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Islam, how much do you really know about it?


Veteran Member
I doubt it would be. I think it would have been passed orally. But yes, it would be good. What if it was, however, not found? And if the Bible had hardly changed between original and later? Then what would Muslims say about it?

i do not know. some say Vatican hides it. but i do not know. at this point of time, i think people need to love each other. i know that there are some issues many people would disagree with me. i would say what i think but it is useless to insist on them because you can not prove.

Ah, you can PM me any time. Thank you for explaining this. Is the man to be the sheikh, for example?

we do not call them Sheikh. we call them Murshida. it means the one who teaches. this people are given duty by God directly which means they purified their egos. i mean it is never like a bloodline. you might be a Murshida but your kid might be anything.

So if I ask God to reveal to me the true religion and to show me the mysteries of the universe and to show me a foretaste of Heaven and Hell - He would?

:D there are people who see universe while they are perfroming salaat, you know we put our foreheads on the ground, if God wills people see space or some kind of metaphysical window might open on your wall and you watch what God shows you...or you simply close your eyes and see other cities..etc. Heaven and hell are showed to everyone at certain level of Islam. the last one one would see is God itself.

Who is the man? :)

ha ha you should ask God, not me. i can not know. i know mine :)

I believe I am sincere. I would have given up by now if I was not sincere in finding God.
Could you show me that salaat, then?

yes, of course. i would try to explain you what reaching God means. because there are four submissions. the first one is about love and sincerety. i would PM you, hopefully tonight :)

You mean, you are shown the sheikh in a dream before you meet him in real life?

those people sleep but do not lose conscious. they come and meet you in your dream. they are very high level of Islam. they are high level saints.

Amazing and beautiful ideas..!




This is what I'm in the process of doing.
i don't see your opinion ,what can i see you get others opinion which just use lies and playing with translations
Show us where there are lies.
that is what i'am doing for example the movie
also if you are so interested with movies
have you seen a movie called the message for anthony quinnn
i hope you see it
I'm not trying to tell you how to do anything. I suggested a better response. One which is more healthy to your religion.
your response that you suggest is for some thing not in my religion
so my answer must be that is wrong
not try to make some thing not correct beautiful
It's clear to me you don't understand the syntax in art. The movie wasn't trying to show how women pray
who don't accept what is in your mind is liar or don't understand
what is the definition of art ?
Human effort to imitate, supplement, alter, or counteract the work of nature.

which of that match with that movie?
Islam is misogynistic.
i asked you to tell what can you see in the movie so please tell me
if that what can you just see
so can i ask question
can you suppose that may even for ,000000000000000001% that you are misunderstanding islam ?

This is false. Here's an example. Muslims are trying to force the Adhan on non Muslims.

Local residents have attacked the idea saying it would disrupt the peace and turn the area into a 'Muslim ghetto'.

But the elders said they still intend to seek planning permission to install the loudspeaker.
Mosque's plan to broadcast call to prayer from loudspeaker 'will create Muslim ghetto' | Mail Online
Oxford has become the latest place in Britain where Muslims have submitted an application to broadcast calls to prayer from a mosque.
Residents have urged the council to reject the request for a two-minute call three times a day, warning that it would turn the area into a Muslim ghetto.
However, elders at Oxford Central Mosque argue that it is part of their tradition. http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/ukne...to-prayer.html
i was talking about me and you but you make it for moslems and others
for sure you believe that all human are equal
i don't know what is your religion but i think you are Christiane
so for me as Moslem's why should i hear the rings of the church
i live in a Moslem's country where Moslem's are the majority but no one of us say we don't accept to hear rings of the church
do you know why no one can see that?
because islam told us to respect other's and their religions
so as for who cant say stop rings of churches you can't tell me stop adhan
this is like that
right for you ,right for me



we do not call them Sheikh. we call them Murshida. it means the one who teaches. this people are given duty by God directly which means they purified their egos. i mean it is never like a bloodline. you might be a Murshida but your kid might be anything.
i'am sorry to say that but we here to show islam so quran and prophet life no thing more
so when you talk about shia way as it is all islam
that is some thing not accepted
islam is a connection between human and god directly
when you want some thing from god ask him directly
not to go for another human to ask it for you
that is islam
or you will be like Christians who go to pope


So now you label me a hater of Muslims. I oppose and stand up to hatred, tyranny, misogyny and religious domination. How is this hating Muslims?

So now you want to censor me. Stop me from speaking my mind because Muslims won't love me. I have no care whether or not Muslims love me. How they feel is their business.

Care to comment on this?
YouTube - Pro-Hamas Demonstration - Fort Lauderdale FL
my religion order me when we speak about topic like we talk is to respect you
argue with them respectively 16 :126
so some times my human nature tell me some times to attack you with bad words
but i can't because my religion told me not to do that
also about the video
if you see it good you will notice that the man is talking about demonstration for palestine
then written on the movie that is demonstration for hamas
also are you interested to watch that
YouTube - ayman عروس فلسطين
and that
YouTube - اوبريت الضمير العربي كامل وحصريا الجزء 1

England my lionheart

Rockerjahili Rebel
Premium Member
Will the real Muslims please stand up,after many,many threads i have thought that if many Muslims worldwide are not following the Quran correctly then there cannot be 1.6 billion Muslims so i wonder what the true figure is.


Veteran Member
i'am sorry to say that but we here to show islam so quran and prophet life no thing more
so when you talk about shia way as it is all islam
that is some thing not accepted
islam is a connection between human and god directly
when you want some thing from god ask him directly
not to go for another human to ask it for you
that is islam
or you will be like Christians who go to pope

dear Pharon85, i am not Shia and we do not even use the word Sheikh. we follow Qur'an and real hadiths. it is God who gave duty to Imams. today it is Imams who teach people their religion. God openly says that there are Imams who invite hell. so, yes, of course we ask God about religious teachers. we do not follow anyone just because he appears to be a teacher. God shows us who to follow and only after that we follow.



Islam talks only about war, death and punishment and is not tolerant of any other belief.
My question to muslims will always be, How do you know that this belief is from a Loving God.
Bearing in mind that Gods Great Commandment is; "thou Shalt Not Kill" ?

Alla Prima

Well-Known Member
i was talking about me and you but you make it for moslems and others
for sure you believe that all human are equal
i don't know what is your religion but i think you are Christiane
so for me as Moslem's why should i hear the rings of the church
i live in a Moslem's country where Moslem's are the majority but no one of us say we don't accept to hear rings of the church
do you know why no one can see that?
because islam told us to respect other's and their religions
so as for who cant say stop rings of churches you can't tell me stop adhan
this is like that
right for you ,right for me

People are equal but not all religions are equal. I have no problem with Muslims in a Muslim country saying no to church bells just as I have no problem with non-Muslims saying no to the Adhan played over loudspeakers in a non Muslim country. I say no to the call to prayer. I don't want to hear it so I would protest just like those people in Oxford if Muslims were trying to force it on me. If a Muslim moves to a Christian country which has church bells he will have to put up with it just as a Christian who moves to a Muslim country must put up with the call to prayer.


Veteran Member
Please tell me where in an Islamic country a Christian church is ???
Which country would this be ???

you obviously do not know about Muslims nations. there are so many churches.

Kilise adresleri kiliseler Türkiyedeki kiliseler ve kilise adresleri

kilise means church. in this links you can find addresses.

for example this one below is Armenian church in Istanbul:




Hostis humani generis
Please tell me where in an Islamic country a Christian church is ???
Which country would this be ???
Welcome to the forum. :)
There are many churches in Islamic nations.

Now, freedom of worship, however, is sadly a different matter within many Islamic nations - I'm not sure about how the restrictions of worship are within Turkey, though, and what would happen if one converted to another religion from Islam there, though. I doubt much would happen.

Can you share with us please, Lava? :)

In some Muslim countries, it's a lot more problematic, but Turkey is secular. :)


Veteran Member



all from Istanbul and there are many more. there are churches all over the nation. there are churches in other Muslims nations too because there are Christians.



I totally agree with you !
the truth is; If someone rang church bells in a muslim county, 1. The Church would be burnt down. 2. All the Christians in it would be Murdered !


Veteran Member
Welcome to the forum. :)
There are many churches in Islamic nations.

Now, freedom of worship, however, is sadly a different matter within many Islamic nations - I'm not sure about how the restrictions of worship are within Turkey, though, and what would happen if one converted to another religion from Islam there, though. I doubt much would happen.

Can you share with us please, Lava? :)

In some Muslim countries, it's a lot more problematic, but Turkey is secular. :)

people practice their religion here. even Pope comes to visit churches and Christians who live here. they perform some religious stuff etc. but there are also Christians in other Muslims nations. they naturally have their churches. i do not know about Saudi Arabia though. you should ask about it to TashaN, he lives there.



Veteran Member
I totally agree with you !
the truth is; If someone rang church bells in a muslim county, 1. The Church would be burnt down. 2. All the Christians in it would be Murdered !

that is not true. i hear bells ever since i know myself and nobody got killed, no churches were burnt down. they are still standing and we still hear the bells. this is the beauty of Istanbul. everybody lives together.



Hostis humani generis
That's what I admire about Turkey, Lava - your above two posts. :)

I think Saudi law requires everyone to be Muslim, but I'll ask. (I never knew he lived there!)