The above was sent to another........ It was simply your last post..........
The Thread
Title 'Is Trump Stupid, Mad (NPD) or both?'
might be acceptable under the concept of free speech, but imo it's cheap and nasty, ignorant, impolitic and especially 'unscientific' to post anything like that about anyone.
I remember your comments about Baroness Thatcher on the day/week of her death......... so I'm not shocked, just saddened that English Politicians past or present can throw muck like this.
I don't like the idea of a leader like Trump, his ideals, his prejudices, etc, but some nastry leaders have saved countries. Churchill, magnificent indomitable Churchill, was not a nice person. He called people horrible things, eg Yes Madam, I am drunk, and you are ugly, but in the morning I shall be sober! (Lady Astor). How would that monster have managed in a Presidential election?
You dropped down upon NPD. When I discovered what it meant I just laughed out loud! I just love it!
1. Pick somebody who you would wish to destroy.
2. Think of anything about their character which might be considered as unpleasant.
3. Search around to see if some cheap quack has given this a new title.
4. If it's not an acknowledged mental disability scrabble about until you find that it could be classed as a Disorder
.............. ADD, NPD, RCD etc.......
5. Now use that word a lot. Disorder. Personality Disorder etc....
6. And then........ some idiot will comment something like, 'Awwwww Gawdddd........ 'e's so weird!
7. Weird, weird, weird can soon become MENTAL!
8. And there you have the lie:-
'Ow weird! There's this mental geezer wiv somef'in wrong in 'is 'ead, who can shoot off weapons of mass destruction ANYWHERE..... just like that!! Fink o' that...... a weirdo wiv a load of huge bombs!'
Whatever President Trump is, however unlikeable. The Thread title is not true.