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Is the Super Mario Bros movie anti-woke?


Veteran Member
Children don't get the operations. If they are teens, overwhelmingly they are put on hormone suppressant medication per themselves, their parents, and their doctor. Do you really want the government to make this decision for them?
It sounds like he wants to make the decisions for them.


Face to face with my Father
Premium Member
Even though Jewish Law clearly allows for capitalism, I don't see the connection with the Deut reference. However, that's Ok since we both agree that capitalism is very much allowed in both Judaism and Christianity.

The Luke citation is another matter since it really doesn't indicate how you or I as Christians should do this? Jewish Law on this was very clear, namely that the state working with the Sanhedrin and Temple priests were mandated to help all those in material need. Jesus doubled down in this with his Parable of the Widow's Mite, basically showing how the poor widow donated beyond what she was doing that was beyond obeying the Law.

So, what I repeatedly see with the Pubs in general, is an unwillingness to deal with those in need, such as with the passing of the massive tax cuts that benefitted the wealthy but not the poor or even most middle-incomed families. That's my #1 problem with them as it's a betrayal of what Jesus taught. Then there's the issue of the proliferation of guns [120 guns per 100 people], whereas Jesus taught us to behave very differently. Thus, we shouldn't be writing this off because "it's political".

So, my question is, what about in the here and now? OTOH, if you just want to stop, that's Ok.

Take care.

I think the picture of "Pubs not interested in helping people" is a political posture created by media. As a Christian and hanging around Christian (Both Pubs and Dems) - we all agree about helping people. I think the difference lies in the "how's" and not the "why's".

So we are actually in complete agreement that capitalism is allowed as long as it includes "love your neighbor as yourself".


aged ecumenical anthropologist
I think the picture of "Pubs not interested in helping people" is a political posture created by media. As a Christian and hanging around Christian (Both Pubs and Dems) - we all agree about helping people. I think the difference lies in the "how's" and not the "why's".
Keep telling yourself that even though it's VERY obviously not true, and I could post many examples of the Pubs neglect of the poor, such as their refusal to pass any universal healthcare. However, I have to leave for Battle Creek shortly.
So we are actually in complete agreement that capitalism is allowed as long as it includes "love your neighbor as yourself".
At least that we agree on.

Take care.


Face to face with my Father
Premium Member
Children don't get the operations. If they are teens, overwhelmingly they are put on hormone suppressant medication per themselves, their parents, and their doctor. Do you really want the government to make this decision for them?
Do we really want government involved in children's lives when abuse is in the home? Do we really want all the physical side-effect that are life long done to children when, in most cases, they revert back to their gender as they grow older? Do we want experimentation on children?

Father Heathen

Veteran Member
Do we really want government involved in children's lives when abuse is in the home?
Yes, but the difference is a innocent person is being victimized, which is obviously different from treating a diagnosed medical condition.
Yes, that doesn't mesh with your religious beliefs, we get it, but who are you to impose them upon those who don't share them?


Face to face with my Father
Premium Member
Keep telling yourself that even though it's VERY obviously not true, and I could post many examples of the Pubs neglect of the poor, such as their refusal to pass any universal healthcare. However, I have to leave for Battle Creek shortly.

You are talking about "politicians". Personally, I want universal healthcare... just not governmental single payer healthcare so that there is competition and innovation which is what you are interpreting as "neglect of the poor" - which is not true since the poor get healthcare, and "refusal to pass universals healthcare which, in reality, is "refusal to governmental healthcare".


Woke gremlin
(looks at thread title)

(looks at recent comments)

"... There's no substantive study showing it's a medical treatment for a diagnosis? It's in the DSM for ****s sake and the WPATH Stamdards of Care outline the medical treatment procedures..."
"... How does the "heart of Capitalism" get borne out? If you're just dealing with charity, we well know that it alone cannot and has not worked to deal with the load of suffering..."
"... Even though Jewish Law clearly allows for capitalism, I don't see the connection with the Deut reference. However, that's Ok since we both agree that capitalism is very much allowed in both Judaism and Christianity..."

Man... This thread went in a crazy direction.

The Super Mario Bros movie must be way deeper than I thought!


Face to face with my Father
Premium Member
Yes, but the difference is a innocent person is being victimized, which is obviously different from treating a diagnosed medical condition.
Yes, that doesn't mesh with your religious beliefs, we get it, but who are you to impose them upon those who don't share them?
EXACTLY, and the puberty blockers and operations are innocent children being victimized. (nothing to do with religion - it is your strawman effort)


Face to face with my Father
Premium Member
So what criteria determines whether or not medical care victimizes if not religious based?
Do you need "religion" to understand what is abuse? Do we throw out science because of what we "feel"? -

NAY, thou knave, wait to your are an adult to make an adult decision about your body.

On a more serious note. What damage is done by waiting until you are 18?

Father Heathen

Veteran Member
Do you need "religion" to understand what is abuse?
It is if a claim has no real world basis.
Do we throw out science because of what we "feel"? -
You mean like the denial of evolution, climate change, vaccines, etc.?
NAY, thou knave, wait to your are an adult to make an adult decision about your body.
Does that go for all medical procedures?
On a more serious note. What damage is done by waiting until you are 18?
Others here have already explained this better than I could, on multiple occasions.

BTW, what are your thoughts on circumcision?


Veteran Member
EXACTLY, and the puberty blockers and operations are innocent children being victimized. (nothing to do with religion - it is your strawman effort)
In your opinion, which is not based on extensive knowledge of the facts, of medical histories or anything at all about the individuals involved.
It has nothing to do with you, you don't know anything about it, and it's not your life. You're not a doctor. You're not a psychologist. So why should you get a say in other peoples' personal medical decisions? Do you consider that a "live and let live" attitude?
Do you think I everyone else should get to come to your doctor's office with you and make your medical decisions for you?


Veteran Member
Do you need "religion" to understand what is abuse? Do we throw out science because of what we "feel"? -

NAY, thou knave, wait to your are an adult to make an adult decision about your body.

On a more serious note. What damage is done by waiting until you are 18?
I've posted this Jon Stewart interview with parents of trans children many, many times. I suggest giving it a watch if you're looking for answers to your questions.

Here's what one parent had to say about their child:

“Well, it’s interesting that folks might say that these are woke parents ‘cause my husband and I weren’t really woke about this. We had a child who was telling us that they – that, you know, she’s been a girl her whole life, and we were not really listening. So I am not sure how woke we were….I kind of wish we were more woke. I wish we had been able to hear her sooner. Took us a few years to really listen and appreciate that she was telling us who she was. And when we did, she was – she was like a new child. She just literally lit up, woke up. She woke up when we supported her. We said, ‘we recognize that this is who you are, and we are gonna support you in our house. And we’re gonna support you in your life.’ And when that happened, she’s like, ‘this is amazing.’ She really didn’t have words for it as a 10-year-old. She had been telling us since she was three. And since that time, what we deal with now is a child who is now almost going to college. She’s in high school. And, I told someone the other day, I said, ‘You know, her being trans is the least interesting thing about her.’”

“So the year before she transitioned, I knew – she was verbalizing that she did not want to live. And I said ‘I don’t want to lose my child,’ so we may have had our heads in the sand about what was really going on, acknowledging this. So there was a razor’s edge for sure at that point. Once we actually affirmed this child, she’s actually been fine. She’s on her phone too much. That’s her biggest problem. Once she had the gender-affirming care of her parents – she blossomed.

Here's another:

“First I’d just like to make sure that we clarify the different types of transitions. Because we’ve talked about, there’s no medical intervention. So, Avery socially transitioned at the age of four. So it was just name, pronouns, hair, saying daughter instead of son. Before we did that kind of affirmation, Avery was depressed, talked about death all the time, and actually tried to jump out of our car – at four. She just could not handle it. Doing that kind of social affirmation gave us a kid who smiled again, who said ‘mommy I love you’ all the time. We have a whole year, between three and four, where we don’t have a photo of Avery smiling. And that changed just through social affirmation. So when people call us child abusers and say it’s horrible to do this, they don’t understand the realities.”

“It was completely out of my realm of understanding. I was very conservative, evangelical, you know, Southern Baptist, GOP. But at the age of four, Avery said, ‘Mom you think that I am a boy, but I’m a girl. I’m a girl on the inside,’ and very directly told us. We had no idea what that meant. It was out of our thinking. We thought maybe we have a confused gay boy… We wanted to ask questions. We talked to doctors. We went to the endocrinologists just to check the XX, XYs, all the things. And we had to come to understand that our child knew who they were. And mind you they’re 15 now. This was more than a decade ago. They weren’t influenced by TikTok. They weren’t on Facebook.”

So that should answer your last question.

The full article and interviews, plus interviews with an endocrinologist and a geneticist, can be found here:


aged ecumenical anthropologist
Do we really want government involved in children's lives when abuse is in the home? Do we really want all the physical side-effect that are life long done to children when, in most cases, they revert back to their gender as they grow older? Do we want experimentation on children?
It is not I who wants the government to make the decisions-- it's you.

Are they safe? Well:
Most experts, including our team, believe that puberty blockers are safe:

  • The Endocrine Society and the World Professional Association for Transgender Health support the use of puberty blockers for kids who want to delay or prevent unwanted physical changes.
  • The U.S. Food and Drug Administration has approved puberty blockers for children who start puberty at a young age. -- Puberty Blockers
This not "experimental" and has shown to be effective and allowing time for the young adult [18+] to make the decision, not the government. It also has shown a reduction in the chances of suicide versus not being allowed to have the suppressant that the teen could possibly give up hope and take drastic measures.
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aged ecumenical anthropologist
which is not true since the poor get healthcare,
Often false.

Someone who's poor with chest pains can go to the hospital and if they can't afford emergency care, it will be covered one way or another. But where the problem comes in is if the person needs long-term access for a heart condition, for example. This problem is what killed one of brothers-in law, Kenny, so this one hits home. If you want, I can give you the details of what happened.

Here in the States, 70-80% of all personal bankruptcies have the cost of healthcare being a major factor, and on top of that many were stuck with deciding whether to eat or take the insulin they need, as an example, and let me remind you that it was this Biden administration that passed the sharp reduction in the cost of insulin, not the Pubs who fought this all the way.

I am not a "one-size-fits-all" kinda fellow, therefore I would like to see Medicare for all, which is much less expensive that the private insurance system we have that most Americans hate! Buy what can be done is to have a mixture of both, which many countries do who also have basic universal healthcare.


Face to face with my Father
Premium Member
It is if a claim has no real world basis.

You mean like the denial of evolution, climate change, vaccines, etc.?

Does that go for all medical procedures?

Others here have already explained this better than I could, on multiple occasions.

BTW, what are your thoughts on circumcision?
Filled with strawman and red herrings. ;) Used when one has no substance.


Face to face with my Father
Premium Member
In your opinion, which is not based on extensive knowledge of the facts, of medical histories or anything at all about the individuals involved.
It has nothing to do with you, you don't know anything about it, and it's not your life. You're not a doctor. You're not a psychologist. So why should you get a say in other peoples' personal medical decisions? Do you consider that a "live and let live" attitude?
Do you think I everyone else should get to come to your doctor's office with you and make your medical decisions for you?
The science is there..

Your questions are quite irrelevant. Or did you forget that COVID vaccines were mandatory?