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Islam, how much do you really know about it?


Euroislam! modernislam! no beard oh hunga- bunga rituals, no sheriat, we took islam and make it more closer to europeans, realistic,....
True Islam. Submission to the will of God requires no Book. God's will is always done. yesterday is history. tomorrow is a mystery. but today is a gift. that is why it is called "the present".

Alla Prima

Well-Known Member
so can you please share with us what you see with your own eyes

This is what I'm in the process of doing.

i am not reveal my self because i can accept criticize and answer it
but i can't accept lies

Show us where there are lies.

and i can see here that you say what you think it is fact and also telling me how to answer
that is not freedom at all

I'm not trying to tell you how to do anything. I suggested a better response. One which is more healthy to your religion.

and again i say that movie does not represent islam
and i answered before what is not islamic on it
and i answered before what is not islamic on it
so can i ask you aquestion
are moslems women wear like that?
you can see the women breast in the movie while she praying
can any moslem women pray like that ?
ofcourse no

It's clear to me you don't understand the syntax in art. The movie wasn't trying to show how women pray or that they pray with breast exposed.

also please tell me what can you see it islamic in that movie
let's discuss about that

Islam is misogynistic.

there is only of version of islam
also i i didn't ask you to adopt any thing
that basic rule for as amoslem not to force any one for any thing

you who want me to adopt your version or i will be aliar

This is false. Here's an example. Muslims are trying to force the Adhan on non Muslims.

Local residents have attacked the idea saying it would disrupt the peace and turn the area into a 'Muslim ghetto'.

But the elders said they still intend to seek planning permission to install the loudspeaker.
Mosque's plan to broadcast call to prayer from loudspeaker 'will create Muslim ghetto' | Mail Online

Oxford has become the latest place in Britain where Muslims have submitted an application to broadcast calls to prayer from a mosque.
Residents have urged the council to reject the request for a two-minute call three times a day, warning that it would turn the area into a Muslim ghetto.
However, elders at Oxford Central Mosque argue that it is part of their tradition. http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/uknews/1574696/Oxford-Muslims-want-call-to-prayer.html


Veteran Member
I'm fine with what I see in the mirror. :rainbow1:

hmm :) OK i am glad you are fine with your appeareance. what i mean by mirror is reality you are in. remember that people might not love you if you hate them. life without love is not happy.



Veteran Member
If one reads the Quran as a source of knowledge or Guide one must then understand it. What sort of Magic does Arabic contain that would make it ununderstandable if translated? So then... please translate it correctly. Unless the Quran is open to interpretation as every form of symbolism is. as every illusion is.

dear friend, Qur'an says that there are two kinds of verses. one of them has open meaning and everyone would understand. the other kind has inner meanings. those who had inner meanings, in case, translated by people who submitted to their egos, then that translation would be personal, reflection of ego. in Tasavvuf there are levels. after certain level, when one's ego was purified, that person can explain those verses with hidden meanings. it is very well known, in time of Mohammad (PBUH) even though his followers were spekaing the same language with him, they still needed to hear Prophet's explanation to reach that inner meaning.

hope this gives you insight. it is not that simple and easy to explain Qur'an. when someone makes translation without having that permission to do so, he leads people wrong direction. this is one of the biggest sins ever. because he does not only lead himself wrong, he also make millions lose the right path.



Veteran Member
If islam is a ride a camell in desert, than i dont know a thing!!!!:cool: other people a cross a globe saw us muslims like a cavepeople, well im not an there is a modern islam ( Visit Bosnia and Herzegovina/Balkan/Europe!)

hi there my Bosnian brother, welcome :) you're the first Bosniak i met here.

Islam does not really need to evolve but people need that. we really need to distuingish the difference between truth and lie. Islam means submission. we all want to be close to one we love. it might be a girl or a boy or money, fame...we trying to reach what we desire for. submission starts with love as well. if one loves God, he wants to be closer, he wants to reach God. therefor the very first step of submission is a wish that you make from your heart with love.


England my lionheart

Rockerjahili Rebel
Premium Member
What do you think of the suicide bomber from the Sunni Muslims blowing up Shia Muslims at a shrine in Iraq,why would they do this? does this mean they are not following the Quran correctly? is down to Imams and Sheiks giving false Hadiths? they fear more attacks because it is a Shia festival.


Veteran Member
That's mighty good of you. :)

Unfortunately this is not the case for some Muslims, who have claimed that they know the Bible better. One on here, I forget who, said that Jesus spoke of a prophet coming after him known as Ahmad, for example - yet had not read the Bible, ever.

oh that is known by Muslims. but it is about original Bible.

I personally think that the problem lies with many Muslims' understanding of the Qur'an because they are not practising it correctly. Even those whose native tongue is Arabic, some words have changed meaning since the Qur'an was written.

I think Qur'anic Arabic should be taught in all schools in Muslim countries - for exactly the reason that so many Muslims have to rely on a sheikh's interpretation only.

you know i have a teacher too. imo most of the people, however they believe in God, do not even try to communicate with God. as we know it, God is all powerful, all knowing...etc. these mean God is able to do anything. we ask God with salaat to know about stuff. we get answers in dreams. someone claims to be Sheikh? if he is real one then he is a treasure of wisdom. if he is lying that would be a disaster. so some Muslims directly believes him, some people directly (i mean without thinking) reject him. only a few would perform request salaat and ask God if he was for real. all the people i know in my commune, they all see our teacher before they met him. first we meet in dreams then we meet in this physical world. so there would be no doubts.

However with the internet now, it's becoming easier to pull up the Qur'an and read it with Arabic translation and transliteration of words. But nothing compares to reading a religious scripture in its native language, and actually understanding it.

Otherwise, what is reading the Qur'an in a language you do not know? It is acting like a parrot, and empty of meaning. :(

of course it is great to read original text. but not knowing meanings is weird, well, to me at least. i do not know, maybe people are lazy.

lllllllllllllllllllllllove Odion!



Alla Prima

Well-Known Member
hmm :) OK i am glad you are fine with your appeareance. what i mean by mirror is reality you are in. remember that people might not love you if you hate them. life without love is not happy.


I understood perfectly what you meant and my response is accurate.

So now you are saying I hate people. Who am I hating?

I have many friends who love me dearly and I don't live my life according to how others feel about me.


Veteran Member
What do you think of the suicide bomber from the Sunni Muslims blowing up Shia Muslims at a shrine in Iraq,why would they do this? does this mean they are not following the Quran correctly? is down to Imams and Sheiks giving false Hadiths? they fear more attacks because it is a Shia festival.

first of all if you commit suicide, you end up in hell. since you'd be dead, there is not way to ask for repentance. secondly using people that way is very satanic. thirdly Qur'an rejects sections.



Veteran Member
I understood perfectly what you meant and my response is accurate.

So now you are saying I hate people. Who am I hating?

I have many friends who love me dearly and I don't live my life according to how others feel about me.

who are you hating really? you hate Islam. there are nearly two billion Muslims.

we are social creatures. from the breakfast you had, to shower you take, there are always dozens of people who work for your life. we depend on each other. there are many naitons but in fact human beings are one race and we all live in the same planet. i do not think that would be easy for some Muslims to love you after they hear your insults about things they care most. i might not be one of them cos i hate noone. but among two billion, there would be people like you.



Veteran Member
Submission to the will of God requires no Book.

while living submission requires Book and commands. but in dying, of course, there is nothing you can do but to submit.

yesterday is history. tomorrow is a mystery. but today is a gift. that is why it is called "the present".

at last, someone reminds me of Jim Morrison ha ha:D:D



Hostis humani generis
oh that is known by Muslims. but it is about original Bible.
But is there any proof that it was actually there? If I have a document written in say, Aramaic - the language Jesus spoke, from around earlier than 250 years after Jesus' death, then I'll believe it. Otherwise it's a baseless, proofless claim. :foot:

you know i have a teacher too. imo most of the people, however they believe in God, do not even try to communicate with God. as we know it, God is all powerful, all knowing...etc. these mean God is able to do anything. we ask God with salaat to know about stuff. we get answers in dreams.
So if I ask God which is the true religion, I will get a dream from Him? I've heard this before.. buw I have no idea how to -ask- God that.

only a few would perform request salaat and ask God if he was for real.
And if I do that? :)

all the people i know in my commune, they all see our teacher before they met him. first we meet in dreams then we meet in this physical world. so there would be no doubts.
You'll have to explain hun, I'm not sure what you mean - well, I think I have an idea, but I don't want to read into something incorrectly. :)

of course it is great to read original text. but not knowing meanings is weird, well, to me at least. i do not know, maybe people are lazy.
Haha, perhaps. :angel2: I think some people are scared of getting too close to God, sometimes. I find Sufi's love for God and love for knowledge to be beautiful. :)

Alla Prima

Well-Known Member
who are you hating really? you hate Islam. there are nearly two billion Muslims.

So now you label me a hater of Muslims. I oppose and stand up to hatred, tyranny, misogyny and religious domination. How is this hating Muslims?

we are social creatures. from the breakfast you had, to shower you take, there are always dozens of people who work for your life. we depend on each other. there are many naitons but in fact human beings are one race and we all live in the same planet. i do not think that would be easy for some Muslims to love you after they hear your insults about things they care most. i might not be one of them cos i hate noone. but among two billion, there would be people like you.

So now you want to censor me. Stop me from speaking my mind because Muslims won't love me. I have no care whether or not Muslims love me. How they feel is their business.

Care to comment on this?

Alla Prima

Well-Known Member
hmm :) OK i am glad you are fine with your appeareance. what i mean by mirror is reality you are in. remember that people might not love you if you hate them. life without love is not happy.


You said Muslims don't force others to do anything. You ignored my example below:

Local residents have attacked the idea saying it would disrupt the peace and turn the area into a 'Muslim ghetto'.

But the elders said they still intend to seek planning permission to install the loudspeaker.
Mosque's plan to broadcast call to prayer from loudspeaker 'will create Muslim ghetto' Mosque's plan to broadcast call to prayer from loudspeaker 'will create Muslim ghetto' | Mail Online

Oxford has become the latest place in Britain where Muslims have submitted an application to broadcast calls to prayer from a mosque.
Residents have urged the council to reject the request for a two-minute call three times a day, warning that it would turn the area into a Muslim ghetto.
However, elders at Oxford Central Mosque argue that it is part of their tradition. http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/ukne...to-prayer.html
Last edited:


Veteran Member
But is there any proof that it was actually there? If I have a document written in say, Aramaic - the language Jesus spoke, from around earlier than 250 years after Jesus' death, then I'll believe it. Otherwise it's a baseless, proofless claim. :foot:

i agree. maybe that would be good if original Bible was found someday.

So if I ask God which is the true religion, I will get a dream from Him? I've heard this before.. buw I have no idea how to -ask- God that.

i was ging to PM you about that, remember? when one wish to reach God, he asks God for a teacher and he sees probably some stranger in his dream. then God leads him to teacher in physical world and they meet. i mean, when this happens you recgonize that person of course. cos those dreams are vivid, bright. and yes, you can ask God anything you want. you can ask if Islam was religion of universe. you can meet Mohammad(PBUH). nothing is impossible for God.

And if I do that? :)

sincerety is the most important thing there. if you made that wish sincerely, then you'd see a man in your dream. he would come to you. i can show you that salaat. you can repeat it till you get an answer too. this is what happens if wish was not sincere. people i know got answer immediately but they are people who suffered therefor their wish was sincere. for some reason easier to make that wish while suffering badly.

You'll have to explain hun, I'm not sure what you mean - well, I think I have an idea, but I don't want to read into something incorrectly. :)

what's your idea? i think i was clear. but if you have questions, you know you can ask :)

Haha, perhaps. :angel2: I think some people are scared of getting too close to God, sometimes. I find Sufi's love for God and love for knowledge to be beautiful. :)

i am a Sufi in Tasavvuf :D love for God is love for human and all creatures. there is no other wise.



Hostis humani generis
i agree. maybe that would be good if original Bible was found someday.
I doubt it would be. I think it would have been passed orally. But yes, it would be good. What if it was, however, not found? And if the Bible had hardly changed between original and later? Then what would Muslims say about it?

i was ging to PM you about that, remember? when one wish to reach God, he asks God for a teacher and he sees probably some stranger in his dream. then God leads him to teacher in physical world and they meet. i mean, when this happens you recgonize that person of course. cos those dreams are vivid, bright.

Ah, you can PM me any time. Thank you for explaining this. Is the man to be the sheikh, for example?

and yes, you can ask God anything you want. you can ask if Islam was religion of universe. you can meet Mohammad(PBUH). nothing is impossible for God.
So if I ask God to reveal to me the true religion and to show me the mysteries of the universe and to show me a foretaste of Heaven and Hell - He would?

sincerety is the most important thing there. if you made that wish sincerely, then you'd see a man in your dream. he would come to you.
Who is the man? :)
I believe I am sincere. I would have given up by now if I was not sincere in finding God.
i can show you that salaat. you can repeat it till you get an answer too. this is what happens if wish was not sincere. people i know got answer immediately but they are people who suffered therefor their wish was sincere. for some reason easier to make that wish while suffering badly.
Could you show me that salaat, then?

what's your idea? i think i was clear. but if you have questions, you know you can ask :)
You mean, you are shown the sheikh in a dream before you meet him in real life?

i am a Sufi in Tasavvuf :D love for God is love for human and all creatures. there is no other wise.
Amazing and beautiful ideas..!


Veteran Member
So now you label me a hater of Muslims. I oppose and stand up to hatred, tyranny, misogyny and religious domination. How is this hating Muslims?

you think hatred, tyranny, misogyny and domination is what Islam teaches.

So now you want to censor me.

you might have talent to write fairy tales, you know that?

Stop me from speaking my mind because Muslims won't love me. I have no care whether or not Muslims love me. How they feel is their business.

no, please speak as you wish. i am not willing to shut people up. i was just trying to tell you something. you do not care? why not?

no access to youtube form my nation. see? tyranny...there are ways to get in you tube and i would watch it :) hopefully you are not driving me to some nude girls.

PS: yes, i care, haven't noticed yet?....i care, i do care



Veteran Member
You said Muslims don't force others to do anything. You ignored my example below:

wait a minute Alla Prima, i never said such a thing. i could not because they do force people. i am saying it is against Islam that is written in Qur'an.

also, i did not know that reply was meant for me. i hope you see individuals here. or all the Muslims are perceived as a side? like one person? i do not advice that. we are different people.

Local residents have attacked the idea saying it would disrupt the peace
and turn the area into a 'Muslim ghetto'.

But the elders said they still intend to seek planning permission to install the loudspeaker.
Mosque's plan to broadcast call to prayer from loudspeaker 'will create Muslim ghetto' Mosque's plan to broadcast call to prayer from loudspeaker 'will create Muslim ghetto' | Mail Online

Oxford has become the latest place in Britain where Muslims have submitted an application to broadcast calls to prayer from a mosque.
Residents have urged the council to reject the request for a two-minute call three times a day, warning that it would turn the area into a Muslim ghetto.
However, elders at Oxford Central Mosque argue that it is part of their tradition. http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/ukne...to-prayer.html

what is this? it is normal for a mosque to call people for salaat. why is it a problem? each mosque five times a day, at certain time call people for salaat. so whoever wants to perform salaat in mosque go there and perform it together.



Veteran Member
i watched the video, thanks for clothing. i find it very disturbing for many reasons. is there anything you want to ask about it?


Alla Prima

Well-Known Member
wait a minute Alla Prima, i never said such a thing. i could not because they do force people. i am saying it is against Islam that is written in Qur'an.

No it isn't against the teachings of Islam. Conquered people were given the choice to either convert, be killed or be subdued.

also, i did not know that reply was meant for me.

Sorry my mistake.

what is this? it is normal for a mosque to call people for salaat. why is it a problem? each mosque five times a day, at certain time call people for salaat. so whoever wants to perform salaat in mosque go there and perform it together.

That you cannot see the problem is sad but not surprising. I think this would be the response of many many Muslims. Islam is a bully and you've just confirmed this.