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Islam, how much do you really know about it?


If I do not believe Muhammad is a prophet, in God, in Jesus, in Moses, if I do not believe in the Last Day, in Angels - any of the six articles of belief, then I am not, according to most sheikhs - going to Jannah. Correct? :)

What is belief to me? Not relevant, but I'd say good intentions, belief to me is not having to say "I am a Muslim" and pray five times a day, or "I am a Christian" and going to church every Sunday. Many atheists are better at following God's will than many Muslims, Christians and Jews. :)

if this is what beleif means to you then i am not willing to waste my time on such people with such belief....saving you time and my self i will not answer any of your posts or post anything to you....and as i said before...
"enjoy your belief while you can"


Hostis humani generis
if this is what beleif means to you then i am not willing to waste my time on such people with such belief....saving you time and my self i will not answer any of your posts or post anything to you....
Okay, no probs. Doesn't affect me, but I'm a little disappointed you can't have a discussion without throwing a tantrum. Doesn't help my spiritual search if you go off the rails.

and as i said before...
"enjoy your belief while you can"
And you. :D


OK lets look at the scientific view of creation,you say 1000 years = 1 day of Gods time
so you are saying creation took 7000 years,this cannot be true can it because the Dinosaurs were around for something like 160 million years with not a Man in sight so this does little for your argument.
Instead of trying to prove something that cannot be proven why don't you say"it is my personal belief that the Quran is the true faith" or something simmilar.
if you say i take 4 years at collage
is that mean you are 4 years old
you don't even read
if we are talken about ababy he will be created in 9 months then he will be born
after that if i ask you how old is he?
you will say he just born today he is 1 day
i say creation take 7000 years
not the age of earth is 7000 year
the explosion happen bing bang then it take 7000 to universe to be as we know today
and sure i can say quran is true faith which is true
but at the same time i won't let one like you know no thing about any religion even his own say it is not right
you are very funny
and for the fifth time i ask you for some thing not scientific from quran
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Veteran Member
Thank you. :)

But, how am I supposed to believe this hell exists? How am I supposed to believe God is merciful if God can send people to burn in hell forever? My auntie died an atheist, but she was one of the kindest people I have ever known. She donated much money to charity, she helped look after people, etc, and now I'm expected to believe she's going to be tortured for eternity? :-/

i feel weak when it comes to put this in words. but i try :) in this world there are everything. all the bad and good we know is here. they all mixed in one place. opposites are being in the same place is what makes this life an exam. after life divides opposites. instead of having good and bad in one place, God divides them as hell and heaven. one absolute and final opposites, absolute polarization. unhappiness of hell and happiness of heaven start here on Earth, not after we die. each person is a universe. we all carry an inside world and that world is either happy or unhappy. that world is actually what we offer to each other. each person, with no doubt, commit sins. each person, again without doubt, does good deeds. even the worst person on Earth has good deeds. two people who belong to heaven are not equal, as two people who belong to hell would not be equal. yes, Jahannam is a place of torture. the torture we do to ourselves continues in hell. but who wants to be unhappy, Odion? nobody. is this world full of happy people? are all the Muslims happy? are all the religious people soften your heart?

nobody could tell what your aunt earned. nobody.



Okay, no probs. Doesn't affect me, but I'm a little disappointed you can't have a discussion without throwing a tantrum. Doesn't help my spiritual search if you go off the rails.

And you. :D
dear odion
you make me sad
you replay for every one but me
you say alot of bad things about islam
i replayed for that
you say nothing
is that mean you can't replay ?


Hostis humani generis
dear odion
you make me sad
you replay for every one but me
you say alot of bad things about islam
i replayed for that
you say nothing
is that mean you can't replay ?
I'm sorry, I must have missed your message. :(
Can you please link me to the post? :)


Hostis humani generis
i feel weak when it comes to put this in words. but i try :) in this world there are everything. all the bad and good we know is here. they all mixed in one place. opposites are being in the same place is what makes this life an exam. after life divides opposites. instead of having good and bad in one place, God divides them as hell and heaven. one absolute and final opposites, absolute polarization. unhappiness of hell and happiness of heaven start here on Earth, not after we die. each person is a universe. we all carry an inside world and that world is either happy or unhappy. that world is actually what we offer to each other. each person, with no doubt, commit sins. each person, again without doubt, does good deeds. even the worst person on Earth has good deeds. two people who belong to heaven are not equal, as two people who belong to hell would not be equal.

Those are excellent words. :) I agree with them.

yes, Jahannam is a place of torture. the torture we do to ourselves continues in hell. but who wants to be unhappy, Odion? nobody. is this world full of happy people? are all the Muslims happy? are all the religious people soften your heart?
I understand. :) Nobody wants to be unhappy, and it is for this reason I struggle with the concept of Jahannam. God could easily not have made it, and for someone to go to hell, such as myself, because I do not believe in Islam seems unfair to me, naturally. After all, I am a seeker, and so I naturally want to find God, but I cannot see the fullness of God within Islam when one adds in concepts such as torture and hell. Does that mean it is my fault, or does it mean I hate God or Islam? Not at all. :)

nobody could tell what your aunt earned. nobody.
Thank you. :)


It's 12 pages ago, hardly appropriate to 'drag' it forward this far :) Would you rather discuss it in private messages?
it is 12 pages not 12 years
and you who will comment not me
so if you want to comment in private message i will be sorry because if you do that you will prevent people here from reading your great comments
here is it
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Originally Posted by Odion
Yes there is. Many people make religions. Some make them for fun, for role-playing. Others make them because they think they have been given a message or have found the truth of another religion which has strayed from the path.

Prove it. Without the Qur'an, without the Hadith. I want evidence that says that Abraham and Ishmael were there and dedicated the Kaaba to God - historical, biographies, archaeological evidence, anything other than religious scripture. You cannot prove it, for it is not true. All I have been offered is circular logic.

That's what I'm doing. I am a seeker, and I am searching for God. This isn't a fun journey, you know. I hate it now, and I want to find truth.

Muhammad is a man I do not believe is a prophet. I do not have any respect for him as a prophet because of his actions. From marrying Aisha to the Banu Qurayza, to shari'a, to Maria the Copt and his other slaves. Following with Muhammad, it's ok to keep slaves, it's ok to marry children, to kill political enemies... as well as what was revealed, I see human errors, such as Ramadan. It's impossible to fast in the Antarctic if we wait until sunrise-sunset. Why did Muhammad, why did Allah, not know of this?

first i would like to thank you very mush because your questions make me search and i found some new informations which i didn't know before
i hope i can answer all your questions
you say
Originally Posted by Odion
Yes there is. Many people make religions. Some make them for fun, for role-playing.

also you say
Originally Posted by Odion
That's what I'm doing. I am a seeker, and I am searching for God. This isn't a fun journey, you know

here you admit that it is not for fun, so it must be came from god not from people make it for fun
Originally Posted by Odion
Prove it. Without the Qur'an, without the Hadith. I want evidence that says that Abraham and Ishmael were there and dedicated the Kaaba to God

ibraham and ismael were there without saying a word from quran or hadith
that is easy
that is mentioned in jews book and christian book
that ibrahim sent his eldest son and wife there and he visited them
peace of cake for any one
your second question about prove that they built without proof from quran or hadith
when i found the answer i was surprised
i found it in hindus holly book i don't know how to write the specific name of the book in english but it is some thing like bofsia braiam or bahose bahose brima
in chapter 3 branch 3 from 5:7
hear people god is sending for his house that was built by ibrahim aman from the sons of kidar lead people by sword and low to the light his name is mohamed and who follow him are moslems
so who is kidar he is one of the sons of ismail
that is in jews holly book 25:13
that is the sons of ismail names nabioat ,baker ,ismail,kidar,adbail,mbsam
also please check that link
and also that
Prediction of Mohammad (SAW) in Hindu scriptures « LifeDotCom
that proves that mohamed was mentioned in hindu book and the second link is for ahindu scientist
you say i don't respect mohamed for his actions
let's see his actions
1- From marrying Aisha
first how was your grand grand mother when she get married and that mapy 100 years ago or more than that with afew years
mapy 14 or 16
that was the age of her when she married ,that was in common that days for boys and girls to marry while they are young
also aproof she was adult when she married him that isha exactly the most one of prophet mohamed wifes who ask him about religion
she asked alot of questions about conditions of adult woman
and she was aking for her self and who tell you she was 9 when she got married he is aliar and her age when she got married is not asecret
2- the Banu Qurayza
i will tell you what happened and tell me if you were in that condition tell me what you will do
banu qurayza were jews came from north escaping from romans and lived in elmadina
with arabs
prophet mohamed had an agreement of defense against any one attack the city
with them
after that agreement with them with a few years the city was attacked by moslems enemy ,people of korish
what did banu qurayza do?
they sell out and negotiate with the enemy to let them enter the city
it is abig story the end of it that moslems won and people of korish escape
now if you are in that condition tell me what would you do ؟
for sure you must punish them
and what is in any low about treasonables?
some one sell his countery to enemy
did prohet mohamed say kill them?
no moslems fight againt them and opened their fortress
the Banu Qurayza people say please let some one we chose judge on us
prophet mohamed say ok chose
they chose amoslem chief who was an allied to them before he be amoslem
he say the judge that is in jews book
in jews book and search for that
they low is if you open acity with war kill men and capture women and children
so that what they were going to do if they defeated moslems
so is it fair or unfair to do for your enemy what he was going to do for you????????
also to proof for you that killing prisoners is not an islamic low
search for what moslems did with khiber people the partners of benu quriza in their crime
after moslems fight them and opened their fortress they didn't kill men and caputre women and children
they just ordered them to leave
3- Maria the Copt and his other slaves
let me ask you aquestion what happened in america when the north wanted to free salves?
awar with the south
what would happen if the south won that war?
you would find slaves untill today
what islam did for slaves?
in islam it is some kind of charity to free slaves
even before mohamed be aprohet he free slaves that he own
so moslems are ordered to pay money to free slaves
if you want some kind of forgivenes for mistakes god ordered you to have it to free aslave
slave can make adeal with his masteur if he pay him he can be free
moslems are ordered to help slaves on paying to make the deal
if slave had ason from her masteur she is free
so is that in any other religion
at the end there were no slaves because islam put rules to free all of them
maria was aslave sent from egypt as agift to prophet mohmaed
at that age it was normal
prohet mohamed marry her for 2 reasons
1-she is achrstian so moslems can marry achrstian
2-she is aslave so moslems say look the prohet marry aslave and get her her freedom
we must do like him
kill political enemies
give me aname of one of them he was killed not in awar
and about your last question
such as Ramadan. It's impossible to fast in the Antarctic if we wait until sunrise-sunset?
you didn't ask it in the right way
the question is if you are amoslem in antaracic what would you do in ramadan?
antaractia ommm
no people there
so let's chose the nearest countery which face that problem no sun
let it be iceland
what moslems do in ramadn in iceland and all the escandenafian countries
the feast according to the sun in nearest countery which is england
the rule is to feast atime from sun rise to sun set
dear it is about time not sun
thank you


Hostis humani generis
it is 12 pages not 12 years
and you who will comment not me
so if you want to comment in private message i will be sorry because if you do that you will prevent people here from reading your great comments
here is it
Well folks, since it's already been dragged out... :D


Hostis humani generis
first i would like to thank you very mush because your questions make me search and i found some new informations which i didn't know before
i hope i can answer all your questions
You're welcome!

here you admit that it is not for fun, so it must be came from god not from people make it for fun
No. My spiritual journey is not fun. Some people make religions for fun. For example, Pastafarianism.

ibraham and ismael were there without saying a word from quran or hadith
that is easy
that is mentioned in jews book and christian book
*Sigh* I thought that when I said without the Qur'an or Hadith, you'd kind of figure, without scripture. After all, how can you trust the Injil or Tawrat? Aren't they edited? ;)

that ibrahim sent his eldest son and wife there and he visited them
peace of cake for any one
your second question about prove that they built without proof from quran or hadith
when i found the answer i was surprised
i found it in hindus holly book i don't know how to write the specific name of the book in english but it is some thing like bofsia braiam or bahose bahose brima
in chapter 3 branch 3 from 5:7
hear people god is sending for his house that was built by ibrahim aman from the sons of kidar lead people by sword and low to the light his name is mohamed and who follow him are moslems
so who is kidar he is one of the sons of ismail
that is in jews holly book 25:13
that is the sons of ismail names nabioat ,baker ,ismail,kidar,adbail,mbsam
also please check that link
and also that
Prediction of Mohammad (SAW) in Hindu scriptures « LifeDotCom
that proves that mohamed was mentioned in hindu book and the second link is for ahindu scientist
I'll leave this for a Hindu. I'm not Hindu. Either way, can I have archaeological evidence suggesting that Abraham built the Kaaba. Even something saying, "To God, love Abraham x" would suffice - can you show me some kind of evidence which is historic as opposed to "it's in the Bible/Qur'an/something else".

1- From marrying Aisha
first how was your grand grand mother when she get married and that mapy 100 years ago or more than that with afew years
mapy 14 or 16
that was the age of her when she married ,that was in common that days for boys and girls to marry while they are young
A prophet should always show God's law. Just because it was "common in those days" is not a good enough reason. Oh, and 14 or 16 is still older than 9. 9 years old is still a little girl.

also aproof she was adult when she married him that isha exactly the most one of prophet mohamed wifes who ask him about religion
she asked alot of questions about conditions of adult woman
and she was aking for her self and who tell you she was 9 when she got married he is aliar and her age when she got married is not asecret
Aisha played with dolls. Traditionally only girls who have not reached the age of puberty within Islam are allowed to play with dolls.

2- the Banu Qurayza
i will tell you what happened and tell me if you were in that condition tell me what you will do
banu qurayza were jews came from north escaping from romans and lived in elmadina
with arabs
prophet mohamed had an agreement of defense against any one attack the city
with them
after that agreement with them with a few years the city was attacked by moslems enemy ,people of korish
what did banu qurayza do?
they sell out and negotiate with the enemy to let them enter the city
it is abig story the end of it that moslems won and people of korish escape
now if you are in that condition tell me what would you do ؟
for sure you must punish them
and what is in any low about treasonables?
some one sell his countery to enemy
Killing anyone as long as they had pubic hair, that isn't admirable. It says that in the Hadith.

did prohet mohamed say kill them?
As far as I am aware, yes.

no moslems fight againt them and opened their fortress
the Banu Qurayza people say please let some one we chose judge on us
prophet mohamed say ok chose
they chose amoslem chief who was an allied to them before he be amoslem
he say the judge that is in jews book
in jews book and search for that
they low is if you open acity with war kill men and capture women and children
so that what they were going to do if they defeated moslems
so is it fair or unfair to do for your enemy what he was going to do for you????????
also to proof for you that killing prisoners is not an islamic low
search for what moslems did with khiber people the partners of benu quriza in their crime
after moslems fight them and opened their fortress they didn't kill men and caputre women and children
they just ordered them to leave
Enslaving women and children and killing the men is not admirable. Expel them from the area, or something - but killing one's father and enslaving a child and his or her mother... how am I supposed to agree with it?

3- Maria the Copt and his other slaves
let me ask you aquestion what happened in america when the north wanted to free salves?
awar with the south
what would happen if the south won that war?
you would find slaves untill today
The South of North America did not, however, claim to be a prophet of God.

what islam did for slaves?
in islam it is some kind of charity to free slaves
even before mohamed be aprohet he free slaves that he own
so moslems are ordered to pay money to free slaves
if you want some kind of forgivenes for mistakes god ordered you to have it to free aslave
That's very admirable, but slaves are still slaves.

slave can make adeal with his masteur if he pay him he can be free
moslems are ordered to help slaves on paying to make the deal
if slave had ason from her masteur she is free
And who sets the price of the slave's freedom?

so is that in any other religion
at the end there were no slaves because islam put rules to free all of them
maria was aslave sent from egypt as agift to prophet mohmaed
at that age it was normal
Once again "Normal". It's not acceptable.

prohet mohamed marry her for 2 reasons
1-she is achrstian so moslems can marry achrstian
2-she is aslave so moslems say look the prohet marry aslave and get her her freedom
we must do like him
Proof she was free?

such as Ramadan. It's impossible to fast in the Antarctic if we wait until sunrise-sunset?
you didn't ask it in the right way
the question is if you are amoslem in antaracic what would you do in ramadan?
You would die. :sad:

antaractia ommm
no people there
so let's chose the nearest countery which face that problem no sun
let it be iceland
what moslems do in ramadn in iceland and all the escandenafian countries
the feast according to the sun in nearest countery which is england
the rule is to feast atime from sun rise to sun set
dear it is about time not sun
thank you
Every Muslim I have spoken to uses the sun to mark when they can eat during Ramadan.. :rolleyes:

England my lionheart

Rockerjahili Rebel
Premium Member
if you say i take 4 years at collage
is that mean you are 4 years old
you don't even read
if we are talken about ababy he will be created in 9 months then he will be born
after that if i ask you how old is he?
you will say he just born today he is 1 day
i say creation take 7000 years
not the age of earth is 7000 year
the explosion happen bing bang then it take 7000 to universe to be as we know today
and sure i can say quran is true faith which is true
but at the same time i won't let one like you know no thing about any religion even his own say it is not right
you are very funny
and for the fifth time i ask you for some thing not scientific from quran

Please review this The Days of Creation in the Quran: Literal or Indefinite Periods of Time?
it will save some time,you are indeed a very special person because only you can see the science in the Quran,there is more science in Star Trek than the Quran and again if Islam is the true faith PROVE IT to someone over the age of 5:D


Amateur Rambler / Proud Ergi
Premium Member
whats the difference your going to go read the whole thing anyway and i probably save you time instead of reading the whole thing ive taken a small portion

(only read up to here)

That is illegal, you know, unless you cite your sources.

Don't copy and paste something, because it does nothing for your argument. It's best to use your own words, providing links to the websites that you got your information from. That way you can avoid all kinds of silly errors.

I'm not trying to put you down. I'm trying to help.