we are talking in the context of believing or disbelieve (kafir , mo'amin )
Yes but what i was saying is that this, exactly this, what you're talking about has more than one sense. Since the Quran used the description in more than one way.
If you mean that it specifically used it in the sense of basically someone who is going to hell (someone who refused the message IOW), in those specific verses you quoted, then i'll address that in the last part of this post.
-most of the Quran talking about the disbelieve of the jews and christains (people of the book).
Not sure what you mean here. If you mean that most of the time the Quran has mentioned Jews and Christians it has been in terms of referring to them as disbelievers, then i don't really know whether or not that is the case. Assuming that it is though, it doesn't make much difference to what i'm saying, and i'll explain why in the next part.
i understand it now , but i guess it's not work with that "kafar" in most of the time .
because for the opinion some scholars , considerate not all the disbelievers will go to the hell
because some of them are not heard about Islam , but disbelievers whom heard about Islam will be in the hell.
i am talking about whom heard about Islam , especialy the People of the Book
i can bit 99 % of the people of the book nowdays heard about Islam and Muhammad (pbuh)
but notice that Allah called their faith "kofer " without any exception
Okay, consider these tafsirs (interpretations) of the verses you posted:
Altafsir.com - The Tafsirs -
Altafsir.com - The Tafsirs -
After reading them, would you agree that the verses are addressing specifically people that knowingly change, or refuse the truth, or hypocrites?
If we agree in this regard, do you really think that at the very least, all Christians of today, and Jews, meet such description?
That they're all, without exception, lying hypocrites like i asked you earlier?
If you would agree that
at least some of them, would not meet that description (insincerity that is, or intentionally changing the truth or refusing it), would you agree then that its possible that god is specifically addressing people who knowingly refuse the truth
amongst Christians and Jews?
That is, that he's not saying anybody who holds such beliefs is going to hell and so forth, but that people who knowingly say those things, and embrace those ideas, while knowing the truth (which would make sense since this would make them similar to some of the people of Quraysh), are going to hell or will receive punishment from god and are kafirs in that sense of the word.
To clarify, this is the most obvious part in the tafsirs that i think highlights what i'm talking about:
قَوْلُهُ تَعَالَى: { وَقَالَتْ ٱلنَّصَارَى ٱلْمَسِيحُ ٱبْنُ ٱللَّهِ }؛ هذا قولُ نصارى نَجْرَان، وقولهُ تعالى: { ذٰلِكَ قَوْلُهُم بِأَفْوَاهِهِمْ }؛ معناهُ: أنَّهم لا يتجاوَزون في القولِ عن العبادةِ؛ أي المعنى إذ لا بُرْهانَ لأنَّهم يعتَرِفون أنَّ اللهَ لا يتخذُ صاحبةً، فكيف تزعُمون أنَّ له ولداً. قَوْلُهُ تَعَالَى: { يُضَاهِئُونَ قَوْلَ ٱلَّذِينَ كَفَرُواْ مِن قَبْلُ }؛ أي يُشَابِهُونَ في قولِ ذلك قولَ أهلِ مكَّة حين قالَ: اللاَّتُ والعُزَّى ومناةُ. وَقِيْلَ: أرادَ يُشَابهُونَ قولَ الكفَّار الذين يقولون الملائكةُ بناتُ اللهِ.
Now, lets assume that after reading this you're still not seeing this as the correct understanding. That rather the verse is talking in general about anybody who happens to hold such beliefs for whatever reason (being raised to believe in them or whatever), would you agree at least that such understanding is possible (even if its unlikely in your view)?
If so, then we don't need to address this any further, because i'm not trying to convince you to change your mind, rather trying to explain to you how can one come to such conclusions. If you however want to share anything that you haven't already shared and think its important to note, of course feel free.