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Islam, how much do you really know about it?

Alla Prima

Well-Known Member
it is crystal clear you do not know single Arabic. so stop acting like you have knowledge over language please. i know those translations and i sometimes even use them but i know for sure there are weak tranlations in verses. you do not know whic verse translated correctly which one lost the meaning because of weak translation of one word...etc. on one hand you insult entire Islamic world on the other hand you trust some Muslims because they feed your mind in the way you like=to hate Islam.

be honest, at least.


So what? Most Muslims do not know Arabic.

Alla Prima

Well-Known Member
please respect us
you got here a mix of islamic and non islamic sites
some things here true and other are wrong
when want to know about islam search about islam
not what people think

Searching for the truth of Islam is not disrespecting Muslims. If you see it that way there's nothing I can do about it. We here in the free world criticize ideologies. We do this to preserve our freedoms.

No one will really learn the truth of Islam by searching sites that promote Islam.

Alla Prima

Well-Known Member
it is crystal clear you do not know single Arabic. so stop acting like you have knowledge over language please. i know those translations and i sometimes even use them but i know for sure there are weak tranlations in verses. you do not know whic verse translated correctly which one lost the meaning because of weak translation of one word...etc. on one hand you insult entire Islamic world on the other hand you trust some Muslims because they feed your mind in the way you like=to hate Islam.

be honest, at least.


If Islam is divisive, hateful, misogynistic and tyrannical then yes I hate Islam. If Islam is none of these things then no I do not hate Islam.


Hostis humani generis
oh really? who says that? and you make that your excuse? stop non sense, you're humiliating yourself.


Actually hun, it's a fact that the majority of Muslims do not know Arabic. :(

For example, there are Iranian, Indonesian, Malay, Chinese, Turkish, Kurdish, etc Muslims - and probably 99% of these do not understand Arabic except for during prayers. Sad, but true.


Veteran Member
by the way, one does not need to speak Arabic as an Arab to know words that used in Qur'an because writting does never change. we study Qur'an WORD BY WORD.....GOT IT? this is what you do not do. you read someone elses translations and you do not even know which word presents which word in original text. this is what i care for and i check them. cos i've seen many misleadings just because of one single word. as a Muslim it is my responsibility to study Qur'an and understand it correctly, unlike you. i can not be lazy like you, like someone who sits next to table and eats whatever is given in plate and he thinks he knows the menu. what a ignorance. it is OK though. i can relate. but you, as if this ignorance was not enough, also insist. matter of fact that is OK too. but claiming to know Islam better than Muslims that is just funny. you hate religion, hate Islam and hate path of Muslim.....FINE-i really do not mind at all. why should i? there are many fascists, many racists and many hateful people in this world. no big surprise.



Veteran Member
Actually hun, it's a fact that the majority of Muslims do not know Arabic. :(

For example, there are Iranian, Indonesian, Malay, Chinese, Turkish, Kurdish, etc Muslims - and probably 99% of these do not understand Arabic except for during prayers. Sad, but true.

they do not speak English either.



Veteran Member
I know that.
But English isn't the language the Qur'an was written in. ;)

nope but it is a language. one can learn. we do care for text of Qur'an. if one wnats to speak about QUr'an, i think it must be his responsibility to understand it first. completely irrisponsible and even weird to talk about verses without studying it. i would not discuss verses of Bible for example. i would show respect to Christians and i admit they know Bible better than me. because i did not study it.


Alla Prima

Well-Known Member
Here's an interesting verse or two. This seems like blind obedience to me.

YUSUFALI: O ye who believe! Ask not questions about things which, if made plain to you, may cause you trouble. But if ye ask about things when the Qur'an is being revealed, they will be made plain to you, Allah will forgive those: for Allah is Oft-forgiving, Most Forbearing.
PICKTHAL: O ye who believe! Ask not of things which, if they were made unto you, would trouble you; but if ye ask of them when the Qur'an is being revealed, they will be made known unto you. Allah pardoneth this, for Allah is Forgiving, Clement.
SHAKIR: O you who believe! do not put questions about things which if declared to you may trouble you, and if you question about them when the Quran is being revealed, they shall be declared to you; Allah pardons this, and Allah is Forgiving, Forbearing.

YUSUFALI: Some people before you did ask such questions, and on that account lost their faith.
PICKTHAL: A folk before you asked (for such disclosures) and then disbelieved therein.
SHAKIR: A people before you indeed asked such questions, and then became disbelievers on account of them.


Hostis humani generis
nope but it is a language. one can learn. we do care for text of Qur'an. if one wnats to speak about QUr'an, i think it must be his responsibility to understand it first. completely irrisponsible and even weird to talk about verses without studying it. i would not discuss verses of Bible for example. i would show respect to Christians and i admit they know Bible better than me. because i did not study it.

That's mighty good of you. :)

Unfortunately this is not the case for some Muslims, who have claimed that they know the Bible better. One on here, I forget who, said that Jesus spoke of a prophet coming after him known as Ahmad, for example - yet had not read the Bible, ever.

I personally think that the problem lies with many Muslims' understanding of the Qur'an because they are not practising it correctly. Even those whose native tongue is Arabic, some words have changed meaning since the Qur'an was written.

I think Qur'anic Arabic should be taught in all schools in Muslim countries - for exactly the reason that so many Muslims have to rely on a sheikh's interpretation only.

However with the internet now, it's becoming easier to pull up the Qur'an and read it with Arabic translation and transliteration of words. But nothing compares to reading a religious scripture in its native language, and actually understanding it.

Otherwise, what is reading the Qur'an in a language you do not know? It is acting like a parrot, and empty of meaning. :(


Lava, pharon, what Qur'an translation in English would you suggest? :)
Dear odion
really i don't know but i promise i will search for you
also i would like you to know that we consider quran in english is not quran it is just translation of meaning
so we don't deal with quran in another language as quran
it is just expalination


Hostis humani generis
Dear odion
really i don't know but i promise i will search for you
also i would like you to know that we consider quran in english is not quran it is just translation of meaning
so we don't deal with quran in another language as quran
it is just expalination
But which is best? :) Please let me know.
Do you think "word-for-word" or "idea for idea" translations would be better?


I believe what I see with my own eyes.
so can you please share with us what you see with your own eyes
You reveal yourself in this comment. You can only see sites which criticize Islam as 'against Islam'. These sites aren't against Islam. They are looking for truth about Islam. We know Muslims do not tell us the truth about the teachings of Islam so we must go looking for the truth. Because you see this search for truth regarding Islam as 'against Islam' tells me you wish to promote a false picture of Islam.

You say the movie does not represent Islam. The right response from you should have been something like - "I don't see any misogyny within Islam myself but if there is misogyny then yes we must look for it and get rid of it". Instead you stick your head in the sand and say no no no.
i am not reveal my self because i can accept criticize and answer it
but i can't accept lies
and i can see here that you say what you think it is fact and also telling me how to answer
that is not freedom at all
and again i say that movie does not represent islam
and i answered before what is not islamic on it
so can i ask you aquestion
are moslems women wear like that?
you can see the women breast in the movie while she praying
can any moslem women pray like that ?
ofcourse no
also please tell me what can you see it islamic in that movie
let's discuss about that
I'm sure you would have me adopt your version of Islam. No thank you
there is only of version of islam
also i i didn't ask you to adopt any thing
that basic rule for as amoslem not to force any one for any thing
you who want me to adopt your version or i will be aliar
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But which is best? :) Please let me know.
Do you think "word-for-word" or "idea for idea" translations would be better?
i don't think word for word is a good idea
because arabic is stronger than english
and the meaning will be totally different
even for me when i read it by word i must understand the idea and search for what is that mean
word by word make problem even for some one who read arabic
for example in quran there are apart mean never pray while you are drunk
if you hide while you are drunk
it will be never pary
and some one will come and say your quran telling you not to pray
our problem here is some thing like that because translation do like that
it change the meaning totally
while other say it is a good translation
we know what is the word mean in arabic
you don't that is the problem
and if islam is full of bad things
why all that people convert to it
there must be a secret
i had to go now
i will back tomorrow to answer the rest
c u


Peace with u
Euroislam! modernislam! no beard oh hunga- bunga rituals, no sheriat, we took islam and make it more closer to europeans, realistic,....


If one reads the Quran as a source of knowledge or Guide one must then understand it. What sort of Magic does Arabic contain that would make it ununderstandable if translated? So then... please translate it correctly. Unless the Quran is open to interpretation as every form of symbolism is. as every illusion is.
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Peace with u
i have posted this thread because i recon that many non muslims have no idea about islam and what sort of religion it is, well appart from the lies that are shown on tv, so i though i would give you a chance to make any questions that you want, and inshallah i will answer them , but i do not have limmitlesknowledge and so in some parts i may not be able to give good answers i hope no one would mind about that.
so who ever wishe to make a start please do so and i well get back to you as soon as possible.

all the best wishes

If islam is a ride a camell in desert, than i dont know a thing!!!!:cool: other people a cross a globe saw us muslims like a cavepeople, well im not an there is a modern islam ( Visit Bosnia and Herzegovina/Balkan/Europe!)