did God love Satan or Hitler or any criminal ?
Satan, imho, doesn't exist, but if he did, he wouldn't be relevant, as Satan is a fallen angel, not a person. But, I'm sure that God would love Satan if Satan existed.
If God loves of all us why he sent His messangers ?
I think that, most likely, most of these "messengers" were actually either out of their minds, or seeking attention/power. I don't think that God sends people to speak for him, but that is my prerogative.
why God did created hell and paradise ?
I don't believe that Hell exists. I think we all get what we want in the afterlife, no matter what that may be. There is no punishment, and there might even be more lives on earth after death. I like the philosophy that claims that human life is a vehicle for learning. We keep coming back until we have figured out what we needed to.
where is the love when he let his son die for sins never commit ?
Jesus, imho, was God. There is no "son", and I find that term to be confusing. Jesus came to earth to connect with mankind in a way that, before, he never could. He truly became understanding of the difficulties we face here.
Free-will cannot exist without death.
why let some bad people hurting us ?
Free-will can't exist without this either. God gave up power when he gave us freedom to defy him.