo of a human to notice the differences between the two. Or have they? :)
They've done much, much more than that. Starting with actually mapping their genomes.


Well-Known Member
Remember the chicken and egg paradox? It's a very interesting one.

It occurs to me that it would be interesting if some "theorist" of the doctrine of the evolution of species told us if the monkeys lost their tails and became apes, or the apes developed a tail and became monkeys... and which it would be the supposed reason they invent to ensure that. ;)
Ape with a tail,

Denying reality only makes you look stupid.

Eli G

Well-Known Member
Evolutionists have convinced themselves that the sum of many tiny changes can turn the ancestor of a crab into the ancestor of a spider.

What they don't realize is that to prove that this really happened they would have to have evidence that there were such ancestors who were slowly turning into crabs or spiders, and for that they need more than just cheap fantasy talk.


Well-Known Member
Evolutionists have convinced themselves that the sum of many tiny changes can turn the ancestor of a crab into the ancestor of a spider.

What they don't realize is that to prove that this really happened they would have to have evidence that there were such ancestors who were slowly turning into crabs or spiders, and for that they need more than just cheap fantasy talk.
No, it was cousins, them as never came out o da water is the crabs and the uptown ones turned into spiders Starting about 500 million years ago.

Eli G

Well-Known Member
"Crabs and spiders are cousins" says a fan of the doctrine of the evolution of species. :)

And who were the uncles and aunts? :cool:

And so it is with everything else... Evolution is the doctrine of uncles and aunts who never existed.

Eli G

Well-Known Member
There is a biblical story that informs us of a human agenda that tried to prevent humans from spreading across the earth and concentrating in the same locality, or at least in a centralized manner. The Bible says that God frustrated that attempt by confusing speech...

If humans had not spread to different regions of the planet, races would most likely not have appeared among humans. But just as a garden is more beautiful if it has many flowers with different colors and varieties, so humanity is beautified by the diversity of races.

The Hammer

Premium Member
Maybe not in your neighborhood. ;)

"Race, the idea that the human species is divided into distinct groups on the basis of inherited physical and behavioral differences. Genetic studies in the late 20th century refuted the existence of biogenetically distinct races, and scholars now argue that “races” are cultural interventions reflecting specific attitudes and beliefs that were imposed on different populations in the wake of western European conquests beginning in the 15th century."

From the actual encyclopedia:

Facts don't care about feelings lol


Faith-confidence in what we hope for (Hebrews 11)
I don't always believe what the clergy says. At least in science, peer-review is important for this very reason, and what peer-review is available in churches?
:) I am not sure where to take this because -- there are obviously so many sects and/or religions. So, because I respect God and what I have learned, I will stop there. :) (for now) thanks