Cold - uncaring.?
In simplistic terms consider the claim that God created this earth and he also asked the earth to bring forth its own (Genesis 1:26). Together they provided all things mankind needs. If he/It was uncaring why would he/It do this for us ? Why would he let the sun warm us and why would there be the warmth of love for others. Is it his/its fault the we, freewill humans, don't always extend our compassion, warmth and love to others. Must we be all pre-programmed zombies?
But those oh so available scapegoats, God and the Devil they are always there for us to project our non-acceptance and culpability for what we do and don't do. We cannot fathom nor discern a God in the works or the world that surround us, so we deny or fabricate one.
Consider this - First the Titans made the Gods, then the Gods made man and then Man made God in his image.