@KWED If you want, you can research this. I know that you will try to insult and brush it off and go onto something. But well, I thought why not. You can ask anyone, you can do your research.
In "CLASSICAL ARABIC", a young woman is called Jariyah. A girl of playful age is called Jariyathu Alabu. Even in Bukhari, he refers to Aisha in one hadith as Jariyathu Alabu. Same Bukhari reports in the book of commentary, book 58, hadith number 1784 that a Surah or chapter (chapter 54) has a verse that was revealed when she was in mecca (Before the Hijra) and she was a "Jaariyathu Alabu" which means "a girl at playful age". When you look at the time this so called verse was given to her family, What does that mean? It means that Aisha was a young girl, who was of a playful age when this chapter 54 was revealed. Bukhari reports that she was of Akal age. Akal means the age of reason. So Aisha supposedly narrated this as she remembered and narrated the verse as well, and what age do you think she would have been in order to remember a verse of the Quran and to remember the day it was revealed or time period in Mecca? She would have been what age? 10? 8? And when was chapter 54 revealed?? It was revealed in 614 (10 years before the supposed marriage). Then how old do you think she would have been? 20? 18? There is no way she was so young "even according to ahadith" when she married because of this one factor. There are many. If you check a good Arabic lexicon which I presume you can easily do, a phrase like "Jaariyah" will mean "Young woman". Annisaa are older than them. this is Fusha Atthuraath.
Because you love this hadith so much I am giving you this explanation, if you care to read and understand. There are many ahadith about the sister of Aisha who was 10 years older to her. This is of course a very well known thing though. There is a book called Al Bidhayah wa al Nihayah which would mean the beginning and the end that speaks of Asma who is the sister of Aisha. This is a pretty large amount of work but it contains certain narratives that state this Asma's age in comparison to Aisha's. She was 10 years older.
Asma, Aishas sister is supposed have died in the 73rd year of Hijri which is reported by a scholar in traditional islamic circles had more respect in his sophisticated scholarship of Islam even in comparison to historian and scholar Ibn Kathir. His name was Ibn Hajar Al Asqalani. He reported in his book called Fine Tuning. 100-73 = 27. So at the time of Hijri, Asma was 27 years old. Which would mean Aisha was 17 years old. So this marriage which would have taken place in the 1st or 2nd Hijra makes Aisha 18 or 19. Is that another contradiction?
1. It is said that Asma, the sister of Aisha was ten years older. - (Atthabari)
2. And it also says that Asma died when she was 100 years old when she died, and it was the 73 Hijra. - (Tahzibut Tahzib)
3. Abu Bakr wished Aisha to be married 8 years before Hijra. So in the proponents logic, Aisha would have been just born, which is not.
4. That means obviously 100-73 = 27. So at the time of Hijri, Asma was 27 years old.
5. So it is only simple mathematics to understand that Aisha was 17 years old.
6. So this marriage which would have been taken place in the 1st or 2nd Hijra makes Aisha 18 or 19.
7. If you look at the hadith Aisha is referred to as Bikr, Not Jariah. Which means a woman of adult age, not a childhood or early teen age which is Jariah.
And we know that Jariyathu Alabu refers to a young girl at playful age, where as in Arabic, Annisaa is not word used for such young children. A young girl of growing up age is called Fathaaya. Annisaa is only grown women. It is not used for young girls. This verse says "Women", Annisaa. Not Fathaaya, Jariyah, or any arabic word used for girls of young ages.
I told you that you were appealing to authority. You told it was deferring to authority. But you are not giving the methodology used by these authorities. You dont allow any analysis. You want them to be as it is. No thinking. Just "appeal to authority". So you should understand that difference.
Such of your women as have passed the age of monthly courses, for them the prescribed period, if ye have any doubts, is three months, and for those who have no courses [it is the same]: for those who carry [life within their wombs], their period is until they deliver their burdens: and for those who fear Allah, He will make their path easy. – Quran 65:4
There are some translations which would say “Not yet menstruated” instead of “No courses”.
Take a holistic approach. Not just one cherry picked verse that suits your personal sentiment. Quran is one book.
This verse is speaking of women who go through a divorce where it stipulates certain conditions before the lady is to leave the premises where they had their marital life. So please understand that first, you are married because you are already fully grown, mature enough to manage your finances, balaghul nikaha and so forth. You are already married meeting these criteria and now you are going through a divorce.
Chapter 65 verse 4
1. Premise: In case of divorce (To get a divorce, you are already married. To be married, you are already old enough as spelled out earlier)
2. Wa allathi ya ishna minal maheedhi. Those who are done with their menstruation. Which means Ya Ishna, your menstruations are over. This is menopause. For them, at the time of a divorce their interim period is three months.
3. Wa allathi yaa hidhna means the ones who have not menstruated. Now this is the verse a lot of people use to insult the whole system of islam. But it’s a cheap trick. You will understand why.
It does not say “Never menstruated” and in classical Arabic this could never ever mean one who has not achieved puberty. It is completely illogical. As a non-muslim you could use this this maliciously to insult but also as a Muslim you could use this for your perverted intentions. But none of this is logical if you take the context of the Quran and you should see that its illogical.
You are talking of a girl who is already married because she has reached the right ripe age of marriage. Balagul nikaha. Now she is going through a divorce. And now she cannot be thrown out of where she is living for three months. Both, those who don’t get periods and those who have not got their periods yet after the decision is made, whoever they are cannot be sent out of their abode for 3 months AFTER THE DIVORCE IS CONFIRMED.
4. Hamal or pregnant women if you find them to be must be allowed fully to stay in the same premises until the delivery.