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Is the United States just not mature enough to deal with radical fringe madness?

Sand Dancer

Crazy Cat Lady
There are so many literally delusional cultists bringing the world's once-most-powerful nation into disrepute around the civilized world. When I was growing up (in the 1960s, 70s and 80s) the nation could always manage to cope -- to deal with the radical fringe, to cope with the loonies, to hold elections that were solidly accepted.

This appears not to be the case any more. Seriously! You can't get your insurrections under control. Your criminals, at the highest level, regularly defeat your law enforcement. Trump wins everything he touches, and will never be punished -- and the "law and order nation," the "country of laws," can't do anything at all to stop it.

How did the nation so impoverish its own sense of itself, and its status as the rational leader of the world? Because it is lost. Your own Department of Justice can't hold an obvious criminal to account, and can't seem to figure our how to do it.

What happened? Where did the America I knew go?

And can it ever come back? (For myself, I now seriously doubt it.)

The young folks of the right are idealist to the extreme and the older folks on the right are trying to bring on a theocracy. For some reason, we are listening to them instead of quelling their tantrums. Both sides seem to think that riots are good.


Face to face with my Father
Premium Member
Good for them. Unfortunately, theocratic thinking seems to still be lingering now, what with some religious fundamentalists wanting to ban specific books, abortion, and a variety of other things their religious beliefs disagree with.


So you prefer mass murder, violent protests, free porn for minors and no love??


Besides, it is just my viewpoint.

Sand Dancer

Crazy Cat Lady
I think the US left what it used to be when they threw God out of the marketplace, education and media mountains of influence.

I think it will return with another awakening.

Certainly MSNBC needs it too. I think CNN is going back to what it use to be.

We should never have been putting anyone's particular god in influential areas to begin with. Thankfully we are now trying to level the playing field. It's not like the Hebrew god influences many for good anyway.

Subduction Zone

Veteran Member
I think the US left what it used to be when they threw God out of the marketplace, education and media mountains of influence.

I think it will return with another awakening.

Certainly MSNBC needs it too. I think CNN is going back to what it use to be.
No, so wrong. It was always a problem that Christians tried to shove their God where he does not belong. They were not following the founders when they did that. The awakening that is need right now is from the leadership of the right.

Subduction Zone

Veteran Member

So you prefer mass murder, violent protests, free porn for minors and no love??


Besides, it is just my viewpoint.
Whoa now. Not so fast sonny. When it comes to mass murder that is a right wing trait far more than it is a left wing one. Those on the left have tried to oppose the weapons used for those. There have been more violent protests by people on the left, but they are the ones that have been oppressed. There was no excuse of oppression for the January 6 attempted insurrection. The Black Lives Matter protests threatened property, not democracy. The right lost the ability to complain about violent protests on that day. Free porn? That is more up to the parents. That should not be a government issue. No love? Look at your own side again. I see far less love by the right than by the left.

Shadow Wolf

Certified People sTabber & Business Owner
It sounds like you are suggesting a theocracy, which is unAmerican. Describe this "awakening" (which of course means you people would be woke) so we understand what you mean.
It's a Church History thing. Too much for a forum post but definitely look into them. In America they have been ugly and the source of some of the most outlandish claims of Christianity (like reading just the Bible ot get through life, Sinners in the Hands of Angry God, Biblical literalism). We wouldn't have modern American Evangelicalism without them.


Veteran Member
Isn't it a phenomenon as foretold by the Second Coming, please?:

“Yajuj [Gog] and Majuj [Magog] are two peoples who have been mentioned in earlier scriptures. The reason why they are so called is that they make extensive use of Ajij [fire], and would reign supreme on earth and dominate every height. At the same time, a great change will be ordained from heaven and will usher in days of peace and amity” (Lecure Sialkot, Ruhani Khazain, Volume 20, Page 211) written in 1904


“I have also proved that it is essential for the Promised Messiah to appear at the time of Gog and Magog. Since Ajij, from which the words Gog and Magog are derived, means ‘fire’, God Almighty has disclosed to me that Gog and Magog are a people who are greater experts in the use of fire than any other people. Their very names indicate that their ships, trains and machines will be run by fire. They will fight their battles with fire. They will excel all other people in harnessing fire to their service. This is why they will be called Gog and Magog. These are the people of the West, as they are unique in their expertise in the use of fire. In Jewish scriptures too it was the people of Europe who were described as Gog and Magog. Even the name of Moscow, which is the ancient capital of Russia, is mentioned. Thus it was preordained that the Promised Messiah would appear in the time of Gog and Magog.”(Ayyam-us-Sulh, Ruhani Khazain, Volume 14, Pages 424-425) written in 1899

AhmadiAnswers | Dajjal And Gog And Magog

King Phenomenon

Veteran Member
The US invaded Iraq based on false intel claiming that Saddam possessed WMDs.
right i just brushed up on my history. sadaam had no ties with bin laden. We shouldve stayed home.i think george bush let 9/11 get the better of him. sad. so yeah i gues youre right about our gov having a hand in bad things but i didnt. dont lose sight of the innocent.

Subduction Zone

Veteran Member
so if they actually believed it, it was justified no?
To be fair I think that Saddam tried to make it look as if he still had those weapons to keep the Iranians at bay. I don't know if they would have attacked him, that may have been paranoia on his part. There were always complaints of Saddam violating the treating and not allowing the inspectors to do their job. That is what a person that still had WMD's would try to do. Unfortunately it was also what a person that was trying to bluff an enemy would try to do. It appears to have backfired.

You can find quotes from Democrats and Republicans both about Iraq before the war and you could not tell which was which. Bush may have wanted to go to war, but if a Democrat was in charge he might have done the same.

And I remember the day that the declaration of war happened. Or at least the day after. There must be more Iraqi refugees in my state than I thought. I am on road that runs all the way into Seattle and the Iraqi refugees had a celebratory parade that went down my street. Not a regular one. Just cars driving at regular speed with both US and Iraqi flags honking their horns joyously. It went on for quite a while. The Iraqi refugees hated Saddam.

Twilight Hue

Twilight, not bright nor dark, good nor bad.
There are so many literally delusional cultists bringing the world's once-most-powerful nation into disrepute around the civilized world. When I was growing up (in the 1960s, 70s and 80s) the nation could always manage to cope -- to deal with the radical fringe, to cope with the loonies, to hold elections that were solidly accepted.

This appears not to be the case any more. Seriously! You can't get your insurrections under control. Your criminals, at the highest level, regularly defeat your law enforcement. Trump wins everything he touches, and will never be punished -- and the "law and order nation," the "country of laws," can't do anything at all to stop it.

How did the nation so impoverish its own sense of itself, and its status as the rational leader of the world? Because it is lost. Your own Department of Justice can't hold an obvious criminal to account, and can't seem to figure our how to do it.

What happened? Where did the America I knew go?

And can it ever come back? (For myself, I now seriously doubt it.)

The nation has to stop being busybody authoritarians like the Democrats are when they push and force people to buy things they don't want, tell people what they can and cannot say, what they can and cannot buy , tell them what they can and cannot wear etc.....

Maybe Trump wouldn't even be around today If busy body authoritarian Democrats didn't push and try to control every aspect of peoples lives.

Thats what happened.


Veteran Member
this country is full of just little ol people just like anywhere else. not one of them had a hand in the past. time to look forward.
A majority of "just little ol people just like anywhere else" elect the US government. (Sometimes it is a minority but the bystanders who do nothing are just as responsible.)
In a democracy you have no one to blame but the people.