It's for that reason that some of us are trying to break that spell, by showing -- as clearly as we're able with nothing but words -- who he really is. Sadly, I think we're failing at that, too.
Look at who you're talking to. They're people who embrace Trump's fascism. It's not a flaw to them. It's what they like about him. You don't see any disavowing him - just the word fascist, which is an acknowledgement that they know that fascism is detestable and despicable to many.
They bristle at being called racist for the same reason. They understand that that is unacceptable to decent people.
Contrast that with calling them Christian, which is not a socially unacceptable demographic in the main. Call a Christian who is all three a Christian, a bigot and a racist, and they don't object to being called Christian. They understand that racism and fascism are wrong in the eyes of decent people but not Christianity, so they object to only two of those terms even though they embrace both unacceptable isms.
Price controls for instance are straight from the communist handbook.
Trump is starting with tariffs. If he wins, you'll be paying them.
The reason that they can be called a tax is because like duty or a fee for government service like court fees, they are a surcharge placed on items you purchase that the American consumer pays to the government.
And here's the rub: the price of American made goods goes up, too. Japan sells a car for $40,000 that a US manufacturer sells its equivalent vehicle for a similar competitive price. Then, Trump places a 60% tariff (he's talking about 200% and 300%) on the import that the dealer pays, who then raises the price of the Japanese car to $64,000. Guess what the American manufacturers do next? They raise the price of their cars to about $60,000, so you actually pay a premium not just for the imports, but also to the domestic manufacturers the tariff allegedly protects.
It's a scam, but you'll have no choice but to pay these surcharges or do without.
if he were an actual Fascist, he'd care more about ...
He's a wannabe fascist. If he gets that power, he'll do what he likes, and you won't like it.
How likely is it that people who offend Trump will, in the event of another Trump
Presidency, end up at the bottom of the river? He can be vengeful, sure, but is there any evidence he’s ever tried to have any of his opponents killed?
Once again, give him that power and immunity, and he'll emulate his role model Putin. His past actions don't predict his future actions, but his past words do.