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Islam, how much do you really know about it?

England my lionheart

Rockerjahili Rebel
Premium Member
you are not religious so you don't know mush about your religion but you know enough about my religion to judge about it
you proved that the women in athens voted for ashort time
good,but is the rule in athens history is to vote or not to vote?
but even at that time could they participate at poltical event
women in islam did
i think your idea is mohamed write quran from old books ok
also did he know that women in athens vote before trojan war
strnage, if you don't respect him at all at least respect that man who is able to gather all that while he can't read
and it is not a challenge between us to convert you
my religion tell me who wish to believe he can believe and who don't want he also free not to believe
also i have a question
what kind of a proof you want ?
in this place i got proofs from the bible ,hindus book,science
even prophet mohamed name is in the jewish holly book
and by the way we speak before about the dirty work that governments in the east do for the west and you say you know no thing about that
did you searches for that and for the secret prisons in europe
finally quran say jews and chrstians will never be satisfied about you until you become like them 2:120

I have nothing against Muhammed but i know enough of your religion to know its not for me,there were many people in his time who were illiterate and much was spread orally so this is no surprise.
The books of the Bible and Quran share simmilarities and this is how Muhammed could have heard these stories as he travelled and traded.
As for the dirty work the East do for the West and the secret prisons in Europe,well they must be very secret because there are no such places in England.
I have little time for religions as religion has little to do with God and is an invention of Men.

England my lionheart

Rockerjahili Rebel
Premium Member
It's not only that I know but I am sure of it as other billion of persons are sure of it as well. It is something obvious for us; as obvious as the sun. We have no doubt in "the Quran"; the pure unchanged book of God.

In what way is it obvious and why is it obvious for you but not me.


I am not religious so it would be pointless asking me this question but if you can prove you religion i would go to the nearest Mosque but we both know you cannot.
another thing i want to say
why should i prove for you
what will happen to islam if you became amoslem or if i become achrstian
islam is proved for more than abilion moslem
every year thousands convert to isalam all over the world
as i see here you never talk about religion you talk about terrorism
and how it came from islam
you are british why don't you call what happened in irland achrstian terrorism
you say you don't know about your religion
ok i think i'am right
prove that islam is wrong
and i know that your answer will be i don't care,i 'am not interested
that is some thing all the world know but you
some thing like that
because you know nothing to talk about
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England my lionheart

Rockerjahili Rebel
Premium Member
another thing i want to say
why should i prove for you
what will happen to islam if you became amoslem or if i become achrstian
islam is proved for more than abilion moslem
every year thousands convert to isalam all over the world
as i see here you never talk about religion you talk about terrorism
and how it came from islam
you are british why don't you call what happened in irland achrstian terrorism
you say you don't know about your religion
ok i think i'am right
prove that islam is wrong
and i know that your answer will be i don't care,i 'am not interested
that is some thing all the world know but you
some thing like that
because you know nothing to talk about

You cannot prove your religion and it would not matter if there were a trillion Moslems it does'nt make it right,yes Ireland has had terrorism on both sides which highlights the problem with religion.
Although there are many Moslems who convert to other religions but they face ridicule from other Moslems.
I believe i know more than you as i am not confined to one book and i do not live in the past i live for the future,:D


Hostis humani generis

It's not only that I know but I am sure of it as other billion of persons are sure of it as well. It is something obvious for us; as obvious as the sun. We have no doubt in "the Quran"; the pure unchanged book of God.
If this is true, why am I not convinced?
Why, when I search so sincerely, does your God not reward me - and why, the more I look into it, does it not look like the truth?

Why is it not obvious for me?


DeepwoodsofMaine: I know a terrorist is one who deliberately murders/slaughters innocent people without provocation of any kind.

Well since you "KNOW" what terrorism means then i suggest you know that over 90,000 innocent civilians have been deliberatly murdered and slaughtered by the bush government in Iraq, let alone the rest in Afghanistan.
just because a group of muslim terrorist bomb a place or ram a plane into a building that doesnt mean all the other 1.6 billion muslims are terrorists.
The prophet marrying aisha at a young age. That was widespread in those times, most women were married at around aishas age. And there is nothing wrong with that. At least those muslims carried out legal marriage instead of sleeping with there boyfreinds or even kissing befor marriage. This is strictly prohibited in islam.
You also quoted that in islam we believe infelils must be killed but do you know that christians such as you are part of the ahlul kitab (the people of the book ) which are not to be harmed by any muslim unless they declare war agaimst us.

Yes, I am very much aware of the thousands of innocent civilians who have died in Iraq and Afghanistan. I am certainly saddened when any innocent person dies as a result of combat. However, these people were NOT intentionally targeted. And that is the difference between what the terrorists did when they INTENTIONALLY murdered innocent civilians in 2001. They planned it before hand and without any provocation murdered these poor people. I am not for Bush, not at all, and I want our troops home in the US. Perhaps they will soon be coming back soon now that our new president will be taking office in January. I also remember seeing the many Iraqis who hugged the US troops when they tore down the large statue of Saddam Hussein in the beginning of this war. I will never understand how any rational person of any religion would want the likes of the Taliban in power, such as in Afghanistan! Especially if you happen to be a lady. Talk about a murderous bunch of thugs!

I know how easy it is for a man to marry a girl in Muslim countries....and it doesn't matter how she feels about the decision. Why is she denied a choice? Could it be because the men have all the power? As a Catholic, of course I do not believe in sex before marriage. That is a mortal sin in the Catholic Church. But it is healthy to be allowed to date a young man (or young lady) to learn about the person and whether or not you would like being with that person for the rest of your life. When I speak about terrorist activities, I am in no way belittling the millions of good, law abiding, devout Muslims. I am strictly pointing at the terrorists...and wondering why they are not more harshly dealt with VERBALLY by these good Muslims. That's one thing I will never understand.

Peace to you!
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Amateur Rambler / Proud Ergi
Premium Member
If this is true, why am I not convinced?
Why, when I search so sincerely, does your God not reward me - and why, the more I look into it, does it not look like the truth?

Why is it not obvious for me?

So much for being "universal", then. :shrug:


Well-Known Member
My understanding is that Muhammed was illiterate, he couldn't read or write. And so the Quran was not "written" down into a complete book until after Muhammed's death. Is this true?

How can anyone be sure that the Quran is truly the word of God, and hasn't been altered in some way by people afterwards? I have heard there are sayings (hadith) which are more reliable than others, how is that determined? People are fallible, after all.


My understanding is that Muhammed was illiterate, he couldn't read or write. And so the Quran was not "written" down into a complete book until after Muhammed's death. Is this true?

How can anyone be sure that the Quran is truly the word of God, and hasn't been altered in some way by people afterwards? I have heard there are sayings (hadith) which are more reliable than others, how is that determined? People are fallible, after all.

Muslims started to write quran as it was revleaed to the prophet of God. Muhammad (saw). but most of the companions of prohphet would just memorize it by reciting after the beloved prophet. The official writting of the quran was done in the 2nd KHalif's era. when there weren't a lot of people that had memorized the quran and the khalif was afraid that not many people will know it, so he actually ordered to officially put quran in words on book.

Quran is believed to be the God's word because the scientific facts that are stated in quran 1400 years ago are scientifically proven,
The fact that the Quran in its present form is more than thousand years old and hasn't changed since then is apparently undisputed even among very critical non-Muslim historians.
Archaeologists, experts of Oriental Studies and scholars of other disciplines seem to agree to the fact that the Quran hasn't changed for more than a 1000 years (see The Atlantic Monthly; January 1999; What is the Koran? Volume 283, No 1; pages 43-56).
Furthermore, there are very old manuscripts from the early Middle Ages (800 AD.) exhibited in the British Museum and have been in British possession for centuries (The Quran, M.Lings and Y.H.Safadi, London, 1976). One copy in the Egyptian National Museum written on gazelle skin has been dated back to 688 AD, 58 years after Mohammed and all these old findings are still the same versions as the ones that are being currently distributed among Muslims. This is nothing unusual as such since some Bibles are older than that. You can see an image of a manuscript of 1200 years age exhibited during a ceremony in Kashmir (Figure 6).

Figure 6. A 1200 year old copy of the Quran is presented by Muslims in Kashmir
So the Quran has been preserved in its original form and came historically after the Hindu Vedas, Upanishads, Bhagwandgita, the Torah, the Tao, the Zarathustran scripture, the Buddhist scriptures or all the books of the Bible. Now, could the people in Arabia have known phenomena that are described in it? After all the Arabs are known to have been skilled and there were ancient people before them who had deep universal knowledge. The Egyptians built huge pyramids. The Chinese drew maps and the Indians calculated solar eclipses.

Here is one of the MANY examples why Quran is nothing other than the word of GOD.

The Big Bang itself resulted from an extremely dense singularity. The creation of the universe is one of matter, space and time that are intimately linked together. Matter and space were joined as one and then were separated in the explosion. This is very accurately described in the Quran:
"Do not the unbelievers see that the skies (space) and the earth (matter) were joined together (as one unit of creation) and we ripped them apart?" The Quran, 21:30


I have nothing against Muhammed but i know enough of your religion to know its not for me,there were many people in his time who were illiterate and much was spread orally so this is no surprise.
The books of the Bible and Quran share simmilarities and this is how Muhammed could have heard these stories as he travelled and traded.
As for the dirty work the East do for the West and the secret prisons in Europe,well they must be very secret because there are no such places in England.
I have little time for religions as religion has little to do with God and is an invention of Men.

well if you have little time for religon what are you doing on a religous forum


Yes, I am very much aware of the thousands of innocent civilians who have died in Iraq and Afghanistan. I am certainly saddened when any innocent person dies as a result of combat. However, these people were NOT intentionally targeted. And that is the difference between what the terrorists did when they INTENTIONALLY murdered innocent civilians in 2001. They planned it before hand and without any provocation murdered these poor people. I am not for Bush, not at all, and I want our troops home in the US. Perhaps they will soon be coming back soon now that our new president will be taking office in January. I also remember seeing the many Iraqis who hugged the US troops when they tore down the large statue of Saddam Hussein in the beginning of this war. I will never understand how any rational person of any religion would want the likes of the Taliban in power, such as in Afghanistan! Especially if you happen to be a lady. Talk about a murderous bunch of thugs!

I know how easy it is for a man to marry a girl in Muslim countries....and it doesn't matter how she feels about the decision. Why is she denied a choice? Could it be because the men have all the power? As a Catholic, of course I do not believe in sex before marriage. That is a mortal sin in the Catholic Church. But it is healthy to be allowed to date a young man (or young lady) to learn about the person and whether or not you would like being with that person for the rest of your life. When I speak about terrorist activities, I am in no way belittling the millions of good, law abiding, devout Muslims. I am strictly pointing at the terrorists...and wondering why they are not more harshly dealt with VERBALLY by these good Muslims. That's one thing I will never understand.

Peace to you!

what your trying to say is that the US forces somehow appeared in iraq and "accidentaly" killed 90,000 innocent civillians.
I never said I support Taliban in fact I wish they were abolished, dont put words in my mouth. If youpointing at terrorists then why not mention any other terrorist attacks carried out by other religons or contries. Or os it just us muslims who like killing people. Do you want to know why some muslims become terrorist. Well put it this way. You were an iraqi man which had a wife and 3 children to look after and you have been under attack by some ******* who wants to kill you for no particular reason. how would you feel, seriously wouldnt you feel in danger and threatned wouldnt you want revenge, wouldnt you feel stressed or even sick of the way you are living how would you react considering you have no money or even proper shelter.TELL ME.

DeepwoodsofMaine:I know how easy it is for a man to marry a girl in Muslim countries....and it doesn't matter how she feels about the decision. Why is she denied a choice? Could it be because the men have all the power?

Were did you get such information that is not true and probably occured hundreds of years ago where it was a tradition or a practice but today this doesnt happen if a woman does not want a husband she has all the write to deny him.
And please this is religous forum not a forum about terrorist and mass murders. Do not stray away from the right subject.


England my lionheart

Rockerjahili Rebel
Premium Member
sir its not obvious for you because you do not have the desire to learn it. Your heart isn't open to accept that islam has proven itself to be the one true religion of true GOD.

I have learned about many religions but not one says to me this is the right one and if Islam has proven itself to be the right one where is it.


Although i have little time for religion(meaning religion isn't for me) it is still worth learning about it and to ask questions.
i will tell you again
i haven't seen any question for you about religion
we say we have the right religion
this mean every thing in quran is right
and for sure you will say orders for moslems is not right
so let it be about science
get some thing in quran about science and tell us it is wrong
and that is a challenge


If this is true, why am I not convinced?
Why, when I search so sincerely, does your God not reward me - and why, the more I look into it, does it not look like the truth?

Why is it not obvious for me?
i know why
because you have doubts
and you say it
but when i answered your doubts what was the result that came from you?
not thing
man it take from me 2 hours to collect information and post
you ignore my post as it it is not there
then you back and say it is not the truth
i replayed for every single word you wrote
if you don't accept it say it is wrong because 1 ,2,3
as i did
not just saying it is not the truth

England my lionheart

Rockerjahili Rebel
Premium Member
i will tell you again
i haven't seen any question for you about religion
we say we have the right religion
this mean every thing in quran is right
and for sure you will say orders for moslems is not right
so let it be about science
get some thing in quran about science and tell us it is wrong
and that is a challenge

If we are talking about Science in the Quran then i will not contest this but there is little in it that was'nt known before,again if we look to the ancient Greeks Hippocrates (the father of Medicine) or the Kahun Gynaecology papyrus 1800 BCE we can see that there isn't anything new in the Quran for the era.


lets just snapshot the 15th of December , In Baghdad a suicide bomber kills 9 policemen, in Sinjar a gunman kills 9 yazidi, a bomb kills two men in a car and in Mosul a gunman kills a woman in her home.

nearly every day innocent people are killed by terrorists with indiscriminate bombings and shootings.

England my lionheart

Rockerjahili Rebel
Premium Member
lets just snapshot the 15th of December , In Baghdad a suicide bomber kills 9 policemen, in Sinjar a gunman kills 9 yazidi, a bomb kills two men in a car and in Mosul a gunman kills a woman in her home.

nearly every day innocent people are killed by terrorists with indiscriminate bombings and shootings.

And of course has nothing to do with religion