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Islam, how much do you really know about it?


seriously if your just here to waste my time and yours then please stop and if you really want to get to a solution then please be more sincere and and understanding,please dont try to act as if you cant understand something when its clear or argue over something which i have clearly and logically explained

OK but if you put the name of who you are posting to then we will know who it is you are refering to, it saves any confusion.
a solution to what exactly? that picture is not of the sky, its not like rose coloured paint what exactly is your point.


a solution to what exactly, that picture is not of the sky, its not like rose coloured paint what exactly is your point.

yes it is were else are the stars but obvioulsy not as close as other stars and does look like a rose withred coloured paint

England my lionheart

Rockerjahili Rebel
Premium Member
the quran was not made to teach maths or biology or astronomy its not a school text book which you use to answer your homework questions. The quran as i have said many time before is a guide or a set of rules for us to abide by, it is a way of life.Allah uses a few scientific related examples to prove the significance of the quran and allah himself all the scientific facts mentioned had not yet occured here is are examples:
-Allah Almighty in few terms in several Noble Verses said that mountains prevent the earth from shaking. Science today did indeed confirm that mountains stabilize the earth and prevent it from constantly shaking while it is rotating around its own axle.
-Allah Almighty mentioned in one term the moon's fault line. Science today confirmed that the moon's fault line, which is splitting it in half, was caused by major moonquakes
-Allah Almighty in one term talked about the earth's 7 properties. Science today confirmed that the earth has 7 inner layers and 7 atmospheric layers.
-Allah Almighty in one Word said that the Universe is expanding and in another term said it will shrink back again. Science confirmed that today through the big bang and the cosmic crunch theories.

The point i am making is simple Mankind was much more advanced than it is being given credit for,i have'nt even mentiond the Egyptians,Sumerians,Chinese,Babylonians etc so using any whiff of science to prove the Islamic faith to be the only true faith isn't going to work.
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yes it is were else are the stars but obvioulsy not as close as other stars and does look like a rose withred coloured paint

the stars are in the great void ,they are in space, not the sky and the Quranic verse says rose colored like paint, now here we have red.pink white and yellow roses and lots of paint.
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The point i am making is simple Mankind was much more advanced than it is being given credit for,i have'nt even mentiond the Egyptians,Sumerians,Chinese,Babylonians etc so using any whiff of science to prove the Islamic faith to be the only true faith isn't going to work.

1500 years ago people of any culture or race did not know thisor the others i have mentioned:
-Allah Almighty in one Word said that the Universe is expanding and in another term said it will shrink back again. Science confirmed that today through the big bang and the cosmic crunch theories.
-Allah Almighty in few terms in several Noble Verses said that mountains prevent the earth from shaking. Science today did indeed confirm that mountains stabilize the earth and prevent it from constantly shaking while it is rotating around its own axle.
-Allah Almighty in one term talked about the earth reducing in size. Science today indeed confirmed that earth is shrinking in size due to volcanoes and earth "debris" caused by erosions, earthquakes, sea-waves changing the shape and condition of the land and other natural factors, escaping to space. In fact, it is estimated that earth lost approximately 10-40 miles from its radius or depth size in the past 10 or so billion years! (I heard this from Dr. Zaghloul Al-Naggar on TV. My numbers may not be quite accurate because I am relying on memory, but the fact of the earth shrinking is definitely true, and in the link above I have provided several quotes from Western scientists demonstrating why the earth is reducing/shrinking in size).
-Allah Almighty in one Word said that He made the earth as an egg. We all know today that earth is spherical and science did confirm that the earth is indeed egg-shaped.


The point i am making is simple Mankind was much more advanced than it is being given credit for,i have'nt even mentiond the Egyptians,Sumerians,Chinese,Babylonians etc so using any whiff of science to prove the Islamic faith to be the only true faith isn't going to work.

then again there are many other things besides science which can prove the islamic faith


1500 years ago people of any culture or race did not know thisor the others i have mentioned:
-Allah Almighty in one Word said that the Universe is expanding and in another term said it will shrink back again. Science confirmed that today through the big bang and the cosmic crunch theories.
-Allah Almighty in few terms in several Noble Verses said that mountains prevent the earth from shaking. Science today did indeed confirm that mountains stabilize the earth and prevent it from constantly shaking while it is rotating around its own axle.
-Allah Almighty in one term talked about the earth reducing in size. Science today indeed confirmed that earth is shrinking in size due to volcanoes and earth "debris" caused by erosions, earthquakes, sea-waves changing the shape and condition of the land and other natural factors, escaping to space. In fact, it is estimated that earth lost approximately 10-40 miles from its radius or depth size in the past 10 or so billion years! (I heard this from Dr. Zaghloul Al-Naggar on TV. My numbers may not be quite accurate because I am relying on memory, but the fact of the earth shrinking is definitely true, and in the link above I have provided several quotes from Western scientists demonstrating why the earth is reducing/shrinking in size).
-Allah Almighty in one Word said that He made the earth as an egg. We all know today that earth is spherical and science did confirm that the earth is indeed egg-shaped.

well just one point i thought he spread out the earth like a carpet

Al Qur’an 015.019
And the earth We have spread out (like a carpet); set thereon mountains firm and immovable; and produced therein all kinds of things in due balance.

Al Qu’ran 020.053
"He Who has, made for you the earth like a carpet spread out; has enabled you to go about therein by roads (and channels); and has sent down water from the sky." With it have We produced diverse pairs of plants each separate from the others.

Al Qur’an 43.010
(Yea, the same that) has made for you the earth (like a carpet) spread out, and has made for you roads (and channels) therein, in order that ye may find guidance (on the way);

Al Qur’an 050.007
And the earth- We have spread it out, and set thereon mountains standing firm, and produced therein every kind of beautiful growth (in pairs)-

Al Qur’an 051.048
And We have spread out the (spacious) earth: How excellently We do spread out!


Some scientists claim that the supercontinent Pangea covered about a quarter of the earth’s surface by the end of the Permian Period about 200 million years ago. Historical Geology - Chapter 14 Contrast this to the fact that at present 29.1% of the total earth’s surface area is land.

Therefore it seems the ‘land’ is not decreasing after all, or has not changed much in surface area in the past 200 million years (with some fluctuations due to ice ages etc.)

Here is further scientific proof that land has not been decreasing at all over the past billion years. Changing Paleoclimates: The Climatic Models

Quote:In the geological record, there are indications that the relative proportion of land and ocean, and the average depth of the world's oceans, has remained relatively constant for at least the last one billion years of the Earth's history. This is inferred from the fact that the maximum thickness of undisturbed marine sedimentary deposits has remained essentially the same, around 50,000' [~15 km], for that span of time.

The explanation for the relative constancy of the earth’s land surface area is given as follows:

Quote:Plate Tectonics is now generally recognized as the ultimate cause of orogeny (mountain building). Orogeny, by whichever mechanism, represents a process of thickening continents vertically. If the volume of continental material is to remain constant, vertical thickening must represent a reduction in their surface area. If the surface area of continents is reduced, then the area covered by oceans must increase, which, if ocean volume is also constant, represents a lowering of sea levels. Over the long span of geological time, this shift in area from land to ocean is balanced by the forces of erosion.

How did Allah get this geological fact WRONG? Therefore, it would seem that the Quran cannot be divine because it contains patently false information.


Some scientists claim that the supercontinent Pangea covered about a quarter of the earth’s surface by the end of the Permian Period about 200 million years ago. Historical Geology - Chapter 14 Contrast this to the fact that at present 29.1% of the total earth’s surface area is land.

Therefore it seems the ‘land’ is not decreasing after all, or has not changed much in surface area in the past 200 million years (with some fluctuations due to ice ages etc.)

Here is further scientific proof that land has not been decreasing at all over the past billion years. Changing Paleoclimates: The Climatic Models

Quote:In the geological record, there are indications that the relative proportion of land and ocean, and the average depth of the world's oceans, has remained relatively constant for at least the last one billion years of the Earth's history. This is inferred from the fact that the maximum thickness of undisturbed marine sedimentary deposits has remained essentially the same, around 50,000' [~15 km], for that span of time.

The explanation for the relative constancy of the earth’s land surface area is given as follows:

Quote:Plate Tectonics is now generally recognized as the ultimate cause of orogeny (mountain building). Orogeny, by whichever mechanism, represents a process of thickening continents vertically. If the volume of continental material is to remain constant, vertical thickening must represent a reduction in their surface area. If the surface area of continents is reduced, then the area covered by oceans must increase, which, if ocean volume is also constant, represents a lowering of sea levels. Over the long span of geological time, this shift in area from land to ocean is balanced by the forces of erosion.

How did Allah get this geological fact WRONG? Therefore, it would seem that the Quran cannot be divine because it contains patently false information.
here i proved that percent of land and sea are in quran
and it is exactly right
i hope you find it and comment


The point i am making is simple Mankind was much more advanced than it is being given credit for,i have'nt even mentiond the Egyptians,Sumerians,Chinese,Babylonians etc so using any whiff of science to prove the Islamic faith to be the only true faith isn't going to work.
i thought about that also
let the challenge be about all the science of ancient civilizations plus the past religions books
and any another old source you want
your theory is mohamed wrote quran according to informations from old sources
is that what you think?
although for ordinary human to do that he needs google
but ok
in that case he must put some things in the book from his mind
so it will be not scientific
so i'am still waiting for some thing not scientific from quran
and let's start from the begining
creation of universe
tell me what is in the bible and ancient civilizations about it or any thing else
when it was and how
and let's see if quran take that from them
1500 years ago people of any culture or race did not know thisor the others i have mentioned:
-Allah Almighty in one Word said that the Universe is expanding and in another term said it will shrink back again. Science confirmed that today through the big bang and the cosmic crunch theories.
Can you find me a translation of a verse in the Quran thats been made that refers to an expanding universe prior to scientists making the dicovery? The early translations of the Quran that I know of say that heaven is a large expanse, or something similar with no mention of it increasing in size. Ibn Kathir's tafsir makes no mention of an expanding universe either.
Some of the translations of 51:47
Pickthall: We have built the heaven with might, and We it is Who make the vast extent (thereof).
Yusuf Ali: With power and skill did We construct the Firmament: for it is We Who create the vastness of space.
Shakir: And the heaven, We raised it high with power, and most surely We are the makers of things ample.
-Allah Almighty in few terms in several Noble Verses said that mountains prevent the earth from shaking. Science today did indeed confirm that mountains stabilize the earth and prevent it from constantly shaking while it is rotating around its own axle.
Do you have source for the claim about mountains stablising the Earth?
-Allah Almighty in one term talked about the earth reducing in size. Science today indeed confirmed that earth is shrinking in size due to volcanoes and earth "debris" caused by erosions, earthquakes, sea-waves changing the shape and condition of the land and other natural factors, escaping to space. In fact, it is estimated that earth lost approximately 10-40 miles from its radius or depth size in the past 10 or so billion years! (I heard this from Dr. Zaghloul Al-Naggar on TV. My numbers may not be quite accurate because I am relying on memory, but the fact of the earth shrinking is definitely true, and in the link above I have provided several quotes from Western scientists demonstrating why the earth is reducing/shrinking in size).
In which verse is it mentioned in the Quran that the Earth is shrinking?
And could you give me a source for the claim about the Earth shrinking because this is the first time I've heard this?
-Allah Almighty in one Word said that He made the earth as an egg. We all know today that earth is spherical and science did confirm that the earth is indeed egg-shaped.
The Earth was believed to be spherical by the Greeks long before Muhammed, and the interpretation of the verse in question to mean that the Earth is egg shaped is rather rescent. Have a look at translations of 79:30 made by Yusuf Ali or Pickthall, heck any translations made before the 20th century will probably do.
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England my lionheart

Rockerjahili Rebel
Premium Member
i thought about that also
let the challenge be about all the science of ancient civilizations plus the past religions books
and any another old source you want
your theory is mohamed wrote quran according to informations from old sources
is that what you think?
although for ordinary human to do that he needs google
but ok
in that case he must put some things in the book from his mind
so it will be not scientific
so i'am still waiting for some thing not scientific from quran
and let's start from the begining
creation of universe
tell me what is in the bible and ancient civilizations about it or any thing else
when it was and how
and let's see if quran take that from them

Well my moneys still on the Greeks so i'll stick with them and there you will find a simmilar story to Adam and Eve (would you Adam and Eve it) as for an ordinary chap like me needing Google,well for most of my life there was no Google just plain old education but from more than one source:D
So just to recap so far,you tried to prove the Quran with numbers =failure,with Science=failure,now on creation=this will be interesting if you can pull it off.


Well-Known Member
Heres another saying a muslim friend told me years ago: you cannot convert by force because a man may swear allegiance to a religion with his lips, but in his heart he will be following something else.
Yes, of course that's why the Qur'an said that there's no compulsion in religion.
Since you cannot know a man's heart, only God can know that, then only God can convert someone.

Since my heart is not converted, then God has a different plan for me. It's that simple. :angel2:
You reminded me of an Ayah in the Qur'an:
"And those who associate others with Allāh say, "If Allāh had willed, we would not have worshipped anything other than Him, neither we nor our fathers, nor would we have forbidden anything through other than Him." Thus did those do before them. So is there upon the messengers except [the duty of] clear notification?"
An-Nahl: 35


Some scientists claim that the supercontinent Pangea covered about a quarter of the earth’s surface by the end of the Permian Period about 200 million years ago. Historical Geology - Chapter 14 Contrast this to the fact that at present 29.1% of the total earth’s surface area is land.

Therefore it seems the ‘land’ is not decreasing after all, or has not changed much in surface area in the past 200 million years (with some fluctuations due to ice ages etc.)

Here is further scientific proof that land has not been decreasing at all over the past billion years. Changing Paleoclimates: The Climatic Models

Quote:In the geological record, there are indications that the relative proportion of land and ocean, and the average depth of the world's oceans, has remained relatively constant for at least the last one billion years of the Earth's history. This is inferred from the fact that the maximum thickness of undisturbed marine sedimentary deposits has remained essentially the same, around 50,000' [~15 km], for that span of time.

The explanation for the relative constancy of the earth’s land surface area is given as follows:

Quote:Plate Tectonics is now generally recognized as the ultimate cause of orogeny (mountain building). Orogeny, by whichever mechanism, represents a process of thickening continents vertically. If the volume of continental material is to remain constant, vertical thickening must represent a reduction in their surface area. If the surface area of continents is reduced, then the area covered by oceans must increase, which, if ocean volume is also constant, represents a lowering of sea levels. Over the long span of geological time, this shift in area from land to ocean is balanced by the forces of erosion.

How did Allah get this geological fact WRONG? Therefore, it would seem that the Quran cannot be divine because it contains patently false information.

Measured by the land area that can support human habitation, the earth is shrinking and our early 21st century civilisation is being squeezed between advancing deserts and rising seas. Mounting population densities, once generated solely by the addition of over 70 million people per year, are now also being fuelled by the relentless advance of deserts and the rise in sea level. These new trends are both of human origin - the result of overstocking grasslands and over ploughing land. Rising seas result from temperature increases set in motion by carbon released from the burning of fossil fuels.

China is not only losing productive land to deserts, but it is doing so at an accelerating rate. From 1950 to 1975 China lost an average of 600 square miles of land (1,560 square kilometres) to desert each year. By 2000, nearly 1,400 square miles were going to desert annually. Nigeria is losing 1,355 square miles of rangeland and cropland to desertification each year. While Nigeria's human population was growing from 33 million in 1950 to 134 million in 2006, a fourfold expansion, its livestock population grew from 6 million to 66 million, an 11-fold increase. With the food needs of its people exceeding the carrying capacity of its grasslands for livestock, the country is slowly turning to desert.

While deserts are now displacing millions of people, rising seas have begun to threaten far greater numbers given the concentration of the world's population in low-lying coastal cities and rice-growing river deltas.

During the twentieth century, sea level rose by 6 inches (15 centimetres). In its 2001 report, the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change projected that during this century seas would rise by 4 to 35 inches. Since 2001, record-high temperatures have accelerated ice melting making it likely that the future rise in sea level will be even greater – and faster than expected.

A one-meter rise in sea level will inundate vast areas of low-lying coastal land, including many of the rice-growing river deltas and floodplains of India, Thailand, Viet Nam, Indonesia, and China. Hundreds of cities will be at least partly inundated, including London, Alexandria, and Bangkok. More than a third of Shanghai, a city of 15 million people, will be under water. A one-meter rise combined with a 50-year storm surge will leave large portions of Lower Manhattan and the National Mall in Washington, D.C., flooded with seawater

The earth is not only decreasing in surface area but also in volume.
The Big Bang Theory and the Cosmic Crunch in the Noble Quran. folloow this link and download the audio file called


Well my moneys still on the Greeks so i'll stick with them and there you will find a simmilar story to Adam and Eve (would you Adam and Eve it) as for an ordinary chap like me needing Google,well for most of my life there was no Google just plain old education but from more than one source:D
So just to recap so far,you tried to prove the Quran with numbers =failure,with Science=failure,now on creation=this will be interesting if you can pull it off.

your the only arrogant failure


Can you find me a translation of a verse in the Quran thats been made that refers to an expanding universe prior to scientists making the dicovery? The early translations of the Quran that I know of say that heaven is a large expanse, or something similar with no mention of it increasing in size. Ibn Kathir's tafsir makes no mention of an expanding universe either.
Some of the translations of 51:47
Pickthall: We have built the heaven with might, and We it is Who make the vast extent (thereof).
Yusuf Ali: With power and skill did We construct the Firmament: for it is We Who create the vastness of space.
Shakir: And the heaven, We raised it high with power, and most surely We are the makers of things ample.

Do you have source for the claim about mountains stablising the Earth?

In which verse is it mentioned in the Quran that the Earth is shrinking?
And could you give me a source for the claim about the Earth shrinking because this is the first time I've heard this?

The Earth was believed to be spherical by the Greeks long before Muhammed, and the interpretation of the verse in question to mean that the Earth is egg shaped is rather rescent. Have a look at translations of 79:30 made by Yusuf Ali or Pickthall, heck any translations made before the 20th century will probably do.

Princess Of Peace:do you have source for the claim about mountains stablising the Earth?
15-and He has set up on the earth mountains standing firm, lest it should shake with you; and rivers and roads; that ye may guide yourselves; surat 16:15

5. Verily, verily they shall soon (come to) know!
6. Have We not made the earth as a wide expanse, 7. And the mountains as pegs?(to support the earth) surat al naba

Princess Of Peace:The Earth was believed to be spherical by the Greeks long before Muhammed.
Galileo Galilei is the greek astronomer who you claim discovered the earth is round but he most certainly was not before muhamad. Galileo Galilei was born on 15 February 1564 and died in 8 January 1642. His birth date is approximately 444 years ago, for your information the quran was revealed approximately 1500 years ago proving a difference of about 1000 years.

Princess Of Peace:In which verse is it mentioned in the Quran that the Earth is shrinking?And could you give me a source for the claim about the Earth shrinking because this is the first time I've heard this?

See they not that We gradually reduce the land (in their control) from its outlying borders? (Where) Allah commands, there is none to put back His Command: and He is swift in calling to account. 14:41
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