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Islam: Ask your questions


Hostis humani generis
Salam brothers and sisters. :)

I made this thread so anyone who felt like asking a question, but did not want to make a new thread for it, for whatever reason (for example, it's "too small/insignificant") they could ask it here - they can be Muslim or non-Muslim. I hope we can all learn something new with this. :)

So, I'm going to start off.

"It is reported by Sayyidina Abu Hurayrah RA that the Prophet
said, "Laugh little for much laughter deadens the heart." - Ibn Majah
and, "Sayyidina Abu Hurayrah RA has reported the Prophet
as saying, "Avoid much laughter because much laughter deadens the heart." -
Tirmizi Ibn Majah," - I got both of these off Manners In Islam: Laughing To Much - Ummah.com - Muslim Forum - but I've heard this before now, multiple times.

My question is: how much is much laughter, and how can one know what the boundary is? Does this for example mean that comedy should be avoided, as should comedians as it was in... Iran some time ago, I believe (I could be wrong, but I know one of the Muslim countries banned comedy quite some time ago) - or is there much more to it in your view?


I want Khilafah back
Salam brothers and sisters. :)

I made this thread so anyone who felt like asking a question, but did not want to make a new thread for it, for whatever reason (for example, it's "too small/insignificant") they could ask it here - they can be Muslim or non-Muslim. I hope we can all learn something new with this. :)

So, I'm going to start off.

"It is reported by Sayyidina Abu Hurayrah RA that the Prophet
said, "Laugh little for much laughter deadens the heart." - Ibn Majah
and, "Sayyidina Abu Hurayrah RA has reported the Prophet
as saying, "Avoid much laughter because much laughter deadens the heart." -
Tirmizi Ibn Majah," - I got both of these off Manners In Islam: Laughing To Much - Ummah.com - Muslim Forum - but I've heard this before now, multiple times.

My question is: how much is much laughter, and how can one know what the boundary is? Does this for example mean that comedy should be avoided, as should comedians as it was in... Iran some time ago, I believe (I could be wrong, but I know one of the Muslim countries banned comedy quite some time ago) - or is there much more to it in your view?

alaykum selam.

hey nice thread topic, i thought a muslim had oppened it. :D

i won't be able to answer all of your question but only part of it.

i think there is a boundary, unless of course i am wrong. i think the boundary is not to laugh as much as to not be able to breathe from laughter. but am not too sure, i must find out and i will let you know, however in the mean time, go to this page and have a read

Does Islam Go against Laughter? - IslamonLine.net - Ask The Scholar
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Hostis humani generis
Thank you eselam. :)

From the link you posted, it seems as though the boundaries are not to insult a person or to seemingly promote haraam activities, thus I suppose it just boils down to consideration for others' feelings.

I can understand these, if I have got it correct... have I? :D


Well-Known Member
Not being a student of Islam, but from how I would personally interpret the saying knowing what I do, is laugh at what you would understand but not beyond your understanding.

England my lionheart

Rockerjahili Rebel
Premium Member
Wudu and Gusl ,why Is this impotant for Muslims,obviously i understand the importance of being clean and when i go i wash and the jobs done,is it a bit of a nuisance if you are in a hurry,just curious


A slave of Allah (swt)
Wudu and Gusl ,why Is this impotant for Muslims,obviously i understand the importance of being clean and when i go i wash and the jobs done,is it a bit of a nuisance if you are in a hurry,just curious
Good thing you understand it.
is it a bit of a nuisance if you are in a hurry,just curious
Nuisance if i am in a hurry to do salah ? No to me,Wudu doesn't take a long time just 1-3 minutes,and it's not really nuisance to take a shower (Gusl) everyday right ? .


My question is: how much is much laughter, and how can one know what the boundary is?

2.5 minutes/day.....that's why when you start laughing ,you better have a stop watch with you :cool:

Does this for example mean that comedy should be avoided, as should comedians as it was in... Iran some time ago, I believe (I could be wrong, but I know one of the Muslim countries banned comedy quite some time ago) - or is there much more to it in your view?

yeah..and all comedians must be stoned to death ,as well :yes:


i think it's about being balanced, Odion...not everything in Islam has strict measures and boundaries...and not everything is taken with that strict approach...
The prophet was a Smiley person ,btw....one of his companions said that he had never seen someone who smiles as much as the prophet (PBUH)...however , it was never recorded that he laughed loudly or with making a voice....

Laughing is not bad or forbidden...but when it's too much it should be alarming and might be considered a sign of what we call " ghafla "

M . K . A .: The State of Al-Ghaflah (Heedlessness or Negligence)
YouTube - The Dangers of Heedlessness: By Hamza Yusuf

Thanks for the thread ,btw :)
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I want Khilafah back
Thank you eselam. :)

From the link you posted, it seems as though the boundaries are not to insult a person or to seemingly promote haraam activities, thus I suppose it just boils down to consideration for others' feelings.

I can understand these, if I have got it correct... have I? :D

yes that is correct.

but it also is about yourself as much as it is to take other peoples feelings into consideration.

laughter is about stopping yourself from all the religious things for a small amount of time. if you pray and pray all day everyday, then you will come to a point when you've had enough, thus you stop doing that. then after some time when you get over it, you start fresh again, so laughter is a stopping moment for you and then to get back to religion without having to overload yourself to the point that you can't be bothered praying or doing religious things.

this is taken from that speech to support what i have said:

Given all that we have said about laughter and merriment, it’s clear that Islam does not go against this because it is typically part of human nature. `Ali Ibn Abi Talib (may Allah be pleased with him) said: 'Give your heart a break for some time otherwise it will suffer a breakdown out of excessive strain.' And Abu Ad-Darda' (may Allah be pleased with him) also says: 'I take to having leisure for my self with some sort of merriment in order to find strength to uphold justice.'

fullyveiled muslimah

Evil incarnate!
The issue of laughter and doing too much of it is one of spirituality strictly speaking. One who is engaged in a whole lot of laughing should be careful of a couple things:

1) What are you laughing at? Are you engaging in some backbiting, or listening to it and it's funny? If so then you need to stop. Not only would it be sinful due to the backbiting, but excessive laughing brings forgetfulness of other more important things to pay attention to.

2) In hadith we read that if one remembered death they would cry more and laugh less. We are strongly recommended by the Prophet (saw) to remember death at least 20 times everyday. In this manner we can focus on our lives, pleasing Allah, and we are constantly mindful of the inevitability of certain death.

Like my brothers and sisters have said before me, there is no strict measurement of how long or how often you can laugh, or entertain yourself. As long as that entertainment is halal, and does not come at the expense of others it's fine. Each person should know when enough is enough. If all you do is laugh and giggle all day, never serious, never introspective, never reflective, that's a problem. If you're too busy laughing and making jokes, how busy are you in the remembrance of Allah? This is what we are here to do, even though we are expected to have down-time and get a break.

England my lionheart

Rockerjahili Rebel
Premium Member
I have a question regarding bread,now i know that Jews and Muslims eat unlevened Bread but what is the recipe and is it a standard recipe,is it like Indian Naan Bread?

England my lionheart

Rockerjahili Rebel
Premium Member
I have some other questions relating to food,during Ramadam you do not eat between sunrise and sunset but can you drink Tea for example,and after Sunset do you have a massive meal.


Well-Known Member
I have some other questions relating to food,during Ramadam you do not eat between sunrise and sunset but can you drink Tea for example,and after Sunset do you have a massive meal.

Tea, or any other liquid, is not allowed for a fasting person till after sunset

Massive meals after sunset are also discouraged, as it contradicts with the goal of fasting Ramadan, and also does not help with the night prayers

England my lionheart

Rockerjahili Rebel
Premium Member
Tea, or any other liquid, is not allowed for a fasting person till after sunset

Massive meals after sunset are also discouraged, as it contradicts with the goal of fasting Ramadan, and also does not help with the night prayers

Thanks for the reply Cordoba,how about breakfast before Sunrise


Well-Known Member
The food and drink restrictions are only between dawn (around 90 minutes before sunrise) and sunset

Before dawn and after sunset, life goes back to normal


I want Khilafah back
I have a question regarding bread,now i know that Jews and Muslims eat unlevened Bread but what is the recipe and is it a standard recipe,is it like Indian Naan Bread?

:D what do you mean by unleveled bread?

we can eat any bread, be it leveld, unleveled, square, round, triangle etc etc. as long as it is halal. unless there is more to it, which obviously i do not know of.