I only boast in Yashua Anointed, not in myself. Paul had the same problem in his day for he was always being accused of boasting in himself.
When we speak with Yashua Anointed's confidence it will seem as if we are boasting, but that is not the case at all for He is the One we speak for as messengers. The correct translation for 'apostle' is messenger.
No. You boast of your own ability to know and apply The Truth to others. I would consider it confidence if you demonstrated applying what you understand to be truth, to yourself. I consider it boasting that you consider having found what you consider to be some amount of truth as the same thing as having The Truth (which, as far as I am concerned is reserved for God.)
If you have The Truth, then you should know all things about all matters. Do you claim to have such?
I guess I misunderstood your use of the term The Way. It is my understanding that he taught The Way as a way of Being (internally, motivated by love and good-will) that leads to right action. That involves placing your focus upon YOU doing what you understand to be the right thing, not using your beliefs to justify judgement against, or as a weapon against others. Looks like there's more than one "Way" out there.
I consider it an affront to his teachings that you would presume to be speaking for him in a hateful way about the Jewish people -- who, I believe, he would consider his family. Take responsibilty for your own hatred. Don't blame it on him.