The same people were all for getting out of Afghanistan when it was trump leading the charge. There is a core of people who decide their stance on any issue based purely on opposing what "the other side" says. Now that Biden and the Democrats are in charge? Leaving Afghanistan is the worst possible thing ever. Had the exact same thing happened, in the exact same sequence, with the exact same fallout and problems, but with trump at the helm, these people would be down on their knees in adulation of his leadership. It doesn't matter what the issue is, for tribalists, they will NEVER support "the other side", no matter the policy or how it actually plays out. For too long we have tried to accommodate these people with rational, polite attempts to educate. It is a FACT that these people will NEVER support any effort to address Climate Change if those efforts are led by "the other side". We need to stop trying to appeal to their rational, better natures, because they don't have one.
It is true that their are tribalists on both political "sides", but as one of those sides bases their position generally on scientific understandings, while their tribal supporters are problematic in their own right, they tend to end up on the correct side of issues by default. So while I'll never defend left wing tribalism, they don't represent nearly the same danger as right wing tribalists.