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Islam, how much do you really know about it?


Well-Known Member
I don't have any tiny problem if you think/call my religion "deluded".

I do believe that you have much right to exist as me but I don't have to believe that you could have a valid view point or that God might spoke to you in any way. There is a huge difference between the former and the latter. Nor do I think you should believe that I might have a valid view point...etc to have a good discussion with me.
I accept your presence yes but I don't have to accept the validity of your religion or even the possibility of its validity.

I suppose thats why I dont view your religion as being superior to mine. Because I really have met God, and he didnt say I should follow Islam. :D


Veteran Member
I suppose thats why I dont view your religion as being superior to mine. Because I really have met God, and he didnt say I should follow Islam. :D

i think there is a misunderstanding here. Qur'an says Islam is the only religion before God, not superior.



Well-Known Member
Nice dodge of the question. Are you sayig all other religions are wrong? Or are you saying that everyone who seeks God will find Him?

I believe the latter, but I dont believe that everyone who seek God will call themselves muslim. Nor do I believe that everyone who calls themselves muslim are really seeking God.


Amateur Rambler / Proud Ergi
Premium Member
I know little about Islam and I have some sincere questions. Is the word Allah a generic word for God or is it the name of God? For example: In English we might say that money is a god. Can we say that money is an Allah or is that name reserved for only one god? Or, is the title of the true God? Thanks for any response to the question.

Allah is the Arabic word for God, not just used by Muslims, but any Arabian Abrahamic groups.


Amateur Rambler / Proud Ergi
Premium Member
Nice dodge of the question. Are you sayig all other religions are wrong? Or are you saying that everyone who seeks God will find Him?

I believe the latter, but I dont believe that everyone who seek God will call themselves muslim. Nor do I believe that everyone who calls themselves muslim are really seeking God.

Islam is submission to God's will. Nothing more than that. Using that logic, I'd imagine it's possible to be a Muslim without ever reading the Qur'an, or using other methods of reaching God.


About 500 BC Athens were a Democracy so the Greeks were quite advanced.
I agree with you about Islamic states not being the right system as they are bad.
I will say this though,when i have spoken with a Muslim from one of these countries they say that Muslims must live like them or they are not Muslims,i myself do not tar everyone with the same brush so i do not think all Muslims are bad.
could women and slaves vote in athens ?
when did women gain the right to vote for the first time?
in islam women and slaves vote since 1400 years


Active Member
it doesn't matter copy and paste
what is matter is that true or not
you told me before you can answer what you wish and i will replay with what i want
You may "replay with" whatever you want. It would be nice if you replied at least in plain english ;)

here is the link
NASA - Earth
Lets see ...
You said it would be 71.11 percent.
I replied (with a link) that currently it is 70.8 %.
Then you answered that this would be the same and i should refer to the nasa link (that you have provided now). In that nasa link we read "About 71 percent".
I am sorry but if you want to play such silly games then you should play them in the kindergarten.
70.8 is not 71.11
and "about 71" is not 71.11
And since we are at it ... your selective calculation is not even a proof in any case (even it it were 71.11)

You do what many muslims have done especially since the 70s and 80s when clergy was afraid of muslims leaving islam because they thought it would be outdated.
They selectively searched the scientific theories for points that didn't contradict quranic suras and tried to correlate them. Afterwards they illogically claimed that this scientific knowledge was present in the quran in the first place and could not have been written by an illiterate man 1400 years ago.
They even invited scientists to these workshops in order to give more credibility to their claims. I interviewed several of them and even still have the mail correspondence (which i could even bring hee as evidence). I found not a single one who truly believed that stuff that he supposedly said.

But frankly after some 10 years of stupid discussions with peopole like you that think they know everything while in truth they just copied nonsense from a nonsense site one get's a little bit tired of your lot.

can you please give me a link for what i say before about the bible?
I do not recall claiming that you said something about the bible.

Lets see ... some more nonsense....
some of what you say is in quran like god created earth in 6 days
Ask a scientist about it !

since didn't proof that
No it just states something completely different.... a timespan just a tiny bit longer ....

some things you say is not in quran
Which points do you claim that i have mentioned and that are not in the quran ?
I am curious....

but some thing you say science proof it
everything created in pairs 51:49
science proof that
Really ?
Sorry but science has DISPROOVEN that.
What about this one ? "http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cnemidophorus"
Is the sun male and the moon female or are there exactly two of each ?

Any chance you realize your mistake and throw your ideas in the trashbin ? Guess no.... As we see you just started spinning the wheel .....
if you have a shoes is left is male and right is female
no but it is pairs
God created shoes as well ?
What do we do with all those poor one legged people ? Discard them as being from hell ?

for example Paramecium it is 1 cell no single male or female
the question how another one come from it?
the answer is with a process called Congugation where 2 stick to get anew 1
Why not generally speak about cells instead of trying to find a loophole ?
Cell division - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Nothing needs to "stick" .....
You might want to have a look at Binary fission - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
See that ? ONE becomes TWO

also viruses inside it 2 lines contain DNA and RNA they spread then back to make anew 1
DNA and RNA becomes a "pair" all for the sake of saving the appearence.

You see ... all of the above are examples of dishonest interpretation ...

Childish !


Nice dodge of the question. Are you sayig all other religions are wrong? Or are you saying that everyone who seeks God will find Him?

I believe the latter, but I dont believe that everyone who seek God will call themselves muslim. Nor do I believe that everyone who calls themselves muslim are really seeking God.
When we say islam is the only right religion we don't mean just our islam
we mean all religions that say god is one from adam religion to the last prophet mohamed
because we belive that god sent 1 religion to all people
if a moslem don't belive that jesues is a prophet his faith is not completed
we belive in all other religions that god sent


Hostis humani generis
When we say islam is the only right religion we don't mean just our islam
we mean all religions that say god is one from adam religion to the last prophet mohamed
because we belive that god sent 1 religion to all people
if a moslem don't belive that jesues is a prophet his faith is not completed
we belive in all other religions that god sent

So if I make a religion with Adam as the first prophet, Muhammad as the last prophet, but remove certain things (like praying at the Kaaba), and add certain things (a festival of lights), then I'm still right? Is that reaaaally what you're saying? "Believe in Muhammad, and you shall be SAVED" - that's how it looks; if you don't believe in Muhammad, God will not accept you.

Muhammad is the only person I have trouble calling a prophet, teacher or guru, so in order for me to go to Heaven in your eyes - what do I need to do?

I'm waiting for your answer.


Well-Known Member
I do believe that following any other religion other than Islam is wrong. And since you have studied the Qur'an, you must be familiar with a verse like this: "And whoever desires other than Islām as religion – never will it be accepted from him, and he, in the Hereafter, will be among the losers." َQur'an

The Qur'an doesn't covert people but people convert themselves.

Who mentioned hatred here?

If Quran says people who dont accept it are losers, then who can argue with that?
I think its a lie, for if I have a book which says you have to hold it as the only book or burn in hell, how could I argue with it, if the book said it came from God. Wheres the proof?

Heres another saying a muslim friend told me years ago: you cannot convert by force because a man may swear allegiance to a religion with his lips, but in his heart he will be following something else. Since you cannot know a man's heart, only God can know that, then only God can convert someone.

Since my heart is not converted, then God has a different plan for me. It's that simple. :angel2:


So if I make a religion with Adam as the first prophet, Muhammad as the last prophet, but remove certain things (like praying at the Kaaba), and add certain things (a festival of lights), then I'm still right? Is that reaaaally what you're saying? "Believe in Muhammad, and you shall be SAVED" - that's how it looks; if you don't believe in Muhammad, God will not accept you.

Muhammad is the only person I have trouble calling a prophet, teacher or guru, so in order for me to go to Heaven in your eyes - what do I need to do?

I'm waiting for your answer.
there is no thing called making a religion
religion is orders sent from god to us throw prophets
and god orders are the same in all religions
and to prove to you that all religions are the same
do you know who built kabba?
ibrahim with his son ismail
it doesnt matter for you how do i think you will go to heaven
what is matter for you is how you will go to heaven
just search for the only god
the only
and please can you tell me why you don't accept mohamed as any thing?
Last edited:


If Quran says people who dont accept it are losers, then who can argue with that?
I think its a lie, for if I have a book which says you have to hold it as the only book or burn in hell, how could I argue with it, if the book said it came from God. Wheres the proof?

Heres another saying a muslim friend told me years ago: you cannot convert by force because a man may swear allegiance to a religion with his lips, but in his heart he will be following something else. Since you cannot know a man's heart, only God can know that, then only God can convert someone.

Since my heart is not converted, then God has a different plan for me. It's that simple. :angel2:
would you find it strange if i tell you that what you say is in quran
(if you wish to belief ,belief and if you don't wish don't) 18:29
as you see it is if you wish to belief not if you want to be moslem
so it is about the only god
cool isn't it
and by the way the rest of that aya is about hell


Hostis humani generis
there is no thing called making a religion
Yes there is. Many people make religions. Some make them for fun, for role-playing. Others make them because they think they have been given a message or have found the truth of another religion which has strayed from the path.
do you know who built kabba?
ibrahim with his son ismail
Prove it. Without the Qur'an, without the Hadith. I want evidence that says that Abraham and Ishmael were there and dedicated the Kaaba to God - historical, biographies, archaeological evidence, anything other than religious scripture. You cannot prove it, for it is not true. All I have been offered is circular logic.

it doesnt matter for you how do i think you will go to heaven
what is matter for you is how you will go to heaven
just search for the only god
the only
That's what I'm doing. I am a seeker, and I am searching for God. This isn't a fun journey, you know. I hate it now, and I want to find truth.

and please can you tell me why you don't accept mohamed as any thing?
Muhammad is a man I do not believe is a prophet. I do not have any respect for him as a prophet because of his actions. From marrying Aisha to the Banu Qurayza, to shari'a, to Maria the Copt and his other slaves. Following with Muhammad, it's ok to keep slaves, it's ok to marry children, to kill political enemies... as well as what was revealed, I see human errors, such as Ramadan. It's impossible to fast in the Antarctic if we wait until sunrise-sunset. Why did Muhammad, why did Allah, not know of this?


I want Khilafah back
Okay, I get what you're saying. You are saying that because all the true believers of Christianity and Judaism are dead, Mohammed was necessary. But what about the Christians and Jews that still exist? And how about the Baha'i who believe their prophet is the most recent. Does that mean they think there are no more true believers for Islam anymore and that is why they had a new prophet (or face) to keep the continued message of Allah alive?

the christians and jews of today are ok, but changes have been made to the original scriptures, thus the main stream, or the reall religion has been lost. as for the baha'i religion, i have great respect for it, its followers are good people, but a jew christian, and a muslim of today can prove it wrong (ie not related to these 3 religions) by this, the baha'i's beleive that hinduism is also a true religion, now as far as logic goes, you cannot mix a monotheist and a polytheist. the baha'i's only say that our religion is here to prove all other major religions right, (as far as i know). and so hinduism may have something in common to buddhism but not to islam, judaism nor christianity.


I want Khilafah back
So God is the one who decides who becomes Muslim and who doesn't? A person doesn't decide of his or her own volition?

I thought it was up to us to soften our own hearts.

it is up to us, but a murderor cannot become a muslim untill he becomes a good person. you see how some criminals say that after all the bad i did i ended up finding god. they have to find god, it is not god that has to find them, if you have a pure heart then it is easier for you to become a muslim you will be a person of understanding. and it is up to us to soften our heart, everytime that you tolerate someone, that you help someone in need, that is a way of softening ones heart.


I want Khilafah back
Let me ask you a simple question:
"By what means, do you think you are in a position to say people are less smart, giving advice on how they could educate themselves better while at the same time admitting that you yourself do not educate yourself in a way consistent with what you ask others to do ?"
Or in other words ... if you do not read any books apart of those that are islamic ... how do you know that you are "smart" while the others are not ?

again wrong, i have not said that i am smart. if only i was. i too need some reading, but i do it slowly, i cannot tell people that by reading you become smart, it has worked for me, and i have not read only slamic books, i have read many books about physics, science, math, english, design. etc, but i though you were asking only of religious books, i cannot speak about science if i have not read anything on it, i have thus i speak of it, from both islamic and non islamic erspectives.


I want Khilafah back
I have a question for you,when Muhammed went to Jerusalem on the winged Horse and was taken up to Heaven by Jibril he had to negotiate the amount of times Muslims must pray a day,apparently it started at 50 times a day but eventually ended up a 5,is this true and can you expand on this.

yes offcourse. it did start with 50, but Moses (as) met with muhammed (saws) after his conversation with Allah, and asked him about the amout of prayer hes was tolled to perform per day, muhammed (saws) said 50, then moses (as) said my people and i had it 50, go beg Allah to lower it down, my people and i strugled with 50, and you and your people will not be able to do it, so muhammed (saws) asked Allah to lower the amout of prayer per day untill it got to five.