Veggie meat is gross and I don’t think I could handle a diet of tofu, lentils, beans, vegetables, seeds, and nuts on top of the grains I currently eat.
I can certainly enjoy a veggie meal. Delicious food is delicious food and on principle, it doesn't really matter what the ingredients are (well... assuming we are talking nutritious food anyway... I do care about "chemicals" etc in the food -whatever the food is).
But I can equally enjoy a nice piece of meat.
Committing to never eating meat again out of my own free will? No. Not for me.
I try to have a balanced diet. And that includes the regular and / or occasional juicy cow, chicken, rabbit, lamb, ...
I have no ideological problem with it at all.
I wouldn't eat say steak every day... but not because of the "poor cows". Rather for the same reason that I wouldn't eat french fries everyday: it's just not healthy.