Spirit of Light
Be who ever you want
When did i say Jesus was not crucified? When i speak it is my words not for every muslim in this world. My words are only my words.A few things. First, what is blasphemous and offensive to some, is nothing to someone else. That is imposing your religious values upon those who don't share them. A drawing of Muhammad, is not considered blasphemy to a Christian, for instance. He's not considered sacred in their religion. You should not inject him into it, any more than they get to judge you for blaspheming the Son of God by claiming he wasn't crucified, for instance.
What you aren't seeing, is this is in fact force. You take a system of laws that are not part of another culture's laws or values, and try to force them upon them to comply with your own. That, by definition what an act of war is. It would be like China forcing its beliefs and values and systems of laws upon other sovereign countries. You don't get to do that. Americans get to call the leader of China, Winnie the Pooh if they like, while in China, you'd be killed for that "blasphemy".
One last thing, the fact that you feel that should be done, indicates a weakness of faith. Forced compliance, is about insecurity, that cannot allow diversity of views, beliefs, opinions, or even the making of offensive statements to exist. Peace at the end of a sword, is not Peace at all. It's slavery.
I do not say sharia law should be forced on to every country in this world.
What i do say. Is that since we human beings seem to be unable to not mock others because others see it different, it is good to have a law against blasphemy in the sence that there are nothing to learn in mocking other people.