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Is there an afterlife? / The ultimate goal for man

Flat Earth Kyle

Well-Known Member
Except for the fact that god himself has not done anything.
It is always gods followers who do the doing.

So like I said, god only has authority over those who give him authority over them.
Unfortunately for you and your god, your giving your god authority over everyone does not give god authority over any but those who consent to your authority.
and even here, it is not god doing a damn thing...it is gods followers doing the doing.

Is it a crime for God to give us agency then? If no one had the ability to walk away whenever he or she so chose, then there would be no such thing as happiness, which would be contrary to God's will. God really wants us to be happy, but knows that we must make our own decisions as to whether or not we want to obey the laws of the universe in order to be happy.


1/10 Subway Stalinist
Premium Member
Is honesty a limitation?

Yes, of course it is... if there is objective truth, that is. Honesty must be in accordance with the truth. Lies can be anything.

If the car is actually red, the only honest description of its colour is "the car is red". If we lie about it, though, we can say that it's blue, green, black or anything we want.

One is less than infinity.

Which is more powerful a lie or the truth? The truth is, for in it is the power to destroy lies.
Depends on the truths and lies in question, IMO.


Admiral Obvious
Is it a crime for God to give us agency then? If no one had the ability to walk away whenever he or she so chose, then there would be no such thing as happiness, which would be contrary to God's will. God really wants us to be happy, but knows that we must make our own decisions as to whether or not we want to obey the laws of the universe in order to be happy.
Interesting how you completely avoid the point.
Not the least bit surprising, but interesting none the less.

Flat Earth Kyle

Well-Known Member
Yes it is.

And yet more truth is destroyed by lies than lies destroyed by truth...

Counting the hits and ignoring the misses is dishonest at best and out right lying at worst.

One day all the lies that have fooled us in this life shall be revealed and every knee shall bow and every tongue confess that Jesus is the Christ, and great and terrible shall be that day.
The greatest fear to those who hide behind lies, is that they will be caught. God sees all and and has the power to reveal all lies for what they are, and thus has the power to destroy the works of the devil. The devil has no power over God, nor shall he ever. Lies are limited to the point that as soon as the truth is revealed the lie is destroyed. One can cover up the truth, but one can never destroy the truth. A lie has no power if no one believes it.


Active Member
Does he directly executes all the actions in the world or he requires some kind of intermediation?

If someone performs a Sin , is God responsible for it or that person is responsible for it?

I think you are way to far advanced for the others to comprend your questions.


Admiral Obvious
One day all the lies that have fooled us in this life shall be revealed and every knee shall bow and every tongue confess that Jesus is the Christ, and great and terrible shall be that day.
The greatest fear to those who hide behind lies, is that they will be caught. God sees all and and has the power to reveal all lies for what they are, and thus has the power to destroy the works of the devil. The devil has no power over God, nor shall he ever. Lies are limited to the point that as soon as the truth is revealed the lie is destroyed. One can cover up the truth, but one can never destroy the truth. A lie has no power if no one believes it.
Oh, I thought you were asking about the here and now.
I was completely unawares that you were talking about some fantasy world.


Active Member
How does God not have control over evil and why must God be evil in order to be infinite?
If god wished to destroy evil and he could he would have done, but since evil is eternal, god has no control over it. Destroying someone (satan) that he made evil is not destroying evil. Evil will still exist in your new paradise, how will you and all the others handle it? Evil is a part of infinity.

Flat Earth Kyle

Well-Known Member
If god wished to destroy evil and he could he would have done, but since evil is eternal, god has no control over it. Destroying someone (satan) that he made evil is not destroying evil. Evil will still exist in your new paradise, how will you and all the others handle it? Evil is a part of infinity.

2 Nephi chapter 2
"16 Wherefore, the Lord God gave unto man that he should act for himself. Wherefore, man could not act for himself save it should be that he was enticed by the one or the other."
Why would God not want man to be able to act for himself?

During the great millennium Satan and all of his followers will be bound and have no power to tempt man, during the great millennium there will be 1,000 years of peace. After the millennium, Satan will be released be allowed to gather his forces, there will be a final battle and then Satan will be cast out into outer darkness once and for all and the earth shall then be a paradise forever. Another thing to note is that we are learning now and we will know more in the mellennium than we do now and sin will lose its appeal.

So God has the power to bind Satan and to cast him out forever and you are telling me that God doesn't have control? (I'm not talking about mind control, thus Satan wouldn't have agency and wouldn't be an individual, but be more like a robot.)
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Active Member
2 Nephi chapter 2
"16 Wherefore, the Lord God gave unto man that he should act for himself. Wherefore, man could not act for himself save it should be that he was enticed by the one or the other."
Why would God not want man to be able to act for himself?

During the great millennium Satan and all of his followers will be bound and have no power to tempt man, during the great millennium there will be 1,000 years of peace. After the millennium, Satan will be released be allowed to gather his forces, there will be a final battle and then Satan will be cast out into outer darkness once and for all and the earth shall then be a paradise forever. Another thing to note is that we are learning now and we will know more in the mellennium than we do now and sin will lose its appeal.

So God has the power to bind Satan and to cast him out forever and you are telling me that God doesn't have control? (I'm not talking about mind control, thus Satan wouldn't have agency and wouldn't be an individual, but be more like a robot.)
Satan is not the cause of evil, whatever god can do to satan is irrelevant to the question of evil.

Flat Earth Kyle

Well-Known Member
Yes it is.

And yet more truth is destroyed by lies than lies destroyed by truth...

Counting the hits and ignoring the misses is dishonest at best and out right lying at worst.

How is honesty a limitation?
How is truth destroyed by lies?
I challenge you to name one truth that has been destroyed by a lie.

I put my shoes on yesterday is a truth and you can run around all day telling everyone that I didn't, but it doesn't change the truth. You might hide the fact that I did with a lie, but that lie will never change the truth of what really happened.


Active Member
I can say that the only thing stopping me from being the next Hitler or big time serial killer is my belief in consequences for my actions. I don't believe death is an easy escape. So yah, I suppose so the only thing keeping me back from becoming the worlds most deadly serial killer is my belief in an afterlife. Sure I love people, but I find love pathetic, cruel and meaningless if it can't last. When I love I love in the hope and faith that it can grow and last forever. Without that, love is a waste of time. Like I said, its like writing an elaborate essay that you put your whole heart into just to suddenly have your computer crash before it ever gets saved. If you know its going to crash every time before you can ever push the save button and e-mail the assignment in like you are supposed to, why even try typing anything at all.


Active Member
I think when addressing the question of the afterlife you have to ask, what aspect of myself is capable of surviving death? I certainly don't believe in a physical resurrection, that to me is completely implausible, that our physical bodies reanimate. I can entertain that we have an essence that is made of a finer nature than our physical bodies that in fact animate our bodies. We also have a personality, but does one actually think our quirky personality with all it's likes and dislikes and bad traits actually survives into the afterlife? If anything i think the hindu poster made a good anology about the glass of water returning to the ocean, I prefer to use droplet but it's the same thing. I believe that the fine essence that resides in our animal body is like a droplet of god and when we die that drop goes back to the ocean of god. All traces of our personality are instantly cleansed upon return and that energy is then recyclable and can be used to animate other creatures which in turn will also return to the source ad infinitem. So though it may be discomforting to think our ego's don't survive, we won't be bothered by it because we won't be conscious as ego anymore, we become one, we melt back into god.
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Well-Known Member
yaddoe said:
If there is no point, everyone should just go commit suicide because we are all doomed to a state of non existence anyway and it will make no difference. However, if we suddenly do that and afterwords find out that there was a big point to life that we just missed, I suppose it would be a really big oops moment wouldn't it.

There is not sufficient evidence regarding whether or not there is an afterlife. The best approach is to try to be happy, and love your neighbor. Religion is not necessary in order to try to do that.

Why don't most atheists commit suicide? Because they enjoy living life, even though they do not believe that there is an afterlife.

Some terminally ill children are taken on trips to places like Sea World, and Disney World. Even though their lives are very short, they want to enjoy life.

If the universe is naturalistic, evolution has programmed most animals with the instinct/desire to survive.
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Flat Earth Kyle

Well-Known Member
I think when addressing the question of the afterlife you have to ask, what aspect of myself is capable of surviving death? I certainly don't believe in a physical resurrection, that to me is completely implausible, that our physical bodies reanimate. I can entertain that we have an essence that is made of a finer nature than our physical bodies that in fact animate our bodies. We also have a personality, but does one actually think our quirky personality with all it's likes and dislikes and bad traits actually survives into the afterlife? If anything i think the hindu poster made a good anology about the glass of water returning to the ocean, I prefer to use droplet but it's the same thing. I believe that the fine essence that resides in our animal body is like a droplet of god and when we die that drop goes back to the ocean of god. All traces of our personality are instantly cleansed upon return and that energy is then recyclable and can be used to animate other creatures which in turn will also return to the source ad infinitem. So though it may be discomforting to think our ego's don't survive, we won't be bothered by it because we won't be conscious as ego anymore, we become one, we melt back into god.

you sound like a Jehovah's Wittness