Yes, I think that is true. Every religion gives preference to belief over reason. The Bible claims, within it's own pages, to be revealed truth -- as does the Qu'ran, not to mention Baha'u'llah or the Guru Granth Sahib.
So I'll ask a question: how many human ills have been resolved or ameliorated through scriptural text, compared to how many have been resolved or ameliorated through reason, science and rational inquiry? Is religion curing people of cancer, or is it chemotherapy and surgery? Does Scripture tell you how to get to the moon, or clean up your oceans, or get the CO2 out of the air so we can keep breathing, or is it science that is doing that?
So, my own answer to myself is this: all religions, in my view, are wrong in the same way, in that they insist on belief over reason. And that will never solve the problems we face now, or will face in the future.