It hasn't been studied. I'm sure... but the principles are the same... so I don't agree.
I would hold to the position that we are all born flawed and manifests in different areas. But my point is that just because we have desires, doesn't mean we should yield to it so my example remains.
There are desires, there are drives, there are instincts. Our anatomy, including neural architecture, evolves through natural selection. Our psychology and social behavior evolves through natural selection. Our physiology, including gating, activation pathways, specialty regions, hormones and neurotransmitters; evolves through natural selection.
Physical and behavioral diversity is selective. It enables adaptation to changing conditions. Specialization is hazardous, and leads to extinction with changing environmental conditions.
Homosexuality has been shown to increase reproductive success
in the human population, by anthropologists. Homosexuality is a common variation in both mammals, birds and fish. It is not unnatural, it's functional.
Plus, there really isn't any real evidence that people are born that way.
But there is; a greatdeal of hard evidence, both in clinical and in neural imaging studies. It is not a rebellion, and rarely a social choice. It is a natural, functional, variation.
You did not
choose to be heterosexual. It came upon you, at puberty or even before. The focus of attraction, the degree of attraction -- not your choice.
Social attitudes toward it in Abrahamic religions do not reflect reality; they reflect Abrahamic theology. They are not fact based.
Anthropology, psychology and medicine
are fact based, and they disagree with religious teaching, which is designed to maintain an ideal, social,
status quo. The religious narrative, again, is not fact based.
Analysis of half a million people suggests genetics may have a limited contribution to sexual orientation
As I've said, sex drive is complex and multi-factoral. Unlike eye color or handedness, it involves several brain areas and neural pathways. It is complex and deeply embedded, which is why it's so difficult to alter, therapeutically.
Any "limited" involvement can be controlled. We also know that there are sexual additions and there are chemicals such as: dopamine, norepinephrine, oxytocin, vasopressin that can go out of control if we yield to it - no matter what flavor one decides to follow
So we are back to the reality that it is simply what people consider acceptable which fluctuates from.
Social and behavioral norms exist, but they can't change biology. They may repress behaviors, and produce an
image of homogeneity and normal behavior, but they can't rewire complex neurological wiring.
Gender and sexual orientation aren't either-or, nor are they choices. Fact-based, biological studies support this. Religion does not -- but religion is not fact based, nor is it a research modality.