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Islam, how much do you really know about it?


Veteran Member
check this out,

Physicist Finds Out Why "We Are Stardust..."

and this

All the elements except hydrogen and helium have been manufactured by nuclear reactions in the interiors of stars. This includes the elements carbon, oxygen, and nitrogen that are critical for life

Why do scientists say we are made of stardust? « Ask an Astrobiologist « NASA Astrobiology

i have no problem with knowledge of these scientists but i find their conclusion or commentary of what they know very personal. a scientist with different belief would comment on the same knowledge differently.



Amateur Rambler / Proud Ergi
Premium Member
so living cells exist in stars and planets,living cells exist in gas and rock, the stars contain sperm or eggs. see how perfect everythig has to be, can nature take care of it self all these things required for survival appeared here?why is the earth and all other planets perfectly round, did the bigbang mould the planets into perfect shape, is the bigbang spining the earth on its access after billions of years. why is the sun perfectly placed away from us so the climate is exacly right for survival?the universe cant move can it does it have life,arms,legs,a heart?

all these are islamic miracles

How Did The Universe Form

Ever hear of gravity? Gravitational pulls are what allows spherical shapes to occur. Everything on this planet and the things around it are being pulled towards the core, through the force of gravity. Not really sure at the moment what prevents the earth from collapsing in on itself but off the top of my head I'd suspect it's because the earth's mass just isn't great enough to have that kind of pull.

Note that scientifically, mass and weight are completely different things.

And also, I never said that all of this isn't guided by something. I just happen to believe that even the lesser gods, the firstborn of Gaia, have no personality, emotion, language, wisdom, thought, civilization... because they don't need any of that. Let alone Gaia herself, or Solis (the Sun), let alone the One (all that Exists), LET ALONE a Creator.


Ever hear of gravity? Gravitational pulls are what allows spherical shapes to occur. Everything on this planet and the things around it are being pulled towards the core, through the force of gravity. Not really sure at the moment what prevents the earth from collapsing in on itself but off the top of my head I'd suspect it's because the earth's mass just isn't great enough to have that kind of pull.

Note that scientifically, mass and weight are completely different things.

And also, I never said that all of this isn't guided by something. I just happen to believe that even the lesser gods, the firstborn of Gaia, have no personality, emotion, language, wisdom, thought, civilization... because they don't need any of that. Let alone Gaia herself, or Solis (the Sun), let alone the One (all that Exists), LET ALONE a Creator.

how did this gravity come to be? considering its not energy...
and did you bother to read the link I posted to you
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Amateur Rambler / Proud Ergi
Premium Member
thats one answer to one of my questions... the rest?

As I said, I never denied the existence of something guiding all this. But I do believe that our tiny nano-electronic brains cannot even come within a universe's diameter to fathoming it.

Why is the earth "perfectly" placed on its distance from the sun? That's not even the half of it. I've read when I was young that Jupiter actually redirects space rocks away from earth. I suspect Mars serves a similar role for asteroids that stray from the belt.

But I'd also like to say that I can spot many, many imperfections. Such as our planet literally "dodging bullets" as a documentary once stated on the space rock situation. There's thousands of meteors that cross our orbit that we've just barely been able to dodge; heck only a few years ago one came too close for comfort. They also say that in the 2030s there's a possibility of a collision that would be pretty devastating.

I'd like to point out that I don't believe in "perfect" BUT neither do I believe in coincidence.


Amateur Rambler / Proud Ergi
Premium Member
how did this gravity come to be? considering its not energy...
and did you bother to read the link I posted to you

No. :angel2:

I don't know how gravity came to be. I think that's one of the many unsolved Mysteries that with our current knowledge of physics cannot be understood just yet. But we're getting there.


Amateur Rambler / Proud Ergi
Premium Member
Okay, I'm reading the link you posted, and before I say anything else, I'm going to respond to this bit:

4. One of the most important things that make it possible for us to survive is water. No organism can live without water. For this reason, Allah has created some parts of earth as water. Three quarters of earth’s surface is covered with water. However, there is no water on any of the other planets nor is there any water on the moon that you see at night. The essentials for living things are only available on earth.

There is plenty of water on Mars to sustain life; there are the remains of riverbeds that have been found. Not to mention the icecaps on either poles.

Saturn's moon Europa has an ocean beneath its icy surface.

I think I even remember water being found on another planet not in our solar system.

So this bit is incorrect, I'm afraid.

I'll be back with my thoughts on the article as a whole in a bit.

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Amateur Rambler / Proud Ergi
Premium Member
and did you bother to read the link I posted to you

Okay I just read that link, and I'm not impressed at all.

The entire feel of the article was fluffy and childish, and is misleading to say the least, in saying that we are perfect... and "shielded" from meteors? Really?! Did the author ever hear of the Tunguska Event, where a fragment of a comet exploded above central Siberia back in the 1908 in a light show that was seen all the way to Britain and a shockwave that sent seismic activity across half the world? I humored you by reading the link you posted, now please do the same for me on this subject: Tunguska phenomenon

Sorry, but that article was hardly convincing, and was not grounded with any good foundation. And it's childish tone made it hard to take seriously. The entire article sounded like it was directed at three year old kids. *sigh* I once had a computer "game" (in quotations because it really wasn't so much a game as a collection of movies, minigames, activities, and whatnot), back in the early 90s when CD roms were brand new, about dinosaurs (the game was called "3D Dinosaur Adventure), and was very much directed at young kids. But it also had an encyclopedia section filled with tons of small articles that talked not just about dinosaurs, but the entire history of the earth and the universe as it was scientifically theorized at the time. (It's probably outdated by now) And that treated me seriously, as an adult. I expect any article on this subject to be the same way. Even old shows like Bill Nye or books like the Magic School Bus series, that were directed at really young children, still didn't treat us like we were babies.

I understand the "impossible" chances, but again, as I said, I do not deny the possible existence of something guiding all of this.

EDIT: Oh, and cells are living things that can and do act of their own volition.
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England my lionheart

Rockerjahili Rebel
Premium Member
Okay, I'm reading the link you posted, and before I say anything else, I'm going to respond to this bit:

There is plenty of water on Mars to sustain life; there are the remains of riverbeds that have been found. Not to mention the icecaps on either poles.

Saturn's moon Europa has an ocean beneath its icy surface.

I think I even remember water being found on another planet not in our solar system.

So this bit is incorrect, I'm afraid.

I'll be back with my thoughts on the article as a whole in a bit.

Scientists believe there is water on the Moon aswell.

England my lionheart

Rockerjahili Rebel
Premium Member
I have a hypothetical question about Islam,Mr A and Mr B are both Muslims and regularly go to the Mosque together for prayers,one day Mr A to all and Mr B he has converted to (for example) the Wiccan faith and will no longer be going to the Mosque for prayers.
Question is how will Muslims who know Mr A react to this.


Oldest Heretic
how did this gravity come to be? considering its not energy...
and did you bother to read the link I posted to you

What ever gave you the idea that gravity was not energy. All forces are energy of one sort or another. It is measurable by how much energy is needed to overcome it.


*Sigh* I thought that when I said without the Qur'an or Hadith, you'd kind of figure, without scripture. After all, how can you trust the Injil or Tawrat? Aren't they edited?
yes but when some thing match with my book i must admit about it
I'll leave this for a Hindu. I'm not Hindu. Either way, can I have archaeological evidence suggesting that Abraham built the Kaaba. Even something saying, "To God, love Abraham x" would suffice - can you show me some kind of evidence which is historic as opposed to "it's in the Bible/Qur'an/something else".
Historically in the arab history it is well knowen that ibrahim bult kabba
But you ask me to get a copy of the contract of bulding
Sorry, but I can't do that
A prophet should always show God's law. Just because it was "common in those days" is not a good enough reason. Oh, and 14 or 16 is still older than 9. 9 years old is still a little girl.
gods low is when she can have achildren she can marry
and that is common all over the history,age of women marriage just up in the20 centeury
Aisha played with dolls. Traditionally only girls who have not reached the age of puberty within Islam are allowed to play with dolls

there are no thing in islam about playing with dolls , if you better than me about islam i hope you to get me some thing from islam about dolls
also it doesn't matter how old was she, what is matter she was adult when she married
if some one one marry unadult girl his enemys must talk about that
and prophet mohamed had alot of enemyies at that time
it is strange that no one of them talk about that
if you think so get to me some one talk about that in the age of prohet mohamed
Killing anyone as long as they had pubic hair, that isn't admirable. It says that in the Hadith.

public hair
what is that mean?
get me that hadith because i never heared about it
Enslaving women and children and killing the men is not admirable. Expel them from the area, or something - but killing one's father and enslaving a child and his or her mother... how am I supposed to agree with it?
sure killing some one father and enslaving his mother is bad
but when acriminal ask for alow ,his low
and chose the judge
don't tell me it is unfair
also that is not in islam
and i told do what happen with their partners
why that didn't that happen to them also
The South of North America did not, however, claim to be a prophet of God.
what is that mean
the prophet of god put a low put rules for freedom
and i mentioned it all
but you just ignored it
and can you tell me any where else if aslave want his freedom how can he get it?

That's very admirable, but slaves are still slaves.
i told you the rule , what people did
then you say slaves are still slaves
no ,slaves start to get freedom
And who sets the price of the slave's freedom?
as i sayied they negotite
if they didn't have agreement they can go the judge to tell the price

Once again "Normal". It's not acceptable.
you just mix things the normal is to give aslave as agift but ate that age is it normal to frr him
Proof she was free
that is easy to proof if she is his slave why would he marry her
he can do what ever he wish without marrying her
at any time masteurs don't marry slaves

Every Muslim I have spoken to uses the sun to mark when they can eat during Ramadan..
you asked me about aspecial condition with out sun
if there is sun you must feast according to time of sun rise and set
again we feast for atime
not for asun
and to proof that for you
we pray according to time of sun movment
so if aday where no sun rise mapy clouds are alot that day
what will we do stop praying?
no we pray at the time
finally this question show me clearly
you are not searching for truth
you ask aquestion and i answered
but because the answer solved the question

you say you feast according to sun
even i say we feast for time
you are just arque with no meaning
also search how moslems feast with out sun ,what if my answer is true what would you do?


Please review this The Days of Creation in the Quran: Literal or Indefinite Periods of Time?
it will save some time,you are indeed a very special person because only you can see the science in the Quran,there is more science in Star Trek than the Quran and again if Islam is the true faith PROVE IT to someone over the age of 5:D
you didn't answer,mr who don't know what creation mean
also the link is for creating earth
the quran is talken about creating universe
the same way mixing things
and for the 1000 time i ask you to get for me some thing not scientific from quran

England my lionheart

Rockerjahili Rebel
Premium Member
you didn't answer,mr who don't know what creation mean
also the link is for creating earth
the quran is talken about creating universe
the same way mixing things
and for the 1000 time i ask you to get for me some thing not scientific from quran

LOL any of it :D OK when was Adam created in the Quran?


I have a hypothetical question about Islam,Mr A and Mr B are both Muslims and regularly go to the Mosque together for prayers,one day Mr A to all and Mr B he has converted to (for example) the Wiccan faith and will no longer be going to the Mosque for prayers.
Question is how will Muslims who know Mr A react to this.

Well i have never experienced this before as thankfully no one i know has converted from Islam to any other religion, so I dont exactly know.


Active Member
I can't read all these pages so I apologize if this question has been asked before. What does the Kuran say about women? Are they given the same freedoms as men? I know they dress differently than us and I've heard that they are not allowed to divorce their husbands even if the husband is abusive, is that true?


Veteran Member
Premium Member
I can't read all these pages so I apologize if this question has been asked before. What does the Kuran say about women? Are they given the same freedoms as men? I know they dress differently than us and I've heard that they are not allowed to divorce their husbands even if the husband is abusive, is that true?

Women and men are equal, but they are not the same as you all know, and they are partners, siblings, etc.

And no, it's not true that women can't divorce their husbands. They can.


Active Member
science exists thanks to material, thanks to creation. without religion, of course people can explain how this physical world functions. if you're satisfied with what you know, then fine. i am not satisfied with some questions being answered. because i would also like to know what makes me ask questions and everything that is there that cause all the questions. science without religion is like a man who's talking about furniture in a house, but he never thinks about who built that house. on the other hand (on our side, i mean) religion explains this world and how it functions. not just physical world. it also explains metaphysical stuff. religion gives meaning to facts that science without religion offers with a lack of meaning, significance. if there is no meaning in what i know, then what i know is raw and i am some kind of a machine.

I think you make a simple mistake... you think that religion "explains" things that you want to "know". Thats a mistake. Religion just "claims" things that you then "believe".

You see if religion tells you "there is a god" then you dont know it and religion doesnt explain that or prooves it. All it does is to claim it and you obviously want to hear that.


Active Member
religion without science is unimaginable.

As a matter of fact many religions start exactly that way ... as a supposed explanation for things humans do not have explanations for at the time the religion starts.

Thats why in ancient times thunderstorms were seen as Gods. Later as result of some special Thunderstormgod's actions. By now they are just thunderstorms although even now some say that nothing happens without Gods will.(which i by the way think is a most blasphemous statement).
Whenever science rose, religion declined or had to change.
The earth went from the middle of the universe into its tiny spot in some desert location of a gigantic universe.
From flat it became round.
From 100 species of animals that fitted inside an ark there became millions of evolving ones and the ark story a myth metaphorical one (except for those that still adhere to it literally).

Paradise was once a place on earth, then it was one in heaven ... now it is even in another dimension....
The more we learn, the more science reveals the farther away all those heavenly places and ideas have to be taken in order to have people still believe in the religion.


LOL any of it :D OK when was Adam created in the Quran?
The quran is not a history book, recalling all the names of our 124,000 prophets and when they were born and how they lived. Unlike the Bible containing stories and songs the quran only uses some prophets life encounters as an example to make subject clearer an understandable you keep misunderstanding the quran for a normal history,maths,science,or a story book. No it does not contain the birth of adam due to the reasons i have mentioned. Adams birth is possibly contained in other Islamic religous booksrelated to islamic history.