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Islam, how much do you really know about it?

England my lionheart

Rockerjahili Rebel
Premium Member
It is worth noting that stoneing in Iran is sexist,the Man is buried only up to the waist but the Women are buried up to the neck and the relevence is,if you escape during the execution then you are free so it does'nt take a genius to see why the Man is only buried up to the waist.

England my lionheart

Rockerjahili Rebel
Premium Member
aha- did you throw that rock at me?:D:D that kind of stuff is not related to Islam. i mean, problem is not religious.


It was a bit below the belt but it did upset me when i saw it:sorry1: as for the Quran it is too ambiguous and although there are decent Muslims who have interpreted the Quran the right way,there are whole Countries going backwards.


It is worth noting that stoneing in Iran is sexist,the Man is buried only up to the waist but the Women are buried up to the neck and the relevence is,if you escape during the execution then you are free so it does'nt take a genius to see why the Man is only buried up to the waist.
buring people is against islam
prophet mohamed say no one tourch with fire except allah in hell
so no thing in islam about killing people with fire
and i hope you gave me links for that
also about what you mentioned in the first


It was a bit below the belt but it did upset me when i saw it:sorry1: as for the Quran it is too ambiguous and although there are decent Muslims who have interpreted the Quran the right way,there are whole Countries going backwards.
thanks for your opinion but that mean the problem with people not with quran

England my lionheart

Rockerjahili Rebel
Premium Member
thanks for your opinion but that mean the problem with people not with quran

But it is a problem isn't it,because you understand the Quran one way and another Muslim another way,while i undertand that the Quran does'nt translate well ,ie is better in Arabic how can you explain the ambiguoty.


But it is a problem isn't it,because you understand the Quran one way and another Muslim another way,while i undertand that the Quran does'nt translate well ,ie is better in Arabic how can you explain the ambiguoty.
i will tell you how is that happen
quran telling us to fight our enemies and put rules and conditions with that
so if you take the line in quran you will know when to fight ,where to fight ,how to fight and who to fight
what are people like ben laden do
they take the order to fight and went to kill every one any where any time
and let the rest of the line
so they take what they like and close their eyes on the rest which will prevent them if they read it
that is it


Marriage and sex
not true
women can't marry unless she is adult
no thing called 9
for a women rules for marriage
1-she is adult
2-she is normal ,not have some thing like mental disease
3- she accept the one who she will marry
no thing called marry when she is 9
and i know you will tell me that prophet mohamed marry isha when she was 9
that is not true ,we don't know exactly how old was she when she married
but we are sure she was adult
and it wasn't usual in arab nations to marry children

England my lionheart

Rockerjahili Rebel
Premium Member
i will tell you how is that happen
quran telling us to fight our enemies and put rules and conditions with that
so if you take the line in quran you will know when to fight ,where to fight ,how to fight and who to fight
what are people like ben laden do
they take the order to fight and went to kill every one any where any time
and let the rest of the line
so they take what they like and close their eyes on the rest which will prevent them if they read it
that is it

But we are'nt talking about one Man are we,we are talking whole states.


But we are'nt talking about one Man are we,we are talking whole states.
first i hope you check what in islam about every topic then we can discues
ask me about every thing in that topics then we discuess and you tell me if it fair or not
not just attack because some times you insist and mix between islam and poltice
i hope you agree

England my lionheart

Rockerjahili Rebel
Premium Member
first i hope you check what in islam about every topic then we can discues
ask me about every thing in that topics then we discuess and you tell me if it fair or not
not just attack because some times you insist and mix between islam and poltice
i hope you agree

OK i will formulate some questions for you purely about your religion although Iran is an Islamic state.

England my lionheart

Rockerjahili Rebel
Premium Member
he Noble Qur'ân An-Nur 2:221
And do not marry Al-Mushrikât (idolatresses, etc.) till they believe (worship Allâh Alone). And indeed a slave woman who believes is better than a (free) Mushrikah (idolatress, etc.), even though she pleases you. And give not (your daughters) in marriage to Al-Mushrikûn till they believe (in Allâh Alone) and verily, a believing slave is better than a (free) Mushrik (idolater, etc.), even though he pleases you. Those (Al-Mushrikûn) invite you to the Fire, but Allâh invites (you) to Paradise and Forgiveness by His Leave, and makes His Ayât (proofs, evidences, verses, lessons, signs, revelations, etc.) clear to mankind that they may remember.

As a non Muslim i am at the bottom end of regard as i am below a Slave(as long as the Slave is a believer of course,what revelence can any of this be in 2008/9


he Noble Qur'ân An-Nur 2:221
And do not marry Al-Mushrikât (idolatresses, etc.) till they believe (worship Allâh Alone). And indeed a slave woman who believes is better than a (free) Mushrikah (idolatress, etc.), even though she pleases you. And give not (your daughters) in marriage to Al-Mushrikûn till they believe (in Allâh Alone) and verily, a believing slave is better than a (free) Mushrik (idolater, etc.), even though he pleases you. Those (Al-Mushrikûn) invite you to the Fire, but Allâh invites (you) to Paradise and Forgiveness by His Leave, and makes His Ayât (proofs, evidences, verses, lessons, signs, revelations, etc.) clear to mankind that they may remember.

As a non Muslim i am at the bottom end of regard as i am below a Slave(as long as the Slave is a believer of course,what revelence can any of this be in 2008/9
first the name of that chapter in quran is not an nur it is elbakra
second the translation is wrong and entered words not exist
third and that is very important ,that part is about marriage with atheist and no thing else
you must know that the biggest crime in islam is to deny god existance
the translation is
(don't marry atheist women unless they belive in god,marry a salve is better than marrying an atheist even you like her,and don't marry atheist men unless they belive to marry a salve who belive is better than an atheist even you like him,they invite you to hell and god invite to heaven and his forgivness ,and god show miracles to peo[le mapy they remember)
you talk about your self as anon moslem
that paragraph don't talk about non moslems it talk about atheist
so a moslem man can marry achristian women
because she belive in god and he admit that jesues is prophet
that is also the case with jewish women
but can achrstian or jewish man marry amoslem women?
because he don't admit that mohamed is aprophet
what if he admit that mohamed is aprophet?
here he can marry her
but at any case moslems don't marry atheist
so that part is about marrying
not about how moslems look at atheist
i'am sure you think we will kill them with out a question
which is not true
but let's discuse that later
discuse that at the begining what do you think?
is it unfair
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Veteran Member
he Noble Qur'ân An-Nur 2:221
And do not marry Al-Mushrikât (idolatresses, etc.) till they believe (worship Allâh Alone). And indeed a slave woman who believes is better than a (free) Mushrikah (idolatress, etc.), even though she pleases you. And give not (your daughters) in marriage to Al-Mushrikûn till they believe (in Allâh Alone) and verily, a believing slave is better than a (free) Mushrik (idolater, etc.), even though he pleases you. Those (Al-Mushrikûn) invite you to the Fire, but Allâh invites (you) to Paradise and Forgiveness by His Leave, and makes His Ayât (proofs, evidences, verses, lessons, signs, revelations, etc.) clear to mankind that they may remember.

As a non Muslim i am at the bottom end of regard as i am below a Slave(as long as the Slave is a believer of course,what revelence can any of this be in 2008/9

dear friend, do you know how Qur'an defines Mushrik? Muslims could be Mushrik too. anyways. please read;

5:5 This day (all) the good things are allowed to you; and the food of those who have been given the Book is lawful for you and your food is lawful for them; and the chaste from among the believing women and the chaste from among those who have been given the Book before you (are lawful for you); when you have given them their dowries, taking (them) in marriage, not fornicating nor taking them for paramours in secret; and whoever denies faith, his work indeed is of no account, and in the hereafter he shall be one of the losers.



Veteran Member
But it is a problem isn't it,because you understand the Quran one way and another Muslim another way,while i undertand that the Quran does'nt translate well ,ie is better in Arabic how can you explain the ambiguoty.

matter of fact, yes, that's one of the problems among Muslims. thanks to Imams of old times people are divided. those Imams wrote commentaries of Qur'an and each Imam, instead of knowledge of Qur'an, spreaded their personal opinion on Qur'an. this is why now there are different sections in Islam like Sunnis, shii...etc. the truth is Qur'an says they are Mushriks. Qur'an says they are following their egos, not Qur'an. yes, translations of Qur'an are not good enough because people who translate 'word of God' are taught by another people who did not really know Islam. a chain reaction keeps going on.

It is worth noting that stoneing in Iran is sexist,the Man is buried only up to the waist but the Women are buried up to the neck and the relevence is,if you escape during the execution then you are free so it does'nt take a genius to see why the Man is only buried up to the waist.

ahh come on!!! who cares if she was buried till neck or waist. if you're follower of Mohammad (PBUH) you could not even stone an animal. stoning a human being?? the most precious creature of Allah? stoning people does not exist in Qur'an and noone, NOONE could show you any verse that says we should stone people. it does not exist. so where's it coming from? fake hadiths. it is Muslim's duty to compare hadith with Qur'an but they don't do that. they are still responsible and they would pay for satanic acts. same goes with execution of gay people, death penalty for gay people does not exist in Qur'an. there are so many wrongs in Muslim nations and that's why they are poor and suffering. law of God is simple. loving human is equal loving God and God does not love cruel people. foundation of religion is LOVE, if not, it is not religion of God, it is desire and darkness of men. God gave women freedom and men took it away. they play God. that's what mushrik means.
