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Is there an afterlife? / The ultimate goal for man


Active Member
you sound like a Jehovah's Wittness
lol um I assure that I'm not. For one thing they believe in the physical resurrection of the dead and believe the soul is the body...I don't. Why do you think i sound like a JW?:sarcastic
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Active Member
Does God have authority over Satan? Yes, which is why when God commands Satan to leave, Satan leaves.
When God says you go to Heaven, you go to Heaven and when he says you go to hell you go to hell, no arguing about it.
God definitely has authority over all the universe.

Then , God is not impassive. An impassive God won't have any wish for anybody to go to Heaven or Hell.


Active Member
Is it a crime for God to give us agency then? If no one had the ability to walk away whenever he or she so chose, then there would be no such thing as happiness, which would be contrary to God's will. God really wants us to be happy, but knows that we must make our own decisions as to whether or not we want to obey the laws of the universe in order to be happy.

And what is God's plan for animals? Die a painfull dealth at the hands of Humans? Doesn't God want animals to be happy , or his good-will is only limited to Humans?

Flat Earth Kyle

Well-Known Member
lol um I assure that I'm not. For one thing they believe in the physical resurrection of the dead and believe the soul is the body...I don't. Why do you think i sound like a JW?:sarcastic

when you say "I believe that the fine essence that resides in our animal body is like a droplet of god and when we die that drop goes back to the ocean of god. All traces of our personality are instantly cleansed upon return and that energy is then recyclable and can be used to animate other creatures which in turn will also return to the source ad infinitem. So though it may be discomforting to think our ego's don't survive, we won't be bothered by it because we won't be conscious as ego anymore, we become one, we melt back into god."

They believe the same thing. They don't believe that we have our own spirits within us, but that the breath of life is God's spirit within us and when we die it returns right back to God.


Active Member
And what is God's plan for animals? Die a painfull dealth at the hands of Humans? Doesn't God want animals to be happy , or his good-will is only limited to Humans?

At least one thing is common between the non-existant God and its followers : irrational ignorance towards animals.

Flat Earth Kyle

Well-Known Member
And what is God's plan for animals? Die a painfull dealth at the hands of Humans? Doesn't God want animals to be happy , or his good-will is only limited to Humans?

I don't really know what God's plans are for animals, only that his plan includes some rough times here on earth, just like us, and eternal happiness in the end, just like us.


Active Member
There is an afterlife it is 100 % sure. All things will die all animals, our world and other planets. It is so easy to explain.

Animals will be recreated and if one animal committed a harmful thing on another animal in afterlife there will be a settlement and after the animals will be sand.

There will be a settlement for the human being also. After this settlement human being will live forever. Because we want to live forever think about a murderer he can do everything to hot get the death penalty instead of this he prefer to pass all his life in jail so in afterlife also people want to live forever in Hell instead of to be nothing.

many people commit crimes and half of them dies not having any penalty who will punish them? the punishment will be in afterlife.

look at the flowers they are here in summer but not exist in winter they are recreated in summer and people also will be recreated for more information

We will indicate, by way of being a measure, four out of the innumerable proofs of this fact, that belief in the hereafter is the very basis and foundation of all the social and individual life of man, and the fundament of all bliss and accomplishment:
THE FIRST PROOF: Children, who comprise one fourth of the human race, can endure the death and decease that appear to them so awesome and tragic only by means of the idea of Paradise. Only by this means can they find some spiritual strength in their weak and delicate bodies, and find some hope permitting them to live joyfully, despite their vulnerable spiritual disposition that swiftly gives way to tears. Thinking of Paradise, the child will, for example, say: "My little brother or friend has died, and become a bird in Paradise. He is playing there, and leading a life finer than ours." Otherwise, the constant impact upon the anxious gazes of those poor little ones of the death of children and adults all around them, would overwhelm their powers of resistance and inner strength, and would cause not only their eyes but all of their inner faculties - spirit, heart, and intellect - so to weep that they would either be destroyed or become like crazed and wretched animals.
THE SECOND PROOF: Old people, who make up another fourth of humanity, can support the proximity of the grave only by means of the afterlife. Only by this means can they find some consolation for the approaching extinction of the worldly life to which they are so bound and the closing off to them of this fair world. Only through the hope of eternal life can they confront the painful and awesome despair that arise from the anticipation of death and separation, despite the vulnerability of their spirits and temperaments that approaches that of children. Otherwise, all those venerable aged beings deserving of pity, all those anxious mothers and fathers, greatly in need of tranquillity and assurance of heart, would experience such distraughtness of spirit and disturbance of heart that the world would appear to them as a dark dungeon and life too as grievous torment.
THE THIRD PROOF: It is only thought of Hell that enables young men -the source and fundament of all social life- to restrain their turbulent feelings and tempestuous souls and passions from committing transgression, oppression and destruction, and to make them serve instead the purposes of social life. Were there not the fear of Hell, those intoxicated youths would follow the principle, "might is right," and running after their passions would turn the world into a hell for the weak and the feeble; they would bring down humanity to a lowly and bestial state.
THE FOURTH PROOF: The most comprehensive centre of the human race in its worldly life, its most fundamental resource, its paradise, refuge and stronghold of worldly happiness, is the life of the family. Everyone's home is like a small world for him. The vitality and happiness of his home and his family depend upon earnest, sincere and devoted respect, upon true caring and self-sacrificing compassion. This in turn depends on an eternal friendship, an everlasting companionship, an immortal bond, and the belief in the existence of paternal, filial, fraternal and friendly relations that are to exist for an infinite period and in a life everlasting. One will say for example:
"This wife of mine will be my permanent life's companion, in an eternal world and an eternal life. If she has now become old and ugly, it does not matter. For she has an eternal beauty that will manifest itself in the future, and it is on account of such eternal companionship that I now make sacrifices and show her compassion."
He will thus treat his aged wife with as much love, compassion and care as if she were a beautiful Houri. Otherwise, a companionship that ends in eternal separation after a few hours' of bodily marriage would be without doubt superficial, temporary and unfounded. It would be nothing more than the sexual instinct of animals, other interests and powerful feelings would arise and, defeating that respect and concern, turn the worldly paradise into a worldly hell.
One of the hundreds of consequences of belief in resurrection relates, then, to the social life of man. If the numerous other aspects and benefits of this single consequence are deduced by analogy with these four, it can be understood that the occurrence of the verity of resurrection is as certain as the sublime truth of humanity and its universal need. It will be even more manifest than the proof provided for the existence of food by the existence of need in men's stomachs. If the consequences of the verity of resurrection are subtracted from the human state, the essence of humanity - important, exalted and vital humanity - will descend to the state of carrion, a corpse fed on by microbes. Let the sociologists, politicians and moralists who concern themselves with the administration of humanity, with morals and human society, pay close attention! How do they intend to fill this vacuum, and with what will they cure these deep wounds?


Well-Known Member
There is an afterlife it is 100 % sure. All things will die all animals, our world and other planets. It is so easy to explain.

Animals will be recreated and if one animal committed a harmful thing on another animal in afterlife there will be a settlement and after the animals will be sand.

There will be a settlement for the human being also. After this settlement human being will live forever. Because we want to live forever think about a murderer he can do everything to hot get the death penalty instead of this he prefer to pass all his life in jail so in afterlife also people want to live forever in Hell instead of to be nothing.

many people commit crimes and half of them dies not having any penalty who will punish them? the punishment will be in afterlife.

look at the flowers they are here in summer but not exist in winter they are recreated in summer and people also will be recreated for more information

We will indicate, by way of being a measure, four out of the innumerable proofs of this fact, that belief in the hereafter is the very basis and foundation of all the social and individual life of man, and the fundament of all bliss and accomplishment:
THE FIRST PROOF: Children, who comprise one fourth of the human race, can endure the death and decease that appear to them so awesome and tragic only by means of the idea of Paradise. Only by this means can they find some spiritual strength in their weak and delicate bodies, and find some hope permitting them to live joyfully, despite their vulnerable spiritual disposition that swiftly gives way to tears. Thinking of Paradise, the child will, for example, say: "My little brother or friend has died, and become a bird in Paradise. He is playing there, and leading a life finer than ours." Otherwise, the constant impact upon the anxious gazes of those poor little ones of the death of children and adults all around them, would overwhelm their powers of resistance and inner strength, and would cause not only their eyes but all of their inner faculties - spirit, heart, and intellect - so to weep that they would either be destroyed or become like crazed and wretched animals.
THE SECOND PROOF: Old people, who make up another fourth of humanity, can support the proximity of the grave only by means of the afterlife. Only by this means can they find some consolation for the approaching extinction of the worldly life to which they are so bound and the closing off to them of this fair world. Only through the hope of eternal life can they confront the painful and awesome despair that arise from the anticipation of death and separation, despite the vulnerability of their spirits and temperaments that approaches that of children. Otherwise, all those venerable aged beings deserving of pity, all those anxious mothers and fathers, greatly in need of tranquillity and assurance of heart, would experience such distraughtness of spirit and disturbance of heart that the world would appear to them as a dark dungeon and life too as grievous torment.
THE THIRD PROOF: It is only thought of Hell that enables young men -the source and fundament of all social life- to restrain their turbulent feelings and tempestuous souls and passions from committing transgression, oppression and destruction, and to make them serve instead the purposes of social life. Were there not the fear of Hell, those intoxicated youths would follow the principle, "might is right," and running after their passions would turn the world into a hell for the weak and the feeble; they would bring down humanity to a lowly and bestial state.
THE FOURTH PROOF: The most comprehensive centre of the human race in its worldly life, its most fundamental resource, its paradise, refuge and stronghold of worldly happiness, is the life of the family. Everyone's home is like a small world for him. The vitality and happiness of his home and his family depend upon earnest, sincere and devoted respect, upon true caring and self-sacrificing compassion. This in turn depends on an eternal friendship, an everlasting companionship, an immortal bond, and the belief in the existence of paternal, filial, fraternal and friendly relations that are to exist for an infinite period and in a life everlasting. One will say for example:
"This wife of mine will be my permanent life's companion, in an eternal world and an eternal life. If she has now become old and ugly, it does not matter. For she has an eternal beauty that will manifest itself in the future, and it is on account of such eternal companionship that I now make sacrifices and show her compassion."
He will thus treat his aged wife with as much love, compassion and care as if she were a beautiful Houri. Otherwise, a companionship that ends in eternal separation after a few hours' of bodily marriage would be without doubt superficial, temporary and unfounded. It would be nothing more than the sexual instinct of animals, other interests and powerful feelings would arise and, defeating that respect and concern, turn the worldly paradise into a worldly hell.
One of the hundreds of consequences of belief in resurrection relates, then, to the social life of man. If the numerous other aspects and benefits of this single consequence are deduced by analogy with these four, it can be understood that the occurrence of the verity of resurrection is as certain as the sublime truth of humanity and its universal need. It will be even more manifest than the proof provided for the existence of food by the existence of need in men's stomachs. If the consequences of the verity of resurrection are subtracted from the human state, the essence of humanity - important, exalted and vital humanity - will descend to the state of carrion, a corpse fed on by microbes. Let the sociologists, politicians and moralists who concern themselves with the administration of humanity, with morals and human society, pay close attention! How do they intend to fill this vacuum, and with what will they cure these deep wounds?

Nothing you have provided gives any evidence for the existence of an afterlife. It only shows that people may desire one. In fact, I do not agree that anything you have written here is true. I do not see anything but crude religious propaganda.

By the way, where did you get the quotation? It is good manners to identify authors you have cribbed text from.
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Active Member
I have scientific proofs also but as I don't have enough place here I will write them soon.
Sorry I forget to write the author. This text belong to Mr. Bediuzzaman Said Nursi, his book's name is ''Risale-i Nur''. I will write scientific proof also soon


Active Member
ankarali said:
THE THIRD PROOF: It is only thought of Hell that enables young men -the source and fundament of all social life- to restrain their turbulent feelings and tempestuous souls and passions from committing transgression
And covering women head to toe, or did you forget that?


Active Member
Hi Fishy, I understand your point of view against islam. To be covered exist in all religions but it is a rule of islam and woman are not covered at home only in the street to be not distributed by other men but it is not an obligation for exemple my wife is not covered. It is a rule as the other rules.

but here the subject is the life after death and I will send you why women should be dressed


Well-Known Member
I have scientific proofs also but as I don't have enough place here I will write them soon.
Sorry I forget to write the author. This text belong to Mr. Bediuzzaman Said Nursi, his book's name is ''Risale-i Nur''. I will write scientific proof also soon

Thank you for the citation. I look forward to your other information.

Flat Earth Kyle

Well-Known Member
Have there ever been any real scholarly studies on ghosts? Just curious.
I've read a lot of studies that try to scientifically explain out of body experiences and other similar phenomenons, but I can't say I have ever heard of any real life type scholarly "Ghostbuster" type research where scientists try to find a ghost and study it.
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I personally believe there is and that this life has a point and isn't just about growing and growing and growing only one day to be toppled into non existence.

In my studies I have learned that Hindus believe that the ultimate goal for man to achieve is to break the cycle of reincarnation and cease to exist, while for a great many others it is the ultimate goal to live forever. What do you think the ultimate goal is for man?
I am interested in this question of life after death. I believed until my early twenties that human life, and some animal life, persisted following the death of the body, but now I am quite sceptical. The first problem is demonstrating the existence of the thing that survives death. Is it the soul? Where is it in the body? Precisely how do we demonstrate its existence? If we cannot definitively demonstrate its existence, and I am pretty certain we cannot, then should we not simply dispense with the notion?

As to the purpose of human life, I personally do not believe we have an ultimate purpose beyond what we choose to make of our own lives.


so if there is no afterlife? what is the point of this life? If there is no point, everyone should just go commit suicide...
I burst out laughing at this point in the post.

(Note: I see that this is a resurrected thread, but it's my first visit so I shall carry on.)

Interestingly I have wondered why (mostly in jest), if devout believers think the best is yet to come after they die, why don't they just hasten their own journey to that luxurious haven? You see, for those of us who are quite certain that nothing awaits us save oblivion when we die, we naturally want to preserve the good life -- this life -- for as long as we can. I don't think when I am twenty and in the bloom of youth, 'Oh dear, I am going to die when I am ninety. I might as well end it now. Sob!!!'

I have never understood this ridiculous line of devout Christian thinking. Is it because they are so wrapped up in the vicissitudes of pleasing God that they think nothing else in life really counts?


Hostis humani generis
Interestingly I have wondered why (mostly in jest), if devout believers think the best is yet to come after they die, why don't they just hasten their own journey to that luxurious haven?
Not all religions believe in an afterlife (e.g., Cheondoism).
Not all religions have a paradisal afterlife (e.g., Shinto).
Most religions prohibit suicide.


Have there ever been any real scholarly studies on ghosts? Just curious.
Yes, there have. I took a philosophy of religion course at university and the prof briefly covered the subject of life after death. His personal belief (which he acknowledged laughingly he was not capable of defending rationally -- I paraphrase) was that during the second coming all the corpses would be raised from the grave.

He spoke of several serious studies but insisted that all had come up wanting. In one he told us the results had been fudged to provide a more positive result. Mind you that was some decades back. More recently I've read Tom Harpur's book, Life After Death, and though it caused me to ponder the question more deeply it did not bring me on side.

yaddoe said:
I've read a lot of studies that try to scientifically explain out of body experiences and other similar phenomenons...
Michael Shirmer has written extensively on this subject (you can find some YouTube videos as well) and argues that all these types of experiences can be understood as different types of brain activity. He discounts any notion that ghostly apparitions, out of body experiences, etc., are real.

yaddoe said:
... but I can't say I have ever heard of any real life type scholarly "Ghostbuster" type research where scientists try to find a ghost and study it.
Oh, they are out there. Hans Holzer (1920-2009) is one. I followed him closely when I was in my teens and early twenties. You can find him in Wikipedia if you are curious. I still have most of his books though maybe they weren't so scholarly.
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