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Is This Evidence Of Satan? Did He Write An Antibible? Is It Evolution?


Veteran Member
Gosh yes, I've heard of Tim LaHaye. What a nutter! He believed in a wordwide Illuminati conspiracy, I think. Didn't he also think the Secretey -General of the UN wa the Antichrist, or something? :confused:

Or am I mixing up my stories?

Nope.. That's him.. He also promotes the Scofield heresy.


Veteran Member
The fact that you didn't know speaks volumes.

  1. Didactic Literature | Article about Didactic Literature by ...
    Didactic literature presents philosophical, religious, moral, and scientific knowledge and ideas in various imaginative literary genres. In the period when there was no ideological separation between science and art (syncretism)—in primitive art, for example—didactic literature was a vital, naively integral form...

See also this: Fable, parable, and allegory | literature


Veteran Member
Sorry this is long.

I ended up in a heated discussion with someone, whom I think was an atheist and evolutionist, who exclaimed birds came from dinosaurs. I said that I didn't think little, tiny birds evolved from great, big, gigantic dinosaurs and that Oregon State University research showed that a bird's lung development was different from a dinosaur's, i.e. a bird would not be able to breathe and fly if they had lungs like dinosaurs. He came back and insisted, "BIRDS ARE DINOSAURS!" and went on to explain in a rant like fashion. I looked at my six days of creation chart and saw that birds or flying animals were created on the 5th day while land animals were created on the 6th. Now, I didn't tell him this, but it dawned on me that whatever atheists/evolutionists believe contradicts what God stated in the first two books of Genesis.

The findings of science, are indeed in contradiction with the creation myth of the bible.
Just like it is in contradiction with all other creation myths from other religions.

Nothing new under the sun...

So, my questions is -- Is this evidence for Satan?

No. It's evidence of the creation myth being wrong.
It's a disproval of those claims.

If a book/claim says X and the facts of reality show the opposite, then it's not the facts of reality that are wrong.

What I am getting at using the Bible and science in regards to Satan is to show evidence that he exists. In the Bible and Genesis, we have God created the heavens and Earth from nothing

Why should we care what the bible says?

, but evolutionary thinking says it was the big bang which caused it from nothing. Before that it was the eternal universe.

That's not "evolutionary thinking", whatever you mean by that.
Those are just the findings of science. Which, btw, doesn't say the universe is eternal.

God created Adam and Eve as adult humans and animals as adult animals

The evidence of reality doesn't support this at all - it only contradicts it.

And so on. It turned out that everything I could think of between creation and atheist/evolutionary beliefs contradicted each other. All of these debates have come down throughout the centuries, so there could be no collaboration as to what the people who came up with the evolutionary hypothesis wrote.

Well, it is true that in science, there can be no collaboration with people who think that their a priori beliefs get presedence over the facts of reality.

As it should be, obviously.
If you're just going to ignore the facts and stick to your faith based beliefs anyway, what's the point of investigating anything? No matter what you'll find, you're just going to stick to your beliefs. So doing science with such a mindset is just a waste of time.

Science is only worth it if you are willing to learn and aren't afraid to find out that what you believe might be incorrect - and change your beliefs accordingly.

Rational folk make their beliefs match the evidence. Irrational folks try to force the evidence to fit their beliefs and if they can't, they just ignore the evidence. Which is literally what you are doing here.

These writers were scientists in different fields of work and it was written at different times. There was no intent to disprove the Bible in their hypothesis and discoveries.

Because the bible doesn't matter. In science, what matters is the practice of collecting and analysing data, followed by forming a hypothesis that makes predictions which are then tested for accuracy.

If the claims of the bible are correct, then that's what the data of reality will reveal.
But the claims of the bible are not correct. As the data reveals. Like you said: the science contradicts it.

And because of your biblical dogmatism, you can only default to the asanine conclusion that "the science, and by extension the evidence of reality, must be wrong".

It wasn't put together in a book like the Bible (took 1500 years), but if it was, then it was as if Satan had wrote an antiGenesis as what Evolution (since the 1850s with uniformitarianism and then Darwin's bood) has become today.

These contradictions goes beyond that, too. It isn't just evolution, but moral values such as not killing a fetus vs. abortion and a woman's rights, homosexuality vs. man and woman marriage, and even how the world is going to end -- global fire vs. AGW (old) or huge asteroid hits the earth causing a catastrophic chain reaction (new). It turns out that everything that God stated in the Bible is contradicted by Satan. Maybe that's just his rebellious nature and he can't help himself.

And here's you trying to rationalise your rejection of scientific findings, all just to defend and stick to your dogmatic beliefs.

Thus, when you add all the contradictions up, is this evidence for Satan?


When claims / beliefs contradict the evidence of reality, it means that the claims / beliefs are incorrect.

I'll throw you a bone and also add that even if this Satan fellow was the one that "helped" scientists discover all that in one way or another, that statement would remain correct: if claims contradict evidence, it's the claims that are incorrect.

So even if Satan is the "real" scientist that discovered it all and merely "used" humans to impart that knowledge, then still the evidence of reality contradicts biblical myth. Which means that the myths are wrong. Reality sure isn't wrong. Reality is what it is.

A claim being "correct" means that it matches reality.
An "incorrect" claim is a claim that does NOT match reality.

If your beliefs / claims don't match reality, it follows that they are incorrect.

james bond

Well-Known Member
Asteroids are scary, and they can do a lot of damage. But they are not predicted in the Bible, that is merely reinterpretation after the fact. And our end may not come from asteroids. The ones that you hear about are nowhere near dinosaur killer size.

Are you okay? I didn't even mention they were in the Bible. What I said was the liberal media has gotten people to believe this is how the world will end based on the false evolution story of a large asteroid making the dinosaurs go extinct. Instead, it was a global flood, but people do not believe this.

However, if you want it, then you got it -- What Does the Bible Say About The Asteroids?

Thus, you are wrong again. Maybe this is one of the reasons atheists will suffer in the next life. They won't be able believe how wrong they were. The truth was right in front of their nose, but they blew it.

I used to think the greatest thing an atheist ever said was after the Dr. Lawrence Krauss vs Dr. William Lane Craig debates about the existence of God. Krauss said that if the stars rearranged themselves to say "I am here" or something like that, then he would reassess his position. A few days later, an atheist made front page local news in the SF - Bay Area saying that this wasn't good enough. The other people in the southern hemisphere would not see (Krauss lives in Arizona). Then, he went on to say every atheist who ever lived has to be convinced. Also, every atheist in the future had to be convinced. When I read that, I had to kick back and saw, "Wow." After that, I thought that pain and suffering would be the only way to change atheists' minds and even started a thread like that here.

What I didn't know was that God had already prophecized what would happen in Revelation and Book of Daniel. I had problems reading both because I didn't understand how to read it. There was a part at the end of days that "all eyes will see." During the second coming of Jesus, the dead will rise (got zombie movies?) and everyone who live past, present, and future will see. It means everything will be settled on Earth. This is even more evidence for God.


Veteran Member
Are you okay? I didn't even mention they were in the Bible. What I said was the liberal media has gotten people to believe this is how the world will end based on the false evolution story of a large asteroid making the dinosaurs go extinct. Instead, it was a global flood, but people do not believe this.

People believe the asteroid story over the flood story, because the asteroid story has mountains of overwhelming evidence from all over the world, while your flood story can be refuted with 2nd grade level science experiments.

Thus, you are wrong again. Maybe this is one of the reasons atheists will suffer in the next life. They won't be able believe how wrong they were. The truth was right in front of their nose, but they blew it.

Nice. Badly hidden threats. "believe or else". Uhu. Thanks for playing.

I used to think the greatest thing an atheist ever said was after the Dr. Lawrence Krauss vs Dr. William Lane Craig debates about the existence of God. Krauss said that if the stars rearranged themselves to say "I am here" or something like that, then he would reassess his position. A few days later, an atheist made front page local news in the SF - Bay Area saying that this wasn't good enough. The other people in the southern hemisphere would not see (Krauss lives in Arizona). Then, he went on to say every atheist who ever lived has to be convinced. Also, every atheist in the future had to be convinced. When I read that, I had to kick back and saw, "Wow." After that, I thought that pain and suffering would be the only way to change atheists' minds and even started a thread like that here.

What I didn't know was that God had already prophecized what would happen in Revelation and Book of Daniel. I had problems reading both because I didn't understand how to read it. There was a part at the end of days that "all eyes will see." During the second coming of Jesus, the dead will rise (got zombie movies?) and everyone who live past, present, and future will see. It means everything will be settled on Earth. This is even more evidence for God.

A story in a book that talks about a zombie apocalypse is "even MORE evidence" of god?

Owkay then.

Subduction Zone

Veteran Member
Are you okay? I didn't even mention they were in the Bible. What I said was the liberal media has gotten people to believe this is how the world will end based on the false evolution story of a large asteroid making the dinosaurs go extinct. Instead, it was a global flood, but people do not believe this.

However, if you want it, then you got it -- What Does the Bible Say About The Asteroids?

Thus, you are wrong again. Maybe this is one of the reasons atheists will suffer in the next life. They won't be able believe how wrong they were. The truth was right in front of their nose, but they blew it.

I used to think the greatest thing an atheist ever said was after the Dr. Lawrence Krauss vs Dr. William Lane Craig debates about the existence of God. Krauss said that if the stars rearranged themselves to say "I am here" or something like that, then he would reassess his position. A few days later, an atheist made front page local news in the SF - Bay Area saying that this wasn't good enough. The other people in the southern hemisphere would not see (Krauss lives in Arizona). Then, he went on to say every atheist who ever lived has to be convinced. Also, every atheist in the future had to be convinced. When I read that, I had to kick back and saw, "Wow." After that, I thought that pain and suffering would be the only way to change atheists' minds and even started a thread like that here.

What I didn't know was that God had already prophecized what would happen in Revelation and Book of Daniel. I had problems reading both because I didn't understand how to read it. There was a part at the end of days that "all eyes will see." During the second coming of Jesus, the dead will rise (got zombie movies?) and everyone who live past, present, and future will see. It means everything will be settled on Earth. This is even more evidence for God.
Seriously dude, you are projecting heavily. But thanks for confirming that that Bible says nothing about asteroids.

james bond

Well-Known Member
No evidence is sufficient for you if it contradicts the Bible, so what's the actual point of discourse? That's right, there isn't one.

Welp, we do not have to get into the nitty-gritty here and debate subjects such as universe vs multiverses in the Creation vs Evolution forum. Just accept that all the contradictions of evolution to the Bible is true and that it's not a coincidence. One could say that it's practically by design and there is some kind of intelligence behind it.

The only part where they agree is with microevoluton or natural selection. However, Alfred Russell Wallace got it first. He agreed to let Darwin publish it. I'm not saying Darwin plagiarized it, but...


Veteran Member
Such as? Now, you've followed @Subduction Zone with the assertive arguments.

Moses was raised in Pharaoh's house but didn't know the name of the Pharaoh.

Luke had no concept of the geography of Palestine. He makes hash of it.

Jerusalem at the time of David was tiny. Less than 10 acres and 1,000 people.

Joshua didn't destroy any Canaanite towns and did not have an army of 100,000.

Egypt controlled Sinai and Canaan during the Exodus. They paid tribute to Pharaoh.

It just goes on and on.

Subduction Zone

Veteran Member
@james bond abusing the rating systems is a violation of the rules of the forum.

Why don't you try to ask questions so that you can learn rather than relying on a literal interpretation of a book of myths?


Veteran Member
Are you okay? I didn't even mention they were in the Bible. What I said was the liberal media has gotten people to believe this is how the world will end based on the false evolution story of a large asteroid making the dinosaurs go extinct. Instead, it was a global flood, but people do not believe this.

However, if you want it, then you got it -- What Does the Bible Say About The Asteroids?

Thus, you are wrong again. Maybe this is one of the reasons atheists will suffer in the next life. They won't be able believe how wrong they were. The truth was right in front of their nose, but they blew it.

I used to think the greatest thing an atheist ever said was after the Dr. Lawrence Krauss vs Dr. William Lane Craig debates about the existence of God. Krauss said that if the stars rearranged themselves to say "I am here" or something like that, then he would reassess his position. A few days later, an atheist made front page local news in the SF - Bay Area saying that this wasn't good enough. The other people in the southern hemisphere would not see (Krauss lives in Arizona). Then, he went on to say every atheist who ever lived has to be convinced. Also, every atheist in the future had to be convinced. When I read that, I had to kick back and saw, "Wow." After that, I thought that pain and suffering would be the only way to change atheists' minds and even started a thread like that here.

What I didn't know was that God had already prophecized what would happen in Revelation and Book of Daniel. I had problems reading both because I didn't understand how to read it. There was a part at the end of days that "all eyes will see." During the second coming of Jesus, the dead will rise (got zombie movies?) and everyone who live past, present, and future will see. It means everything will be settled on Earth. This is even more evidence for God.

There was no global flood. The ancient Jews knew it was didactic literature NOT history.

james bond

Well-Known Member
Have a close look at the moon
Those craters aren’t just landscaping.

And BTW, some have passed by within a few hundred thousand kilometres recently.

Here is a list of all asteroids passing within one lunar distance in 2019

List of asteroid close approaches to Earth in 2019 - Wikipedia

Is Satan doing that ?

Or is that just how it is ?

Have you heard of meteors? We got plenty of those on Earth, too :rolleyes:.

Wikipedia is evolution, atheist, liberal biased encyclopedia. Anyone can change it, but it's handy so will go by your list.

Is Satan doing that? No, the NYT and the liberal media are doing it to convince false believers into being scared and promote the evolutionary thinking of dinosaur extinction. Is Satan behind that? I think so.

Dinosaurs never became extinct by the Chicxulub asteroid. Besides, we survived. It wasn't the end of the Earth. Also, God created Jupiter to protect the Earth from the big bad asteroids. If you want links, I got creation science links.

Is that just how it is is an interesting question. I suppose you think the giant asteroid is going to cause a tsunami as part of the chain reaction of extinction. The Bible theory has explained that, as well. There won't be another global flood to make people go extinct. We have the rainbow as his promise.


Veteran Member
Have you heard of meteors? We got plenty of those on Earth, too :rolleyes:.

Wikipedia is evolution, atheist, liberal biased encyclopedia. Anyone can change it, but it's handy so will go by your list.

Is Satan doing that? No, the NYT and the liberal media are doing it to convince false believers into being scared and promote the evolutionary thinking of dinosaur extinction. Is Satan behind that? I think so.

Dinosaurs never became extinct by the Chicxulub asteroid. Besides, we survived. It wasn't the end of the Earth. Also, God created Jupiter to protect the Earth from the big bad asteroids. If you want links, I got creation science links.

Is that just how it is is an interesting question. I suppose you think the giant asteroid is going to cause a tsunami as part of the chain reaction of extinction. The Bible theory has explained that, as well. There won't be another global flood to make people go extinct. We have the rainbow as his promise.
This is quite mad.


Veteran Member
Have you heard of meteors? We got plenty of those on Earth, too :rolleyes:.

Wikipedia is evolution, atheist, liberal biased encyclopedia. Anyone can change it, but it's handy so will go by your list.

Is Satan doing that? No, the NYT and the liberal media are doing it to convince false believers into being scared and promote the evolutionary thinking of dinosaur extinction. Is Satan behind that? I think so.

Dinosaurs never became extinct by the Chicxulub asteroid. Besides, we survived. It wasn't the end of the Earth. Also, God created Jupiter to protect the Earth from the big bad asteroids. If you want links, I got creation science links.

Is that just how it is is an interesting question. I suppose you think the giant asteroid is going to cause a tsunami as part of the chain reaction of extinction. The Bible theory has explained that, as well. There won't be another global flood to make people go extinct. We have the rainbow as his promise.

Human beings were not around when the dinosaurs roamed the earth.

james bond

Well-Known Member
The Abrahamic religions created Satan and their followers keep Satan alive. Without people saying things as you do, Satan world die and disappear forever. The story of genesis if false and those that believe it is truth have been deceived. Christians hold on to Satan with passion. It is time to let Satan go. The truth is here in the world for all to see. Open your eyes and mind to the world and the truth will set you free.

The Bible theory states Satan and his demons live in the middle heavens. As I said, Satan is the "god of the Earth and prince of the power of the air." Satan got his dominion over Earth from Adam's sin. Part of why God the Father was upset. He also had to leave the Earth and universe he thought up; it wasn't just Adam and Eve who had to leave paradise.

Anyway, here is evidence for Satan and the tricks he is playing.

james bond

Well-Known Member