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Islam, how much do you really know about it?


Amateur Rambler / Proud Ergi
Premium Member
Galileo Galilei is the greek astronomer who you claim discovered the earth is round but he most certainly was not before muhamad. Galileo Galilei was born on 15 February 1564 and died in 8 January 1642. His birth date is approximately 444 years ago, for your information the quran was revealed approximately 1500 years ago proving a difference of about 1000 years.

I can let the others slide, but when you state that Galileo was Greek, it just proves your complete ignorance on the subject and the ignorance of whoever it was who told you that.

Galileo was Italian.

The Greeks had proven, by geometric calculations based on the shadow the earth casts on the moon, that the earth was round about a thousand years (give or take a century :shrug:) before the birth of Christ.


I can let the others slide, but when you state that Galileo was Greek, it just proves your complete ignorance on the subject and the ignorance of whoever it was who told you that.

Galileo was Italian.

The Greeks had proven, by geometric calculations based on the shadow the earth casts on the moon, that the earth was round about a thousand years (give or take a century :shrug:) before the birth of Christ.

oh sorry....
there was a mixup with the pages i had opened on the net i copied from the wrong page:cover:


Amateur Rambler / Proud Ergi
Premium Member
oh sorry....
there was a mixup with the pages i had opened on the net i copied from the wrong page:cover:

Then don't do that any more.

Next time, read multiple web pages on the subject, critically analyzing them in the same way you critically analyze the Qur'an. And for cryin' out loud, read books! There's a lot of misinformation on the net that can easily be passed off as factual.


Measured by the land area that can support human habitation, the earth is shrinking and our early 21st century civilisation is being squeezed between advancing deserts and rising seas. Mounting population densities, once generated solely by the addition of over 70 million people per year, are now also being fuelled by the relentless advance of deserts and the rise in sea level. These new trends are both of human origin - the result of overstocking grasslands and over ploughing land. Rising seas result from temperature increases set in motion by carbon released from the burning of fossil fuels.

China is not only losing productive land to deserts, but it is doing so at an accelerating rate. From 1950 to 1975 China lost an average of 600 square miles of land (1,560 square kilometres) to desert each year. By 2000, nearly 1,400 square miles were going to desert annually. Nigeria is losing 1,355 square miles of rangeland and cropland to desertification each year. While Nigeria's human population was growing from 33 million in 1950 to 134 million in 2006, a fourfold expansion, its livestock population grew from 6 million to 66 million, an 11-fold increase. With the food needs of its people exceeding the carrying capacity of its grasslands for livestock, the country is slowly turning to desert.

While deserts are now displacing millions of people, rising seas have begun to threaten far greater numbers given the concentration of the world's population in low-lying coastal cities and rice-growing river deltas.

During the twentieth century, sea level rose by 6 inches (15 centimetres). In its 2001 report, the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change projected that during this century seas would rise by 4 to 35 inches. Since 2001, record-high temperatures have accelerated ice melting making it likely that the future rise in sea level will be even greater – and faster than expected.

A one-meter rise in sea level will inundate vast areas of low-lying coastal land, including many of the rice-growing river deltas and floodplains of India, Thailand, Viet Nam, Indonesia, and China. Hundreds of cities will be at least partly inundated, including London, Alexandria, and Bangkok. More than a third of Shanghai, a city of 15 million people, will be under water. A one-meter rise combined with a 50-year storm surge will leave large portions of Lower Manhattan and the National Mall in Washington, D.C., flooded with seawater

The earth is not only decreasing in surface area but also in volume.
The Big Bang Theory and the Cosmic Crunch in the Noble Quran. folloow this link and download the audio file called

what usually happens is the science in the Quran is found lacking and the person backing such a claim doesnt take a blind bit of notice , and this is runnung par for the course. if you have faith my friend then fine thats great ,but please dont try and prove this science thing it makes you look naive. the geological facts do not support his case that land is decreasing.


New Member
I and most of the free world witnessed the freedom dished out in Afghanistan,i saw a brave Taliban fighter take a Woman to the sports stadium made her kneel down and shot her,her crime was that she spoke out againt them.

The Taliban is particularly despicable when it comes to human rights for women. Not only are they forcibly put in burkhas, they were also denied education .

A certain unfortunate woman , during their regime, committed the 'sin' of revealing her wrist and forearm casually during a festival.

The poor lady was immediately captured by the Taliban moral police, and her hand was amputated as punishment. :areyoucra


Well my moneys still on the Greeks so i'll stick with them and there you will find a simmilar story to Adam and Eve (would you Adam and Eve it) as for an ordinary chap like me needing Google,well for most of my life there was no Google just plain old education but from more than one source:D
So just to recap so far,you tried to prove the Quran with numbers =failure,with Science=failure,now on creation=this will be interesting if you can pull it off.
can you please tell me when did i failed??????????
every time i answer no one replay because they have no thing to say
even you i asked you 3 times to get for me some thing against science in quran and you didn't
for the fourth time please get to me some thing against science from quran?
Last edited:

England my lionheart

Rockerjahili Rebel
Premium Member
can you please tell me when did i failed??????????
every time i answer no one replay because they have no thing to say
even you i asked you 3 times to get for me some thing against science in quran and you didn't
for the fourth time please get to me some thing against science from quran?

The science you say that is in the Quran is at best ambiguous so you can see what you want to see,i proved to you you can get Maths from any book.
Everything you have declared about the Quran has been claimed before and it always ends up the same way.


let's talk about creation
what did olds sayied
in the former religion books it was mentioned that god created universe in 6 days then god take a rest in the seven day
greek didn't talk about that as i think
in quran it is 6 days and god set on his throne and also mentioned that never get tired
i can hear you saying her is it
it is copy and paste
let's wait to the end to see that mean it is copy and paste or the source is the same
let's take what is in bible and match with science
we are here talking about 7 days but any theory about creation say creation take thousands of years
big fail ,chrstian and jewish books failed
before we match with quran
let's ask is that all in quran?
in quran (day for god is 1000 year of yours ) 22:47
so 6 * 1000= 6000 year then god set 1 *1000 =1000
now we have a number so let's match with science
what did science say
Andrei Linde who found the bing bang theory say creation happened according to a huge exploasion
Stanford University -- Dept. of Physics -- Andrei Linde
take thousands of year
now we have a match
also bing bang is in quran
watch that
Video "Universe Creation -big Bang- a Quran Miracle" | sevenload



The science you say that is in the Quran is at best ambiguous so you can see what you want to see,i proved to you you can get Maths from any book.
Everything you have declared about the Quran has been claimed before and it always ends up the same way.
come on you proved that you can get maths from any book
but can you connect the numbers came from words to ascientific topic about the same words
i asked you to connect the numbers to any thing about the book
and you couldn't

England my lionheart

Rockerjahili Rebel
Premium Member
let's talk about creation
what did olds sayied
in the former religion books it was mentioned that god created universe in 6 days then god take a rest in the seven day
greek didn't talk about that as i think
in quran it is 6 days and god set on his throne and also mentioned that never get tired
i can hear you saying her is it
it is copy and paste
let's wait to the end to see that mean it is copy and paste or the source is the same
let's take what is in bible and match with science
we are here talking about 7 days but any theory about creation say creation take thousands of years
big fail ,chrstian and jewish books failed
before we match with quran
let's ask is that all in quran?
in quran (day for god is 1000 year of yours ) 22:47
so 6 * 1000= 6000 year then god set 1 *1000 =1000
now we have a number so let's match with science
what did science say
Andrei Linde who found the bing bang theory say creation happened according to a huge exploasion
Stanford University -- Dept. of Physics -- Andrei Linde
take thousands of year
now we have a match
also bing bang is in quran
watch that
Video "Universe Creation -big Bang- a Quran Miracle" | sevenload

OK lets look at the scientific view of creation,you say 1000 years = 1 day of Gods time
so you are saying creation took 7000 years,this cannot be true can it because the Dinosaurs were around for something like 160 million years with not a Man in sight so this does little for your argument.
Instead of trying to prove something that cannot be proven why don't you say"it is my personal belief that the Quran is the true faith" or something simmilar.


Hostis humani generis
Then don't do that any more.
Owned. :D
You're very right - one should not copy and paste huge volumes of things off the internet, it's unpleasant to read and spammy at best - a link, however, is ok - but on the internet it's nice to read what the person you're talking to has said. I find it quite offensive to have dozens of paragraphs of "truth" copied and pasted onto a forum thread. It's no fun to read. :-/


Owned. :D
You're very right - one should not copy and paste huge volumes of things off the internet, it's unpleasant to read and spammy at best - a link, however, is ok - but on the internet it's nice to read what the person you're talking to has said. I find it quite offensive to have dozens of paragraphs of "truth" copied and pasted onto a forum thread. It's no fun to read. :-/

whats the difference your going to go read the whole thing anyway and i probably save you time instead of reading the whole thing ive taken a small portion


Hostis humani generis
whats the difference your going to go read the whole thing anyway and i probably save you time instead of reading the whole thing ive taken a small portion
But I can decide whether or not I want to read it. What if I've read it already? It's irritating, you know?


Let us first begin by admitting that we are not gods nor do we possess all knowledge. It is also necessary to remove from our minds and hearts any prejudices and prior notions of how everything came into being and how it is being sustained and perpetuated. This is the critical first step to gaining any true knowledge and establishing facts based on proof.

Think about this:

If there is a creation, there must be a Creator.

If there is a Creator, He must be the Sustainer.

The Creator Cannot Create Himself.

If He is the sole Creator/Sustainer -- He must be ONE.

God must be one. Otherwise we would see great differences and competition between the gods if there were one -- Alone.

Do we agree that this is a creation? Or do we accept that nothing came out of nothing to form this entire universe?
This is a very clear message from Allah, in the Quran. Something does not come out of nothing. So, there must be something in existence already which created all that we know to exist. And that "something" needs to be called upon in times of need and thanksgiving.
As Allah has said in His Book: "I only created you all to worship Me Alone."He also says that we are all being tested by Him with regard to our wealth, families, children and social status


But I can decide whether or not I want to read it. What if I've read it already? It's irritating, you know?

even if its here you still dont have to look at it:sarcastic:sarcastic:sarcastic:sarcastic:sarcastic:sarcastic:sarcastic:sarcastic:sarcastic


Let us first begin by admitting that we are not gods nor do we possess all knowledge. It is also necessary to remove from our minds and hearts any prejudices and prior notions of how everything came into being and how it is being sustained and perpetuated. This is the critical first step to gaining any true knowledge and establishing facts based on proof.

Think about this:

If there is a creation, there must be a Creator.

If there is a Creator, He must be the Sustainer.

The Creator Cannot Create Himself.

If He is the sole Creator/Sustainer -- He must be ONE.

God must be one. Otherwise we would see great differences and competition between the gods if there were one -- Alone.

Do we agree that this is a creation? Or do we accept that nothing came out of nothing to form this entire universe?
This is a very clear message from Allah, in the Quran. Something does not come out of nothing. So, there must be something in existence already which created all that we know to exist. And that "something" needs to be called upon in times of need and thanksgiving.
As Allah has said in His Book:
"I only created you all to worship Me Alone."
He also says that we are all being tested by Him with regard to our wealth, families, children and social status

thats scary


Hostis humani generis
even if its here you still dont have to look at <insert lots of :sarcastic smilies>
I don't have to look at it, but it disrupts my viewing pleasure amongst many others no doubt, especially if they have read it before, and it shows you do not want to contribute to discussion, it seems as though you are merely concerned with dawah. It's admirable you want to 'save us' from Jahannam, but copy and paste is not the way. Neither is dawah acceptable on this forum, it is against the rules to preach. :)