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Is the God of Christianity, Judaism, and Islam the same deity?


Veteran Member
Yes, I believe the God that Moses, Jesus and Muhammad were talking about are the same God.
But I don't believe the God of Islam, Christianity and etc.. are the same.


Premium Member
I only boast in Yashua Anointed, not in myself. Paul had the same problem in his day for he was always being accused of boasting in himself.

When we speak with Yashua Anointed's confidence it will seem as if we are boasting, but that is not the case at all for He is the One we speak for as messengers. The correct translation for 'apostle' is messenger.

No. You boast of your own ability to know and apply The Truth to others. I would consider it confidence if you demonstrated applying what you understand to be truth, to yourself. I consider it boasting that you consider having found what you consider to be some amount of truth as the same thing as having The Truth (which, as far as I am concerned is reserved for God.)

If you have The Truth, then you should know all things about all matters. Do you claim to have such?

I guess I misunderstood your use of the term The Way. It is my understanding that he taught The Way as a way of Being (internally, motivated by love and good-will) that leads to right action. That involves placing your focus upon YOU doing what you understand to be the right thing, not using your beliefs to justify judgement against, or as a weapon against others. Looks like there's more than one "Way" out there.

I consider it an affront to his teachings that you would presume to be speaking for him in a hateful way about the Jewish people -- who, I believe, he would consider his family. Take responsibilty for your own hatred. Don't blame it on him.
It doesn't seem like you have much ground to make such a judgment, considering that your theology appears to be racist, anti-Semitic, exclusivist and supremacist, and in all ways devoid of human compassion or empathy. Such stuff strikes me as being about as far from holy as I could imagine.

As you are not Holy, you cannot make any judgments as to what is Holy and what is not Holy. In part I understand your ignorance because the Christian Religion is the only thing you have to guage things Holy by.

I am telling you The Truth and invariably it will hurt those not of The Truth or strangers to The Truth. The Truth is a two edged sword and which ever way I wield it, it cuts.

Try not to introduce cheap emotionalism and sentimental yuk as a yard stick with which to measure compassion and empathy. Try watching less Hollywood/TV tripe.


Resident Liberal Hippie
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Well-Known Member
Bruce said:
Save that what you overlook is that it's HUMANITY that changes from Age to Age, not God! The reason for the apparent changes was to accomodate our changing needs and abilities.

So thats why God lied if all other religions are true. Well that sucks.

No: this has nothing whatever to do with "lying": it's a simple statement of fact as to why teachings in different Ages differ.

Meaning no offense, that appears to be wilful distortion on your part.

And I can't much speak to religions so old that we no longer have any reliable information about them.

That said, there's indeed a consistent pattern to all this if you care to see it.




to answer this question we must search holly books.are we believe in same god?i don't think so.because we didn't search who is the god in holly books.but i did search it.in quran god is kings of angels and they are 2 person.and i made a little search in bible asweel.and in bible in few verses god say ( WE).so christians must search who is this (we).gen 3:28.so if they do that they will find out god is gabriel abd mikael.i don't no about judaism.


Well-Known Member
Good god quoting you is a real nightmare. You sure love those tags.

No: this has nothing whatever to do with "lying": it's a simple statement of fact as to why teachings in different Ages differ.[/SIZE]

Meaning no offense, that appears to be wilful distortion on your part.

Nope its pretty much about lying. Hashem entered with us a convenant for all eternity. If this isnt true then this all knowing being lied to us from the start. Because this all knowing being must have known from the start that it would end this convenant for all eternity with the arrival of Jesus or Mohammed.

And this would only make sense if Hashem lied to us about it.

It has nothing to do with teachings of different ages. Christianity and Islam both mean to replace Judaism with themselves. Its basic replacement theology and nothing more.


Well-Known Member
The problem is that ALL the older religions tend to say they're "for all eternity!" when in fact each is eventually superceded by a newer religion!

Indeed: the Baha'i Faith is the only one I know that doesn't make this same statement, but rather states explicitly that it, too, will eventually be replaced.

And BTW, please note there's nothing whatever wrong with trying to be accurate when quoting.

Peace, :)



Well-Known Member
’ 23 And yet then I will confess to them: I never knew YOU! Get away from me, YOU workers of lawlessness.


A born-again freethinker
To someone who wants to make the argument "look how influential god is; almost every person acknowledges his existence," yes. To someone who wants to argue against a different religion, no.